Note: Image on right below found next to link =>”See 2019’s Super Blood Wolf Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Photos – “
Last night, I briefly turned off the lights of our apartment, opened the shades to one of our windows near the ceiling , and observed the bright, Super Blood Wolf Moon; it was freezing outside (in Flagstaff, AZ), so I had no desire to go out to our balcony.
Side Note: It is my intention to move to one of the Hawaiian islands in the near future (I was stationed in Oahu in my Army days, and I loved the perfect weather there, and it felt closest to home, more than likely due to one of the soul family connections to ancient Lemuria; I would love to experience all of my heart’s desires coming to fruition.
Unlike other times where I expressed gratitude to the moons and/or suns, laid out my cleansed crystals to be charged with powerful, high energies, and even had certain expectations during significant times (like the full or super moons and/or eclipses), this time, I just enjoyed its presence for about five minutes or more. I then went to bed.
This morning, I had another recurring dream that I failed a physical test (i.e., Army Physical Fitness Test), though while in the Army in this physical reality, I’ve often excelled at APFT’s—even obtaining the maximum score of 300 or above (extended score).
In this dream, I wanted to do a practice 2 mile run so that I could be prepared for the upcoming Friday’s event.
I was running behind some male being—don’t recall what he looks like—and we were running through a valley (not the typical area for an Army APFT) that were the colors of beautiful Secret Canyon (similar to Antelope Canyon in Arizona); my husband, adult son, and I recently visited this area, a tour package deal that included the breathtaking Horseshoe Bend.
While running, I wanted to conserve my energy, so I focused on gracefully making extended leaps while taking deep breaths (the way I did during actual APFT’s).
I then came upon a gray house that appeared to be on the edge of a cliff-like area. I did my best to go around it—hanging on to whatever I could like rock climbing—but at one point, I wasn’t able to go any further without falling.
So I simply embraced it without being upset at myself for “failing”—the way I usually reacted in dream state whenever I failed at something physical, mental, emotional, and/or spiritual.
At that moment of letting go and unconditionally accepting what is, a gray pigeon flew next to me, and I observed its peaceful presence. Note: This is the first dream I’ve ever had of a pigeon that I recall, though I’ve dreamt of many earthly and otherworldly animals in dream state (shared in this blog; see About page)
I’ve had a feeling that I’ve been receiving messages from within–via the recurring dreams of failing a physical test—to take better care of my physical body and health by eating healthier and exercising.
I went through extended periods throughout the years (since 2012) where I ate very healthy, to include drinking LOTS of purified water and organic teas, and eating mostly plant-based foods.
My husband and I also experimented with the vegan phase for less than a year between 2017 and 2018; but then I noticed A LOT of negativity showing up in my reality.
It was the most intense, negative people showing up in my life (besides my three parents being the so-called worst) from mostly the four different jobs in Sedona within a year (fall of 2017-2018 shared in post series under the Sedona section of this blog’s About page; so I pretty much said, “F!@# it! I’m done.” Plus, I just wanted the freedom to eat whatever I felt like eating.
However, I later realized that these so-called negative energies were resurfacing in my life due to the so-called mega purge from within (i.e, healthy energies going in, and unhealthy energies going out).
Though I’ve seen an intriguing ad within YouTube videos several times—and I highly respect and admire the guy for confidently owning his authenticity, to include saying something humorous like, “I’m the weird guy at the supermarket who smells like patchouli”—for the first time yesterday, I was strongly drawn to order the Organifi green juice power and red juice powder after checking out its website, ingredients, and various 4.5-5 star reviews from many people.
To my great surprise, my husband was interested in trying it as well; and we agreed that if we like or love it, we will test out the other products as well, to include the gold juice (tea for night time).
I would love to incorporate mostly healthy foods into my diet again while enjoying occasional treats that I FEEL like having (without judgment).
During my son’s visit, we all went to a Brazilian steakhouse in Phoenix for his last meal before heading back. Though my family and I have really enjoyed eating at such places before, something unusual happened this time.
I didn’t enjoy eating any of the seemingly tough, flavorless, and fatty meats, and I discontinued eating any of it when I came to the point where I felt repulsed by the mere sight of the small pool of blood on my plate (from the medium-rare beef that I used to love).
