Recently, I experienced two nights of seeing sharks in dream state, a message from my subconscious to pay close attention, especially since this theme repeated.
Image [on right above] by PIRO4D from Pixaba
Though I have a fear of sharks in this particular, physical reality, within yesterday’s series of dreams, I calmly observed a shark’s fin gradually surface from the depths of the ocean, and within fleeting moments, about half of its magnificent body revealed itself as well; this happened twice, back to back.ย
Image by Manka September from Pixabay
Soon after, I was underwater, and was watching a shark gracefully swimย and interact with some unknown, Caucasian male being, whom, even in dream state, I thought, must be a shark whisperer.
At one point, he even disturbed the sand beneath him, which made me wonder if he was trying to act like a shark.
This was a great reminder that we can benefit from mimicking certain aspects of whatever animal spirit guide we cross paths with—whether in physical reality or dream state—like the ability to dive deep into our subconscious (ocean) and explore (the dark/unknown) with sheer confidence.
I checked out various interpretations of the shark spirit guide messages—along with other key words that I selected from these dreams—and only took on board those that felt right/light/true to my Heart, and disregarded the rest, though I understand that it can apply to others whose beliefs match those so-called limiting meanings.
Image by armennano from Pixabay
Granted, ultimately, we can choose to define any and every aspect of our lives, though some assistance from our outer world (mirroring our inner world) can be helpful and interesting as well.
Image by Sarah Richter from Pixabay
What also amazes me, is that whenever I focus on something (at times), that theme shows up in this physical reality, like Teal’s mention of sharks in the video, “Why You Should Consciously Choose Consequences – Decision Making.”
By the way, Teal Swan has shared videos in the past about this manifestation topic, which I was initially skeptical about…UNTIL I personally experienced them.
In addition, I also noticed this image (on left) within Pixabay, which instantly reminded me of seeing two pairs of red converse in yesterday’s series of dreams as well (which I checked out interpretations of), though they weren’t in the same dream as the sharks.
Granted, the shoe in the image is green, but what are the odds of this combination of symbols showing up twice?
Image [on left above] by janrye from Pixabay
And this perfect image provided an extra puzzle piece to this part of the dream—the cat that’s often symbolic of the Divine Feminine energies (as well as water)—which reminded me of the teamwork of both the male and female energies within interconnected Life (to include the Soul), since the shark is often symbolic of the highly focused, determined, forward-moving, BOLD, authoritative, and protective Divine Masculine energies, though all animal spirit guides often include a mix of these energies.
Image [on right above] by janrye from Pixabay
After taking in the shark spirit guide messages—that I trust are ultimately from the Great Spirit/Divine Mother Goddess within interconnected Life of this world and beyond—I had mixed feelings.
Image by joseph kamau from Pixabay
I intuitively and confidently knew that they were meant to inspire and motivate me to take a particular action, that I’ve intended to do recently (mentioned in the previous post, “Seeing the Bigger Picture of the Topic Rape Within Comedy“).
Image by hang Anna from Pixabay
However, there were still remnants of fear energy, to include some insecurities, doubts, and even self-judgments; and understandably so, since creating an open-mic set, and then performing it in front of a bunch of strangers (besides my husband), within a specific timeframe—that has to be pretty spot on to avoid taking other comedians’ time—and doing one’s best to cause others to enjoy as well (via smiles and laughter) can be a pretty intense (though fun) challenge.
Image [on left above] by JanetRDominguez from Pixabay
So I decided to grab this opportunity (like a shark)—what I’ve learned from the above video message—and apply my own, current situation, that I trust will be very beneficial.
