For this post, I’ve decided NOT to add the usual images, different color fonts, or even thoroughly do a spell check and grammar check, since I’ve done more than enough today.
I’m going to simply relax for the rest of the evening and enjoy. I may come back to this post another day to further work on it if I feel like it.
If you feel drawn to read it, you will tune into this channel; and if not, it was never meant to be, so perfect either way.
While sharing a comment for the YouTube video, “Leo ‘This Woke Me Up!’ August 1st – 7th Tarot,” (that doesn’t show up for whatever reason) I started typing much faster than usual, which I’ve learned to just flow with, since I trust that my Higher Self (Spirit & Soul within) was guiding me (channeling through me) to share what can highly benefit self/others: these consolidated past/present/future experiences (to include NEW information)—all simultaneously happening in the PRESENT moments of NOW from an unlimited, Multidimensional, expanded perspective (though from a limited, linear, human perspective, past, present, and future seem separate from one another):
THANK YOU SO MUCH Chris for sharing this immensely helpful video, especially the importance of staying on our Heart/Intuition/Spirit/Moon-led path and working SMARTER—to include enJOYing the process/journey, part of Being Prosperity Consciousness—rather than working harder (part of poverty consciousness, where the ego’s lower mind thinks it can do it all by itself, rather than follow Heart’s inner guidance and work as an awesome team of integrated Heart/Mind (“Teamwork is Dreamwork” as you like to call it! ^_^).
Again, I appreciate your open yet discerning mind, open Heart with healthy boundaries, your full presence, magnetic personality, a great sense of humor, profoundly wise insights, and how you explain the symbolism for the tarot cards (which, like you stated, is not meant to be taken too seriously and 100% true since there are many probabilities).
Plus, I highly resonate with the Phoenix Bird Rising card, and your suggestion to go with the flow of Life, to continue to use our unlimited imagination to visualize our dreams, but also ensure that we are flexible and spontaneous, rather than rigid about how things need to turn out (i.e., exactly how we envisioned it).
I was in Brazil for a month—to include experiencing my first ayahuasca retreat for 11 days—so I chose not to watch any YouTube videos while there, and simply do my best to be fully present with that new environment and people that I was around.
But I’m glad I’m back with what FEELS like my online Soul Families (like you, Mariah, Victor, Gregg, etc.). Though I’ve met some really wonderful, and even amazing people (in their own, unique way), it seems rare to truly connect with those who are a mega combo package of: authentic, transparently honest, soul-igniting, unconditionally loving, deeply heartfelt, profoundly wise, encouraging, uplifting, empowering, inspiring, and Consciousness expanding.
But then again, as I continue to unconditionally love more and more ultimately NEUTRAL aspects of Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self/Self, I trust that outer world will eventually MIRROR inner world in Divine perfect timing and order.
Regarding your insight about the lion within the Strength card, for my 1 of 5 ayahuasca ceremony, I thanked the ayahuasca plant for assisting me to identify whatever remnants of fear I had within that were UNKNOWN to me, so that I could face them and overcome them.
And to my great surprise, I had one of the MOST INTENSE, VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCY experiences I’ve ever had. I intuitively knew that I was in the presence of the Gods, with at least two, unknown others standing on each side of me.
I was more than likely in ancient Egypt since God Thoth was standing right in front of me, and we were about the same height (and they’re known to be super tall).
Years ago, I’ve heard his voice within while reading Thoth The Atlantean Emerald Tablets book, dreamt of him before at least a few times, experienced a flash image of a white truck with the label “Thoth” on the front during meditation, etc., so I fully trust there’s a profound connection.
And one of the insights I received after my first ayahuasca ceremony, was that my greatest fear wasn’t something “negative” and frightening, but my Light within (aka Soul/God-Self/Divine Masculine Essence part of WHOLE self/Self; the other half of the Cosmic Coin being Spirit/Goddess-Self/Divine Feminine essence).
[CORRECTIONS ADDED FOR THE ABOVE PARAGRAPH AND RELATED PARTS OF THIS POST ON 8/8/2022: Next post, “READY to Experience Your Truly Authentic, WHOLE, Powerful & Free Self?“
And this UNBELIEVABLE, POWERFUL Presence of God Thoth experience was very similar to a dream I had years ago, where my Korean step-mother told me that my father had changed, and then I saw a tall, blond, male Being gracefully descend from the sky, who then started charging towards me, I started walking backwards, and then INTENSELY FELT his POWERFUL PRESENCE that was somewhat like sexual energy, but in an uncomfortable way.
