Often times, when we think of ourselves, other people, situations, events, places, other life forms, things, ideas, etc. they’re either in the category box of good or bad.
However, I trust that the truth is that everything can have varying degrees of good and bad aspects within itself, and the labels are only relative to perception.
For instance, a very “bad” situation (e.g., a sudden, heart-wrenching breakup with a lover who turned out to be a liar and cheater) can be a blessing in disguise (i.e., an opportunity for an authentic Being—who’s male and females energies within are integrated and balanced—to enter one’s life), though from a limited, physical mind perspective, it could feel like the end of the world.
Note: Image on right above found next to Google Play
Now many people may disagree that people can be good/bad (like the opposites sides of a coin), making statements like, “They need to pick a side,” or “Oh no, not me [because I’m a good person, or I believe in______(whatever religion)].”
Note: Image on left found next to => Public Domain Pictures
Throughout my adult life so far, I’ve heard more than enough times people say things like, “I don’t judge because I’m a Christian,” or ” I don’t say (think, behave or do) such things because I’m a Christian,” and I’ve always wanted to gently ask, “Really?”
However, I refrained because I knew that it would cause them discomfort, and there would be much denial and disagreements.
However, if I were to come upon a similar situation now, I would like to be transparent with my true thoughts (using tact and Being neutral), and initiate a genuine conversation that could lead to some new space (perhaps incorporating humor as well).
Note: Image on right above found next to => Pinterest “Introducing Inky & Maya who love to fly together at Ashford’s School of Falconry!”
I have a strong feeling that most of those who made such statements (above) were the very ones who were very judgmental, who at times unintentionally (or intentionally) expressed words of manipulation and control (to instill fear, trigger guilt and shame, and recruit), who secretly masturbated, who watched porn, and/or who enjoyed watching shows like, Criminal Minds, American Horror Story, Breaking Bad, and Sons of Anarchy, just to give some examples (which, in my opinion, are overall, highly creative, stimulating and entertaining shows). Example story in post, “Following the Narrow Path of Heart“
Granted, my husband and I lost interest in the first show a couple of years ago due to its redundant theme of, “yet, another serial killer torturing people” [due to serial killers—and anyone else who hurt others because they’ve been hurt—being wounded wounders, rather than Wounded Healers].
We then started losing interest in the second show starting Season 5 (“Hotel”) due to it being excessively gory while lacking a solid story; and what we’ve seen from Season 6 “Roanoke” so far, was just more annoying than the typical, old, and outdated horror movie scene where some helpless female is running through the woods, and then trips over some twig or pebble.
Note: Image on left above found next to => Pinterest
Even though a part of me is aware that I’m only watching a TV show or a movie, whenever any of the characters would do some dumb-ass shit, the Blackorean/Blackanese in me (symbolically since I’m actually Japorean-American) can’t help but to passionately shout out comments like, “You need to pick up the pace sister and run like your life depends on it!” “Get your ass back up!” “Start grabbing and throwing shit!” “Ssseriously?What the hell are you still doing in that house?!” “Smash his balls!” “Poke its eyes out!” “C’MON! Pull your head out of your ass!” etc.
My husband jokingly (yet truthfully) said that he enjoys our occasional theater dates more than ever because I don’t shout in them.
Perhaps it’s the Asian aspect of me that refrains from shouting in public. I didn’t say the American aspect of me because I’ve witnessed other than black women be a disturbance within a theater (i.e., talking, texting, internet surfing), though they may not shout.
Ironically, I don’t recall ever witnessing a black woman shout in a theater, though that’s a generalization often used with humor.
Then again, I’m also not the typical, math excelling Asian female, so I suppose those are examples to take into consideration when we have the urge to generalize at some point. Note: See next post, “Insights as to Why We May Shout at a TV and/or in a Movie Theater” for explanations as to why people like me have a strong urge to shout at fear-based TV shows or movies, what we can do to respect the boundaries of self and interconnected others, and how we can unconditionally love more and more aspects of self and interconnected others.
In this lifetime if I had an opportunity to be a director for a horror movie, I would choose an extra who’s around 6″2′ and 255 lbs (like the average size football player) for the “escaping through the forest” scene.
