For Christmas this year, like the past few years, I wasn’t able to give out hardly any material gifts to my loved ones—to include close family members, few friends, former co-workers, acquaintances, neighbors—so as usual, I improvised.
This time, I co-created with my Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within me, “A Message for You Wonderful Soul”—shared toward bottom of post (in violet) in case you’d like to skip some of the stories that led to the creation of the message.
I will continue to practice Being Prosperity Consciousness (since it’s all ultimately a state of mind)—as opposed to poverty consciousness —until practice is no longer needed.
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Then, I will treat my loved ones with wonderful material gifts, as well as continue to send priceless non-material gifts as well, even if it’s sending them loving energies from my Heart.
As I was joyfully typing away “A Message for You Wonderful Soul” below, I intuitively knew that it wasn’t just meant for my personal loved ones, but for anyone who happened to come upon this message; hence, I created this post, to include that message.
My husband printed out the message—which came out to one booklet style page—and we added it to every Christmas card we sent out of state and country, and we’re also going to them send out to loved ones within our local area.
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Yesterday, I took a printed copy—without the card since the card may be too much from a “stranger”—to the grocery store in case I ran into one of the very kind cashiers that works there (let’s call him Ben), and whom we ran into twice before.
The first time we crossed paths with Ben, he was so genuinely friendly and professional to us, even though the customer in front of us wasn’t so friendly in return to him.
So upon arriving home, I decided to fill out a comment card for him to the store’s management online.
The second time we saw Ben, about a few weeks to a month later, I had an urge to ask him if one of his managers had approached him about his job well done.
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I thought it was unusual for me to ask him, because I’ve filled out several comment cards for great service before, but I never felt the need to follow up. However, I trusted my Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within me that as always, I was meant to ask him.
To my surprise, Ben—a gentle appearing, young man probably in his late teens or early twenties—said that he was never approached by any of his managers; but then smiled and said that it was okay and thanked me anyway.
I reminded Ben to continue Being wonderful, and that it ultimately doesn’t matter if we receive recognition from others because Spirit—and I don’t mean that in a religious sense—knows. He smiled a big smile and shared that his mother had told him that as well.
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I contacted the Store Director the next day and had a heart-to-heart conversation. I informed him that when one of the managers had replied to my comment about Ben (though I didn’t mention his name), he had told me that that he was going to approach him and praise him.
However, that manager (the name escaped me because it wasn’t necessary to bring it up) either forgot to do what he said he was going to do, or he brushed it off; and hopefully, it wasn’t a habitual thing that he does.
I then told the Store Director that I wanted to find out what normally happens within that store; that way, if customer comment cards are usually brushed off, I can just forget the third party and talk to the cashiers directly; thus, preventing any of us from wasting our time.
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I continued that I just figured employees would like to be recognized and praised by their managers; after all, the managers are their leaders.
I shared with him a very brief personal story from over two decades ago—that I still remember to this day—because a customer took time out of his busy day to notice my great service, and then called my manager, who approached and recognized me.
I continued that it meant a lot to me, and I trust that it will mean a lot to others as well. Often times, it’s helpful when others reflect back to us our strengths and wonderful qualities that we may have missed seeing in ourselves.
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I reminded the Store Director that him and his team of managers are very fortunate to have such great employees who are genuinely friendly, professional, and quick with their work, because I’d been to plenty of stores throughout my life where customer service wasn’t exactly their forte.
The Store Director agreed to all that I shared with him, and stated that he, too, believes in recognizing his employees.
He also enthusiastically gave a few examples of how he goes about doing so, to include giving a small gift card every now and then. I agreed with him and told him that it seemed like he was a great leader.
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I also mentioned that they probably already have some kind of tracking system in place where they could keep track of all the employees who habitually go above and beyond, as well as receive outstanding customer comment cards; and perhaps that could call for an even bigger reward (other than a pat on the back) like a certificate of appreciation or gift.
The Store Director informed me that he would inform the other managers at their weekly meeting, and we thanked one another.
