The following are sub-titles to the main title above:
- A Deeper Look at So-Called “Freaks”
- To Truly Accept and Love Self and Others Unconditionally
- Insights from the Show American Horror Story
- The Creepy Clown Within Us All
- Look into the Mirror of Truth
- The Actual Freaks of Nature
- Being Balance Within
- Applying Various Teachings of Wisdom to Daily Life
Note: Image on right found next to link => (thank you)
A Deeper Look at So-Called “Freaks”
So what exactly is a “freak” anyway, when referring to a human being?
When you look up the meaning of the word freak, you will find various interpretations that basically fits around the typical meaning of the following:
“a person, animal, or plant with an unusual physical abnormality.”
So what exactly does abnormal mean?
When you look up the meaning of the word “abnormal,” you will find various interpretations that basically fits around the typical meaning of the following:
“deviating from what is normal or usual, typically in a way that is undesirable or worrying”
What is technically “normal” or “usual”? And why is it “undesirable” or even “worrying”?
The words normal and usual are relative to one’s perspective, as we’ve all more than likely experienced at one time or another throughout our lives.
For instance, it may be normal and usual for one culture to slurp and burp while eating (to express enjoyment and appreciation), but while in another culture, doing so may be considered rude and ignorant.
In some countries, it may be normal and usual to continually be involved in back-to back occupations, battles and wars for centuries, while in other countries, living in peace, harmony and unity is what’s considered normal and usual.
A personal example is that it’s becoming more and more normal and usual for me to no longer be concerned about the plethora of others’ opinions out there, and to no longer care whether others accept and approve of me.
I’ve learned (as a human being)/remembered (as a soul) that what truly matters is whether or not I validate myself; because if I can’t even validate myself, how can I expect others to validate me?
Self-worth, self-respect, self-esteem, self-confidence, self-love, and self-empowerment comes from within, and I thank my Divinity within me for that priceless gift.
However, for many within society, it’s still normal and usual to worry about billions of various opinions out there, and it’s still normal and usual to get stressed about whether or not society accepts and approves of us.
If we truly have a heart’s desire to see with clarity, and to Be discernment, we will realize from deep within us that general society, especially the government, military, Christian religion, etc.—with its countless labels (especially the “negative” ones), rules and regulations, “do’s and don’t’s”—has often been, and continues to be a major hypocrite.
Note: The mention of Christian religion does not refer to the actual Christ Consciousness which is deep within all souls regardless of religion, race, social class, color, gender, education, etc…ready to be awakened.
The word abnormal being “undesirable” or even “worrying” stems from the fearful individual and collective ego self/wounded inn-child/unhealed masculine energy within (regardless of gender)/aspect of our soul.
The negative label of “undesirable” stems from the ego self’ judgment of what is desirable, and what is not. In the eyes of Cosmic Love/Unity Consciousness, all of Life is embraced with equal, unconditional love.
The low vibrational frequency of worry ultimately stems from fear energy, which the ego self does, due to being afraid of the unknown since it has forgotten its true essence—unconditional love energy that has drastically dropped its vibrational frequency in order to experience the duality of physical reality/Earth.
Being Divinity within us allows us to have no need to worry since we trust that everything happens in Divine perfect timing and Divine order. Plus, the energy of worry repels abundance, which doesn’t allow us to tune into the already manifested abundance and prosperity that’s our birthright.
So in essence, a so-called freak is a human being who has a physical appearance that is not “normal”—and usually “undesirable” or even “worrying”—in the eyes of society because we judge abnormality from the lower mind’s perspective of our fearful ego self rather than from our unconditionally loving perspective of the merged Higher Mind/Heart/True Self/our Divinity within/Trinity: God (healed, integrated and balanced Divine Masculine Energy/Consciousness), Goddess(Divine Feminine Energy/Consciousness) and Divine Spirit/All That Is.
To Truly Accept and Love Self and Others Unconditionally
As I work on embracing all aspects of me (and others), in order to truly accept and love myself (and others) unconditionally (as Divine Spirit does for all of Life), I enjoy (with self and Divinity within me) whatever I feel like doing at whatever Moment of Now, to include watching certain so-called “dark”/”bad”/”evil” shows available for entertainment purposes (in moderation).
If I feel strongly drawn to something (and I let my excitement level be my compass, which informs me that it’s in alignment with my Divinity within), I ask and thank my Divinity for sharing life’s wisdom with me through intuition, inner-wisdom, and inner-knowing, as well as various reflections (Divine messages) from my outer reality (i.e., people, Mother Nature and other living creatures, things, books, spiritual and mystical blogs, certain TV shows, movies, signs, both negative and positive synchronicities, number synchronicities such as 10:10, 11:11, 12:12, 9:11, 11-99, 111-999, 2222-9999, palindrome numbers, etc.).