I would have him gracefully jog through the woods, trip over a tiny twig, softly utter, “Uh!”, somehow twist both ankles, and then start crawling on the ground.
He would then grasp the dry leaves in front of him fist by fist (CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH), and attract unwanted attention (like, “Hey! I’m over here!).
As he continues to reach for hope, he would interrupt a sleeping rattlesnake camouflaged with leaves, who telepathically communicates with much intensity, “You did not just wake me up FOOL!!!” and chomps his right hand.
The poison would slowly spread throughout his body, blur his vision, and cause him to sweat profusely. While moving randomly about, like an indecisive lizard, he would head butt a boulder (or at least he thinks).
It’s actually the head of a big shovel, and right behind it, a pair of knee-high, red, leather boots with silver spikes.
Okay, so maybe it would more of a horror/comedy movie instead.
So why are many humans (even Christians) so attracted to the so-called “dark”/unknown side?
Because I trust that it’s human nature (or Life nature) to want to express various aspects of our whole being, and to be curious of the unknown (dark side/shadow side)—often labeled as dark, wrong, bad, evil, abnormal, freakish, ugly, dangerous, and/or some other negative adjective by general society.
Note: Image on right found next to => TBA
There’s absolutely nothing wrong, bad or evil about exploring, as long as the intention is to merely do so out of curiosity, and not hurt another/others in the process (whether directly or indirectly).
Since we’re all interconnected, what hurts one ultimately hurts The One/Source; and whatever benefits the part, benefits the whole as well.
Note: Image on left found next to link => wallarthd.com
An example of how exploring the unknown would be harmful to another is child pornography, which does hurt children indirectly (and even directly)—and it’s not merely exploring—because the real-life demand promotes abusing innocent children.
However, temporarily enjoying a very creative and overly dramatic, fictional TV show that happens to include “dark” “wrong” “bad” or “evil” content doesn’t necessarily mean that, due to its exposure, we now want to…
support psychopaths, sociopaths, and/or serial killers (or even be like them), become vigilantes, or even worse, want to become an anal, left-brain centered, overly analytical, perfectionist/workaholic within a three letter agency…
encounter in our actual reality a walking porcelain doll with a missing eyeball, unkept hair, and a dangling arm, a twitching zombie clown with running makeup, or a tortured spirit from the dark ages with serious anger issues…
transform ourselves from a “normal” person (like a teacher) into an extremely greedy-ass, arrogant, hot-tempered, egomaniac, meth-maker who creates his own downfall…
or even join an exaggerated biker club in order have a chance to experience the super wild and dangerous life, to include the use of a lot of weapons, sex, rated R version porn, prison time, various types of abuse, gangs, violence, drugs, dealings with cartels, deception, secrets, infidelity, blackmail, betrayal, murder, manipulation, control, etc.
We realize that these shows are fictional, and we simply go along for an exciting roller coaster ride that takes us to unfamiliar or unknown territories where we’re not necessarily interested in experiencing them in our actual reality, but know that it’s safe to experience them from the comfort of our homes.
In addition, if these shows were only about breaking of many rules, violence, and other “bad” stuff, it wouldn’t be highly creative, stimulating, and entertaining (in my opinion).
Within the world of TV show or movie creators, I have no doubt that it’s too easy to make shows or movies about back to back explosions, fighting, crime, and/or other “bad” stuff without a soul-igniting story.
Note: Image on right above found next to link => Pinterest
I trust that shows like Criminal Minds, American Horror Story, Breaking Bad, and Sons of Anarchy (mostly the latter two shows) were/are very popular because they also contain the opposites of all the negative drama and “unacceptable” human characteristics.
These positive aspects of human nature include, but are not limited to : transparent honesty, inner-strength, courage, vulnerability, A LOT of authentic, raw emotions (our internal guidance system) expressed, following one’s intuition (gut feeling, and other feelings/language of the soul), determination, teamwork, persistence, resilience, assertiveness, boldness, friendship, playfulness, intelligence, discernment, spontaneity, family, dedication, protection, loyalty, trust, gentleness, genuine connection, deep bonding, humor, peace, precious moments, happiness, deep understanding, empathy, sharing, encouragement, wisdom, empowerment, compassion, unconditional forgiveness, unconditional acceptance, and last but not least, unconditional love (for self and others).