I may never find out the results of that conversation, but I trust that it will all work out the way it naturally needs to work out for every interconnected souls’ highest benefit; I merely wanted to give back what some “stranger” once did for me decades ago.
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Anyway, recently, before starting our grocery shopping, I walked down the cashier isles, but Ben—who I wanted to give the Christmas message to—was nowhere to be found. I wondered if he had quit or was home for the holidays.
After we checked out, we arrived at our car, and it occurred to me that we had forgotten to buy extra Christmas cards, so we went back inside.
I was initially frustrated, but my husband reminded me with calm and loving words to just go with the flow, and I was grateful that he did.
During my PMS phase, I’ve noticed that I do have a tendency to become more easily irritated, especially over the small things, although most of my multi PMS symptoms—especially cramps—have been released these past few years thanks to our ascension process, to include resonating with Mother Earth/Gaia.
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Anyway, while standing in line at the cashier’s checkout station, I noticed that the female cashier (let’s call her Cassidy)—probably around her early to mid twenties—cheerfully told an older woman (the customer in front of us) “Have a Merry Christmas!” after providing kind service.
The woman—who may have been zoned out of the present Moment of Now, either dwelling in the past or worrying about the future—didn’t reply, although she was still facing in the direction of the cashier.
I immediately noticed the change in Cassidy’s facial expression, which went from a genuine smile to a look of disappointment and sadness.
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If she felt ignored, I was able to empathize with her. I used to feel hurt when I would say “Good morning!” to strangers at the local park, and someone would just look at me and just walk off.
Due to my (ego self’s) low self-esteem—a lack of unconditional acceptance and love for all aspects of self—I thought that others ignoring me/possibly being rude was a reflection of me…that something was “wrong” or unacceptable about who I was (i.e., my race, my very small size, my physical appearance).
One of my daily intention statements that I’ve been saying for a while now is, “It is my intention to no longer be concerned about others’ opinions, and whether or not others accept and approve of me; I AM effortlessly and confidently validating self/Self/SELF at every moment.”
Note: “SELF” mentioned right above refers to highest version self from within with Christ/Unity/Cosmic Consciousness—The “Almighty”/Omnipotent (all-powerful), Omniscient (all-knowing), Omnipresent (everywhere all the time—within past, present and future occurring simultaneously since Spirit is beyond the limitations of time and space), and Omnibenevolent/unconditionally accepting/loving (of ALL of creation throughout the Omniverse) GOD/GODDESS/ALL THAT IS of both Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies/consciousness (not the lower religious patriarchal god of unbalanced energies—not referring to Ascended Master Jesus—who can be discriminating, judgmental, angry, jealous/insecure, vengeful, unforgiving, hypocritical, punishing, condemning, and other adjectives that stem from much lower/denser fear energy).
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I figured out later that sometimes, people just zone out of the present moment because they have a lot on their mind.
Once, someone said “Good morning,” to me at the park, but it didn’t hit me until seconds too late because I was thinking about something, and I felt bad that the other person might have thought that I was ignoring them.
I included a story about my encounter with a little girl at our local park in another post; although she was just an innocent child, she was the one who opened my eyes to unconditional giving of kindness. It’s amazing what we can learn from children.
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That day, after several of my ego self’s perceived “rejections” of my greetings to others while walking at the park, I decided to just start jogging with my head looking at the path’s pavement.
When least expected, a little girl (between 5 and 7 years old) enthusiastically shouted as she passed by in wagon (pulled by one of her running parents), “Bless you!”
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She instantly grabbed my attention and uplifted my Spirit, and I joyfully shouted back with much gratitude, “Bless you too sweetheart!”
At that moment, I just intuitively knew that Spirit was communicating to me the lesson of unconditional kindness—the little girl wasn’t concerned about receiving an acknowledgment of her kindness as she was swiftly passing by; she was just happy to share her joy.
In addition, I felt that Spirit was giving me a personal message of encouragement and upliftment, “I see you, and I love you! Continue to have faith in humanity and beyond.” I was deeply moved.
