October 15, 2015
I had an interesting experience recently that, once again, gave me an opportunity to expand, grow, learn, and be wiser.
Often times, we as humans, are so used to categorizing all of our experiences with earthly labels like “good” and “bad” and everything in-between.
When we have so-called good, or even great experiences, we express much joy, gratitude and appreciation and call them blessings, gifts, God’s grace, good luck, good karma, miracles, etc.
However, we have so-called bad, or even hell-like experiences, we express much disappointment, discouragement, sadness, frustration, anger, and so forth and call them curses, bad luck, bad karma, “the devil’s work”, etc.
By allowing outer circumstances —whether “good” or “bad”—to effect our emotions (whether positive or negative) is basically giving our inner power away.
We either become overly attached to and overly enamored with the material world (to include people, things, places) when great stuff often happen with comments like, “I’m so madly in love with you that I can never live without you!” or we become depressed or apathetic when not so great stuff often happen.
So what if we were to change our perspective by expanding our point of view—ultimately Being a master of our mind, which can then lead to Being a master of our emotions, words, and actions as well?
Let’s imagine that we choose to just intuitively trust that everything that shows up in our lives is highly orchestrated by a magnificent team of various aspects and extensions of our soul/Spirit within, with Divine perfection and Divine purpose to most highly benefit our interconnected, individual and collective soul growth and evolution.
When we can sense this as truth at the deepest level of our being, and then accept it, we can then make an intention to take full responsibility (as soul/Spirit within) for ALL that shows up in our reality—whether they come as obvious blessings, or blessings in disguise (the so-called not so good stuff of life), intuitively knowing that they are all meant to highly benefit us.
By taking full responsibility for our lives, we send a message out to the universe that we choose to embrace and own our inner power—a Divine birthright.
Then, something miraculous happens. We can feel the Divine power within us, which is an aspect of soul/Spirit within.
All of a sudden, at least for the moments that we’re able to maintain that high vibrational frequency state, we are Fearlessness.
And all of the hurt and pain that we’ve experienced in the past is deeply understood as invaluable life lessons learned and profound wisdom gained (Divine Wisdom), and they are healed in the present Moment of Now (every high vibrational frequency state) with Pure Compassion and Unconditional Forgiveness (both of Divine Love).
Granted, this may all sound beyond our reach, but we can just choose to trust that it’s doable, so long as we choose to do so and Be who we truly are (soul/Spirit within) from our hearts.
Persistence is key, as well as trust in the Divine Plan (aka faith/Divine blueprint within) meant to highly benefit every single, interconnected part of the whole/The One despite outer appearances.
Just saw 4:44: Thank you angelic realm within me—extensions of soul/Spirit/Infinite Creator within—for your continuous assistance, encouragements, support, guidance, upliftment, inspiration, empowerment, and much more unconditional loving energies. ^_^
Recently, I dared to do something that I was afraid of doing before. I chose to receive two different readings for my entertainment. In the past, I was not only paranoid of giving out my birth date to people I didn’t trust, but I was also very skeptical of psychics in general.
I don’t blame myself because there are scammers in our world who operate from fear-based belief systems, and have difficulty unconditionally loving themselves, let alone others.
However, like everything else in life, things aren’t black and white—there are many shades of gray; hence, I trust that there is a plethora of psychics, ranging from great (with loving intentions) and very accurate psychics, to dishonest and even harmful, very inaccurate psychics.
I also recently realized that my mistrust of pretty much all psychics in the past ultimately stemmed from my mistrust of my own psychic abilities.
Due to the remnants of my self-imposed limiting beliefs—that I made intention statements to fully release—I’m currently unable to intuitively know and fully experience these innate abilities that we all have.
It also occurred to me, that in the past, I had a fearful belief that I might hear “bad news” from psychic readings, to include possibly having much “bad” karma from this lifetime and past lifetimes.
So I received a free reading from one of the websites that I highly resonate with (especially a post regarding the Super/Full Blood Moon Eclipse), where you can ask one question, and to my great surprise, I was basically told something to the effect to continue with my spiritual work, and that I was on the right path—according to my guides communicating to the psychic lady.
The question that I chose was something to the effect (not sure if this is verbatim), “What else can I do, other than what I’m currently already doing, to fully Be who I truly am at every moment?”
I also chose another free reading that I happened to come upon, and I’ve been trusting for a while (to the best of my ability) that I (and all others) always cross paths with everything that’s meant to highly benefit me in some way, shape, or form.
The website is www.guardian-angel-reading.com with the main title Padre. Something about the image of the old, bearded man drew me to him, even if it isn’t real; he looks gentle, kind and very wise.
Looking back—after my experience of him/them, I realized that I was merely drawn to those wonderful qualities that I already have within me, but haven’t fully owned.
