This afternoon, I noticed an email message from one of the websites that I subscribed to, and as usual, I followed my Heart’s inner guidance as to whether or not I felt drawn to that particular reading.
Like I’ve mentioned before, whenever I come upon any type of reading—whether it’s a book, article, blog, magazine, etc.—I first check in with Spirit within to see if I even have an urge to pursue what’s in front of me; I then ask Spirit to assist me in Being discernment, clarity, inner-wisdom and inner-knowing.
Note: Poster on right above found next to link => (thank you)
I’m grateful for the reading, “MERCURY RETROGRADE – IT’S EFFECTS ON SOULMATE RELATIONSHIPS,” because it helped me to further understand the unfamiliar territory of astrology, as well as trust it.
After enjoying the above reading/link, and only extracting Light (information) and Love (wisdom) that most highly resonates with me, I left a comment for Ann (writer/blogger/psychic), and then proceeded with my reflections and insights within this post.
Note: Poster on left found next to link => (thank you)
I was delighted to see that some of the information within this reading is spot on with my personal experiences.
I trust that sharing the following example stories with interconnected others will help us all (note: the sections start with Ann’s quotes from this reading).
Note: Poster on right above found next to link => (thank you)
Ann’s quote within her reading/link above: “This is a time when many soulmates find themselves back together, reuniting […]”:
Example story #1 related to the quote above:
Yesterday, I had a vivid dream/4th dimension/4D (for the first time that I recall) of a sister-like girlfriend from the early nineties (about 24 years ago). Out of the many humans I’ve crossed paths with throughout the past, four decades, she is one of the handful of amazing people that I would absolutely love to reunite with one day, and I trust Spirit that it will happen in Divine perfect timing and order.
Example story #2 related to the quote above:
Recently, I also had dreams/4D of seeing old friends, to include last night, where I was sharing food with an old girlfriend’s older brother (who was very confident with moments of cockiness), which I trust is symbolic of sharing love energies (i.e., emotional nourishment) with this shadow aspect of self
Ann’s quote within her reading/link above: “Maybe thinking a lot about organizing your life, ideas with career getting more in tuned with your health, nature, animals and more importantly spirituality:
Example story #1 related to the quote above:
I recently started having the urge to further organize stuff within my home, to include gradually getting rid of more old, material objects that no longer serve me and/or no longer have meaning.
Example story #2 related to the quote above:
After getting a glimpse of a collarless, black cat sporadically and then daily walk past our patio several times, I had an urge to set out some water and dried cat food just in case it’s homeless, thirsty, and/or hungry.
Note: I recorded one of my encounters with this cat in the post, “The Unfolding Mystery from the Unknown/Dark Aspects Within” under subtitle, “Insights from Angel Number 151, Black Cat, and Friday the 13th“
Though we have a pet dog, I’ve been wanting a cat for a while now; however, it wasn’t a good idea. First of all, my husband doesn’t care for cats, and secondly, I understand that it’s in the cat’s nature to be free-spirited; hence, having an indoor cat wouldn’t be fair to the cat, and having an indoor/outdoor cat wouldn’t work so well for me and my husband since cats that are allowed to roam freely outdoors can hang out at filthy places like dumpers and sewers, and then bring back all kinds of non-goodies to the house. Oh HEYLL no.
So what’s the next best option? Well, I wasn’t logically thinking about it at the time—just following my Heart’s inner guidance—but after my husband and I provided food, water, and shelter to this stranger cat, we both experienced a pleasant surprise.
Now, we seem to have made a new animal friend who recently came running—while still remaining very cautious right before entering the patio gate—when I rang a set of chimes (signaling a meal served). So cute! ^_^
I named the cat Shadow because I have no doubt that our paths crossed so that we can learn from one another, especially lessons regarding the following:
- how to better understand and know more about my shadow self (the unknown aspects, and even the “unacceptable” to society aspects), which the cat symbolically mirrors back to me
- how to simply be a free-spirit (i.e., not needing to be a certain way or to do a certain thing—to include needing one another to be a typical, companion who’s often at one’s side—due to acknowledgment that the our essence is freedom, and that we come and go as we please and live Life as we please)
- how to trust one another (that even though we both may have had experiences of being hurt by another, afraid and/or unsafe—to include one of the cat’s ear being cut off at the top due to “Trap-Neuter-Return” which it probably didn’t understand its purpose—there’s still room to trust peaceful and loving beings)
- how to further unconditionally accept what is (example story below)
- how to further unconditionally love one another (e.g., to love while going with the flow, but not not needing to form any restricting, emotional attachments since at any given moment, the relationship can end for whatever reasons).
