Note: As mentioned in the previous post, “Dreams of Abundance and Prosperity and the Emergence of Our Psychic Abilities,” while adding related post links, I came upon an old draft post from March 6, 2014 that I forgot to publish, which is this one (oops). By the way, I usually proof read before I publish a post, but intend to next time if I feel like it. Here’s Part I to this post from October 30, 2012 => “A Diary of My Developing Psychic Abilities”
“As awareness spreads and our individual extrasensory abilities deepen, the evolution of the collective consciousness expands.” Jill M. Jackson (blog Connect Soul to Soul)
I typed the following in one of my angel journals after coming upon the video “2012 Ascension: New Powers and Abilities“
- seeing light energy movement with my eyes closed (in recent post, “My Mesmerizing Spiral of God Experience” UPDATE inserted 12/28/2018: Click on link to open completed post in another window => “My Mesmerizing Spiral of God, Goddess and Divine Spirit Experience“)
- vivid dream recollection (almost completed a post called, “Dream Messages from My Multidimensional Self” UPDATE inserted 12/28/2018: Click on link => “Dream Messages from My Multidimensional Self“)
- precognitive dreaming (recorded in one of my posts…I don’t recall which one)
- lucid dreaming: practicing telekinesis, levitating, flying, bi-location, cross-species communication, inter-dimensional perception, teleportation, and time traveling in my astral body before manifesting them in our 3rd dimensional physical reality/Earth
- being able to see sparkles of white light in my left peripheral vision at least a dozen times within the past two years
- When I was a kid, I vividly recall being able to effortlessly see a clear aura around my fingers at will, which I often stared at due to my fascination. However, I didn’t know what it was then, so I imagine I figured everyone could see what I was seeing. Looking back, I realized that I was able to see auras, but I can’t see them now. I tried probably a few dozen times on tree barks and flowers, but I think I came close once with flowers. I read that one should practice on objects before humans. I have a feeling that I was able to as a kid because I was more free-spirited. As an adult, I’ve been conditioned to try too hard, and I read in my “I AM Psychic” book that being in a relaxed state, as well as having much practice, helps one in aura seeing. I don’t practice nearly enough because 1) I just don’t feel like it, and 2) I believe it’ll be activated within me (within my so-called “junk”DNA, which is actually spiritual DNA) in Divine perfect timing and Divine perfect order for my soul growth, as well as the highest good for all souls. I didn’t practice any other psychic ability, and they became activated when I was ready.
- Once in a while, when my husband, dog and I go to our local park on the weekends, I can see blobs of translucent, yellow light floating around the trees, cement pathway, and blue sky. I asked my husband if he could them, and he said no. Sometimes, I wish we could share such experiences.
- Tele-viewing (“ability to mentally see something that has happened in the past in any place, anywhere”): I wrote in my post, “Facing the Unknown: An Examination of True Love” about my dream of observing (while floating near his head) my Korean grandfather (whom I never met before because he passed away before I came along) visiting someone in some old, back-in-the-day village. It was the first time I had ever seen him in my dream; I’ve only a portrait of him while growing up.
— Clairaudience:
- hearing various tones (at different volumes) ranging from single tones to fluctuating, musical tones
- hearing beeping sounds, acute hearing (once; experience included in my recent post, “My Mesmerizing Spiral of God Experience”)
- waking up in the middle of the night because I heard someone whisper clearly, “Bobbie.” (my husband told me a couple of times that it wasn’t him; I later read that sometimes angels call out our names to get our attention, which I started believing because once, right after my name was called in the middle of the night, I looked up at the clock and saw one of the repeating, triple number sequences)
- I’ve communicated with my American dad (who raised me since I was three), my uncle (my Seoul aunt’s ex-husband), and Korean grandmother multiple times in my dreams, and they’ve all passed away.
— Clairsentience:
- premonitions
- being a highly, or even ultra sensitive person
- heightened intuition
- enhanced empathy (“being able to psychically and mentally feel the pain of another”)
- being an empath (in addition to being empathetic, being able to physically feel another’s pain). I wrote about experiences in the post, “Embracing a Setback to Set Forward.”
— Quick Healing:
- I have a feeling that the Arcturians may be assisting me with this process since I had requested for their help during the summer of this year (I believe anyone can ask).
- Soon afterwards, I had a so-called “nightmare from hell” that I included in my post, “Unconditional Love from Angels and Aliens”).
- The “nightmare” was a blessing in disguise because I experienced facing multiple “negative” thoughts, feelings, outdated beliefs, memories from this lifetime, and fears that I had repressed and suppressed for the longest time, that no longer positively served me, within one dream so that I could finally release them.
- Arcturians/Celestial Beings of Light are known for, not only representing highly evolved beings of pure love, but also having the most advanced healing technologies of our universe.
- I wrote about my major car accidents (where my cars were totaled) in my post, “My Faith in God Requires No External Evidence” where I experienced watching an SUV t-bone my car in what seemed like slow motion (in one accident) and spin slowly (in another accident).
- For almost a year now, I’ve experienced catching 1:11 in slow motion while I’m heating up something in the microwave.
- In addition, my days do feel as though they go by so quickly, unlike the typical extra long workdays when I was in the Army, where my schedule was pretty much: 4:00-4:45 a.m. (wake up, coffee, hygiene and get to depart time), 4:45-5:15 (approx travel time), between 5:30 and 6:00 depending on unit stationed at (daily company formation), 6:00-7:00 (physical fitness–between 2-6 mile run days alternating with muscular strength workout days), 7:00-8:30 (shower, get ready, and eat breakfast), 8:45-17:30 (staying up to 19:00/7 p.m. or later as one goes up in rank).