I’m reminded, once again, that as we follow our inner guidance—aka Heart, gut feeling, intuition/inner-knowing, inner wisdom, insights, ideas, passion, excitement, etc.—we will recognize the related breadcrumbs of that particular series of Divine synchronicity (i.e., intervention from Cosmic forces that are meant to highly benefit the whole self/Self/interconnected Life within this world and beyond, and they’re not just coincidences).ย
Image by KatjaZuz from Pixabay
Consciously Choosing Probable Consequences of Performing Open-Mic Comedy
Image [on right below] by Free-Photos from Pixabay
The “Negative” Consequences:
- Suddenly feeling very nervous
- Self-criticism setting in like, “What were you thinking to do this?!”
- Having a brain fart, and needing to improvise on the spot
- Noticing facial expressions from the audience that seem to convey: negative judgment, non-acceptance, disapproval, boredom, anger, resentment, jealously, etc.
- Set not smoothly flowing the way it was rehearsed
- Being booed (though this hasn’t happened yet, there’s a possibility and probability that it could)
- Slow, unenthusiastic claps at the end of performance
- Dirty looks and distant demeanors from certain comedians after the show
- A seasoned comedian loudly criticizing (in front of others) about something that went “wrong”
- This happened to me once with a female comedian from Flagstaff, AZ, who was in her 60’s or so, and she apparently performed there for a couple of decades. She didn’t like my position on stage, but wasn’t tactful about it. If this were to occur again, I choose to be assertive rather than passive, regardless of that person’s older age (a conditioned cultural thing, Korean to be specific).
Image [on right below] by Jose Antonio Alba from Pixabay
The “Positive” Consequences:
- Not feeling nervous at all (perhaps due to being in alignment with Higher Self within; hence, in flow/channeling state); but also unconditionally embracing any remnants of fear-based states with much self-love
- Positive self-talk setting in like (though negative thoughts can be transmuted as well):
- “What were you FEELING to do this?! What an awesome idea!”
- “You GOT this girlfriend!”
- “Just Be Authentic You”
- “Simply have FUN!”
- Not having any brain farts, and even welcoming them (should they occur) and feeling excited and confident that I can effortlessly improvise on the spot
- Noticing facial expressions from the audience that seem to convey: negative judgment, non-acceptance, non-approval, boredom, anger, resentment, jealously, etc., AND being at peace with them via ALLOWING what IS
- Noticing facial expressions from the audience that seem to convey: non-judgment, understanding, unconditional acceptance, inner-peace, celebration, contentment, upliftment, excitement, etc.
- Set smoothly flowing the way it was rehearsed; and if not, fully embracing spontaneity, unpredictability, and surprises
- An abundance of claps and supportive cheers, while also appreciating even slow, unenthusiastic claps at the end of a performance, or even embracing any booing (better than no claps, or even having food thrown at you, though those can be welcomed with light humor as well)
- Supportive, unconditionally kind, soul-igniting, and/or deeply heartfelt looks from other comedians (as well as encouragements and compliments), though dirty looks and distant demeanors from certain comedians after the show is okay as well since they’re just being authentic with how they feel at those moments
- A seasoned comedian providing helpful feedback, though a criticizing one can be embraced as well, with healthy boundaries, and with the realization that they’re expressing the best they know how from their state of consciousness
I’m also reminded that we, within humanity, can have a tendency to remember more negative experiences of Life thanย positive ones.
Image by joseph_Berardi from Pixabay
So even though the aggressive, seasoned comedian (that I mentioned above) had left a memorable impression—which stemmed from being triggered and feeling strong, negative emotions—there were also the opposite/contrast experiences that I didn’t give much thought and credit to, even though they were very positive, AND they outnumbered the one negative experience.
For instance, shortly after starting open-mic comedy in 2017—once I practiced open-mic poetry several times at a few locations—a comedy club manager from San Antonio, TX, approached me before I left for the night, to share that I had good material, and that I should check out the paid, open-mic performances (that the seasoned ones performed at), which I did (with my husband) and enjoyed.
He eventually introduced me to his friend—another manager who was visiting from Phoenix (who apparently worked with Ali Wong)—who suggested that I perform in Phoenix upon moving to Arizona.