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I’m grateful that I’m able to deeply empathize with others’ ego selves of feeling hurt by others, due to my own experience of my fearful ego self; otherwise, how can I relate to and assist my soul brothers and sisters who are still healing, if I hadn’t?
I even used to wonder if a few of my family members even liked the cards and/or gifts that I would send because they didn’t even acknowledge receipt of them, although I would find out later from other family members that they indeed received them.
I suppose I just didn’t understand at the time; they were actively participating on Facebook on a daily basis, so it wasn’t a matter of not having enough time to send a quick, “I got your card and /or gift. Thank you.”
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The list could go on, but one last example would be when I used to send personal messages to certain family members, friends or former co-workers on Facebook, but they would habitually never reply, although it was clear that they were actively participating with others in group messages on a daily basis.
Eventually, after I realized that Facebook wasn’t about genuine heart-to-heart connections (at least not in my old reality), but rather, an exchange of continual data about everyone’s busy, day-to-day- material lifestyles, I finally deactivated my account, and I haven’t had any regrets since then; but rather, I felt inner-peace.
I have released all attachments to unhealthy relationships, even if they’re my earthly family members. If we’re meant to reunite, I trust that we will do so in Divine perfect timing and order in a parallel reality that’s overflowing with the loving energies of the Divine Feminine.
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It then occurred to me one day that my giving—whether material or non-material—was conditional, because even wanting some kind of response from another is being conditional; and it was my fearful ego self who felt hurt by others ignoring/not acknowledging my existence.
As I started to work on accepting and loving all aspects of myself unconditionally, I decided that my essence is Unconditional Love; hence, whether I give a simple greeting to others at a park (or anywhere else throughout the world), send cards and/or gifts, or even send someone a message or letter, I will do so without expecting anything in return, not even a “Thank you.”
I will do whatever my integrated Higher Mind/Higher Heart—Beloved I AM Presence—guides me to do and Be, regardless of what society says or not say.
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So when Cassidy, the female cashier, tried to mask her seemingly hurt feelings with a forced smile when it was our turn to check out—and after seemingly being ignored by the previous customer—I completely understood how she may have felt.
After paying for the cards, I was hesitant about giving her the Christmas message that I still had in my left hand, although there was another part of me (my Higher Self/Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within) who whispered, “Go on…give it to her.”
My fearful ego self’s lower mind was worried that my action might come off as weird and uncomfortable, and can be perceived as some “coo coo” strange customer giving another stranger—whom she’s never met before—a very personal message from the Heart.
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During those moments of holding back, another cashier approached, and I heard Cassidy tell the other female cashier—in an assertive tone and sad facial expression—that she was looking forward to getting off on time since she had to go pick up her child at Daycare.
The vibrational frequency of the air within our immediate surrounding all of a sudden felt so dense that it became clear that there were some unresolved tension between the two of them; perhaps, in another time(s), the other cashier showed up late to relieve Cassidy.
I’ve worked at an Early Learning Center/Preschool/Daycare before, and a parent who is late picking up their child, has to pay for every minute that they’re late.
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Sometimes, we’re not aware of how our selfish actions (e.g., being habitually late to work) can negatively affect others; unless of course, someone speaks up clearly— preferably in an assertive way (“I respect you and I respect me”) rather than an aggressive way (“I respect me, but I don’t respect you.”).
Right after the women exchanged their emotionless words, I quickly handed Cassidy the folded message and said, “This is for you if you’d like to read it.” To my surprise, she smiled back a heart-felt smile and gently thanked me.
I knew then, within the depths of my Heart, that I was meant to give her that message; hence, I forgot to get the extra Christmas cards in the first place, and had to come back to the store. I thanked my Divinity within for crossing paths with yet another soul sister or brother in perfect timing.
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I may never find out whether or not Cassidy read the message, or how it even affected her, but I choose to trust that all is well with whoever receives this message, or happens to come upon it in Divine perfect timing and order.