So I ate the salmon, clams, and mussels instead, since I wasn’t attracted to their tiny selection of unappealing salads (though I enjoy a delicious and refreshing salad).
I started drinking teas again lately thanks to Mikey Chen and his videos. I’ve been enjoying matcha and genmatcha teas for a couple of months now, and since then, I hardly ever drink coffee.
I used to exercise a lot—a habit I developed from the Army days—but ever since I injured myself in 2015, I became demotivated.
While sprinting during interval runs one day with my husband (who’s also an Army veteran/a former Medic), I felt a sharp pain in my right hamstrings unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before. Though I’ve jogged, ran, sprinted, and ruck marched many times while in the Army, I never had this new issue.
As I’ve shared within my blog somewhere a while back, I strongly sensed at the time that Spirit was communicating to me to slow down in life and take time to smell the roses; and that I was no longer in the Army, so doing rigorous exercises like sprints weren’t needed or beneficial.
Since that day, I’ve experienced sporadic sciatica issues—mostly on the right side of my body—that I strongly felt in my hamstrings, buttocks, and/or lower back. Even walking around for 30 minutes would trigger this issue at times.
After doing some searches online, I found out that my sciatica issues were more than likely related to my root and/or sacral chakras.
Since then, I used various healing modalities, to include:
- aroma therapy: incense, essential oils, candles, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, face and body lotion, certain teas, certain foods, etc.
- color therapy: clothes, towels, household items, decorations, vision boards that I put together with a lot of red, orange, and yellow for the physical, foundation chakras
- sound therapy: toning that I rarely do, listening to healing music that I highly resonate with, and not because it’s merely labeled as healing music, listening to highly effective binaural beats while focusing on my Google Slides vision board that’s titled, “My New Life” (where I copy and paste various images from online that I love or would love to experience in the near future), and simply listening to and even singing along any uplifting music from various genres that I enjoy)
- crystal therapy: that I often place in my pillow case and/or purse, place on my Goddess altar, and even wear as jewelry. Ever since I’ve personally experienced the power of various crystals, though not all (especially how they often influence my body, moods, and dreams), I’ve been losing interest in regular jewelry; I suppose that’s the practical side of me. For instance, I recently had an earache and upper right shoulder pain, so I placed crystals related to the throat and heart chakras in my pillowcase that night; and sure enough, the aches were gone shortly after. I also expressed my inner-truths via blogging today, and further opened my mind and heart on certain matters, which helps as well.
- dancing: I have absolutely LOVED dancing since I was a toddler, according to my mother, so much so that I would start dancing as soon as my mother placed me in the bathtub; she said that I loved water a lot as well. From my late teens to early thirties, whenever I went to a club and would get lost in the uplifting music and free-flowing dance, I felt so liberated and joyful. And every now and then, I would experience a delightful surprise where strangers would form a large circle around me and start cheering me on. Once, my Cuban girlfriend from my first Army training after boot camp—AIT (Advanced Individual Training)—talked me into dancing in a cage at this huge, three story club that was about seven to eight feet above the main dance floor; I had never experienced something so bold and seemingly naughty like that, so my curiosity took over any ego judgments, and we had pure fun. She was a great dancer—as well as HOT, friendly, confident, feisty (with her Latino attitude), very vocal (sometimes blunt), ambitious (did 50 sit-ups before bed every single night), physically fit (maxed her APFT’s every time), stylish (with her outfits, hairstyle, makeup, and accessories), and smart (mentally as someone who had a positive outlook on life and as a Cryptologic Spanish Linguist/Analyst, and emotionally with her interpersonal skills and her willingness to embrace her authenticity, to include her true thoughts and feelings)—so we complimented one another in our harmonious moves. I noticed that once I get into dance mode, I’m in a world full of sheer confidence, creativity, and the intense feeling of sexiness (after a few beers or cocktails to release the inhibitions). Whenever I experienced sciatica issues, and felt like dancing just a little bit, I would move my hips with the music in the shape of the eternity sign, which seemed to alleviate the pain. However, I haven’t danced in a while due to various reasons—to include feeling older and heavier, and having a lack of energy—so I’m going to start again, even if it’s a little bit at home. Dancing is one of my greatest passions and pleasures, so I need to reconnect with this aspect. I would love to gently dance even when I’m in my elderly stage in life.