I absolutely love creativity and the idea of unlimited imagination, though from a human perspective, imagination is limited to a certain degree.
I also love shows that display a high level of creativity, regardless of whether or not they’re considered “dark”/”bad”/”evil”; and I trust that this feeling of excitement stems from my Divinity within who embraces all of Life.
The various ancient teachings—to include the most commonly known in western society of the sun shining/the rain falling on the just and unjust, as well as Jesus’ teachings about not judging others, unconditionally forgiving others (even over and over again if necessary), and unconditionally loving one’s enemies—all point to the universal truth that we are ALL One/All That Is.
Insights from the Show American Horror Story
Although violent scenes of just killing do nothing for me—except remind me of humanity’s very sad collective egoic state—I do love watching the very creative show, American Horror Story, for not only its ability to freely and fearlessly express the dark/unknown/shadow aspects of humanity (that we all have within us whether or not we want to admit it), but the underlying deep meanings behind them, when we choose to look beyond the outer surface.
Recently, I watched the first episode of Season 4 Freak Show, (SPOILER ALERT), and I gained some insightful information, as well as experienced/enjoyed creative moments that I could care less to experience in my actual physical reality.
I’m sure that’s why many of us enjoy watching certain scary, action-packed or earthly drama related movies—that include scenes of dinosaurs, ghosts, zombies, sharks, “evil” aliens, extreme adrenaline rushing stunt scenes like falling out of a perfectly functioning airplane, being chased by very angry or hungry things, etc.
Do we actually want to experience them in our physical reality? More than likely not. However, it’s sometimes fun to experience (in moderation) them in a virtual reality where we don’t end up as someone’s or somethings target.
The Creepy Clown Within Us All
In the first episode of Season 4 Freak Show, I initially didn’t care for the scenes with the creepy clown, who obviously had major anger issues; but when I dug deeper, I learned something from even those scenes, two in particular.
In one scene, a young couple enjoy a romantic picnic together in the middle of an open field surrounded by a wooded area. When the boyfriend briefly leaves his girlfriend to relieve himself (if I recall correctly), a clown (whose appearance isn’t what society would normally embrace) approaches the young woman and attempts to entertain her.
Her facial expressions and behavior make it very obvious that his presence is not welcomed. When her boyfriend arrives, and the clown continues to try and entertain them, the boyfriend rejects him as well.
The next thing you know, the creepy clown goes apeshit on the guy (i.e., stabs him many times), then ends up kidnapping the young woman, and places her in a cage (within his secret residence) next to little boy that he had kidnapped as well at a different time.
Although the clown doesn’t harm them (physically), he traumatizes them emotionally with his violent behavior right outside of their cage.
I initially wondered what the point of all the seemingly random violence was, and why such a highly creative show, such as the American Horror Story, would include such scenes that’s typically found only in horror TV shows or movies that have very little imagination; hence, use back-to-back shallow violent and gruesome killing scenes to make up for their lack or absence of true creativity.
I later realized that the creepy clown was one of the symbolisms of humanity’s collective shadow self state.
When most humans can’t get what we desire from our fearful ego self state—especially a girlfriend/boyfriend or wife/husband who can help us to experience love (most often conditional, not unconditional, love)—we can experience feelings of unworthiness, shame, injustice, rejection, sadness, anger, hatred (toward ourselves and others) and sometimes, even rage (e.g., people murdering their former or fantasized romantic partner “in the name of love”).
But because we are part of a society that frowns upon such “negative” outwardly expressions, and even punishes such barbaric actions, our ego self will often repress and suppress such undesirable thoughts and feelings (which become part of our shadow self) so that we can be accepted by and approved of by society—and basically “fit in” to this rigidly structured world in order to survive.
The creepy clown is merely a symbol of what we (every law-abiding citizen) can be capable of doing with our intense “negative” thoughts and feelings if we were completely free to do so without any consequences.
So we can easily judge the creepy-looking clown as a “monstrous” other, or we can be grateful to be able to see with clarity that such fearful energy that is transparently expressed through the clown (another “enemy-like soul” who provides a reflection for us of our own inner darkness) is within all of us, just in varying degrees.
So rather than be a prisoner of the fear energy within us (like the raging clown or a serial killer, to use extreme examples), we can choose to Be a master of it, and use the power of fear energy (which has it benefits) to our advantage as who we truly are: our awakened, healed, integrated and balanced soul merged with Divine Spirit/All That is within us.