When I received the detailed message from Padre, I asked my soul/Spirit—Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within—to help me to read the message with discernment and clarity.
As I was reading it, I was deeply moved by certain key words and phrases; so much so that I wept tears of joy. However, I then came upon words and phrases that didn’t feel right, and it was because it was meant to instill fear into the heart of the reader.
Had I read the entire message in one sitting, I might have reacted (from a state of fear)—rather than respond (from a state of love)—to the message of conflicting words, but because I had to go somewhere, I was able to just neutrally digest the so-called “good” and the “bad” info and go inward for Divine guidance, insights, and wisdom (the contents within the first email message to Padre below).
The next day, after finishing Padre’s message, I had an urge to pull out my deck of LOA (Law of Attraction) cards, so I closed my eyes, and as usual, I felt for the perfect card using my feelings.
When I opened my eyes, I couldn’t believe what I saw. First of all, I’ve seen practically all the cards before, but I had never seen this particular card, and indeed, it was Divinely perfect for the moment.
In Padre’s message, he started it out by sharing a dream that he supposedly had of me: basically in a garden with flowers, with blue light surrounding my head, and then a descending light above my head that was my guardian angel.
At the time of reading this piece of info, I took his words with a grain of salt. However, when I looked at the LOA card, the title of it was “Trust,” which reminded me of the subject line of Padre’s first reply to my message. In addition, the image right below the word “Trust” was that of a woman in a garden with a small angel above her head.
So I sent Padre a response to his message—that more than likely was not meant for anyone to reply to—but forgot to mention the following written message on the back of the LOA card:
“I set my intention and trust in my abilities to improve my circumstances.” Notice the key phrase “my abilities” which I trust is the Divine abilities within all beings throughout the omniverse (and not just humans) since Divine Spirit is within all of Life, even in the seemingly darkest of places.
Right after sending the first email response to Padre, I continued to follow my inner guidance, and had an urge to google something to the effect “reviews for padre guardian angel messenger” and noticed some negative reviews.
I clicked on a few of them, briefly scanned through them, and then chose to continue reading some interesting comments/complaints that were posted about Padre’s website.
Initially, I was discouraged to see that several paragraphs within the typical message that Padre sends out to his potential clients—with the exception of the dream—were identical to the ones he sent to me; and those were just the ones I read—there are many more stories.
However, after going inward, and communing with Goddess-Self (of both Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies/consciousness)—Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within—I was able to Be inner peace.
I was reminded as an intuitive knowing that I can always choose, at any given moment, to trust in Divine Wisdom—Divine perfection of all of interconnected life’s happenings—that regardless of the “scam” message (a disguised blessing), I was able to extract very beneficial info from it that most highly resonated with me, and discard whatever else didn’t resonate with me; hence, obtaining the gift/blessing within the disguised blessing that appears “ugly” on the outer surface.
As I scrolled down the DISQUS forum, I disregarded internet troll comments (that stem from fear-based belief systems), and chose to read comments that were from those who were genuinely hurt by Padre (and apparently his team) and his deceptive ways (i.e., false messages and not fully cooperating with refunds).
As I read certain stories of the deeply wounded, who were merely yearning for some type of healing, my heart went out to them.
I’m usually not interested in participating in forums where there’s a heavy presence of bashing others’ beliefs, choices, opinions, etc. since I don’t care to focus on narrow-mindedness, ignorance, and a lot of judgment and anger; however, I sensed that sharing my own story could be helpful to so-called others who were searching for some outer guidance, so I posted a comment.
The comment included the following, in addition to two emails that I sent to Padre, and the LOA card message above (in aqua font):
First and foremost, thank you all for sharing such helpful info. I trust Spirit within that I came upon these messages in Divine perfect timing and order.
Though I had already sent the following email message to Padre prior to reading some confirmation, I sent him another message after reading several comments from here (right after the first email below); and yes, the contents of the “personal” messages sent to others is verbatim to what I received as well:
First E-mail to Padre (before crossing paths with this forum):
Hello Dearest Padre,
Today, before typing this message to you, I chose a LOA card through my feelings, and the one that I selected (as higher or highest self) was called, “Trust,” which reminded me of the subject line of your first reply to my message.
What was even more interesting to me was that the image right below the word “Trust” was that of a woman in a garden with a small angel above her head; it instantly reminded me of the dream that you had of me.
Don’t you love Divine synchronicities?! ^_^
Thank you so much for all of your messages, especially about the “Hyper-Beneficial Angelic Karma” that brought tears of joy to my eyes.
I also felt an intense sensation in the middle of my chest, which I trust was the expansion of my heart space.
I thanked Goddess-Self/Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within—of both Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies/consciousness—for you and your gifts.