However, when my very athletic, adult son came to visit recently, we walked and hiked much more than what I was used to, to include the highest point I’ve ever climbed on Bell Rock, and up to Devil’s Bridge on mostly icy snow.
While at the top of Devil’s Bridge, my husband decided to head down first so that he could get the car and meet us at the crossroads toward the bottom area; he knew I was in pain, so he wanted to help out as much as he could.
So when my son and I was on our way back down from Devil’s Bridge, I was so exhausted from my sciatica pain in my right hamstring (that I had told my son about) and the shooting pain from my right bunyun (that hurts every now and then), that I didn’t even pay attention to the route.
I just followed my son who was way ahead of me, and at one point, while we were heading downward—off the path we found out later, and had to climb back up the hill to find the actual route—I ended up sliding on the ice and falling on my butt, where I hit my coccyx bone on the edge of a large, sharp rock.
Though it hurt a lot, a positive thought popped into my awareness that the impact was going to somehow assist with my root chakra area.
To my great surprise, my adult son turned around while appearing irritated, and asked in an annoyed tone, “Do you want me to come over there and help you up?”
I replied that I was fine, and my son continued that he didn’t understand why I had to say the word coccyx instead of butt—though it didn’t seem like a big deal—and I explained that the level of pain can be different depending on the exact location, and I’m just used to expressing accurately, or close to it.
At that moment, I had a flashback of when my ex-husband (my son’s father) who often walked way ahead of me—even while I was pregnant in my third trimester (being around 140 to 150 lbs at 4’9″)—and even getting annoyed with how slow I was.
During that time-frame, he once told me that I reminded him of a slow walrus when I was trying to get out of bed, which was little funny.
When I expand my perspective, I understand that my ex-husband having been a U.S. Marine at the time, was more than likely conditioned to have very little patience for any physical slowness; in addition, like my son, he had been very athletic and active since junior high-school.
Though my ex-husband is an overall good guy with some wonderful qualities, he did have a tendency to be very insensitive; and he seemed to have passed down that aspect to my son, as well as my adult daughter—whom my ex-husband’s current wife of over 15 years now (who’s wonderful) referred to my daughter and her husband as both “cold-hearted” at times; and I could see why.
I now realize that this aspect that’s called “cold-hearted” continues to show up in this physical reality because I have repressed it since childhood, and have continued to suppress throughout adulthood.
During childhood, when my mother used to say things like, “You’re nothing but a cold-hearted jap!” (out of her own anger/wounded self), it hurt so bad that I ended up rejecting this aspect of self; and when we reject any aspect within ourselves, we’re unable to accept it in others.
However, I now unconditionally accept/embrace this aspect of self that’s labeled, “cold-hearted,” because it exists within me (and everyone else to varying degrees), it has a Divine purpose (like every other neutral aspect that exists within us), and can still show up in a beneficial way (to self and interconnected others) when absolutely needed (without taking over the ship—aka whole self/Self—in an out of control way).
During my last visit to my son’s high school graduation week, my ex-husband’s wife briefly vented about our son; she mentioned that at one point, she turned to her husband and shouted, “I can’t do this anymore!” because our son was acting like an @$$ (i.e., being insensitive and ungrateful at times).
I’ve talked to both my daughter and son while they were younger, to ensure they respect their step-mother—whom they refer to as mother, and used to refer to me as mama—but though they’re overall awesome kids (now amazing adults to me), they, like many other teenage phases throughout the world, had their pain in the @$$ ways of being at times.
After the experience of my son seemingly not being able to empathize with another’s pain, I had an intuitive, confident knowing that that would be last time I ever go hiking with him. I realized that I deserve to be in the company of those who are more patient and compassionate.
But then again, when I expand my perspective, I realize that I need to be more patient and compassionate toward myself first and foremost, before expecting others to be this way toward me.