For instance, without some healthy degree of fear energy within us, we would fearlessly run into a highway of speeding vehicles, eat rare chicken meat, dip our hand in boiling water, etc.
In the scene where the clown basically throws a fit—like a overly spoiled child who doesn’t get its way—right outside the caged young woman and little boy, I realized that it’s symbolic of our individual and collective ego self/our wounded inner-child/unhealed male energy aspect of our soul.
So when we choose to look deeper within, what truth do we find? What does the frustrated clown—symbolic of the individual and collective ego self—truly desire? The answer is complex, yet simple—it’s unconditional love.
Like any other living creature in Life, even the so-called creepy clown—a freak, a reject of society—wanted to experience what it’s like to be loved despite its “unattractive” outer appearance, lack or absence of social skills, lack of skills or talents, or anything else that society deems necessary in order to receive love.
And since the clown failed to receive that love that it believed to be “out there,” it decided to cage the deliverers of that love, and forced them to watch its lively/living presence whether they enjoyed his presence or not.
We can easily judge the clown as a pathetic crazy-ass, but who hasn’t been a milder version of this clown either in actual reality or in one’s imagination?
“Not me!” some of us may shout silently. But how many times have we mistaken conditional love for unconditional love?
It’s easy to be in love when things are all flowery and full of rainbows and beautiful butterflies; but what usually happens in most relationships of humanity when another eventually reveals to us a side(s) that may not be so attractive, lovable, kind, sexy, acceptable, etc., or may even be unfamiliar or unknown (shadow self) to us?
A high divorce rate, countless heartbreaks and much human suffering is what happens. Some of us may even mistaken possessiveness as true love—often manipulating, controlling, and instilling fear in our so-called loved ones in hopes that fear (if not love) will keep them around.
However, unconditional love is not something that any living creature has to earn or even yearn for, because it’s our essence, our God-given bithright; hence, once we realize this, we’re able to freely give this unconditional love to ourselves and others, rather than wait for someone to give it to us.
When we choose to Be who we truly are, a balance of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Energies/Consciousness (the Yin and the Yang), we are then merged with our Divine Spirit/All That Is to Be Trinity.
We can then realize that our merged soul is our true love, and in Divine perfect timing and Divine order, we may have a golden opportunity to see an outer reflection of our balanced inner self through grace—whether it’s a current, transformed partner in Life, or another soulmate; perhaps even a Twin Flame.
By turning within ourselves in the silence and stillness, we can reconnect to our still voice/our essence, and experience from within this living and unlimited unconditional love energy that’s powerful way beyond our physical mind’s imagination.
And when we finally find this once hidden treasure within us (hidden, because we—as our ego selves–were blinded by the numerous distractions/illusions of our outer wordly reality), we will never desire to go back to our egoic state again.
We will realize that the gem/unconditional love that we’ve been yearning for and desperately searching for years, within the secret space within our being, has been there all along, just waiting for us to spark the Light, to awaken, to remember, and to eventually experience an inner-knowing of who we truly are—part of Divine SPirit/All That Is.
Look into the Mirror of Truth
In another scene, the character played by Jessica Lange confidently and assertively reveals a painful truth to a judgmental female character who’s unable to see her own hypocrisy, let alone society’s hypocrisy.
We, as our egoic societal self (our collective egoic consciousness), are often quick to judge the “unacceptable” in others; but yet, behind closed doors, within the privacy of our dark inner-world (where no one can see our truths and judge them), we sometimes secretively enjoy exploring the forbidden, our “dark” sides, our erotic pleasures, our fantasies, etc. And no, I’m not just speaking for myself.
Sometimes, Christians, and other religious people, may experience much suffering from such taboo thoughts and feelings because they have been brainwashed by religion and the church into believing that they’re “sinning” and that God will punish them in eternal flames of hell.
But the truth is, God (of both Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Energies/Consciousness and All That Is; afterall, God supposedly mentioned in the ten commandments to “honor their father and mother”) knows every one of our secret thoughts and feelings—whether “good” or “bad”—and if we weren’t meant to experience them, we wouldn’t.
We need to make a decision: we either believe in an “Almighty”/omnipotent (all-powerful), omniscient (all-knowing), omnipresent (all-present/everywhere always), and all-loving (cosmic unconditional love) God and trust that everything happens in Divine perfect timing and Divine order (since God itself is ultimately Divinely perfect), OR…
we admit that we believe in a half-ass God (taught by the old Christian religion) who has so much fearful ego energy, that it has to be judgmental (against Jesus’ teaching of not judging others), discriminating (only having “chosen” folks), jealous and angry (both not stemming from unconditional love, but rather from fear energy), punishing (goes against teachings of unconditional forgiveness), and condemning to hell (go against the teaching of “thou shall not kill”).