The manager from Phoenix shared his name and club name—that I thought we saved in my husband’s phone at the time (since I didn’t have mine on me)—but it didn’t happen. But I trust that we’ll cross paths again if it’s meant to highly benefit interconnected Life.
During that time, I thought these managers were really kind men, who just wanted to encourage, uplift, empower, and/or inspire a new, open-mic comedian (which can be one of the truths as well).
But it wasn’t until later that it occurred to me that maybe…just maybe…they actually saw potential in me, so they wanted to share their observations and suggestions.ย
The San Antonio manager also mentioned to me that they needed more female comedians, which seemed true, since there appears to be way more male comedians in our world in general.
In addition, some of the female comedians that I watched on TV, or at open-mic comedy events, had a tendency to often put themselves and other females down, get overly raunchy, and/or try too hard to be so tough and aggressive (like some guys).
These effective CONTRASTS helped me to realize the kind of comedian I didn’t prefer being; so these seemingly negative aspects were actually blessings in disguise.
Whenever we experience the OPPOSITES/CONTRASTS/DUALITY/POLARITY of interconnected Life, it helps us to better define our preferences—like who we choose to Be, say, and do (or not), what we choose to believe (or not), how we choose to behave (or not), etc..
In addition to this positive experience, a seasoned, female open-mic comedian from Phoenix—who was visiting and performing in Flagstaff years ago—approached me after my performance, and congratulated me with a big smile on doing well.
And last but not least, one of the MC’s at Flagstaff a while back, introduced me to a small group of open-mic comedians, and enthusiastically said, “She’s amazing!” which seemed unbelievable—due to my severe lack of self-belief at the time—though I deeply appreciated her for sharing such a generous compliment.
Even the male MC at Stir Crazy Comedy Club in Glendale (on 6/2/21), was very friendly and supportive.
So I need to always keep in mind that Life’s not mostly negative, though it can seem that way whenever we’re experiencing challenging moments, situations, and phases, and we end up being too hard on ourselves.ย
The following is a comment that I shared for this video, “Why You Should Consciously Choose Consequences – Decision Making” mentioned above:
THIS is why I look forward to watching these ‘out of the box’ videos, that contain an abundance of highly creative, expanded perspectives, and are very stimulating, soul-igniting, practical and helpful. Granted, in the past, there were certain messages that initially triggered me, but I later realized—by further opening my mind and heart to integrated Mind/Heart—I was able to deeply understand them (ultimately meant to profoundly heal and benefit interconnected Life within this world and beyond). I still choose to follow my inner guidance (first and foremost), with ANY outer, Soul Teacher—or even WHOLE and not just “good” Master Teachers like Teal—to include listening with discernment and inner wisdom, but I’ve discovered that Teal is one of those rare gems within the broad spectrum of Spirituality, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s a genius. So thanks again Teal for your precious existence and invaluable contributions to us all! ^_^
I also read the following helpful articles:
- “Comedy Open Mic: Are You Ready?“
- “Does It Take 5 โ 10 Years To Get Good At Stand-up Comedy? Only If You Want To Take That Longโฆ“
- “Bad Assumptions Can Kill Your Chances Of Success As A Comedian“
- “Confidence: A Critical Attribute Every Comedian Must Have“
- I shared this comment for the above articles:
- Thank you so much Steve for sharing these helpful articles full of experiential knowledge/wisdom! I will also check out the free training modules, as well as the ” Killer Stand-up Online Course” afterwards. I’ve bookmarked your awesome website to further explore. You are deeply appreciated. ^_^
- I shared this comment for the above articles:
A helpful reminder to simply embrace whatever shows up, “Abraham Hicks ~ Screw What Others Think.”
A great reminder to reclaim our inborn, free-spirit and have more FUN in Life, “Abraham Hicks ~ This Is How You Experience Absolute Freedom.”
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