The following are parts 1-13 of the post, “The Strange Increase of Death and Disease Showing Up“:
- A Reinterpretation of Independence Day (Part 1 of 13)
- Symbolic Message from a Murder: Conditional Love vs Unconditional Love
- Five Uncles
- Adoptive Dad
- Oldest Step-brother
- Biological Father’s Third Wife
- Biological Father
- Family Friend
- Acquaintances
- Neighbors
- Strangers
- Pet Dog
- Spirit as Creator of Order After Chaos
A Reinterpretation of Independence Day
I started this post, “The Strange Increase of Death and Disease Showing Up,”on 3/3/2016, after having three more experiences of another’s disease or death entering their lives during that time-frame—all of whom I personally know/knew.
I then took a pause blogging, which I trust was meant to happen. Since then, I’ve experienced another passing away.
Around the last week of June of this year, I had a strong urge—which I trust was from Spirit within—to send a very lovable, little being a telepathic message from my Heart.
This being’s unconditional love (like a growing number of spiritually evolving others) has helped support Mother Earth, HUmanity, and beyond as a frequency holder (grounding, holding, and spreading higher, cosmic frequencies)—a position that’s rarely recognized within this physical world, let alone deeply appreciated.
I basically stated that I wished for this being (if it desired) to leave this densely vibrating version of this planet (that it no longer resonated with), to transform into another energy state (i.e., via “death”), and to go enjoy the New Earth—where it will experience unlimited freedom, peace, joy, abundance, prosperity (to include great health), truths, wisdom, creativity and unconditional love (and everything else that stems from the Light and Love frequencies).
To my great surprise, I found out last week that this loving being had passed away on 4th of July; and though I had not been aware of its deteriorating health, I intuitively knew that it was time.
A part of me felt sad because I wanted to see this being one last time during my next visit, and share a gift; however, another part of me felt happy for this being’s freedom.
In addition, I realized that although I wasn’t able to give a material gift, I had given an invaluable spiritual gift from my Heart—wishing for another to experience Heaven on Earth.
And it’s interesting to me that this being’s so-called death had happened on this planet’s Independence Day, which I trust is a major, symbolic sign that TRUE Freedom—and not the one paraded to the world by our government and military—is continuing to make its presence known to Humanity and beyond, and soon…the intense Light and Love will spread like unstoppable wildfire and engulfing tsunamis.
True freedom does NOT need to be earned, as we were conditioned by society to strongly believe—especially through patriotic participation in seemingly never-ending, back-to-back bloody wars, battles, conflicts, etc. that has caused, and continues to cause, much torture, pain, loss, unnecessary deaths, trauma, injuries, and suffering on a massive scale throughout human history.
True freedom is a Divine birthright for ALL of Life throughout this Universe and beyond, generously given by the very ancient, Divine Mother Goddess within All That Is.
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