Plus, after that 1st ceremony, I was reminded of a well-known quote by Marianne Williamson about our greatest fear, which is our Light, which explains why I was walking backwards in a cautious way when this otherworldly Being was approaching me.
And soon after that dream, I came upon an artwork online of a tall, blond male that the artist titled, “Thoth.” [โPuzzle Pieces of Recurring Blond Male Dreams & Various Versions of God Thothโ]
Before that, I had only seen God Thoth with an ibis or baboon head (which I’ve also dreamt of before, to include a vivid dream where I shouted 3 times, “God Thoth wake up!!!” to an ibis just looking at me with curious eyes). [โDream of Shouting at Ibis, โGod Thoth, Wake Up!โโ]
I also briefly saw 1 eye open and look at me while meditating; and it was within what appeared to be squares within squares moving wormhole (which I wondered was symbolic of God Thoth actually waking up). [โA Vision of One Eye in Center of Squares Within Squares Wormholeโ]
I then saw a license plate in my apt complex that read, “WOKEN1.” [Mulantis Reuniting All YouTube channel video, “A Seal & Orange UFO Dream Leading to Invaluable Wealth“]
Not too long afterwards, I saw a God Thoth figurine with sacred # code…
[deleted the following continuation from this video’s comment since too long]
777—part of username of person selling it via Amazon—who’s holding a notepad-like thing that has spiraling squares (like the wormhole); so I bought it since I recognized these series of Divine Synchronicity (to include having seen 777 several times during that timeframe). [“Divine Mother Goddess: A Gift for You & Interconnected Life on Motherโs Day ^_^” (includes Divine synchronicities regarding God Thoth & 777)]
I later saw the sacred # 777 explained in The Return of the Anunnaki book that I was drawn to. [“What IF 2022 is Humanityโs Last Year to Fully Live Within This World?“]
The Strength card reminded me of a vivid dream I had a while back, of walking with two lions on each side of me, on what appeared to be a bright green, grassy lawn on a sunny day.
At one point, I approached a house, opened the door, and noticed a dark gray environment inside that seemed to include my Earth family members.
I gestured (with my hand) to the lions to stay outside, while I entered and I think closed the door. I later found various online images of different types of Goddesses around the world with two lions, and strongly sensed that this dream may have been a symbolic dream, or even an actual reality of my Higher Self (Goddess-Self) from perhaps a past/present/future alternate Universe merged with this world. [โThe Dream of a Talking Lion & Interconnected Storiesโ]
Anyhoo, it seemed to represent leaving the higher realms and entering the vibrationally denser/lower frequency of physical world (i.e., planet Earth), the way Goddess Inanna is known to have descended to lower realms, who I saw an image of in a Zecharia Sitchin book, and was blown away, since she looked exactly like a dream I had years ago, which I recorded within my blog [โA Dream of Shouting, โGOD!!!โโ]
Regarding your love reading, speaking of ridiculously, extremely, and CRAzy honest…I’m going to be that right now, despite the very high probability that I can be judged by others.
Because the transparently honest truth is, due the above mentioned—AND an ABUNDANCE of many other seemingly UNBELIEVABLE earthly and otherworldly experiences (both in dream state and this particular physical reality; plus, my birth info and full names: Japorean-American)—I’ve developed a very strong intuitive FEELING, BELIEF, and even CONVICTION that I’ve tuned into an answer that I’ve been wondering about for almost a decade.
And that is…who I am/AM, and who my so-called Twin Flame is. And this is NOT the overly romanticized, drama-filled, candlelight dinner, shallow version of The Twin Flame reunion that’s been turned into some riDONKulous circus show within the online world, but the real deal. [“Curiosity, Observations, Questions, Insights & Wisdom About Twin Soul/Twin Flame, Monad, & Trinity“]
The actual, rare Twin Flames who are meant to reunite and work together in a deeply profound way to highly benefit this world and beyond. [“Misrepresentation of Twin Flames: A Blessing in Disguise“]
However COMMA I’ve had thoughts like, “You are aware that you’re pretty much invisible within this world, but by most of those who happen to tune into your space, you sharing such UNBELIEVABLE information, will be harshly judged by this world with many negative labels, such as: extremely arrogant, delusional, grandiose, crazy, narcissist, wanting to be special, desperately needing attention, craving for recognition and love, etc…along with ‘who the hell do you think you are?’ Are you ready for that?”
