Two people—Ian and Will—ended up in the deep ocean due to their small boat sinking.
After several minutes of treading the water, Ian was saved by another small boat that happened to be passing by; unfortunately, they only had room for one person.
Right before being rescued, Ian had momentarily panicked, ended up swallowing a little bit of salt water, and could care less if he had drowned since he was miserable anyway.
Note: Image on right found next to link (thank you)
As Ian sat in the safety of the boat, and looked down at the glistening water, he suddenly began to appreciate the meaning of Life, especially the unconditional love energy of the sun slowly warming his wet and cold body.
Although he used to be a pessimist, Ian felt as though something inside of him had suddenly awaken him with a new set of eyes that saw clearly. He experienced a sense of deep peace for the first time in his life, and he expressed his gratitude to the Divinity within him.
Ian’s initial acceptance of possible death itself (rather than resisting it), and Divinity’s recognition of Ian’s potential (despite his lack of will power), as well as the power of its pure compassion for him, saved his life.
Will (the other man) was informed that help would be sent as soon as possible—whenever that was going to be. Therefore, he was left with no choice but to continue treading the seemingly cold water for hours while attempting to rest a little in-between.
While trying to stay alive, he accidentally gulped some salt water and experienced much exhaustion (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual), to include having fearful thoughts and emotions of possible sharks nearby, and the ultimate fear of possible death by drowning.
However, after much resisting and suffering, Will sensed a fleeting, yet, loving thought and feeling that everything was going to okay—like a gentle whisper from the ocean’s breeze.
Will thanked the Divinity within him as he dug deep into his heart space and found the courage, inner-strength and willpower to become Peace, despite the outer circumstances.
Will followed his inner-guidance and worked on releasing negative thoughts that he had noticed crowded his mind, He then chose to think positive thoughts, to include repetitive and passionate statements like “All is well in my reality,” which created positive feelings.
He also thanked his body for supporting him, and gave it a break by occasionally floating on his back, admiring the blue sky and basking in the sparkling sunshine.
Will also listened to the gentle movement of the waves as he relaxed and went with the flow of the ocean—just choosing to trust Life by following his intuition.
Sometimes Will slipped into being hopeless again, and he would then witness a reality where dark clouds would start spreading like wild fire, the sun would seemingly disappear from the sky, lightning would strike without notice, and the waves would become violently aggressive.
However, he managed to bounce back by focusing on his heart’s loving energies rather than his mind’s fearful ones. His transmuted high vibrational frequency then allowed him to tune into a parallel reality where not only the potential storm no longer existed, but he was finally rescued as well.
While shaking uncontrollably in the boat, and staring at the calm and vast ocean, he wept tears of joy as he silently expressed his deep gratitude to his Divinity within him.
When both men returned to land, Ian (the man who was rescued first) had an opportunity to be in the frenzied media’s spotlight.
He immediately told the public (without a blink of an eye) that in the midst of chaos, one can truly Be tranquility—the way he was rose above suffering while experiencing the deep, cold and potentially dangerous ocean.
Ian then elaborated by saying that he had accomplished doing and Being “A – Z” to Become Peace—mostly from all the “how to” knowledge that he had gathered throughout his various studies of human nature and its struggles to survive in this harsh world throughout history.
However, Will, who had actually experienced Being the eye within the storm, said nothing to the media after witnessing Ian’s glorified story, and the flock of sheep that had quickly gathered around him.
Instead, he quietly went back to his life, and shared his own story with his loved ones, and in his sacred open space—his anonymous blog world.
Like many other wounded healers like him, he was destined to lead by example, know the truth of human suffering, and be truly capable of deeply empathizing with and having compassion for humanity; thus, being able to effectively heal them at the soul level.
The Divinity within each man (the same, interconnected One) unconditionally loved both men equally.
One man wasn’t considered more worthy to save right away than the other; it’s just that Divinity will only give us what we believe we’re capable of handling.
And for those souls who have made a prior soul agreement to be pushed further out of their comfort zones (sometimes to the incredible extreme), have agreed to experience a profound meaning (not just a taste) of what it is to Be courage, inner-strength, determination, perseverance/faith, resilience, empathy, compassion, embrace, peace, unconditional acceptance, unconditional forgiveness, unconditional love, joy, freedom, truth, wisdom, abundance, self-empowerment, etc. by first experiencing the absence of them all—suffering.