I read most of your previous, intriguing message yesterday afternoon, but wasn’t able to finish it due to visiting a family member, which was scheduled ahead of time.
However, during the drive to the destination, I thought about the section of your message that I did read, and asked Spirit within for discernment, clarity and wisdom.
You mentioned something to the effect that there was a malevolent force—ultimately within me—that was either manifested as a something or someone in my life, and was a major blockage to my ultimate happiness.
Initially, this piece of information caused doubt within me, and made me wonder if this so-called malevolent force manifested itself as my husband, dog or even step-son(s).
However, I then received loving insight, that I trust was from Spirit within.
First of all, the most “malevolent force” I had ever experienced was my own biological mother, who was lost within the material world of alcoholism, aggressiveness, mistrust of people, abuse (verbal, psychological, physical and sexual), betrayal, vengeance, deep hatred for majority of humanity, compulsive lying, cruelty, and much more darkness.
She was a deeply wounded wounder, more than likely mirroring back to me the remnants of my own inner wounds within my DNA from past lifetimes, resurfacing in this lifetime to be re-examined, transmuted, healed and released back to Source/Divinity/Infinite Creator.
Despite growing up with a person whom I often feared and didn’t understand, something within me always forgave her over and over again—and unconditionally, since she never apologized for most of the perceived harm that she had caused—and I continue to accept and love her unconditionally to this day in my early forties, though from a distance since she resides overseas.
To make a long story short, since then, I’ve experienced other forms of “darkness” and many things and people that stem from fear energy.
So one day, I chose to take full responsibility for everything that shows up in my reality, since I now trust that my outer world mirrors my inner world, and that Spirit within me continues to send me everything that I need for the highest benefit of my accelerated, individual and collective soul growth and evolution; and I trust that applies to all.
With that said, even if I did receive heaven on earth like blessings from the “Hyper-Beneficial Angelic Karma,” they would mean nothing if I wasn’t able to share them with my loved ones, which, surprisingly, includes my own mother—the so-called most malevolent force I had ever personally experienced.
Therefore, whatever or whoever this malevolent force is—again, ultimately within me–I must face with much courage and be able to transmute it with the essence that I truly am, which is the pure compassion within the cosmic, unconditional love energy spectrum of my Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within.
I choose not to be a victim to it [i.e., malevolent Force]. I choose not to believe that the angelic realm within me is no match for it. I choose not to give away the Divine power within (that we all have deep within us) by needing to be saved or protected.
I choose to trust that Divine Love is the most powerful force throughout the Omniverse—the bonding force of all of Life.
Last night, I had a vivid dream of many wolves and my dog (a Siberian Husky whom I often see in my dream adventures).
This wasn’t the first time I dreamt of a wolf, but it seems to be the only animal that I’ve feared within my dreams in the past.
Overall, I chose to trust that the dream was symbolic of me facing one of my greatest fears, and then embracing it.
Though I haven’t mastered it yet, I’m at a phase in my life where I’m doing my best not to get lost within the duality of 3D reality of “us vs them,” “good vs bad or evil,” “right vs wrong,” etc.
I much prefer having the expanded perspective of polarity of this physical reality where the seemingly opposites are not separate, but merely the extreme opposites of the same thing integrating (e.g. hot and cold merge as comforting warm).
It’s like the saying where compassion is the highest frequency of the ultimate love frequency spectrum, and fear is the lowest frequency.
Padre, since you shared your gifts with me, this is my gift to you. I wish for you to receive all the loving energies that you generously give to others a thousandfold—your own version of Heaven on Earth.
Continue Being a blessing to humanity and beyond. Forever…Barbara
Last E-mail to Padre (after crossing paths with this forum):
I came upon this reading, which I trust happened in Divine perfect timing and order: Disqus – Guardian-angel-reading.com | 1 complaint on ScamGuard™.
I wonder if you are aware that more and more people are realizing that your “personal” messages to people are the same.
If this is true, then my heart goes out to you for having the need to live a dishonest life. If it’s not true, then may you continue to receive all that you give to others a thousandfold.
Regardless of whether or not Padre is an actual person, or a group of people pretending to be him, I trust that it was worth communicating this message to that being(s).
The bottom line is…when someone or some people (in charge) of a small to huge company chooses to operate in deceptive ways—thus, physically and/or financially harming and/or emotionally hurting many people—they inevitably create their own downfall, which will unexpectedly and shockingly come down like Mother Earth’s most severe thunderstorm, earthquake, tornado, volcanic eruption, hurricane, snowstorm, and massive tsunami waves.