Note: We finished watching Breaking Bad in 2016, and are continuing to watch Sons of Anarchy through Netflix to this day. So far, I’m glad that they’re showing how lies built upon lies can come spiraling down like a raging whirlpool no matter how clever people think they are (among other life lessons).
General society has frowned upon exploring the unknown; hence, humans have been conditioned to feel much guilt and shame regarding these topics.
But what are the so-called powerful leaders of general society so afraid that we’ll find out? Perhaps who we truly are as integrated, balanced and whole/ Multidimensional Beings?
Because, if we only believe that we’re mostly made of the so-called “good” aspects of human nature, do we truly have the full picture? Or are we missing out?
For instance, how do we know that we are unconditionally loving (one extreme end of the polarity spectrum)—and not conditionally loving—if we’ve never experienced what it feels like to passionately hate (the other extreme end of the polarity spectrum)?
In addition, how do we know that we are unconditionally forgiving if we’ve never experienced what it feels like to be deeply hurt by another who feels no remorse, could care less to apologize, and/or even laughs in our face for ripping our hearts out?
Note: Two images above found next to links => 1) www.vismaya-maitreya.pl and 2) Humans Are Free
The Divine gift of duality (the opposites of life that seem separate)—or more accurately polarity (the opposites of life that aren’t separate but are within The One)—give us physical beings the priceless opportunity to experience the full spectrum of our being, especially our emotions and feelings (JACKPOT).
Perhaps that mug of hot cocoa, bowl of steaming rich and flavorful soup, soft warm blanket, and/or the dancing flames dancing within a fireplace wouldn’t be as delightful in the absence of an experience of being outdoors moments ago—within a white blanket surrounding the cabin, gray sky, howling wind, hiding sun, visible breaths, numb fingers and toes, tiny icicles within the nostrils, eyelashes sticking together every now and then.
Note: Two images above found next to links => 1) Pinterest and 2) Tenor
The experience of being confused when it comes to deciding whether or not a person is in the category of good or bad is not foreign to many people on this planet.
Whether that person is a family member, friend, coworker, neighbor, acquaintance, celebrity, spiritual teacher, psychic, etc., the burning questions may be, “Can I trust this person?!” or “Is s/he good, bad, or even evil?”
In today’s information age, where billions of humans (and other beings)
are sharing a mega load of information, the
so-called truth can seem elusive.
So what can we do? Allow the opinions of the outer world drive us crazy, or rather, break the seemingly complex into simple by following our own inner guidance system—Heart/intuition/inner-knowing/inner-wisdom/emotions/feelings (language of the soul)/gut feeling/other body sensations/instincts?
Note: Three images above found next to links => 1) Pinterest 2) Imgfave 3) Psychology – Knoji
Recently, I’ve been drawn to the videos of Teal Swan (aka Teal Scott/TEAL and I don’t know what else), mostly the ones where she speaks to the viewer by herself. Note: Also, if you’re drawn to the idea, checkout a neutral comment I shared in one of her videos, “The Healing Trap” at the bottom of this post
I enjoyed some of her videos so far because they were very informative, open-minded and open-hearted, to include integrating and embracing the polarities of dark and light, as well as fear and love.
Some of the themes include: The Divine Masculine, the Divine Feminine, trusting self, honoring our feelings (language of the soul), expressing our emotions (internal guidance system), self worth, shadow work, manifestation of money, unconditionally loving self, Source energy, etc.
Granted, I didn’t resonate with everything she shared within those videos, but most of it; I especially sensed her overall energies to be inviting, gentle, peaceful, wise, joyful, and unconditionally accepting/loving.
However, like everyone else in this world who has quirks that others may not like or resonate with, I noticed moments where I didn’t feel connected to Teal.
When I expand my consciousness (see the bigger picture), I realize that more than likely, this is due to my own lack of connection with the same aspects that exists within myself (that I’m not aware of yet).
In a few videos, where she was interacting with another, I noticed some behaviors that appeared as though she wasn’t fully present with them, which contradicts her teaching to live and be in the present Moment of Now (i.e., not looking at them while they’re talking, but rather, more interested in whatever object happened to be on the table in-between her and her audience member, like a bottle of essential oil.