I hadn’t seen my adult son for a couple of years, so I wanted to do all that he loves to do—active activities like hiking, despite the very high elevation in Flagstaff (7000+ feet) and cold weather, to include snow and ice.
However, I had set my needs, wants, and desires aside—like needing, wanting, and desiring to rest, relax, and recover due to sciatica issues and flu-like ascension symptoms, which ranged from mild to uncomfortable pain.
I’ve learned the importance of making it a priority to care for self, even if certain loved ones don’t seem to think it’s a big deal.
Granted, even though my son wanted to hike Mt. Humphreys (12,000 ft) really bad in freezing cold, snowy, and icy January weather, I told him, “No” (which wasn’t easy to say), which later turned into a, “HEYLL no!” (which was very easy to say) when he was persistent.
My husband initially agreed to go with him, but after they hiked all the way to the top of Mt. Elden on Day 1 of my son’s visit—and them sliding and falling down multiple times on the way back down—he, too, said, “NO” to Mt. Humphreys.
Fortunately, we had more snow as the days went by, so even the guy working at Mt. Humphreys suggested to my son that it probably wasn’t a good idea; so he didn’t end up going.
I also have no doubt that my son would have a better time hiking with those who are like him—athletic, energetic, super motivated, and very fast.
And I understand that he’s used to fast movement since he was in track and cross country (and even did very well during high level competitions), and continues to participate in challenging activities, to include half-marathons (soon to be full marathons), mountain hiking, etc.
Though the hikes kicked my @$$, I couldn’t believe I was capable of doing such challenging activities for my body’s condition, and while experiencing mild flu-symptoms (aka ascension/Light symptoms), especially body aches and sinus issues where I was blowing my runny nose dozens of times per day (way more than usual).
I thanked my son for motivating me, and for helping me to achieve what I didn’t think was possible anymore, though I felt really exhausted on all energetic levels—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
Granted, I told my husband and son that I don’t plan on pushing myself like that again since I no longer have the need to feel obligated to do such strenuous things, and anything else I truly don’t feel like doing at whatever moment (even if it’s for a family member that I love).
I prefer spending time in nature at my own pace, taking breaks when needed, and while enjoying the scenery—to include exploring, walking and hiking; trying to catch up with my young, super motivated, athletic son, who was moving pretty fast, was more stressful that joyful.
While in the Army, and during my prime (late twenties to mid-thirties), I was in the best mental and physical shape of my life, to include:
- being able to self-motivate, have an overall positive outlook, and have unshakable faith in the unknown (to include my own abilities)
- being able to pass Army Basic Combat Training with flying colors (graduating in the top ten percent), that was challenging on all levels—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual
- being able to pass or excel at mentally challenging MOS’s (Military Occupational Specialty) training , courses, and positions in the Army:
- Advanced Individual Training (AIT) for Cryptologic Linguist/Analyst (98G-KP, now 35P-KP) and Human Intelligence Collector/Interrogator (97E, now 35M)
- The CEWEOC Course (Communications Electronic Warfare Equipment Operations Center)
- PLDC (Primary Leadership Development Course)
- BNOC (Basic Non-Commissioned Officer Course)
- The Army Instructor Course
- The Senior Interrogator Course
- Positions: Platoon Sergeant, Instructor, Operations Manager
- being very toned all over my body (especially muscular in the arms and legs)
- eating overall healthy and being able to eat whatever I want and how much I want without gaining a lot of weight
- being able to ruck march up to 12 miles while wearing and carrying up to half my weight (ruck sack, M16 rifle, communications equipment, flak vest, combat helmet, etc.); and once with shin splints, and once while also carrying the company guidon
- being able to run non-stop for 6+ miles on long run days
- and being able to run two miles as fast as 14 minutes and 44 seconds, do up to 66 push ups and perform up to 85 sit ups during APFT’s.