Added 11/26/15
Bashar – on Negative Forces (a very helpful reminder/short 1:39 video)
Added 12/8/15
The daily, inspirational reading below, “Daily Message ~ Monday December 7, 2015”—is from a very open-minded, unconditionally accepting and loving website (Trinity Esoterics) that I highly resonate with—and it helped me to better understand my experiences that I wrote about within this post.
The following is a quoted section of the first paragraph of the reading/link above:
“Many human beings starting out on a spiritual path begin with disempowered spirituality. This is a curiosity that is expressed by seeking someone to tell them what to do or what the future holds, or hiring others to do their spiritual work for them. An example of this might be going to see healers, psychics, or spiritual teachers who posture themselves as above or more evolved than others and who actively try to create dependency upon them, rather than encouraging the client or student to develop their own skills and discover their own inner mastery […]”
Related post, “To Be Disempowered by Others OR Empowered from Within“
Bobbie says
Hello Liliana,
Thank you for sharing your passionate and helpful story.
I don’t blame you for feeling much anger, because that’s a natural reaction to such unjust situations. Feel all that you feel, and be fully present with these feelings without judgment.
But once you’ve done so, may you be willing to step outside of them as the neutral Observer, and introduce a bigger picture to self.
I trust the new thoughts/an expanded outlook (healing of the mental energy body) will help you to feel better (healing of the emotional energy body).
A part of me feels sad that you had to experience much heartache and suffering, because I can deeply empathize with the feeling of disappointment and betrayal.
However, when I expand my perspective (consciousness), and see the wisdom behind these types of blessings in disguise, I realize that the happenings of the outer surface doesn’t convey the whole story.
I trust that our higher versions of self (ultimately Spirit) bring to us various life experiences so that we can one day learn from them, extract profound wisdom, and grow and evolve as a soul.
When we experience outer spiritual teachers disappointing us or even betraying us, I trust that it’s a neon sign that we’re ready to reply upon the Master Teacher within—Spirit’s inner guidance through heart, intuition, inner-wisdom, etc.—as long as we’re willing to be open to the Divine gift.
Even though the betrayal you experienced came with a price, I have no doubt that it is pocket change compared to all the time and money you might have wasted over the years, had you NOT discovered this deception.
Some people spend their entire lives completely relying upon others’ guidance, placing them on pedestals, or even worshiping them. I’m grateful that you no longer have the need or desire to do so after this so-called scam that’s actually a blessing in disguise.
When we reconnect with our soul and Spirit within, we don’t have to feel alone anymore. Your “I (God) AM (Goddess) Presence/Christ within” is always within you ready to reconnect at any given moment.
Dare to communicate with this Divine essence within you in a silence relaxed state, and see where it takes you. ^_^
I trust the key to experiencing inner-peace is to acknowledge and honor all of our feelings (language of the soul), embrace all of our emotions (our inner compass to our current authentic self), and unconditionally accept more and more aspects of self, Be Authentic Self (to the best of our ability) until…
one miraculous and magical moment, we truly fall in love with ourselves at the deepest core of our Being—unconditionally accepting/loving ALL aspects of self and interconnected others (even wounded wounders who don’t know how to heal their own fear-based ways of being).
Have an exciting and relaxing weekend lady! 😉
Liliana Ford says
I was prey to both Tara and Padre after I found scam warning I was shattered I sent Tara the following email.
We haven’t even finished the 8 sessions yet and u already telling me that there’s more bad luck to come and will continue to be bad until I for a price trust you or your bank account. ok I got sucked in once but to continue to pay for good luck to Tara makes me a fool. But what does it make you? Is Tara a person or company based in Hong Kong also use another name Padre you use people’s misfortune to manipulate threaten to get money. The nefarious influence of the Adverse Karma which has burdened me is you and your shameless Site. Tara/Padre/Maria Cecilia or whoever you are let me be. In fact I am not satisfied with your service and want my money back for the 8 sessions I searched the net and as suspected found that Tara is a scam. I should have done a search prior paying but feeling down in search of a solution I foolishly became prey to the empty promises of Tara https://www.scamguard.com/guardian-angel-readingcom/
Please acknowledge receipt of this email and I will forward my account details to forward my refund I will forward the same email to Padre to get refund for his services he also performed 4 ceremonies to rid me of negative energy but even after these Padre continues to warn me of negative energy that he can for a price rid me of whoever you are you should be ashamed. Please contact me asap to tell me how to get refund.
Here’s reply
Dear Liliana,
You have asked me to refund the work I did on your behalf for the amount of 399 AUD.
I immediately forwarded it to my online bank. They have told me that you would receive your refund within 7 working days.
Believe me, I am sincerely sorry that my work did not bring you the benefits you expected. I invested a lot of time and did everything with devotion.
I hope you will keep your confidence in me in the future.