I decided that it doesn’t matter whether or not the contents of this message is considered completely accurate or agreeable to society in general; what matters is that I validate this message because I trust that it’s from my integrated Mind/Heart, my Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within me.
As I was typing away with the message below, I cried tears of joy because I suddenly realized that I (as my Higher Self/Beloved I AM) was ultimately writing to my own soul, which in essence is One with all other souls.
The following is the message that I sent to my loved ones, to include Cassidy, since they are all my soul brothers and sisters/my outer world reflecting my inner world:
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October 3, 2015 (only the section below in aqua blue font):
Recently, while my husband and I were about to check out after grocery shopping, I noticed a young man who looked familiar.
But because I wasn’t sure, I just proceeded to the checkout aisle. To my great surprise, the young man gently approached me in a friendly manner and stated that he remembered us from our last conversation.
It was Ben the very kind cashier (mentioned toward the beginning of this post), and I was excited to see him.
I shared with him how I had brought him a Christmas message shortly after our last conversation, but that I didn’t see him around, so I ended up giving it to another friendly cashier.
He stated that he was home for the holidays at the time, as I somewhat assumed. I told him that I would bring by another printed message whenever he was around, and he shared his work schedule by showing me his phone.
Ben then added that he had become a manager himself, and I congratulated him and felt so happy for him. I have no doubt that he’s already a very caring and excellent manager, which I didn’t think to tell him at the moment probably because I knew he had to get back to his work right away. I will next time I see him.
I didn’t realize it while conversing with Ben, but my husband informed me after we left that he was surprised that Ben had recognized me since the last time that we saw him, which was nine months ago.
I agreed that he had a very good memory, and wondered why I wasn’t even thinking about how many months it had been since we had last communicated.
Then a thought popped into my mind, which I trust was from my higher self within, that I was becoming less and less concerned with “time” since essentially, the developing habit of 5D living and Being in the present Moment of Now—where past, present and future simultaneous exists—doesn’t limit experience to the 3D limitations of time and space.
Anyway, yesterday, my husband and I went grocery shopping again, and I was able to find Ben and give him the message that he had initially inspired me to write.
I was so grateful to Goddess-Self within—of both Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Energies/Christ Unity Cosmic Consciousness—that I was able to cross paths with sweet Ben again and share the message, which I trust will benefit him in some way if he’s open to it.
A Message for You Wonderful Soul
For this holiday season and beyond, we wish for you and your loved ones to receive, from this magnificent and generous Universe within us, all the loving energies you’ve sent out to others…tenfold. Wonderful Soul, you deserve the very best in Life.
Often times, the seemingly small and simple things we do from our hearts may not appear as much on the outer surface due to today’s busy lifestyle, as well as what general society prioritizes as valuable and worthy of notice.
However, matters of the Heart are invaluable, and no amount of earthly recognition, certificates, awards, spotlight, bonuses, plaques, etc. can ever replace a heavenly gem deep within you.
Therefore, know without a shadow of a doubt that our Divinity within us is fully aware of, ever present, and ever watching in the vast silence and stillness of timelessness and spacelessness, and is forever deeply treasuring every one of your loving intentions, thoughts, words, emotions, and actions that directly or indirectly affects every interconnected soul within this intricate and amazing web of Life/All That Is.
Thank you Wonderful Soul for your silent thoughts/intentions/prayers of unconditional love you send to others within your quiet, inner heart-space.
Though you may never receive a “Thank you” from the outer world, trust within your Heart that you are highly appreciated from the heavenly realms and beyond, and your rewards—on all levels of your Being—will reveal itself to you in Divine perfect timing and order.
Thank you Wonderful Soul for every heart-warming smile and gesture that you share with others, especially to strangers, who may not even be used to receiving such small gifts that we often take for granted, but are profoundly grateful for them nonetheless.
Thank you Wonderful Soul for every soul-touching word of kindness, truth, peace, encouragement, acknowledgment, upliftment, inspiration, empowerment, guidance, humor and wisdom that you give freely to others from your heart without hesitation, as well as sharing your active listening skills of Divine Presence that says to others, “You matter, and I hear you.”