In addition, although I found her giggles adorable at first, whenever she did so while talking about some “inappropriate” stuff, a red flag went up because it not only went against her own words, but also triggered something within me.
During one of her interviews, this guy named Rick presented her with some rapid fire type of questions (where one answers right away rather than pondering over it).
For one of the questions, he asked something to the effect, “What is something that one shouldn’t joke about?” and she replied, “Human suffering.” If that’s the case, then it seems to go hand and hand that it’s not cool to giggle about human suffering as well.
The first time that I noticed Teal giggling about something “inappropriate,” I was immediately reminded of the typical giggling of some dark character in a horror movie after they did something “evil,” which really threw me off about her because it didn’t feel good.
Perhaps her behavior was just reminiscent of all the horror movies I had to watch with my parents during childhood; hence, the trigger caused a negative emotional reaction.
I wondered why she giggled at odd moments at times. Maybe she was aware of some ancient Japorean secret that she was keeping from her viewers.
If so, I’d like to say, “Ssseriously Teal? You wanna sit there and giggle away while some of your audience members might be thinking, ‘WTF?’ and feeling all awkward n shit? Share what’s so damn funny woman!”
So I wonder, at what point exactly is it “acceptable” to general society to gently giggle or even laugh our asses off when it comes to human suffering?
I wondered if it’s about fiction vs non-fiction.
For instance, if I had found out that a local restaurant was busted by authorities for serving human head meat in their well-known stew, I have no doubt that I would experience a lot of negative thoughts and feelings, to include disbelief, shock, disgust, judgment, anger, disappointment, etc.
But why is that while watching the very disturbing, yet, hilarious scene (a severed head in a pot of chili)—from the show Sons of Anarchy (Season 4 Episode 8 “Family Recipe”)—made me (and my husband) laugh so hard my abs hurt?
Perhaps it’s due to the belief that laughing at fictional things that are jacked up is okay, but doing so for non-fictional things isn’t.
When it comes to someone who’s well-known for laughing at “real” human suffering to the extreme is…you guessed it!
The comedian Daniel Tosh (from the show Tosh.o), and his audacity to even go there —with his jokes that include the topic of rape—won the medal for having MEGA balls (or in actuality, a lack thereof since the inflated ego who benefits from the suffering of others doesn’t = The Divine Masculine).
Overall, I find Tosh pretty hilarious with his silly material, but he can definitely be a major @$$ at times with his mucho insensitive side (i.e., not open to connecting to his Divine Feminine aspect within).
I sense that his highly creative and talented aspect of self shines through when he’s in joyful vibes—in alignment with his higher self/Divine Masculine (God)+ Divine Feminine (Goddess)—and when he’s in a fearful vibrational state (e.g., worried about his: ratings, reputation, career, money, etc), then his fearful ego self takes over and he gets out of control with his extremely insensitive expressions from desperation.
Perhaps people like Tosh are meant to mirror back to us such extremes in order for us to learn more about ourselves—like our likes and dislikes, and what we choose to place in our “good”/”right” or “bad”/”wrong” boxes—and eventually…fully know self.
For instance, at what point do Tosh fans in general say, “That’s enough Tosh” or “Dude, you went wwway too far.” Well, if jokes like females getting raped doesn’t quite cut it, perhaps jokes about a group of guys burning a baby girl alive might.
Or is that just too much to even think about?
So where do we drawn the line?
Do we just keeping pushing the invisible boundary line closer and closer to heartlessness until the majority within society gives the blessings, thumbs up, or Facebook “like” or “love” to accept and approve of horrific acts in”real” reality?
It’s something to ponder.
Like Hitler, the only reason why people like Tosh gets away with all the extreme crap that he says (at times) is because there is a certain degree of acceptance, approval and demand from society for his way of being (type of humor).
So who decides what is acceptable, and what isn’t? Society perhaps? Afterall, there are many examples throughout human history of what wasn’t acceptable at one point in time, but later became acceptable, and vice versa.
I’ve read a while back—don’t recall where, though probably bookmarked—that cosmic beings with very high vibrational frequencies have a great sense of humor, and laugh a lot (which I highly resonate with).
