Throughout the ages, there has developed a deep, collective fear of black or darker colored beings on planet Earth—animals, insects, bugs, and human beings—due to the old, outdated, patriarchal, fear-based teachings of the so-called “leaders” of general society.
And these deeply instilled fear-based beliefs have led to a lot of fear, judgment, nonacceptance, disapproval, dislike, prejudice, discrimination, rejection, hatred, condemnation, and even cruelty towards these beings with these outer, earthly shells and labels.
Note: Image on right found next to link => Wind Horse Sanctuary
For instance, the black wolf, black cat, black panther, black raven, and black crow have often been portrayed as dangerous, bad, bad luck, and/or evil.
Even the Black Widow spider is considered a heartless vixen, and the black fly is often perceived as dirty, disgusting, disease-carrying, annoying, etc.
The following is an excerpt from the post, “To Fleas and Fruit Flies: What Message You Got?“:
I was just reminded from within, that during the time-frame that I had created the above post, I wondered if I—and humanity in general—would respond positively (rather than react negatively) if the typical, repulsed insects and bugs were rainbow colored, vibrant, glittery, shiny, delicately puffy, glowing, and/or sparkling with pastel colors.
Note: Images above found next to links => (left) and (right) thank you
The answer: I can only speak for myself, but I have no doubt that I would be in awe—mesmerized by their unique creation, and tickled by their seemingly fragile, yet, Divinely perfect existence.
So what’s up with that? Is it the overall, dark colors of these creatures that we’re so repulsed by? But yet, if they were pastel pink and sparkly, we’d be cool with them?
Note: Image on right above found next to link =>
From personal experiences—aka experiential knowledge/wisdom—I’ve learned that these intriguing, beautiful (in their unique way, and not society’s definition of beauty), highly intelligent, gentle, loving, and mysterious black beings are simply living their own lives the best they can on planet Earth, like the rest of humanity and interconnected Life.
Note: Poster on left created using integrating a pic taken during a nature excursion and a personal quote.
I’ve shared some stories that I’ve experienced with these black or darker colored beings in both inner world (as dreams) and outer world (this physical reality), and the following are some example posts:
- “‘For a Magical Halloween Moment…’ Card“
- “Stories of a Black Stray Cat Named Shadow“
- “Spirit’s Cat Totem Guidance to Self-Love and Self-Empowerment“
- “Dream of a Talking Pet Cat in a Deep Well“
- “Dream of Wolf and Dolphins in Swimming Pool“
- “Facing an Unknown Fear: Embracing the Wolf Spirit Guide Within“
- “Fifth Dream of Black Panther and Message of Trinity” (Update inserted 9/3/2018: I came upon this post, “Choosing Balance and Harmony Over Duality,” which shares another black panther dream)
- “Gifts from Raven & Black Panther: Transformation from Powerless to Powerful“
Note: The black cat within the poster on left above is one of our pet cats named Shadow. I gave her this name, not only because she’s black, gorgeous, and mysterious, but to also remind us to embrace the so-called, “dark”/unknown, rather than fear it. She used to be a semi-feral, stray cat from our previous neighborhood, but after slowly befriending her, we adopted her in the fall of 2016. She’s very lovable and loving.
Even to this day, there still exists the wide-spread, fear-based belief—that’s been passed down from generations—that black or darker colored people throughout the world are somehow less than people of lighter color.
While living in Okinawa, a very kind Okinawan friend told me that whenever she–or other Okinawan people she’s known—visited mainland Japan, they often experienced obvious prejudice and discrimination, which I had never heard of before.
She said that most Okinawans have darker skin and stronger facial features (to include darker eyebrows), and they’re considered a lower class. It made me sad to hear that because Okinawans are the most friendliest, honest, big-hearted people I’ve ever known (even to this day), among having many other wonderful qualities.
Granted, I’ve also known people from mainland Japan with positive qualities as well. I also heard that story from my friend back in the early 2000’s, and a lot has changed since then, which I’m trusting is for the better.