You will always stay in my mind,
Visionary medium
I sent Padre the following email
Unfortunately I trusted blindly taking your warning of the Evil Eye and your solution via my guardian angel Hahaiah and 4 ceremonies to cleanse my karma as a blessing. Especially given my present circumstances and years of occurrences and deaths of loved ones one a year leaving me with no family. Alone sad and depressed it was all too easy to believe your forewarning. At the same time another clairvoyant came into my life Tara she also said I was riddled with negative energy evil eye needing 8 sessions to cleanse my karma. How could I ignore such warnings both pleading that I help myself negative energy so profound that Hahaiah pleaded to Padre to warn me scared confused sad alone I believed paying my way to good luck. Then Cecilia, Angela, Adrian also entered my world I started to wonder surveyed the emails more closely to my surprise all were sent from Hong Kong Padre, Tara, Cecilia,Angela, Maria Adrian so I did a search and yes I was being scammed I should have done search prior paying but feeling down in search of a solution I foolishly became prey to the empty promises of Padre Tara https://www.scamguard.com/guardian-angel-readingcom/
What a fool I am but what does this make you? Shameless the Evil nefarious negative influence is you. Your Karmic energy will no doubt catch up with you. How can you whoever you are person company do what you do I’m genuinely suffering in pain alone sad you exploit these feelings for money I feel sorry for you do you laugh at my gullibility vulnerability sad life now not only am I sad but also a little more weary of others trust becoming more a fallacy in my world congratulations I’m even more alone than I was before you came into my life. Enjoy your triumph what an achievement all in the interest of money. Please acknowintledge receipt of this email and I want a refund for all the money I have spent I suspect that this won’t happen your 100% money back guarantee is also a scam and to get refund for the 4 ceremonies to rid me of negative energy. But even after these Padre continues to warn me of negative energy that he can for a price rid me of whoever you are you should be ashamed. Please contact me asap to tell me how to get refund.
I have as yet not received a reply. Will keep you posted. I share this to help others and also to convey the damage done to me.
Bobbie says
Hello Gregori, thank you for sharing your heart-felt story.
I highly appreciate your inner-strength, courage, transparency/honesty, and willingness to be vulnerable (which leads to self-empowerment).
A part of me feels sorry that you had to spend $250-$300 on a total of four sessions with this being named Padre; however, another part of me feels grateful that you only had to spend that amount of money (as opposed to a much larger amount), and that you becoming more aware of Padre (a blessing in disguise) was able to push you more towards the true teacher(s) within you (and each of us).
Because IF Padre (or any other “spiritual teacher”) had only been a benefit to you or me (or anyone else), then we would continue to reply upon beings like him to give us answers, rather than ultimately seeking the inner guidance within ourselves.
I trust that for all of us at some point in our spiritual evolution, we will fully awaken to the interconnected Master Teacher within each of us (from The One/Source).
You mentioned something that just blew my mind (WOW)…”I am a deeply seeded spiritual person, there is nothing I can do.” I can relate to that statement because I just realized that it reflects one of my own beliefs at this moment, which I wasn’t even aware of prior to reading your comment.
It seems that “I am a deeply seeded spiritual person” and “there is nothing I can do” contradict one another. I feel that because you and I believe (or intuitively know) that we are a deeply seeded spiritual person, that there is ALWAYS (and ALL WAYS) something that we CAN do (since we are all an extension of Source). Thank you for this mind/heart/eye-opening experience!!! ^_^
Gregori, I deeply respect and admire your ability to embrace and honor your feelings (and emotions) through crying, because it seems so rare to cross paths with a man who is in touch with this particular Divine Feminine aspect.
I trust that you “losing” your mother when you were young was all part of the Divine Plan meant to make you the strong and loving soul that you are today.
Perhaps her absence in the majority of your life has ignited a deeper yearning to remember the Divine Feminine essence within you (the Ancient Mother Goddess/Source/Prime Creator/Holy Spirit), which would eventually lead you to integrating and balancing the male and female energies within you as Divine Masculine (aka God) and Divine Feminine (aka Goddess).
Right after typing the above, I realized that those words of wisdom were meant for me to take in as well, since I, too, had an absent mother the majority of my life. Though she was physically present from birth to certain parts of adulthood, she was emotionally absent.
WOW, I’m deeply grateful that you showed up at this moment in my life. Though it appears on the outer surface as though I’m merely replying to your comment on my blog, I realize that it’s so much more than that…we’re meant to mirror to one another much dark (ignorance) and Light (uplifting information), as well as fear and Love (wisdom) while sharing healing energies.
By the way, I have no doubt that you will see your mother again in the form that you remember her as, so as long as your soul desires to have that experience.
When you choose to trust that this will be so by making an intention (as well as trusting in your natural abilities and strength) then you can detach from so-called hope, which will feel liberating.