In addition, a vivid dream of lots of cats a while back had inspired me to to write the post, “Spirit’s Cat Totem Guidance to Self-Love and Self-Empowerment“—including a total of 46 intention statements on ways to unconditionally accept/love ALL aspects of self (which also helps us to fully do so for interconnected others)—which I shared on my Home page.
This past weekend, I quietly admired our stray cat, Shadow, from the window as it slept peacefully on our patio folding chair located right outside our bedroom.
I loved that our patio space, which we hardly ever use, could become a home for our new friend.
That precious moment reminded me of the quote on right, which my husband and I incorporated into our daily, positive affirmations that we often say together in the mornings, along with other ones related to healing, wisdom, self-empowerment, and unconditional acceptance/love for self and others (shared at bottom of post).
Note: Image on right above found next to link => (thank you)
The day before yesterday, in the middle of the still dark morning, both my husband and I ended up using the bathroom one after another (yes…TMI).
Still feeling sleepy, we laid back down; however, minutes later, I heard an aggressive version of Shadow’s meow followed by a hiss.
I immediately sensed that Shadow may be in some kind of danger, so I got out of bed and peeked out of the closed shades of our bedroom window.
When I saw a shadowy figure on the outer side of our patio, I rushed over to the patio doorway and turned on the light switch.
When Shadow continued hissing, I abruptly opened the patio, glass door to scare off the unknown cat.
At that very moment, Shadow shrieked another panicking meow and sprinted through the narrow space of the patio gate bars. I imagine the other cat took off as soon as I opened the door as well.
Within seconds, I heard another shriek which made my heart pound. My husband informed me that the shadowy figure appeared to be a larger black cat.
I suppose my motherly instincts kicked in, because although I was reminded from within that the need to protect and even rescue was something that I was working on fully releasing, it didn’t stop me from heading out.
I kept thinking that the unknown cat (possibly a male) was bigger, and I wasn’t about to allow it to bully Shadow, whom we recently befriended.
I even communicated to Spirit that the situation reminded me of one of the most commonly held misunderstandings within this world that, “survival of the fittest” = “survival of the strongest,” which even I’ve become conditioned to believe; hence, my desire to help our unofficially adopted, smaller stray cat.
However, I was reminded that there are beings like me, who—despite being an unusually short, 4’9″/111 lb female from junior high to adult—have not only survived, but thrived within a very challenging world where most people (besides small children) were much bigger and stronger than me.
I grabbed my dolphin chimes ((i.e., a set of beautiful sounding chimes with various size, glass blue dolphins)—that I’ve been using to call Shadow during meal times—and rushed out the door.
I walked around our apartment building, gently ringing the chimes a few times, but the only sound I heard was that of a bird. I didn’t realize it then, but looking back, I now trust that the bird’s presence was a reminder for my soul to be freedom (e.g., letting go of limiting, fear-based beliefs).
I went back inside and looked out our patio glass door—worried that Shadow might become injured or even killed. Yes, the latter was a bit dramatic, but I didn’t know what to expect since I had never had that kind of experience before.
I then noticed a tiny gecko on the wall right outside the patio glass door, and its presence instantly reminded me to emotionally detach to the incident the way a gecko detaches its tail during urgent moments, only to regrow it later (which I trust means that ultimately, nothing is lost). I had seen a few geckos within the past couple of months, so I had looked up the animal totem/spirit guide meanings, and that was one of the main symbolism that I was able to recall. I then realized the life lessons I was meant to learn, to include:
- always follow your Heart’s fiery passion and do your best at whatever (to include being there for a friend); however, let go of needing something (or someone) to be a certain way (e.g., like me wanting Shadow to be safe, secure—with bare necessities such as food, water, and shelter—and feeling peaceful) by just embracing what is (e.g., a dramatic, yet, natural, cat fight that both parties will eventually learn and grow from) from a neutral standpoint—neither judging it good or bad
- By letting go of that which we have no control over (i.e., not having a need to worry), we further liberate ourselves
- always remember that Spirit offers through Life obvious blessings, and blessings in disguise, and the life lessons that we learn can gift us with profound and priceless wisdom that can help our souls grow and spiritually evolve
- fully trust that no matter what happens—and how things may temporarily appear on the outer surface—it’s meant to most highly benefit the interconnected whole (Divine Wisdom/Divine Plan/Divine Perfection)
I communicated to Spirit within something to the effect, “I choose to trust you that it will all work out for the best. Thank you.”