My answer used to be something like, “Not really,” but now it’s more like, “Whatever’s for the highest benefit of self/interconnected Life within this world and beyond.
[deleted the following from this video’s comment up to this point]
In addition, there’s only one way to find out the truth; but I’m not going to hold my breath, but rather, continue to Be and do my best while living in this and other worlds within this lifetime.
But I also realized that we cannot Be, or even manifest, THAT which we DENY. By the way, I’ve never shared this consolidated information (to include NEW info) in this straightforward manner before, but what the hell, here it is; this is who I AM, take it or leave it.
It’s intriguing what you said about The World card since I’m actually returning to Oahu HI at the end of Oct of this year for a visit (where I was stationed at from 2003-2008 while in the Army).
And since I’ll be there, I thought, WHY NOT continue to perform open-mic comedy there as well! I will continue to keep an EYE out for any further opportunities for sure, so thanks for the great reminder!
[ADDED THIS TO THIS VIDEO’S COMMENT (SO THE REMAINING COMMENT BELOW WAS NOT INCLUDED): I had to delete the another half of this super LONG comment Lol. I f you’re drawn to the idea, you can continue reading in blog post, “A First Ayahuasca Experience, God Thoth, Epiphanies of Puzzle Pieces & Twin Flame.” (Mulantis:]
And you’re SPOT ON, out of all the locations I’ve traveled so far, I loved the weather and environment of Hawaii the most—with a perfect combination of light blue beaches (though I prefer aqua water with soft white sand Lol), lots of greenery, mountains, warm and cool weather, relaxed demeanor of most people, access to Asian stuff to include Korean supermarkets and many Asian restaurants, etc.).
So I would love to move back, or at least to a similar location; but, it is expensive to live there. Granted, I’m reminded that our Universe is unlimited with possibilities and probabilities; so it all depends on what we choose to BELIEVE, since BELIEFS are known to be VERY POWERFUL.
WOW, after your shared about how you WOKE UP—while reading the 10 of pentacles card—and how we may not be aware of the whatever gift(s) we received from another, I experienced a MAJOR EPIPHANY; and when I immediately paused this video to share it with you, I noticed that I had paused it at 12:12, and this sacred # code has been reminding me within a decade of: Realization/Balance & Harmony/Goddess & God/MerKaBa/Lightbody (which I saw in dream state once, and in this physical world reality once)/Spiraling Consciousness/Star of David Frequency/Integrated Heart & Mind/etc. [โTrinity: Dream of White Dove Aircraft & I AM/12:12/Christ & Buddha Withinโ]
I’ve been receiving so many of these Divine gifts—to include the ones shared within this LONG-ASS, OVERSHARING comment Lol—but yet, I’ve been continuing to doubt rather than fully TRUST.
THANK YOU SO MUCH Chris for this extremely helpful video message. And WHY NOT toot your own horn at times! Lol You, like everyone else, deserve to be fully recognized and celebrated. ^_^
Interesting that The Death card actually reminded me of something else. I had a flashback of coming upon a reading about two years ago or so, about the Pope bringing back into some small church a small Goddess statue or figurine that was set outside back in the day.