Thank you so much for sharing, “I will struggle some more probably”; you just mirrored back to me an unconscious, core belief that I wasn’t fully aware of, though I had sensed it before. You words have confirmed what I needed to remember.
I’m reminded that we will only struggle if we choose NOT to pay attention to and honor our own feelings (language of the soul) and emotions (our inner guidance system).
For instance, if we’re in a job that we often don’t feel good at (because we don’t enjoy it, and it doesn’t align with our higher self), but we choose to stay because our fearful ego self is afraid to let go of it (e.g., due to money issues), then we will continue to struggle and suffer.
However, if we follow our path of excitement (even to the smallest degree), by following our Heart’s inner guidance, and boldly leave that job that we’re miserable at, then we will no longer struggle trying to swim upstream, but rather, gracefully flow with the river downstream with ease; and then everything in our lives will miraculously and magically fall into place in Divine perfect timing and order (for our individual and collective benefit).
Granted, we may go through a brief phase where we feel terrified of whatever we had let go of recently (our fearful ego self adjusting), but we can gently, lovingly, and patiently introduce to our ego self (using our imagination) an expanded perspective (“the bigger picture”) of our heart’s desires that can manifest in this physical reality (our version of heaven on earth).
What a great insight! => “But Padre got me when he told me that I was deprived of love and he is right. I have to stand up for myself. I will not read his emails anymore thanks to this website.”
I trust that you were drawn to this website because of your deep desire to unconditionally love yourself—which includes assertively standing up for yourself by creating and maintaining healthy boundaries.
You, Gregori, co-created (with your higher self) this experience; ultimately, you gifted yourself with this form of love. 😉
You don’t have to “hope” to goto heaven. I trust that you will experience your own version of heaven on earth through your heart’s intent.
I find martial arts interesting (especially Bruce Lee), and I’ve often wished that I had learned it during childhood since it would’ve been a good measure of protection from so-called bullies; plus it looks really cool performing it.
However, though I’ve had opportunities to learn it as an adult, I didn’t have a strong desire to, so I didn’t pursue it.
I wondered why, and I sense that it’s because it highly benefits my soul to remember that ultimately, if we are in a fear-based vibrational state where we feel that we need to protect our self or loved ones from some danger, then (by Law of Attraction: like energies coming together) we will attract whatever it is that we or they need protection from.
On the other hand, when we come from a state of trust (that all is well is our lives) rather than distrust (that something’s going to go wrong or something’s after us), then we will attract to us like energies (in whatever form) that shows us that everything is going well (e.g., great health, unconditionally loving relationships, abundance in various forms, inner peace, much freedom, wisdom, joy, etc.)
I, too, am at the bottom rock emotionally sometimes, but remembering to unconditionally love more and more of self throughout the moments/days/weeks/months/years helps me to bounce back to integrated and balanced whole self (that’s always within us/our essence/core vibrational frequency).
In addition, you sharing your soul-touching story has helped me to feel much better as well. Again, thank you so much Gregori. 🙂 You are deeply appreciated.
Please continue to be an invaluable gift to self/Self, interconnected HUmanity, Mother Earth, merging worlds, and beyond. Keep shining, glowing, sparkling, radiating, blazing, igniting, uplifting, inspiring, empowering, and spreading your Heart’s warmth/love. 😉
Gregori Rybinin says
First I would like to thank the makers of this site. You might have saved my life. I paid 4 times. 250-300 all together. I am a deeply seeded spiritual person, there is nothing I can do. I lost my mom when I was young saw her one time. I still find myself crying because I was hoping to see her. I am a naturally strong guy. My abilities impress me, but my attachment to my hope left me clueless about how to be here. I will struggle some more probably. But Padre got me when he told me that I was deprived of love and he is right. I have to stand up for myself. I will not read his emails anymore thanks to this website. I will continue to stay strong and hope to goto heaven. I study martial art and I hope that can teach some souls about how to protect your loved ones. I am at the bottom rock emotionally sometimes but this helped me feel better. You wonderful women, thank you.
Bobbie says
Thank you so much for sharing your heartfelt story. It meant a lot to me.
Regarding your mention of your “curse from childhood which gave me my bad karma and that the ONLY WAY TO GET RID OF THIS CURSE WAS TO HAVE 4 ANGEL CEREMONIES EACH WOULD COST ME $99.00”:
I’m so glad that you were able to sense with your intuition something very off about that offer from Padre. I trust that our beliefs can be very powerful, and when we choose to let go of old, outdated, disempowering beliefs like “having been cursed by another,” and REPLACE them with positive ones, such as, “the most powerful force within this Universe and beyond is COSMIC LOVE ENERGY within, and no-thing and nobody can ever truly do me any harm,” then we empower and free ourselves that much more.
