This morning, as usual, I simply went with the flow of Life—following my Heart’s inner-guidance to do what felt the most exciting at the moment (even to the smallest degree). Thank you to Bashar’s teachings!
I’ve been living and being this way—to the best of my ability—because I’ve learned (as a human)/remembered (as a soul) to trust that the high vibrational frequency state of joy (which includes excitement) is a sure sign that I’m in alignment with Spirit within.
Note: Image on right found next to link => (thank you)
As one interesting moment led to another, I opened up the Google search page, though I forget why. I then noticed an artwork image of an Asian women verbally expressing, which aroused my curiosity.
When I moved the curser on top of it, it displayed, “Yuri Kochiyama’s 95th Birthday.”
I had never heard of this being before, and had an urge to find out. I clicked on the image, and went straight to Google images since I’m a very visual learner, and I like to get a general feel for whatever I’m about to explore.
After enjoying some of Yuri’s quotes, I went to Wikipedia to extract information that highly resonates with me, and disregard whatever doesn’t (the way I do with all outer sources).
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I found her overall, summarized story unconventional (something I’m very drawn to), intriguing, courageous, BOLD, empowering, and inspiring.
Granted, there were some parts that didn’t really interest me, but I was able to deeply understand where she was coming from; and I have no doubt her intentions came from her Heart’s desire to reunite all of humanity to the best of her ability.
Note: Image on right found next to link => (thank you). Side Note: When I came upon this image, I was reminded of what my husband told me of this morning. He said that I ended up sleeping on my back again with both arms raised above my head—with hands coming together like I often do (which reminds me of Divine Goddess); I added that I thought it was interesting since I always start off in bed in the fetal position (which reminds me of inner child/soul).
When I came upon the section below (in Wikipedia), I highly resonated with the quoted words; however, I also had an urge to look up the quotes from the actual book, Heartbeat of Struggle: The Revolutionary Life of Yuri Kochiyama By Diane Carol Fujino.
Wikipedia references the book above as the source of the quote it shared, so I just wanted to confirm that the quote actually came from Yuri Kochiyama herself.
Wikipedia has been known to be inaccurate at times, so I sometimes double-check to satisfy my own curiosity; and sure enough, the following two quotes—merged as one—is found within the book:
In response to the United States’ actions following the September 11 attacks in 2001, Kochiyama stated that “the goal of the war [on terrorism] is more than just getting oil and fuel. The United States is intent on taking over the world” and “it’s important we all understand that the main terrorist and the main enemy of the world’s people is the U.S. government. Racism has been a weakness of this country from its beginning. Throughout history, all people of color, and all people who don’t see eye-to-eye with the U.S. government have been subject to American terror.”[19]
Note: Two image right above found next to links (different videos) => 1) and 2)
The above, quoted section instantly reminded me of a story I had shared a while back, under the subtitle, “Sharing God’s Miraculous Blessings: Back-to-Back ‘Failures’ Part II” within the long post, “Embracing a Setback to Set Forward“—about some of my experience with Iraqi detainees during deployment within the Army.
In addition, it also reminded me of the link I had shared on my homepage recently: Remembering the Masterpiece Within titled, “Examples of Constant Reminders from So-Called Leaders of our World“
However, I’m also reminded from within that the so-called corrupt bullies, manipulators, and control-freaks of this world can been seen from another perspective—an expanded perspective of the integrated higher and balanced Mind/Heart.
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I now trust that the above mentioned “evil” characters are examples of the extreme ego self in our world in order to grab our attention.
It’s like the lower/dark energies of our inner world—lost aspects of soul—are showing up in our world (to the extreme) to shout, “Hey! Over here!! Acknowledge my existence within you, and share your Light and Love!” because its been repressed and suppressed for so long.
I trust that the fearful ego self exists within all of us to whatever degree at whatever moment (i.e., fluctuating in its lower vibrational frequency); it, like everything else in Life, has a Divine purpose—to help us to survive in this physical world.
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So when we take a step back, and examine the so-called corrupt bullies, manipulators, and control-freaks of this world, we can have compassion for them.
We can realize that they’re like extremely competitive, insecure little boys who often shout words like, “That’s mine!! All mine!!!” and “I win!…Loser!!” while making the “L” sign with their fingers.
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Some other examples are immature boys who bully others who are smaller than them (similar to big countries taking over smaller or less powerful ones), and love to play games of being the king of the world (like being superpower of the world), a powerful super hero and/or villain (like the U.S.), and other similar characters.
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Like a fearful child, the ego self has forgotten its true essence (has soul amnesia)/dropped its high, core, vibrational frequency—Twin Soul/Twin Flame within: God/Goddess (Divine Light and Divine Love)—in order to experience the duality/polarity of physical Earth.
The fearful ego self is the so-called, wounded aspect of soul/inner-child who’s so afraid of not having enough of everything—to include attention, information, resources, power, and last but not least…True, Unconditional Love—because it believes it must go outside of itself, into the outer world, in order to fill the huge void.
