I recently created three sets of card booklets using Google Slides to consolidate: pics and posters from Google Images, two of my personal images (“Embrace All Aspects of Self” and my cats Shadow and Leo), personal expressions, and my short text expressions on certain images.
Side Note: I usually mention the source of the pics and posters I find on Google Images, whenever I use them in my blog, but since I had initially created these slides for personal use, I didn’t bother to keep track of them. If anyone happens to have a problem with me sharing these slides, let me know.
My husband printed the slides out on glossy paper (front and back), placed them into clear report covers, and then attached them into three sets of red folders.
My husband, Angelo, sent me this pic (on right above) via phone to show me how it looks. When he brought one of the card booklets home that was all assembled together, I was delighted that it printed out so crystal clear, and it turned out really nice.
I thought, if I ever received a personal gift like this, I would more than likely cry tears of joy. When I first started blogging, one of the first posts I created around 2011 was titled, “Tears of Joy.” I later added addition details that I recalled in another post (a story mixed with other stories), but I don’t recall the title (will insert when it comes to me).
It was a deeply heartfelt surprise experience I had during summer hire in high school. It meant the world to me, because the previous year, both my parents had forgotten my 16th birthday; and when my ex-boyfriend at the time stopped by our house to drop off a surprise birthday cake and gift, and my parents found out that my birthday had passed, my mother threw me a $20 bill with a serious expression, which made me feel worse.
When I shared this story in further detail within this blog, I included profound insights I received from this life lesson (a blessing in disguise).
I realized that the contrast/duality/polarity experience of not receiving any form of love on and after my 16th birthday helped me to deeply appreciate it’s opposite experience (i.e., the basic story shared in above post).
Anyway, Angelo gave the card booklets to three of his coworkers and their families who are wonderful people—especially two coworkers who often go above and beyond to uplift others.
I created an extra slide for each of them that has a detailed, personal message, but didn’t include them in this post. I only extracted a non-personal section from one of those slides to create the above slide titled, “Embracing Our Invaluable Emotions and Feelings,” which can apply to all interconnected souls.
For this simple reason, I’m also sharing this card booklet (as a soft copy) in my blog, for whoever’s meant to visit this space in Divine perfect timing and order.
I’ve also shared other creative expressions that were initially for certain family members, but I realized that these gifts can benefit, and be enjoyed by, interconnected “others.”
To my great surprise, my husband told me that one of the family members/coworkers approached him with glossy eyes, and said something to the effect that no one does things like this these days; and she further shared additional compliments.
Other coworkers and family members expressed their gratitude as well, and it made my husband and I happy that they liked it. One of them—who’s a thoughtful role model, caring father-figure to my husband, and excellent leader—went through a very traumatic experience recently, so it was our great pleasure to share our deepest appreciation.
The following is an excerpt from the continuation post, “Embracing and Integrating Aspect of Shadow Self That Doesn’t Show Appreciation“:
I trust that I’m learning to be at peace with certain others not sharing feedback and/or expressing any form of appreciation; there can be various factors as to why one chooses to say (or not say), do (or not do), give (or not give), etc., and it doesn’t benefit us to always take it personally.
Related Post, “An Intriguing Experience and Reading About the Female Christ“
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