You’ve made a lot of good observations, valid points, and wise choices, to include the above quote and below:
– “because if anything I learned from the reading does in fact have sincere meaning … it was not from PADRE… the unknown scammer…. it was from my angels … they just borrowed his website to guide me….. and have now guided me away from it… because obviously I am not a lucky wealthy person and I am not about to spend my kids food money on what is now quite obvious a scam website ”
– as well as “4. And most importantly I thank my inner being for believing in myself to find the answers… and to know and TRUST that it was my own self that guided me here […]”.
Just as a reminder Tara, your angels are individualized versions (angel selves/higher selves) of your Multidimensional Self (Highest Self) since we are all interconnected parts of the whole (The One).
In addition, I’d like to share with you what I was reminded of today:
Though the ultimate teacher is the Master Teacher within us, whenever we cross paths with “outer teachers” while on Earth—whether they show up with the duality labels of “good” or “bad”—they bring us a clue in the form of an obvious gift/blessing, or blessing in disguise; hence, rather than feel victimized by the so-called “bad” teachers, we can choose to expand our perspective, see the much bigger picture, and realize that they, too, have taught us something (i.e., who NOT to be and/or what NOT to do).
Also, thank you for your loving message: “I truly hope you realize your dreams will come true… so never stop searching for the answers… search your soul … look for guidance… if it is available you will know …. And if I helped just one person by taking this time to tell my story … I have successfully accomplished my mission.”
Yes Tara, you have successfully accomplished your mission by sharing your story. Thank you again for your helpful reminders/insightful wisdom/loving presence.
Continue to shine, sparkle, radiate, blaze, and ignite—as the Light and Love that you truly are—to self/Self, HUmanity, Mother Earth/Gaia, merging worlds, and beyond.
p.s. I trust that the angel numbers/truth codes/sacred codes that show up in our inner world (through dreams, meditation, and visions) and outer world (through clocks, license plates, other signs, etc.) do so in order to trigger and awaken the once dormant codes of consciousness within our DNA, as well as sacred geometry codes, Master Numbers, and memories of our full-potential Self (to include ancient, modern past, present, and future lives, all simultaneously occurring in the Moment of Now where space and linear time are not limitations). Also, I trust that there are many Divine messages within us and all around us at every moment (e.g., number synchronicity, other synchronicity that seem like sets of “coincidences”, signs, symbols, people, events, situations, objects, Mother Nature, insights, visions, dream messages, intuitive/inner-knowing messages, feelings from five senses and beyond, repetition of anything that’s trying to get our attention, etc.). The only question is, “Are we paying close attention?” Like you basically said, it’s ultimately ALL you/You.
Remember to smile and laugh often lady since humor is healing for the soul/Spirit within! I have no doubt that you are a very loving mother to your wonderful children. Always Be inner-strength and courage, and remember to re-ignite the Goddess within you. 😉
<3 <3 <3 Barbara
Tara says
I know I am surrounded by angels as they are constantly making themselves known… through NUMBERS… the timing of his first email was outstandingly too coincidental for me to let it pass without giving it a second look, as I felt the angel numbers and the intense inner chills up and down my entire body ….were sending this message to me…. EVERYTHING made such perfect sense to my life as it is… and I had very little doubt or concern regarding the help I was being offered. Up until I received my paid for reading and it was a let down as it kept just telling me to believe in myself … which I had already done. I already had changed that about myself on my own. So it was like why am I paying you to tell me what I have already figured out … etc……. I will say this… the one and only reason that I trusted in this completely enough to pay for the reading was the fact that the date mentioned in the email as the date my fate would be decided was the date I was just told to be when my foreclosed home would go to auction. While I have no worry that I will not lose my house to an auction because not only am I perfectly capable of settling this in my favor … I have the angels in and around me to support me on that already. … but everything was happening precisely at the right time and I still cant say how coincidence could be the reason for this…. how could he know the date of sale. I had just been told the date. I was keeping an open mind… I was feeling way to much that it scared me… and then came the reading which informed me about my curse from childhood which gave me my bad karma and that the ONLY WAY TO GET RID OF THIS CURSE WAS TO HAVE 4 ANGEL CEREMONIES EACH WOULD COST ME $99.00 …. MY MOUTH DROPPED TO THE FLOOR WITH RELIEF… I was overwhelmed with this cost … as I was already not only dissapointed with the reading I had already paid for but that in a seperate email he had told me about this dream he had and that i needed urgent protection… he asked for money to perform some ritual… I actually completely blew that one off and didn’t even bother reading anymore of the email….. I can only assume that it was a unbelievable coincidence or he got his hands on the public record that he was lucky enough to find out the date my house was to be sold …. either way it led me here to this website where I kept reading long enough to find the answers I was looking for regarding the same “CURSE MEANT FOR A FAMILY MEMBER…..” done… I will take with me the information that I paid for and ask my angels that I already had beside me if any of this information I received to guide me may infact have been directly sent to me from them …. knowing that they could also get me to this website to stop any further solicitation and offerings of PADRE… because if anything I learned from the reading does in fact have sincere meaning … it was not from PADRE… the unknown scammer…. it was from my angels … they just borrowed his website to guide me….. and have now guided me away from it … because obviously I am not a lucky wealthy person and I am not about to spend my kids food money on what is now quite obvious a scam website… PADRE – for those of us who actually have angels to guide us and know it … PADRE is nothing more than a money making business….. anything real I received out of this … i know for sure was not from PADRE….. so I will say thank you to 1. my angels for guiding me to and from padre’s website…2. the owner of this website for taking the time to tell your story which so closely resembles mine…3. the people who commented and made me realize that the information offered to me was exactly offered to everyone …. 4. And most importantly I thank my inner being for believing in myself to find the answers… and to know and TRUST that it was my own self that guided me here…. not the fake and powerless PADRE.