However, visualizing (with my limited physical mind) Ascended Masters like Jesus and Buddha (just two examples) giggling or laughing their asses of while talking about a puppy burning to death (another extreme example to make a point) doesn’t exactly give me warm feelings inside (a raised eyebrow perhaps).
Unless of course, I expand my perspective and use my imagination from my integrated higher Mind/Heart. Then, I can imagine higher beings (like Ascended Masters) giggling in the midst of nonchalantly talking about disturbing topics (like a puppy burning to death) because from their perspective, they’re able to see what’s going on within the bigger picture.
For instance, from the physical mind perspective, the puppy (a physical being) is burning and suffering within the flames; however, from a higher perspective, perhaps the puppy—who already transformed into a much faster vibrating energy state (aka physical death)—is dancing on its hind legs, shaking its ass, and singing, “I can’t feel the flames, no I can’t! I’m a free spirit, yes I am! I’m going to doggie heaven, gonna dance!” which of course, would make many beings (human or non-human) smile, giggle, chuckle, or even laugh.
This past Thursday, the cat-like aspect within me was drawn to a few other videos and readings that were labeling Teal Swan a fraud.
I asked Spirit within to assist me in Being discernment, clarity, inner-wisdom and inner-knowing, and to basically observe from a neutral perspective.
I scanned and skimmed the critical readings, and very briefly watched only certain parts of the videos that had Teal under a magnifying glass with sun-like rays piercing through her “dark side.”
There were some valid points, but whenever I came upon certain words, phrases, statements, non-verbal cues, tones, actions, and other energies that felt off, I didn’t even bother to continue listening to the speakers, or reading their expressions.
For instance, in at least one reading and one video, both parties used an image of Teal where her face was purposely distorted to create a “negative” facial expression; it was emotionally immature, something a punk-ass, kid would do to hurt another’s feelings.
WOW, I just experienced a realization thanks to the above words I just typed, which also reminded me that whenever we judge another, we need to remember that there’s that same aspect within ourselves that we haven’t unconditionally accepted yet.
I, too, had made “funny” posters within my blog of people like Kim Jong-Un (so-called leader of North Korea), a former Pope, Donald Trump before he became president (in post, “To So-Called Leaders of This World: A Delicious Taste of Your Own Medicine“), and Tony Robbins in post, “A Comment and Different Ending to Tony Robbins’ Lion Story” (posters at bottom of post).
Granted, my intention was to use humor to fully express myself, and I didn’t believe that the posters would ever hurt them because 1) I’m not sure if they’re in touch with their feelings 😉 , 2) they more than likely wouldn’t cross paths with the poster(s), 3) they wouldn’t care what some unknown woman expressed about them and/or even 4) they have a healthy sense of humor.
I suppose whoever created the poster of Teal with a distorted face may have had the same intention (or not).
Either way, I felt some excitement building up as I explored the unknown aspects of this spiritual teacher named Teal.
I recalled an important teaching from Pleiadian book, Family of Light, that I finished reading less than a month ago (after reading other books from Barbara Marciniak, though not in order).
It’s something to the effect that one can only come to know the Love frequency (the Unconditional Acceptance/Love of the Great Mother Goddess) of neutrality, balance, and harmony by experiencing the extremes sides (polarity) of a spectrum (aka both sides of one coin, Yin and Yang, dark and light, fear and love, etc.).
Some of the once unknown information that I came upon about Teal was pretty colorful (mostly darker shades) and even red hot, Korean food kind of spicy.
I found myself lost within the dark valley of illusions for a few hours trying to figure out what side of the fence I was on in this game of, “Who is the real Teal?” It felt so confusing and frustrating, and there were moments where I wondered if I could trust her words anymore.
However, thanks to my higher self, I was able to snap out of it, and see above the dark valley. I realized that it doesn’t matter whether or not I trust this being names Teal, or if she was a good or bad spiritual teacher.
What matters is what I was able to learn from her, the moments where she helped me to feel healing/loving energies, and how she contributed to my own spiritual growth and evolution.
I trust that despite writings and videos that accuse Teal of teaching from having read many spiritual books, rather than from her own personal experiences, there were some truths and wisdom within them as well.