If a leader told me to do A-Z, but yet, I noticed that the leader himself didn’t speak, behave or act from his own “virtuous”teachings—basically being a “Do as I say, not as I do” type of leader—would I want to follow him and put him up on a pedestal? Of course not.
So why would I want to believe in a God that was introduced to me from the old Christian religion that basically flawed the meaning of God and its image by projecting its own negative, human characteristics onto God; thus, turning a heavenly God into a God that must be feared by all?
Instilling much fear into the heart’s of humanity is just the church’s way of being able to easily manipulate and control the majority of a fearful population who they deem “not intelligent enough to figure out the truth.”
The Actual Freaks of Nature
In one scene, a group of frustrated members of the their “Freak Show” gather to vent a shared truth—that even though society punishes them for being “freaks” with much judgment, hatred and the use of even violence, they don’t deserve to be treated in such a manner; and if they’re going to be treated as such, then they will show society what they’re capable of (the actual “ugly” side of them).
Nowadays, fortunately, society in general doesn’t tolerate such bullies—who pick on the weak, different, and any other targets that make bullies feel threatened due to their very fearful nature that’s masked with a “tough bully” disguise.
However, in our not too distant past, our society in general unfortunately accepted and approved of beating and hanging others because of different skin color, disrespecting others because of different gender (females), calling others all kinds of hurtful and degrading names because of their different race or culture, condemning others because of their different sexual preference, and basically, treating others who seemed “less than” on the outer surface as garbage.
If we go back further, society in general even accepted and allowed the slow burning of others at the stake for having beliefs that were different or foreign to the Catholic church.
So in those cases, who truly are the freaks of nature? The few “abnormal” who were just living and being their true self to the best of their ability, or the many “normal” who committed hurtful, unthinkable, and even horrific acts to prove that they were the better humans?
Of course, the latter were the so-called “freaks of nature” because they were the living creatures of Life who were not going with the flow of Life/embracing the all of All That Is/Being their unconditionally loving True Self, which was part of their actual nature, their essence. By going against the flow, they chose to be abnormal (not their true self).
When we don’t embrace what society labels as the “rejects” of society, the “rejects” of society will surely have the attitude, “Well, if that’s how I’m perceived, then I’ll give them a full show that they won’t be able to handle.”
Monsters create more monsters, just as hate creates more hate. The vicious cycle of out of control fearful energy ends when we, as individual souls (as well as collectively) decide that it’s time to turn the tables and bring back the long lost powerful unconditional energy that embraces the all of Life.
Being Balance Within
As I work on fully Being who I truly am—my already healed, integrated, and balanced Divinity within/Trinity: God (Divine Masculine Energy/Consciousness), Goddess(Divine Feminine Energy/Consciousness) and Divine Spirit/All That Is—I remind myself as often as needed to Be Balance/neutral/”to be in this world, but not of it.”
So what I do I mean by “fully” Being who I truly am? For me, that means practicing persistently (having faith/an inner-knowing) raising and maintaining a higher vibrational frequency—that’s in alignment with my Divinity within—until practice is no longer necessary.
So how do I go about accomplishing this seemingly impossible challenge? Do I struggle, rip out my hair, and be overwhelmed by trying to change my outer world—with the seemingly little skills, abilities, tools and resources that I currently have available to me—that seems to be exploding with so much human injustice and suffering?
Or, do I work on changing within myself (with inner-peace/eye within the storm)—raising and Being a master of maintaining a high vibrational frequency that’s in alignment with my Divinity within— so that my outer reality will continuously reflect my ever-changing inner reality as I shift into parallel realities, and eventually, tuning into an already existing Heaven on Earth that I (my already healed, integrated, and balanced soul/Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Energy/Consciousnesses/Mighty I AM Presence) co-created with my merged Divine Spirit/All That Is within me? I choose the latter.
One of my intention statements (a very powerful tool, like the Violet Flame) that I state at least twice daily—as soon as I wake up in the morning, and right before I fall asleep—is, “My intention is to effortlessly accept and love myself and others unconditionally at the deepest level of my being.”
So what do I mean by “effortlessly” doing or Being? I’ve learned (as a human being)/remembered (as a soul) from spiritual teachers—like Neale Donald Walsch, Bashar channeled through Darryl Anka, the Pleaidians, etc.—that whenever we follow our path of excitement and passion (from the merged Mind/Heart, not just lower mind of ego), we’ll not only notice that whatever w’re doing and Being is effortless, but we will also realize that it’s in alignment with our Divinity within us.