— Heightened Dexterity: I type much faster now than before. ^_^
- I would love to experience the following psychic abilities one day: astral projection, where the astral body consciously leaves the physical body; animal speaking (so that I can better communicate with my dog, as well as other animals); plant speaking (although I often do the “fake it until you make it” method of talking to plants in my mind whenever my family go to our local park on the weekends or for our weekly 2 mile interval runs within our neighborhood; I pretend that they respond to my “hello’s” and high-five’s as I see their leaves dance to a passing breeze); telepathy (so that I can communicate more effectively with my multidimensional self, as well as others); “using brain’s full power, thereby increasing intelligence and raising the IQ vastly”; eternal youth (although I’ve been told often by family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, acquaintances and that I look the same over the years–hopefully that;s a good thing and not a hint to get a major makeover Lol; even some strangers are skeptical about my age); force fields, psychometry, electrokinesis, indestructability, and remote viewing (see video for details); claircognizance (Developing Your Extrasensory Communication <== click on title of article to view in another window); clairescence (apparently and unfortunately, my area isn’t in the perfume isle. Once, while my husband and I were sitting in an auditorium, I asked him in a whisper if he could smell what the Rock was cookin’? Actually, I asked him if he could smell what I was so lucky to smell, as if it was right under my nose (like someone was on their heavy period, or a fish was set out to rot and marinate in its own juices for several days. I had a couple more of these lovely experiences that I don’t exactly make me do back flips or cartwheels. Starting a little over a year ago, I’ve also had to change certain foods because I could smell potent, chemical odors that I wasn’t able to before, and my husband doesn’t notice them at all. I look forward to the day that I can smell flowers, when there aren’t any around.); biokinesis and telekinesis (sounds fun!); tecknokinesis (I’m pretty sure the character Root from the TV show Person of Interest has this ability); invisibility (although I often feel like I’m invisible in the blog world); not having anymore illnesses (although I haven’t caught a cold or flu for over two years now, which is unusual, especially considering I used to be surrounded by 4-5 year olds who often got sick at the early learning center); some of the other abilities sound interesting, but not as practical…like being able to walk through a wall or pyrokinesis and hydrokinesis; I’m not sure about mind reading, since it could be a “good” or “bad” thing, although I’ve had some strange experiences–an interaction with one of my preschool students, which I wrote about in, “My Exciting New J.O.B. (Joy of Being)” which I haven’t completed); often being able to finish others’ sentences; telling my oldest, half-sister that I heard her say, “Poor Bobbie,” although she claimed she didn’t say it; feeling like my mother could read my mind at times while growing up (once, while I was out at the market with my mom, I had a thought about wanting to help this old lady with her heavy bags, but because my mother was with me, and she gets very irritated about things like that, I didn’t bother. However, she glared at me, after I had the thought, and then stormed towards the old lady and offered to help her carry the bags herself. For instance, once, she got angry with me because I offered my seat on a bus to an old granny; I didn’t understand then, because it was actually Korean custom to offer the elderly a seat on a bus if there were none left. However, I understand now that it was more important to my mother that her own daughter was comfortable on the bus than some stranger). Anyway, I often wondered about my mother and the possibility that she, too, had some psychic skills. While growing up, she often talked about her dreams (which is part of clairvoyance), and had a collection of interpretations for them…like old wives’ tales. I didn’t know about psychic abilities then, but the more i learn/remember about them, the more some of my past experiences make sense, to include dreams. Also, the more I experience them, the more they become convictions, which later transform into solid beliefs of great potential rather than the old and limiting beliefs that I’ve been conditioned by society. Even my grandmother told me that she saw a ghost once (clairvoyance).
WOW. After typing away whatever I could recall at the moment, I realize that the painting (God’s creative work on me) is much larger than I had known, probably because my memories of my psychic abilities were scattered about in my mind. I also have a tendency to minimize my amazing experiences after some time has passed away.
Joel Osteen gave a great advice in one of his sermons—to often remind oneself of God’ blessings with personal celebrations so we don’t turn extraordinary events into ordinary events.I believe consolidating such extraordinary memories, and recording them (i.e., journal, blog, weekly planner, etc.), is very important for one’s self-awareness, soul growth and expanding consciousness.
- premonition as well as rapidly stating “I AM” statements to myself in a semi-dream state (in post, “My Faith In God Requires No Evidence Outside of Me”)
- precognitive dreams (in post, “Choosing to See Through The Eyes of Universal Love”)
- clairvoyance (seeing sparkles of light in my left peripheral vision every now and then, flashes of unusual visions and vivid dreams; unable to see auras yet)
- clairaudience (hearing various beeps, tones, frequencies—especially fluctuating, musical tones, etc.; acute hearing—once)
- clairsentience (not only feeling deeper empathy by crying when I saw a child that I know cry—which never happened before, but actually feeling others’ physical pain—happened once), rapid healing (when I had a cold sore this years—which happens annually—it dried up the next day rather than growing bigger, which never happened before since childhood), I haven’t had a cold or flu in a little over three years, and I usually get sick at least once a year or every other year. Even while being surrounded by preschool children, and the school going through two phases of a lot of sick children and teachers, I was the only one (that I know of) who didn’t go through a full-blown cold or flu, which I thought was very unusual.
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