I then sat down on the couch, relaxed and enjoyed a book that I’m currently reading—Family of Light by Barbara Marciniak.
Side Note: Though I started reading this book after Path to Empowerment—rather than right after the first two books—it surprisingly worked out perfectly, to include much of the contents of the books strangely matching personal experiences I’ve had in the past, or have been recently having as well.
As the morning became lighter outside, I had an urge to peek outside the patio glass door again. It was then that our eyes met—the unknown cat and mine.
Though it, too, was a full-blown, black cat that’s also well groomed, its body is much thicker than slender Shadow’s.
In addition, its grey eyes are bigger and rounder. Shadow’s honey-colored eyes are smaller and a bit bug-eyed, though adorable.
To my amazement, though I initially felt a bit angry towards the unknown cat, like thinking, “What did you do to Shadow?” I suddenly felt compassion for this lonely-appearing creature.
Its very brief, yet, deep stare seemed to communicate sadness. And as it slowly turned its back and calmly headed in-between the patio gate bars, my heart went out to it.
If I could rewind the scene and do it all over again, I would telepathically shout, “FREEZE cat-sucker!!” followed by a gentle and loving, “Just kiddin’, you’re welcome here as well.” 🙂
Wait a second, I just realized that whenever one is living and simply Being (Authentic Self/Multidimensional Self) in the present Moment of Now—that includes the past, present and future occurring simultaneously since time and space aren’t limitations—then one has a matching or higher vibrational frequency state of 5D/5th dimension and beyond that allows such instant, change to be done. So it is! Done deal!!! 😉
ANYway, unlike Shadow who is very skittish (and understandably so if it’s learned not to trust humans), this unknown cat seemed so calm, cool and collected, like a wise, old, fearless soul.
At that moment of observing this intriguing creature, I felt as though I had a glimpse of what it’s like to be Divine Mother Goddess (Prime Creator), who unconditionally accepts/loves ALL of Life/All That Is without favoritism.
Side Note: Favoritism can be quite hurtful to the ones who are not favored; I know from personal experience, and I intend to share some stories and insights regarding this theme in an upcoming post, “The Strange Increase of Death and Disease Showing Up: Oldest Step-Brother (Part 5 of 13).”
Afterall, the unknown, possibly stray cat was more than likely looking for what all other stray cats look for—water, food, and safe shelter.
Looking back, I realize that my husband and I didn’t even hear the unknown cat aggressively meow, hiss, or shriek (the way fearful and aggressive Shadow did); it was merely sitting on the outer side of the patio gate watching, and more than likely just wanting to come into our patio space.
I had recently read that feral cats, unlike stray cats, usually live within a community of cats. So even though Shadow and the other black cat are more than likely strays, I telepathically communicated to the them—whether they heard and/or understood me or not—that I wished for them to come to an understanding that there’s more than enough water, food, and shelter to share, and that they didn’t need to compete and/or fight.
Ever since that dark morning of cat drama, Shadow no longer sits or sleeps on our patio folding chair the way he or she used to every now and then.
Shadow had peed (a lot) and pooped (a tiny amount) on the chair probably due to fear and/or marking of its territory.
We bagged that chair, threw it away, and set up the other folding chair with an old, clean towel on it. At some point the next day, I noticed that Shadow kept sniffing and investigating the other folding chair area, while still not sitting or sleeping on it.
Shortly after Shadow left, I went outside our patio and noticed a few tiny specks of what appeared to be light yellow urine on the white towel, which was more than likely the unknown cat’s urine (again, possibly marking its territory last night or accidentally squirting due to being startled by some sound in the morning).
I had a gut feeling that the unknown cat was staying in our patio area only at night—which also explains why the finished water bowl was flipped upside down and the finished food bowl was on the ground (something Shadow hasn’t done, though it does finish its food)—and Shadow was stopping by sporadically throughout the day.