Granted, I wasn’t in the best shape for my emotional and spiritual energy bodies then. I hadn’t learned what it truly means to love all aspects of whole self unconditionally (still working on that nowadays), to include:
- fully embracing all emotions (our inner compass revealing our authentic state at any given moment)
- honoring all of our feelings (language of the soul)
- noticing, recognizing, acknowledging, reconnecting and deeply healing our wounded aspect of inner-child
- crying/releasing/deeply healing/integrating without judgment
- treating, pampering, and taking care of our needs, wants, and desires
- and knowing more of Multidimensional self (earthly and otherworldly physical selves)/Self (Source: Soul/Spirit within).
In addition, I didn’t make a lot of time to fully connect with Soul/Spirit within—though I read and reviewed Neale Donald Walsch books every now and then—since the Army life was hectic.
It usually started between 4:00-4:30 a.m., and ended between 6:00-7:30 p.m., along with other weekend shifts (like staff duty and coming in as a team to finish long-term analysis reports), unit events, volunteer work, off-duty time spent with soldiers (providing extra training for physical fitness and/or weight loss, studying for Soldier or NCO of the Month Boards or promotion boards, treating soldiers to holiday or special occasion outings, etc.), TDY’s (Temporary Duty Travels), and deployment.
When I left the Army life in 2011, it was as though I started the reverse process of becoming healthier emotionally and spiritually, but not mentally and physically, though they’re all ultimately connected.
Since then, I started focusing on my inner-work—to know and unconditionally love more and more aspects of my whole, Multidimensional self/Self, to include Soul/Spirit within.
This included the following:
- paying more attention to self/Self, recognizing and acknowledging self/Self, better understanding self/Self, having compassion for self/Self, unconditionally forgiving self/Self
- further opening my mind and heart (toward integrated Mind/Heart)
- seeing the bigger picture, expanding my perspective/individual and collective consciousness (soul growth/evolution on all energetic levels—physical, mental, emotional, financial and spiritual)
- the creation of this blog—and the previous blog of bobbieslife on wordpress,com (that I eventually deleted due to some duplicate contents)—where I learned to fully and freely express my inner-truths (thoughts, observations, feelings, beliefs, words, actions, habits, behaviors, etc.)
- the creation of various artwork, poetry, cards, cartoons, songs, and comedy sets (integrating humor with profound wisdom)
- the exploring of the wide spectrum of Spirituality within this world and interconnected worlds within this Universe and beyond
- inner-child work and shadow work (learned mostly from Teal Swan and the website lonerwolf, though I don’t resonate with everything that any outer teacher shares since we all have our filters, and the ultimate teacher is the Master Teacher within (aka Source: Soul/Spirit, merged God/Goddess). Again, I like to follow my inner guidance first and foremost and extract what highly resonates with me, and disregard or discard whatever doesn’t FEEL light/true/right with my heart
- and the practice of integrating all the profound wisdom I’ve learned into my daily life to the best of my ability (inspired mostly by Spiritual Life Coach Victor Oddo, though I haven’t mastered it yet)
- sporadically performing open mic poetry or open mic comedy at different locations—Texas (San Antonio) and Arizona (Flagstaff, Tempe, and Sedona)—starting in 2017 (a total of three times for open mic poetry, and eight times for open mic comedy)
Perhaps this year of 2019 is the time to transform all of my energy bodies into a merged, healthier, whole, full-potential, Multidimensional self/Self; it is my intention to let it be so.
The following are dream interpretations from various sites for the key words in this dream (the source links are at the end of each interpretation): Side Note: I don’t necessarily resonate with everything that a particular site shares; I’ve been in the habit of always following my inner guidance first and foremost, and only extracting what resonates with me, and disregarding whatever doesn’t FEEL light/true/right
Dream Meaning of Valley. To see valley in your dream is a sign of success, plenty of gain, fertility and happiness.
A valley can show a sexual side to a dreamer and even though it is simply a landscape, valleys usually also are a sign of fertility, life, and treasure.
Valleys are places where growth and opportunity would happen for tribes of people and were blessings for people that were traveling or hunting and gathering. Because of the importance of survival and safety that valleys often would give ancient people many cultures still consider dreams of valleys to have incredible and lucky meanings […]
Seeking out new territory is a good thing to dream about as well because it represents manifesting new opportunities and increasing the positive potential in your life. When you discover a valley, this new find represents a new opportunity coming your way in your life. Be on the lookout for positive changes.
