This message is the second part of an update I shared today at the bottom of the previous post, “TRUE FREEDOM: Be, Think, Believe, Feel, Say, Do, Eat, Drink, etc. What YOUR Soul TRULY Desires to Experience” [further updated on 4/13/20]; it can be read on its own, but I did mention star seeded souls (aka starseeds) in the above post/link that connects the two.
I’ve only known two women and one man, while in Sedona, who actually LIVED BY EXAMPLE when it comes to unconditionally loving self/others/interconnected Life; hence, it FELT very comfortable to be in their amazing, full presence.
Note: They are former coworkers (one female a Manager) from job #5/7 (Sedona post series shared in this blog’s category page, Earthly and Otherworldly Puzzle Pieces)
Renee mostly ate a vegan diet, though she also enjoyed non-vegan foods as well; and her partner, David, is an omnivore, but incorporated a vegan diet at times. Sue-Ellen is a pescatarian, who doesn’t eat meat, but enjoys vegetables, fruits, fish, other seafood, etc. related to this particular diet.
None of them had the need or desire to persuade, manipulate, or pressure anyone to eat [drink, be, think, believe, feel, speak, do, etc.] like them; and I trust this is due to their integrated, open Mind/Heart (1212)ย willingness to simply embrace everyone as IS.
12:12 is one of the recurring number sequences—aka angel numbers/truth codes/activation codes, [soul] wake up calls, etc.—-that I (and many others) have been experiencing as number synchronicity within various forms of Divine synchronicity for almost a decade (to include dream messages, animal spirit guide messages, accelerated ascension symptoms, and other signs, symbols, and various earthly and otherworldly extensions and aspects of Spirit messages, even via humans, that seem like “coincidences”).
I just saw 12:12 today (4/13/20), on my laptop clock while updating this post, and I trust that it mirrored to me—since Divine synchronicity connects our outer world with our inner world—my current, fully present vibrational frequency state of simply Being peaceful, free, creative, trusting, abundant (intuitively knowing I have everything I need right now), grateful, wise, and happy (i.e., in alignment with our Inner Being/Source/Higher Self: Soul & Spirit/I (God) AM (Goddess) Presence/Christ & Buddha Cosmic Unity Consciousness within).
And 12:12 often reminds me of: Balance & Harmony/open and merged Heart & Mind (or integrated Mind/Heart)/Yin & Yang/Moon & Sun/Spirit & Soul/Divine Feminine (Goddess) and Divine Masculine (God) energies/MerKaBa/Spiraling Consciousness: merged Light (God) & Love (Goddess) Frequencies.
I trust that when we simply LIVE by example, others will naturally want to know who we are, what we know, what we feel, what we do, where we go, what we wear, what we believe, what we eat, what drink, etc.
Because, ultimately, we’re ALL interconnected parts of the whole/The One…
me/you/we/Life within the multiverse and beyond.
And I trust that we all deeply yearn to reconnect with the core of our pure essence (merged Soul/Light Frequency & Spirit/Love Frequency).
It’s wonderful to share helpful information, as long as we remember NOT to be so pushy to whatever degree—ONLY wanting others to be and do what we believe is right, good, beneficial, uplifting, empowering, and spiritual.
Thank you Multidimensional STAR Beings—SOUL Family/Families (144)—for leading by example, and Being an invaluable gift to humanity, merging worlds, our Galaxy, our Universe, and way beyond:
- generously loving, lovable, ambiverted, ultra sensitive, empathetic, deeply caring, free-spirited, wild, passionate, spunky, goofy, and FUN, Pet Lover Renee Hermes (Pleiadian soul sister)
- authentic, grounded, gentle loving, introverted, peaceful, honest, open-minded, deeply understanding, keenly observant, discerning, intuitive, smartassy, Cat-whisperer David B.(? I forgot his last name; Renee’s partner)
- profoundly wise, witty, optimistic, extroverted, ambitious, assertive, organized, thoughtful, psychic, super joyful, playful, and HILARIOUS Horse Loverย Sue-Ellen Barker (Arcturian soul sister)
- and like souls
I strongly sense that David is a Sirian soul brother, and not just because he has some matching starseed traits.
Granted, I’ve shared this within this blog before, but one of the things that I realized, is that I can strongly relate to various star system traits.
And I trust this has to do with many of us having had numerous lifetime experiences in earthly and otherworldly realities (I’ve experienced a plethora of different lives in dream state, shared in this blog).
Anyway, when David and Renee—who also have two cats (plus one dog)—visited our apartment home this past fall for lunch (and to go to the movie theater later), something unusual happened.
Our pet cats, Shadow and Leo—who usually run and hide whenever they even hear a stranger from outside—were instantly drawn to David like a magnet.
It was crystal clear that they REALLY enjoyed his full presence and high vibrational frequency, because they kept making strong eye contact and rubbing themselves all over him; and they even allowed Renee to pet them.
Renee, David, and Sue-Ellen (and like souls),ย I’m very grateful for your precious and priceless existence, and for all the generous gifts/wonderful aspects of YOU that you’ve shared with so many.
And I have no doubt that you will all continue to have a ripple to TSUNAMI effect upon ALL of interconnected Life (All That Is) with your brightly merged Light/Love Frequency.
Sending you and your loved ones much love and other uplifting abundance, wherever you are.
I have a feeling we will cross paths again—whether in this particular world, parallel Earth realities, alternate Earth or other world realities, other dimensions (to include dream state), another lifetime, and/or return to Source. So until then…take great care.
Note: Above 3 images found in articles => 11) “Eye candy from space: The most beautiful panoramas and photos of the universe around us” and 13 + 18) “Meet the BOSS, the Largest Structure in the Universe (So Far): Astronomers recently discovered a wall of galaxies 1 billion light years across, larger than anything else yet identified in the cosmos”
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