Though I already miss seeing Shadow relax or sleep peacefully on a folding chair within our patio, I’m also reminded that the other cat has needs as well; and I trust Spirit that they will both be taken care of in whatever way best suits them.
I find it fascinating that it all seemed to work itself out so far—day cat and night cat taking turns sharing the same space in harmony.
Some may call this mere coincidence; I (and like minded/hearted others) call it Divine synchronicity.
UPDATE (inserted on 8/31/2016)
Note: Post “The Incognito Strays Who Mirrored Profound Wisdom” is an update and continuation to the above story within this post
Looking back, I experienced a similar situation (regarding fear-based beliefs surfacing for potential re-examination and release) about six years ago at a dog park.
During that time-frame, I had crossed paths again within one of my very competitive, outwardly cold, former, Army female coworkers from my second to last unit. Note: I shared some short stories of my experiences with her in the post, “Embracing a Setback to Set Forward” under subtitle, “Sharing God’s Miraculous Blessings: Back-to-Back “Failures” Part III.”
She owned two, small dogs, and one of them (a very aggressive dog) bit my then one year old Siberian Husky on the tail, which caused him to yelp, panic, and take off running.
This in turn caused about six to seven much larger dogs to go chasing after my dog Kami (pronounced like Tommy but with a K meaning “spirit of nature” in Japanese).
Though I have an old and outdated fear of big dogs—possibly due my my adoptive dad getting bit on the ass by his friend’s dog when I was a kid—I chased after the group of dogs because I wasn’t about to take any chances of allowing the bigger dogs hurt my puppy.
However, even at that time (I just now realized), Kami didn’t need me to protect or rescue him. Even though he was only around a year old, he was so amazingly agile, maneuvering in-between other people, dogs, and the playground obstacles themselves.
To my great surprise (as well as my husband’s), the bigger dogs couldn’t catch up with Kami. After much running around, my husband was able to get Kami to come to him, and the game was over.
Looking back, I may have panicked and worried due to my own fears, but the dogs may have been simply playing chase and having fun.
As I’m typing away, and gaining deeper insights, my fear-based beliefs are becoming more apparent, to include the one that something BIG could potentially harm a loved one, and that I needed to go into protection and rescue mode.
In addition, I’ve noticed that observing Shadow has helped me to better live and Be in the present Moment of Now, to include:
- noticing the seemingly small, yet, joyful things in Life that we may often take for granted in our own lives, like Shadow…
- playfully rolling on the sidewalk (side to side), suddenly falling off and onto the street, and immediately bouncing back with the usual, buggy-eyed, terrified look of, “Where am I?? WTF just happened?!”
- being in stealth mode along the sidewalk, and then pouncing onto the bright green lawn (probably after a tiny bug)
- jumping about a quarter way up a crape (or crepe) myrtle tree (after several, persistent attempts due to the bark being very smooth) in order to catch a gecko, falling off, and then seemingly walking off with a look of attitude as though he or she is thinking, “F it! I don’t have time for gecko BULLsh!t!! I wonder if anyone saw me fall in such a clumsy manner. F it! Don’t care anymore!! Ooh, what’ that shiny object over there?” Note: Image on right above of crape myrtle trees found next to link => Southern Living (thank you)
- I can’t wait to hook Shadow up with some good quality, natural catnip (as well as the unknown cat if I ever see it again)—either as an available plant in a pot or within a toy—since cats apparently LOVE the stuff ; and from what I read so far, catnip is not harmful or addictive to cats, and they apparently (and intuitively) know when enough is enough.
- UPDATE (inserted 9/22/2016): Since a citronella candle (used for short periods) wasn’t effective in keeping the mosquitoes away from Shadow (even though it seemed to relax her), I searched for a natural method, and came upon this reading, “Catnip Repels Mosquitoes More Effectively Than DEET.” Catnip hasn’t been effective; however, lavender incense seems to work, and Shadow doesn’t seem to mind the smell. More stories and photos in upcoming post, “Continuing Updates of a Black Stray Cat Named Shadow” (changed to, “Stories of a Black Stray Cat Named Shadow” published 3/2/2017) that follows post, “The Incognito Strays Who Mirrored Profound Wisdom“
- noticing ‘outer world mirroring inner world’
- reflecting upon signs, symbols, and once hidden beliefs resurfacing for re-examination
- appreciating life lessons offered by Spirit, and…
- grabbing the opportunities to gain profound wisdom that’s made available through invaluable experience
Ann’s quote within her reading/link above: “Now is a great time to start focusing on healthy clean eating and changing up your diet and eating more organic foods that are non-GMO, also starting a new fitness plan getting back into shape, and making goals for the future with health.”:
Example story related to the quote above:
My husband and I have gradually been incorporating more organic foods despite the big challenge of it being more expensive.