Colors are very subjective and personal. Therefore first consider your own personal associations with the color in your dream [Gray reminds me of neutrality]
Your dream house is symbolic of the Self, while the rooms inside the house relate to various aspects of the Self and to the many facets of your personality. The attic refers to the mind, while the basement represents the subconscious.
Gray indicates fear, fright, depression, ill health, ambivalence and confusion. You may feel emotionally distant, isolated, or detached. Alternatively, the color gray symbolizes your individualism. Dream Moods
Pigeon – Meaning of Dream. The pigeon, symbolizes freedom, the dream with these birds, portends changes in personal relations of the dreamer person.
There are two most common interpretations of dreams that feature pigeons. One of them is associated with peace and prosperity, and the other one is associated with love and marriage. Pigeon dream meaning depends on the details of the vision itself.
If in your dream you merely see a pigeon in front of you it signifies that you an era of personal and spiritual peace is in front of you. Long-term plans will be successful as there is an active element of prosperity and stability that is associated with this dream. It can also be said that this dream signifies that the upcoming time is suitable for putting long-term plans into practice.
Seeing Pigeons in your waking life (taking a Divine notice toward them) Visions, Flashes, Dreams or Photos/Paintings is symbolic & a Sign that you will receive a message from those who have a Divine Eye or ear towards the future. You may visit a messenger of some kind or you may be the messenger for someone or Humanity.
You are asked to hold no judgment & to do what you were sent to do. Deliver. Don’t question it. Do not force your way, as this message will happen naturally. It will be received. Hold no fear or doubt as this is exactly what you were meant to speak. It may also be for yourself also(two birds with one stone) which is why you are being asked to not judge. Even though you should not judge, to begin with.
It is of Divine importance that you make way to receive & way to give. The blessings are coming, that is for sure.
Pigeons are symbolic that soon a prophetic word will enter your life what you do following it is up to you. You can do as you wish but that is up to you. Pigeons are signs of Divinity at work or Divine working together in the Universe on your behalf […]
Always cherish your blessings they are subject to change, nothing ever remains the same. At some point, it has decided to move along. You are asked to do the same & know that as one chapter closes another is beginning. Changes aren’t abrupt neither or you guided to throw all of your progress away to make a change. Change is ‘change’ not obstruction/destruction. Change only asks that you see differently. Through New Eyes. Your life gets better, once you have climbed you can only fail at that level not start it all again even though it seems like it.
Pigeons are also symbolic for movement geographically speaking. So know that this change may not necessarily note that you will make some personal changes but of awareness/location/ways of doing things. Get rid of obsolete beliefs about anything. You’re moving up & cannot be served what is no longer progressing with you. Pigeons are symbolic of revolution & evolution.
It is time to go upward, forward & into what is in front of you.
Quornesha S. Lemon
Sacred Spirit Shaman™
The Prophetic Life Coach
Channeled by Quornesha S. Lemon| Shaman, Author, Transpersonal Life Coach| with Abilities in Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Mediumship, Animal Communication, Healing, Reiki Master Teacher, Crystal Reiki Master, Certified Hypnotherapist, Hoodoo Practitioner, And so much more|
The Pigeon Totem
Pigeon: Love and Security of Home
Pigeon can teach us how to find our way back to the security of home. It can help you remember and find the love of home that was lost. If a Pigeon totem comes to you, ask yourself if you have forgotten your foundation, your heritage. Return to your home, your foundation, and draw upon the loving energies surrounding them. In times of strife, huddle together with your family and draw upon its strength. Pigeon reminds us of the possibility of a loving and safe home.
Pigeon teaches many lessons of home: love, security, fertility and family. He teaches us to remember home life for answers and the importance of family communication with a sense of togetherness. Pigeon shows how to bring peace, love and understanding to situations and teaches us the art of communication and cooperation. Is it time to call a family member or take a trip home? Are you listening to the hints of family members? Are you compassionate toward others? Perhaps it is a time for forgiveness? It is a time to express appreciation and gratitude of brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles and parents for family brings us unconditional sense of belonging.
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