But then, the ego self eventually realizes—in this Lifetime, the next, or many others—that no-thing and no-one outside of itself can ever fill this void.
And when the fearful ego self finally surrenders to the flow of Life—by following inner-guidance of Spirit within—it’s able to re-member, raise its lower, vibrational frequency, tune into and Be its higher frequency state of already existing, deeply healed self.
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Deep healed version of Multidimensional Self includes the interconnected following:
- integrated male and female energies within (regardless of one’s gender)
- healing of all energy bodies (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual)
- ability to unconditionally accept/love ALL aspects of itself, to include its other half of soul/shadow self/unknown, free-spirited self; and thus, be able fully do it for others
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Result: The ego self is not destroyed, killed or evaporated into nothingness—the way some spiritual teachings of separation suggest—but rather, it simply shifts its vibrational frequency state into the already merged essence with Divine Spirit/All That Is, serving as an Adviser to Spirit (like right hand helping the left hand of the one body); hence, Trinity: The Divine HUman is seemingly reborn, where we allow Spirit to simply Be within us, as us, and expressing through us—as its always been—for the highest benefit of interconnected All That Is.
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Earlier, while learning about Yuri Kochiyama (mentioned above), I wondered why I haven’t been aware of such a strong female character, especially an Asian woman from a time period where even Asian men and other-than Asian women in general weren’t perceived as powerful.
I then received an answer from Spirit within that I wasn’t meant to come upon this information/Light and wisdom/Love until today.
Had I come upon this message when I wasn’t ready to receive inner-wisdom, I would’ve believed that I, too, needed to do what Yuri, and others like her, did for decades—fight for justice, fight for equality, and fight for freedom.
However, I realize that protesting (even peaceful ones) and fighting for whatever in general (even with words) may be the paths for souls like Yuri and Malcom X, but it’s no longer for me.
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Fighting for or against anything is simply exhausting, like trying to swim upstream in frigid water.
The energy of fighting is no longer the low, vibrational frequency I choose to be in in order to help self/Self, humanity, Mother Earth, merging worlds, and beyond.
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I now realize that I can contribute the best to interconnected All That Is by maintaining a high vibrational, core frequency of balanced self/Self, to the best of my ability at every moment.
This means to unconditionally accept/love ALL aspects of self, which helps us to fully and unconditionally accept/love ALL aspects of others—which includes helping others when needed—not rescuing, becoming a crutch, and encouraging the dis-empowering belief of victim mentality.
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I’ve learned (as a human)/remembered (as soul/Spirit within) that outer work is not nearly as powerful and effective as going within and working on transmuting the lower energies of self (as illogical as that sounds).
I’ve been doing shadow work lately, more than ever before, and I’m continuing to learn/remember that my outer reality definitely mirrors my inner beliefs, deep emotions, and other unknown/”dark”/shadow aspects of self (whether “positive” or “negative”).
In addition, I trust that I wasn’t meant to come upon the story of Yuri yet because it was necessary that I had first-hand, personal experiences (i.e. wisdom) of Being Courage and Inner-Strength throughout my life, so that I wouldn’t end up placing those outside of self—who could potentially be unnecessary, permanent role models—on a pedestal.
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It was beneficial for me to remember that the role model that I’ve been seeking and yearning to know is the Master already within us all—Beloved I (God) AM (Goddess) Presence/Christ within/the integrated and balanced Divine Feminine (Goddess/Yin/Moon/etc.) and Divine Masculine (God/Yang/Sun/etc.) Energies/Cosmic Consciousness/Divine Love, Divine Wisdom, and Divine Power.
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Therefore, by better knowing and trusting self/Self (Divinity within), we can then respect and admire interconnected others outside of ourselves (like Yuri Kochiyama) without attachment—unconditionally accepting/loving their Divine perfect existence and Divine purpose without needing and expecting anything from them, to include them being our source for wisdom, role model, hero, savior, etc.
Regardless of anyone’s past history, I trust that we can all learn something beneficial from every soul, rather than labeling them into categories of good or bad.
Happy Birth to Earth Day Yuri Kochiyama, and thank you for your Heart contributions to humanity and beyond.
I have no doubt that you’re continuing to enjoy your soul/Spirit evolutionary journey, whether it’s on Earth or another interconnected world.
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While searching for matching images for sections throughout this post, I googled, “discernment and following heart” and was drawn to the image on right.
When I further noticed that the image was next to a reading/link— (thank you)—under the category of “discernment | Galactic Connections,” I had an urge to check it out.
I’m so grateful that I came upon this amazing message, which further confirmed the ways of integrated higher Mind/Heart, and is hands-down the best interpretation of the word discernment I’ve ever heard of or read.
Right after inserting the image on right above, I had an urge to look at my laptop clock, and noticed 1:11, which often reminds me of Sun + Moon, Balance and Harmony, and Beloved I (God) AM (Goddess) Presence/Christ within.
Note: Image on left found next to link => (thank you; Love it! ^_^)
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