The ripples of joy you send out will surely echo beyond this earthly realm and affect countless souls throughout the entire omniverse for eternity.
Thank you Wonderful Soul for every act of compassion that you effortlessly show others to let them know, “I see you soul brother/sister, and everything’s going to be just fine…you’re surrounded with much unconditional love my friend.”
Thank you Wonderful Soul for deeply understanding and empathizing with others—with your Higher Mind merged with your Higher Heart/Beloved I AM Presence/Christ Within—who may sometimes forget who they truly are, and thus, come off as…:
- rude, but may be very stressed or tired from the built up sufferings in life
- insensitive, but may be struggling to heal their own inner wounds, which takes acknowledging, embracing, and honoring their own feelings and emotions
- judgmental, but may be fearful of what they don’t understand or don’t know of (fear of the unknown—the greatest fear)
- selfish, but may be suffering from the fear of needing to hoard self-love (not realizing that it’s abundant and unlimited from within) due to the fear-based belief of not being loved enough by the outer world
- “bad,” but are merely stuck and lost within the darkness and ignorance of their own ego self’s lower mind, and are deep down secretly yearning for compassionate souls—their soul brothers and sisters— to one day reflect back to them their own inner Light and Love, helping them to re-member (reunite as One) who they truly are—Trinity: God (Divine Masculine—healed, integrated and balanced fearful ego self/unhealed masculine energy/wounded inner-child (an aspect of soul) and empowered masculine energies of unconditional love—individuality, deep understanding, giving, focusing, achieving, protecting, inner-strength and courage, Being confidence, self-respect, creating healthy boundaries, Being assertiveness, decision-making, accepting and loving all aspects of self unconditionally, fulfilling Divine will, etc., Goddess (Divine Feminine—healed, integrated and balanced shadow self (unknown aspects of us, and often feared and judged as “negative”)/(an aspect of soul) and empowered feminine energies of unconditional love—unity, openness, kindness, empathy, compassion, receiving, allowing, enjoying, basking, accepting, intuition/inner-knowing, wisdom, nurturing, patience, persistence, responsive, free-flowing, supporting, creating, without boundaries, respecting others, accepting and loving all aspects of others unconditionally, etc. merged with Divine Spirit/Father GOD and Mother GODDESS/ALL THAT IS.
Most importantly, Thank you Wonderful Soul for leading by example—accepting and loving absolutely all aspects of self unconditionally (the way Jesus—Christ Consciousness within us all—unconditionally loves all); hence, being able to fully accept and love all aspects of others unconditionally. For how can we give what we ourselves don’t believe we already have?
Last but not least, Thank you Wonderful Soul for just Being who you truly are, in every present and precious Moment of Now, at the depths of your core—and essence/a spark of Divine Light and Unconditional Cosmic Love.
We are grateful that we crossed paths with you; it’s been a blessing.
May you tune into an influx of peace, joy, unconditional love, truth, wisdom, abundance, freedom, creativity, and Divine powers of the Mind/Heart (Divine Masculine/Divine Feminine) that you already have within you—your Divine birthright—in Divine perfect timing and order; and may your balanced (Divine Masculine/Divine Feminine), heavenly state within be reflected back to you (like a mirror) from your outer reality as Heaven on Earth. Bless you. <3<3<3
His disciples said to him, “When will the Kingdom come?” Jesus said, “It will not come by waiting for it. It will not be a matter of saying, ‘Here it is, or there it is’; rather, the Kingdom of the Father is spread out upon the earth, and people do not see it.” The Gospel of Thomas 1:13
Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year of 2015!!! ^_^ Always, Angelo and Barbara
Added December 23, 2014
The Seven Great Hermetic Principles – The Teachings of Thoth: A very helpful and important reading that will be a major game changer in Being who we truly are and seeing/living Heaven on Earth. I trust my Divinity within me.