While living in Korea growing up (until the early 90’s), I’ve heard stories of the upper class often treating the lower class as less than for the same and different reasons (which occurs throughout the world); and this stemmed from labor workers back in the day (especially farmers) having darker skin from being exposed to much sunlight.
Granted, I’ve learned to let go of more and more old and outdated non-beneficial beliefs that are one-sided—to include the one that all rich and wealthy people are @$$holes—because whenever we have a negative judgment towards something that we’d love to experience in life (e.g. having monetary abundance that can uplift our lives in many ways), such judgments create blockages from receiving such gifts ourselves.
I’ve been taking lessons from the “Unlimited Abundance Course” by Christie Marie Sheldon, and so far, it’s been pretty helpful (which I’ve been sharing reviews for, and I will post part 3 soon after this one). I’ve experienced receiving various forms of abundance, though not monetary abundance yet, which I trust will happen in Divine perfect timing and order.
What I’ve learned from my personal experiences, is that all the earthly labels, definitions, and backgrounds of animals and humans are truly limited, and they don’t help with the expanding of our individual and collective consciousness (aka growth and improved lives on all energetic levels of our being–physical, mental, emotional, financial, and spiritual).
As a military brat growing up, a former spouse of a U.S. Marine (first husband), as well as an Army veteran myself (and my second/current husband who’s also an Army veteran), I’ve crossed paths with so many “different” kinds of people throughout the world.
And regardless of race, ethnicity, color, gender, sexual preference, culture, intelligence (there are many different kinds of intelligence), level of education, financial background, status, job position, career, family history, beliefs, quirks, etc., human beings can range from extremely narcissistic to unconditionally loving, and everything in-between (i.e., the most common).
And one could more than likely run into a seemingly total @$$hole or b!+ch within any location, just as one could run into those who seem so angelic (though this may be rare).
Regardless of these earthly backgrounds, I’ve also experienced many similarities we have at the human and core, soul level, to include, but not limited to deeply yearning to experience:
- Deep healing on all energetic levels of our being
- Unconditional True Love (for self and others: to include much open-minded understanding, deeply heartfelt empathy, pure compassion, unconditional forgiveness, encouragement, upliftment like compliments, empowerment, inspiration, genuinely connecting, bonding, generously sharing, BEAR HUGS and kisses, etc.)
- Inner-peace (the calm within any storm) and outer peace (outer world)
- Truths (inner truths expressed in healthy and authentic ways, as well as becoming aware of The Cosmic Truths)
- Fiery Heart’s passion
- Wisdom (that we learn from others, and experiential knowledge/profound wisdom from personal experiences)
- True freedom (and not the kind we’re told must be earned through never-ending, harmful, only profit-focused wars)
- Joy (to include much humor, smiles, laughter, excitement)
- Gratitude and deep appreciation (also very high vibrations that attract like energies to our lives)
- And other forms of uplifting abundance (to include neutral money that can be used in highly beneficial ways).
I’m going to trust that our individual and collective deep fear of anything related to the so-called dark/black/unknown—to include the so-called unknown “loner” often considered as an outcast by society shared in previous post, “Embracing and Integrating Aspect of Shadow Self Who’s Afraid to Be Alone“—is continuing to melt away, transmuting to its core essence, which is Light and Unconditional Love Frequency.
Note: Pic on right is our cat Leo (younger male cat on left, who’s also lovable and loving, but can be a pain in the butt as well) and Shadow (older female cat on right mentioned above)
Note: The following are posters created using, integrating quotes only with images found online, or integrating quotes with a poem, personal photo, and/or artwork I created at home (the artwork is also available on various Zazzle products via my Mulantis store).
To read the poem below, click on this title to open the link in another window =>
Poem: The Disguised Gift of Ugly
I noticed 1:11 today while completing this post, which reminded me of Ancient Lemurian Soul Families, I (God) AM (Goddess) Presence within, and the graceful embrace of major changes in my life on all energetic levels of my being—physical, mental, emotional, financial, and spiritual. I’ve also shared some insights about 111 in a few other posts—with titles that include 111 in it—and the previous post, “Embracing and Integrating Aspect of Shadow Self Who’s Afraid to Be Alone.”
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