We further realized that it’s about quality rather than quantity as we transition from poverty consciousness to prosperity consciousness.
Basically, if it’s a matter of being on a budget, we’d rather cut down on some, truly unnecessary items in order to purchase the few, yet, better quality ones.
And for the past couple of weeks, we started shopping at a whole foods store that provides a lot of organic foods and other great quality items, with some items (that we typically buy) being similar in price as our local supermarket.
We can continue to be lost, 3D souls living with a mind-state of poverty consciousness—to include always being able to find a reason to spend money on “more important matters” or saving so much for the future (that may never come) —however, the fear-based cycle of NOT believing in the sheer abundance of Life within us and all around us (passed on from one generation to another) must come to an end somehow, some way and some day.
Fortunately, this knowledge is heading towards becoming mainstream, but meanwhile, let’s take a brief moment to think about something that’s not too difficult to figure out.
Now I’m not your typical, math excelling, Asian female, but even I can comprehend what the majority of humans on this planet should already know by this day and age.
So let’s ask ourselves, “Hmmm, what’s off about this passed down, major belief throughout this world that hard work equals success (especially monetary success)?”
WELL…throughout human history, the majority of the people on this planet who have either worked hard and/or worked a lot of hours have lived in either poverty or some smalls steps right above it. Only a small percentage of people are rich, and about 1% are extremely wealthy.
As challenging as it may be, I trust that we must first and foremost live and simply Be prosperity consciousness by example (though our outer reality may not yet mirror this truth)—on the transitional (or even instantaneous) path of poverty consciousness to prosperity consciousness—even though it may come with the heavy price of being easily judged by society (especially extended family members, friends, neighbors, etc.) as being unreasonable, irresponsible, selfish, ignorant, dumb, snobbish, picky, careless, extravagant, crazy, etc.
Just like the cycle of abuse (in its various forms)—that’s usually passed on from one generation to the next—must stop at some point, so do the cycles of poverty consciousness, separation consciousness, dis-empowerment, unworthiness, victim mentality, and more from old/outdated, overly patriarchal, fear-based belief systems that we all now have a choice to release to our angels (higher selves) within for transmutation and healing.
Also, some great reminders from Ann from the reading/link on top, to include:
- “Embrace everything in your life that may not be exactly what you want but giving gratitude in every area during Mercury retrograde will help attract positive new beginnings into your life.”
- “Try to get old projects completed […]”
And last but not least, thank you Spirit within self, Ann, and other interconnected Life, for everything.
Have many exciting and relaxing present Moments of Now where all the miracles and magic happens! 😉
Love you All That Is <3 <3 <3 Barbara 😉
<3 <3 <3<3 <3 <3<3 <3 <3<3 <3 <3<3
As mentioned above, the following are the daily, positive affirmations that my husband and I often say together in the mornings—that gets alternated with intention statements and I AM statements (some revised) from some of the Pleiadian books by Barbara Marciniak—to include the healing and balancing of our chakras within and others (We start by saying, “Thank you my root chakra,” then read the root chakra affirmations, and then “Thank you my sacral chakra,” and continue from there) :
Note: For the Heart Chakra affirmations poster, we add “self and” right before the word others for the 3rd and 4th sentences
Note: The above poster on right is the original, words-only version of the “Empower Self: Cosmic Affirmations” poster; the version with additional artwork shared in the Mulantis Store category of this blog (or the left-hand side of this blog while facing it)
Note: For the “Deepest Fear” quote by Marianne Williamson, we add “and Goddess” after the mentions of God. Also, images above (in numerical order) found next to the links below (thank you all):
- (root chakra)
- (sacral chakra)
- (solar plexus chakra)
- (heart chakra)
- (throat chakra)
- (third eye chakra)
- (crown chakra)
- this blog/co-created with Spirit within (“Empower Self: Cosmic Affirmations”)
- link mentioned above (“Gratitude” quote by Melody Beattie)
- (“Deepest Fear” quote by Marianne Williamson)
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