And I intuitively and strongly sensed that this was symbolic of the Catholic Church gradually changing their old and outdated ways—to include now honoring the Divine Mother Goddess the way S/He deserves to be acknowledged and celebrated—since they are fully aware that THE RETURN is definitely happening, which includes The Anunnaki and The Divine Mother Goddess & Her other Cosmic Half (God), in physical form again. [โWhy So-Called Evil Trembles In HER Powerful Presence (an Unexpected Reason)โ]
I wonder if The Death card is symbolic of this MAJOR TRANSFORMATION that you mentioned, on and individual and Collective level. It’s no ancient Japorean secret anymore that the Catholic Church has been EXTENSIVELY preparing for their return (this is NOT some conspiracy theory; you can do your own research, to include the ginormous telescope they’ve invested in to keep track). [“Turning the Other Cheek, When It Is & Isnโt Abuse & Jesus Honoring Heart/Goddess“]
What’s also interesting about The Sun and The Magician (rainbow bridge of physical and spiritual worlds) cards you talked about, is that they’re both related to the God essence that’s similar to God Thoth/Hermes/Jesus/Enki (regardless of what earthly and/or otherworldly physical forms He manifests as; the same goes for the Goddess essence).
I actually had a vivid dream once of playing with a snake, and trying to get it to bite its own tail (among other snake dreams).
[deleted 2 paragraphs, confirmations only meant to help Chris from Minnow Pond Tarot]
After typing the above, I noticed 4:44 on my laptop clock; and this angel number has been reminding me of the angelic realm and/or the Arcturians (Celestial E.T., Beings, part of our Galactic & Universal Soul Families, known as highly evolved on all energetic levels—mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, and technologically).
But for the first time, I strongly sensed that they’re are one and the same essence, and are related to the Anunnaki, since the book mentioned within this post also talked about Ascended Masters.
Related posts
- โDream Messages from My Multidimensional Selfโ
- โDestiny from Earthly and Cosmic Perspectivesโ
- โThe Path of the Gentle Cow and Aggressive Tigerโ
- โGifts from Raven & Black Panther: Transformation from Powerless to Powerfulโ
- โOrion Belt Freckles, 333, Lemuria: 111, Atlantis: 222 & 144 Soul Familiesโ
- โThe Dark Being and Jesus Within Meโ (under subtitle, โThe Disguised Nightmareโ of July 8, 2013)
- โAdditional Puzzle Pieces About the Advanced, Ancient Civilization of Atlantisโ
- โThe Meaning of Dragon in My Lifeโ
- โThe Words Mu and Lemuria: How They Became Significant in My Lifeโ
- โFurther Expanding Mind/Heart with White Snake Dreamโ
- โStories of a Black Stray Cat Named Shadowโ
- โDream of a Talking Pet Cat in a Deep Wellโ
- โFacing an Unknown Fear: Embracing the Wolf Spirit Guide Withinโ
- โA Captivating Dream of a Flaming Energy Being I Called Enkiโ
- โThe Unfolding Mystery from the Unknown/Dark Aspects Withinโ
“777 and 888 Inner Guidance Leading to Invaluable Experiences and Profound Wisdom“
- โObservations of Extreme Weather Anomalies and Their Connection to Powerful I AM Presenceโ
“Realization of Goddess-Self, Ascended Masters & The Return of The Anunnaki” (& Related Post: “Recorded Personal Experiences Within Blog That Match Goddess Hathor-Sekhmet“):
Example Post About Wholeness from this blog’s category page, “AM I : I AM“:
โMy Mesmerizing Spiral of God, Goddess and Divine Spirit Experienceโ
- UPDATE added on 8/25/2021: While following my inner guidance/Heart/Spirit within, and noticing and FEELING the trail of breadcrumbs of joy, I came upon the following information (Light) that instantly reminded me of the dancing, golden, spiral light that entered my left eye while meditating in bed:
- “The Eye of Horus has been used for many metaphors over the years, i.e., โEye of the Mind, Third Eye, Eye of the Truth or Insight, the Eye of God Inside the Human Mind.โ The ancient Egyptians, because of their beliefs in the Eye of Horus’ mystic powers, gave all of these names to the Eye of Horus.” by
- “Why is the Eye of Horus so important? Eye of Horus, in ancient Egypt, symbol representing protection, health, and restoration. According to Egyptian myth, Horus lost his left eye in a struggle with Seth. … The eye was magically restored by Hathor, and this restoration came to symbolize the process of making whole and healing.” by
Thank you so much Goddess Hathor-Sekhmet Self
- UPDATE added on 8/25/2021: While following my inner guidance/Heart/Spirit within, and noticing and FEELING the trail of breadcrumbs of joy, I came upon the following information (Light) that instantly reminded me of the dancing, golden, spiral light that entered my left eye while meditating in bed:
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