If what they claim is true, and Teal was mostly regurgitating already shared knowledge (from others’ books, blogs, websites, etc.), then I choose to be grateful that she at least consolidated a lot of helpful information.
By focusing on the benefits I received from Teal—trusting that my higher self gifted me these experiences (blessings in disguise)—rather than dwelling on the probabilities that I was fooled by her deceit, exaggerations, and lies, I liberate self from feeling victimized by a “false teacher”; hence, I empower self rather than feel defeated.
The following—in-between “<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3“—- is a related excerpt from my post, “Spiritual Teachers Who Barely Know Darkness & Fear to Truly Know Wisdom of Light & Love“:
I used to place certain spiritual teachers—like some of the ones mentioned above—on a pedestal. However, after intuitively sensing
a few to multiple times that something was indeed off, I finally let them go.
Though I was initially disappointed in them—and even angry at times for seemingly having wasted my time—I later learned (as a human)/remembered (as a soul/Spirit within) to appreciate some of the helpful information that they did share during certain moments, and to simply, no longer be concerned about whatever information didn’t resonate with me.
In addition, I realized that these spiritual teachers (who I was initially discouraged by) were actually blessings in disguise, because they have—unknowingly (as a human), yet knowingly (as their own interconnected higher self within)—taught me to finally let go of needing outer teachers to place on a pedestal (though I can continue to briefly learn from outer reflections), and to remember that the ultimate teacher is the Master Teacher within/Divine Spirit/All That Is.
Note: Images above found next to links => www.vastrootwellness.com (right), pixabay.com (left) and www.janetquinnsoulfriend.com “Universal Heart” (right) thank you
Now, I’m very grateful that I can extract certain truths and wisdom from others, to include spiritual teachers (regardless of the category of belief systems)—using intuition, discernment, clarity and inner-wisdom—but ultimately, go within self to communicate and commune with my integrated and balanced Soul/Spirit—Beloved I (God) AM (Goddess) Presence/Christ within: Twin Soul merged with Divine Spirit/All That Is = Trinity/Divine HUman.
Note: Image on left above found next to link => www.gnostic.org (thank you)
Important Question: How can one be a bridge that connects HUmanity and the spiritual world when one has barely scratched the surface of knowing (experiential knowledge/wisdom) what it’s like to fully be HUman (of both dark and Light, fear and Love); hence, unable to fully relate to HUmanity and beyond?
Note: Image on right found next to link => blog.thespiritualcatalyst.com (thank you)
Despite the negative judgments and labels surrounding people like Teal and Tosh, I’m actually grateful for them because I’m able to learn more about the shadow (unknown) aspects of self through their reflections (whether “positive” or “negative”) .
For instance, Teal and her seldom, inappropriate giggles helped me to embrace this aspect of self that has come out at least a handful of times throughout my life when I really think about it and be honest with myself.
And it’s as if my ego self (who wants to be accepted and approved of by society) would catch myself doing so, and self-criticize with, “What’s wrong with you?! Don’t ever do that again!”
I don’t recall any details yet, but I have a feeling those experiences—the “inappropriate” giggle slips—stems from our true feelings about a matter that our ego self wants to mask in order to look “good” to others.
Perhaps Teal is being authentic by not having the need to mask the “inappropriate giggles.”
Tosh and his seldom use of extreme humor (when it comes to human suffering) helped me to embrace the aspect of self that also uses humor to lighten up human suffering at times (e.g., posters above of North Korean people suffering due to their seemingly heartless leader).
I’ve unconditionally accepted more and more “dark” (shadow/unknown) aspects of self, whether they’re positive or negative according to general society.
The shadow/unknown “negative” aspects include the facts that I’m capable of doing and being what society in general considers “negative” (e.g., being judgmental at times, embracing negative emotions to heal, often enjoying solitude, etc.) “bad”/”wrong” (being unconventional, embracing masturbation, being a bitch when I feel like it, to include using aggressive energy when another doesn’t understand gentle kindness or assertiveness, etc.) or even “evil” (secretly wanting revenge and justice at times toward heartless MF’s whom the justice system fails to take care of, willing to go ape-shit, psychopath CRAzy toward anyone who severely hurts my loved ones, not ever wanting to meet another human, wanting a corrupt world to end at times, etc.).