It’s our soul’s way of shouting to us through our physical body’s excitement (form of joy), “Yes! This is it! This is the path that will most highly benefit your individual and collective soul growth/evolution! You are on the ‘right’ path that will fulfill the Divine will within you/your life purpose/soul mission.”
Experiencing various synchronicities–both “positive” and “negative”/blessings in disguise/profound wisdom—will also show us that we’re continuing on a path that best serves us, as well as other souls.
Applying Various Teachings of Wisdom to Daily Life
We’ve heard of various teachings of wisdom whether we realize it or not. For me, some of the more profound teachings that I had (and continue to have) a yearning from my heart to deeply understand and eventually know (with inner-knowing) are:
- Jesus’ teachings about not judging others, unconditionally forgiving others (even over and over again if necessary), and unconditionally loving one’s enemies
- the sunshine and rain falling on the just and unjust
- unconditional love, the most powerful force in the multiverse and beyond
- accepting and loving myself and others unconditionally at the deepest level of my being
- healing, integrating, and balancing our ego self/wounded inn-child/unhealed masculine energy within (regardless of gender)/aspect of our soul who only does and choose to be what it knows best from its unconscious (forgotten its true essence => Divine Masculine Energy/Consciousness) state of being (not Being)—wanting to protect us and help us to survive in this dense and often dark world of much suffering by doing and being whatever necessary in order to be accepted and approved by society
- noticing (with awareness), recognizing (from heart rather than mind), acknowledging (that it’s a part of us), transmuting, healing, embracing (the aspects that highly serve our soul growth) our shadow self—often labeled as “dark”/”bad”/or even”evil” because they are unfamiliar, strange and/or unknown aspects of ourselves that we may fear due to our deepest fear of the unknown—that society judges, ridicules, avoids, rejects, condemns, and even kills because of its collective fearful egoic state of consciousness; hence, our ego self represses, suppresses, denies, ignores, and rejects the “unaccepted” traits, characteristics and parts of our soul in order to fit into the world.
- unity consciousness: that we are all–not just humans, but all of Life—interconnected in this most complicated, yet, simple, web of Life where every single form of Life has a significant purpose that contributes to the ultimate Divine Plan whether we realize it or not; and the more we (human beings) become aware of our Divinity within, the more we’re able to consciously (rather than unconsciously as a lost soul) co-create with our Divinity with, and effortlessly fulfill the Divine will within us.
- unconditionally embracing everything that shows up in Life—the “good” and the “bad”— trusting that everything happens in Divine perfect timing and Divine order for the highest benefit of ALL of Life, to include our souls
- when we choose to Be fully present in every Moment of Now—rather than dwelling in the past and being anxious about the future—we are in alignment with our Divinity within us, and everything that we do will come from the greatest powerful force that ever existed
Of course, it’s great to have learned/remembered various teachings of wisdom; but it’s a whole different ball game to actually live these teachings—“walk the walk” like many great masters did throughout human history, to include Buddha, Jesus/Mary Magdalene (Twin Flame), Lao Tzu, just to name a few.
As I work on remembering/eventually experiencing an inner-knowing (as a soul) to incorporate these profound and challenging teachings into my daily physical life, I’ve decided to just do and Be (my Divine Presence within me) to the best of my ability in every Moment of Now by smoothly going with the flow (follow my path of excitement and heart’s passion by paying attention to my inner/outer guidance) rather than stressing out.
So no matter what I’m doing, I ensure that I acknowledge self (my honorable body/vessel/temple that allows me to experience physical Life) and Divinity within me to experience and co-create together Life—to include inviting all extensions of Divinity within me like my Higher Self/guardian angel/angels, Archangels, and Ascended Masters (especially Jesus)/Star Family-Family of Light: Arcturians, Pleiadians, Sirians, Andromedans, Ashtar Command, and other Guardians of Light that I don’t currently remember yet/my Mighty I AM Presence/Father Sky/Great Central Sun/Prime Creator, Mother Earth/Gaia/Shakti/Universe/Multiverse/Trinity: God, Goddess, and Divine Spirit/All That Is.
Before this became a habit, I often forgot to acknowledge self and Divinity within me. I would then find myself reacting to Life as my fearful ego self (of a lower vibrational frequency) that shifted into a less pleasant physical parallel reality that reflected my inner state, rather than lovingly responding to Life as my Divine Presence within.
I trust that one magical and miraculous day, even this habit will fully transform into an effortless Being in every single Moment of Now. But until then, I will do and Be to the best of my ability, with the intention to see myself from the perspective of Divine Spirit within me experiencing a human awakening.