I ONLY TOOK THE TIME TO WRITE THIS BECAUSE – I believed him and am certain others fell for it too… I truly hope you realize your dreams will come true… so never stop searching for the answers… search your soul … look for guidance… if it is available you will know …. And if I helped just one person by taking this time to tell my story … I have successfully accomplished my mission…..
I would love to know if I helped anyone with my message…. feel free to contact me to let me know. Thank you again for your effort to stop the PADRE scam….
Bobbie says
Hi Yohana,
Thanks for sharing your story as well; you helped raise my vibrational frequency. ^_^ Remember, if we choose to believe in such things as “victim mentality” and that some “evil” force can put a spell on us to forever ruin our happiness, then we give away our inner-power.
However, when we choose to trust that the most powerful force within this Universe and beyond (Cosmic Light and Unconditional Love)is within us, then we realize that NO-THING and NO-ONE can ever take that away from us.
When we choose to UNCONDITIONALLY accept/love ALL aspects of ourselves—so-called “good vs bad” “right vs wrong” “dark vs light” etc.—then THAT is getting to the ROOT CAUSE of anyone’s unhappiness or lack of abundance. And the more and more we practice loving ourselves with self-compassion and self-forgiveness (until practice is no longer needed), the more FULLY we can UNCONDITIONALLY accept/love ALL aspects of interconnected others as well.
After reading your comment, I reread this post. To my great surprise, the message within was exactly what I needed to be reminded of during this challenging phase of my life, and I expressed gratitude to Spirit within.
In addition, I was amazed that I had picked out the exact same LOA card, labeled, “Trust” this morning that I had mentioned in this post, which again, states on the back, “I set my intention and trust in my abilities to improve my circumstances.” As mentioned in this post, the key phrase within the message of the LOA card is “trust in MY abilities to improve my circumstances.”
You stated that this reading encouraged you to continue your action with your angel guide. May that angel guide ultimately be the angelic realm within you (angel-self/angel-selves), that are an aspect and extension of your highest version of Self (integrated and balanced Soul/Spirit).
I continue to enjoy receiving input from interconnected others. However, the difference between the old me and the new me is that whenever I come upon any reading (or other experience) that I’m drawn to, I ask Spirit within to help me to Be discernment, clarity and inner-wisdom.
Then, I ONLY EXTRACT whatever information that most highly resonates with me (that speaks to my Heart). And anything else that doesn’t—especially information that is meant to INSTILL fear through manipulation and/or control—I disregard or let go of to be transmuted, healed, and returned to Source within.
Have a Thought-provoking Thursday Yohana (wherever you are)! Thank you lady for Being Sunshine. 😉
Yohana says
Thx for sharing your story…
I came to Padre’s web and asking for angel reading. He informed me my angel name and informed me about 2 sirprizing fact. First is mu hyper angelic karmic and 2nd is my bad karmic dept as im the victim. He searched my the root couse. In his deep searching, he said that suddenly my angel guide said something to him for helping me as soon because im in the risk. Searching from my past, he said that he found Im in the affecting of evil spell because of someone that jealous to someone near to me.
He said that the problem should be cured based on the root couse and thats why helping from other physic and astrologyst couldn’t help me.
I m very surprised, because he know that many time i ask many astrologyst to help me find my happiness and abundance and there’s no progress until now. Thats makes me believe into his reading.
But knowing many people said that he and his web is scam, with many negative comments makes me sceptic. But reading your sharing in this web encoutage me to continuing my action with my angel guide.