On the other hand, the shadow/unknown “positive” aspects include the facts that I’m capable of doing and being what society in general considers improbable or even impossible—especially being our core essence as a multidimensional spiritual being within a physical body…True Love/Unconditional Love/Light Frequency, (uplifting/transmuting information/knowledge) + Love Frequency (profound wisdom)/Source Frequency/Divine, Ancient, Mother Goddess Energy/Spiraling Consciousness/MerKaBa/Star of David Frequency, etc.
I trust that the potential of Being integrated, balanced, and whole self (at any given moment) exists within all beings throughout this Universe and beyond (and not just human beings).
To reach this state of Being (a vibrational state), I trust that the key is to unconditionally accept/love more and more aspects of ourselves and interconnected others at every opportunity.
Then, perhaps one miraculous and magical moment(s)—even very briefly—we will experience what it feels like to unconditionally accept/love all of Life (All That Is) the way Source/Prime Creator/Holy Spirit/Divine Mother Goddess does.
The following are example posters that I mentioned I would share earlier (credits for images below):
The images above (in numerical order) found next to links below:
- www.usatoday.com (Kim Jong-Un speaking to his people <= image found next to this link, and added personal quote using canva.com)
- www.telegraph.co.uk (<= image found next to this link, and added personal quote using canva.com)
- www.mirror.co.uk (<= image found next to this link, and added personal quote using canva.com)
- www.express.co.uk (<= image of N. Korean women + others found next to this link, and added personal quote using canva.com)
- 38north.org (<= image of North Korean children found next to this link, and added personal quote using canva.com)
- www.theguardian.com (“Hispanic leaders call for Republican candidates to condemn Donald Trump | US news | The Guardian”) (<= image found next to this link, and added personal quote using canva.com)
- www.buzzfeed.com (<= image found next to this link, and added personal quote using canva.com)
- darkroastedblend.com (<= image of Pope found next to this link, and added personal quote using canva.com)
- Image on found next to link => www.digitalmarketings.lv (thank you) and added personal quote using canva.com
Added 1/16/17
After watching the video, “The Healing Trap” by Teal, I shared the following comment:
Rebecca Lemke shared a very insightful comment below that includes, “I imagine the facets of a crystal and having awareness around how they those aspects don’t have to compete.” And I’d like to add, “Different aspects within us don’t have to compete (or even be separate) in any way anymore.”
So far, I’ve found over a dozen of Teal’s videos very informative, stimulating, mind/heart expanding, uplifting, empowering, inspiring, and overall very helpful.
Prior to watching any of her videos, I ask Spirit—or Higher Self/Beloved I (God) AM (Goddess) Presence—within to assist me in Being discernment, intuition, inner-wisdom, and clarity; hence, though most of Teal’s teachings are soul-igniting, every now and then, certain words, phrases, or expressions don’t quite feel right, and I seek guidance from within.
Teal’s mention of the two conflicting aspects within us needing to communicate with love highly resonates with me; however, I don’t resonate with the idea that the solution is to leave one aspect out of the picture (granted, in a “safe place”) while the other aspect is getting its need met.
That sounds more like operating from a state of separation consciousness (you here and me there because we are separate aspects) rather than unity consciousness (integrating, healing/loving, and balancing the two aspects as The One—Being and doing together as a Team).
However, despite whatever doesn’t resonate with me with any outer teacher (and not just the “spiritual teacher” since I trust that every soul is a teacher in some way), I’ve chosen to extract what does highly resonate with me, and simply disregard the rest. I just wanted to share my expression on this matter in case it may be helpful to interconnected others.
And last but not least, like many others out there who’ve crossed paths with Teal’s essence, I’ve also sensed various vibrations from her presence within these videos, all within the Love Frequency spectrum (that also includes the vibration of fear, like the color red within a rainbow).
And though I’m aware of this, along with a loads of data online that also go against Teal, I somehow find myself unconditionally accepting her (the whole her) as is.
Regardless of who says what (with billions of opinions out there), I’m deeply grateful that Beings like Teal—and every other being I initially had conflicting thoughts and feelings towards—exist in our world, mirroring back to us everything from dark to light and fear to love.
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