Ever since yesterday, I experienced intense pain in my lower back and around my sacrum area, unlike any other pain I’ve experienced before.
After my husband informed me yesterday morning that the super blood moon/full moon/lunar eclipse was scheduled to appear last night, I wondered if the sudden pain had anything to due with the powerful moon energies.
Regardless of the cause of the painful experience, I was grateful that I was given an opportunity to experience a shooting pain in that area, that instantly pauses any form of movement, because now I’ll be able to deeply empathize with my husband’s sporadic back pains that he’s had since he was in the Army.
I’ve had major lower back pains after ruck marches in the Army that would last for about a week or so, but this was something completely new to me.
This morning, even sitting down on the couch was very uncomfortable; and although I have a very high tolerance for pain—even having been conscious during a major surgery in the past—and my mind briefly introduced thoughts that I could do various, “productive” things, like completing my first book, I chose to follow my heart and be gentle with self.
Since I also experienced much fatigue—which often comes with me hearing louder than usual various tones and feeling inner body vibrations—I chose to take a nap, which I rarely do.
I trusted my body signals that it needed much rest, to include a sudden appearance of what seemed to be many, tiny blisters all over my face the past few days.
I initially thought that they were due to my face creams, but then I had a strong feeling that something else was going on that had to do with my energy bodies, especially my physical one, processing higher frequencies that Earth has been receiving.
For over 40 years, I’ve used various face lotions and creams, and I’ve never experienced tiny, blisters all over my face. At first glance, I thought they were pimples, but upon closer examination, I realized that they were filled with fluid, perhaps water. Perhaps my body was clearing unneeded toxins.
Before I took a nap, I ignited a new incense that I recently bought that I had never seen before; it was ancient perfumes made from wood that “inspires, relaxes and promotes grounding.”
I also placed my leaf plate of crystals next to me that I had set out on our patio last night to absorb the super moon energies.
I then asked my Goddess-Self within (of both Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies/consciousness)—Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within/Higher Selves—to commune with me, as well as let me know exactly what my soul mission is since a family friend of ours, Jim, informed me recently via a letter that I already know.
As I laid there in silence and stillness, a question popped into my mind, “If you could visit anywhere, regardless of time—past, present, or future—where would you like to go?”
As much as I would love to visit Jesus from “back in the day,” as well as sacred Earthly places like The Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, Sedona of AZ, Mt. Shasta of CA, the Redwoods, etc., I chose to visit me during my childhood.
So why not the former choices, which would seem more “appropriate” according to general society’s beliefs? Because I trust that the Christ within me/my Beloved I AM Presence is the same as the Christ Consciousness that was within Jesus the Christ, other Ascended Masters, and higher evolved beings, and is available to all of Life..
I starting my visual journey from when I was a baby, who apparently cried too much (according to both of my biological parents who had informed me at different times of my life).
I imagined comforting and loving my younger versions of self throughout childhood as higher self, and even received an insight that my excess crying as a baby was part of the releasing and healing process of my soul from previous lifetimes.
I also imagined visiting me in the old Hondo apartments, near Osan AFB, during my elementary school years. I showed up there with my current husband, and we saw the kid me playing outside with my favorite, angelic neighborhood friend, Chris Keaton; I felt being deeply moved by the moment.
I approached the kid me and told myself that my husband and I were friends of the kid me’s mom, and asked for the apartment number. I even wondered if the kid me would willingly give out the information, but then trusted that I (as kid self) would through my senses.
I brought gifts for my family since I already knew what they liked, to include the kid version of self. I shared with them much love, as well as some knowledge and wisdom that would help them to heal and make better choices in life.
I even imagined visiting all of my main loved ones when they were younger—to include my husband, all five of our children, my mom, my adoptive dad Dan, my two cousins, and even my biological father Rollin—and shared much love with them as well.
At the end of my vivid, imagination journey, I felt and heard my heard pounding at a faster than average rate, and I intuitively sensed that my Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within had granted my request to commune, and gifted me the remembrance of what it feels like to actually Be higher self, and how much our higher selves love us all unconditionally.
I expressed my deepest gratitude to all of my higher selves of ultimately The One/Prime Creator/Infinite Creator for all that they lovingly do for humanity, Mother Earth and beyond, and all that they amazingly are—to include but not limited to angels, Archangels, and Ascended Masters/Galactic, Celestial and Universal Family of Light/Mother Earth -Gaia/Animal Spirit Guides/Crystal Beings/Archangeloi of Elohim/Guardian Spirit Guides/Elemental Realms/Higher Beings of Spiritual Realms/God, Goddess, and Divine Spirit/All That Is, etc.
I then found myself experiencing a very deep level of unconditional forgiveness and unconditional acceptance/love for self and so-called others—all parts of the whole/The One—and I cried abundantly for about 30 minutes or so. I felt so much better afterwards…a profound inner peace.
I realized that all the intention statements that I’ve been making (both alone and with my husband)—ever since I learned/remembered about them—have surely been worthwhile.
In addition, I’ve been able to become much more comfortable with spending about 5-10 minutes with self daily, looking into a mirror and saying loving words from my heart like, “Bobbie, I love you. I unconditionally accept and unconditionally love all aspects of you at every moment. You’re #1. You’re the best. You’re amazing. You’re beautiful inside and out.”
In the past, I had difficulty maintaining eye contact with self while doing such healing exercises, and I trust that it was due to the remnants of inner wounds that were not quite ready to be healed.
For the past few months, I’ve been receiving a lot more spam comments within my blog, and initially, I allowed them to bother me—giving them power over my emotions. I was like, “What the hell? Why are you numbnuts bombarding me with all these nonsense spam comments?”
However, I then chose to change my perspective of the whole matter—which is guaranteed to change how we feel about any matter—and reminded myself that we can always learn something valuable from the the reflections of our outer reality, whether they’re negative or positive.
Since I trust that Spirit within all of interconnected Life throughout the Omniverse (All That Is) is always communicating with us all, regardless of whether or not we’re paying attention, I wondered what exactly Spirit within was communicating to me regarding the post that continued to show up way more than any other post.
I was reminded from within that often times, when something in our outer reality continuously shows up, it’s like a rapidly blinking, neon sign that shouts, “Look over here! Notice me!! I have a gift—or disguised gift—for you!!!”
I then noticed that most of the spammers (on average of about 50 per day in the past) left unrelated comments for my post, “The Beauty of the So-Called Unbeautiful.”
One of the repeating comments (that are left by different spammers) basically stated something to the effect, “If you’re too lazy to write good posts…”; however, since I knew the truth—that I was far from lazy when it comes to writing posts, since I co-create from my integrated Mind/Heart—I didn’t allow such negative words to affect my emotions.
Even though I recently used WordPress.org’s spam blocker, there are still some spam comments that continue to trickle in; and again, most of the comments are for the post/link mentioned above. My husband also shared with me that it could be a good thing that the spammers continue to leave unrelated comments for that post because it shows that people are actually coming upon the post.
When I also noticed that some spam comments also suggested that I click on a certain link to make my blog go viral (which I didn’t), I wondered how I would truly feel about it should that possibility come true.
Before, I didn’t like the idea due to fear of being in the spotlight that possibly came with much negative drama. However, now, I fully embrace the idea so long as it’s highly beneficial for others as well; and if it’s great enough for me, then it’s great enough for others as well since “as I heal…others heal, and as others heal…I heal because We Are All One.”
Regardless of the intention of spammers, I silently thanked all of them for doing what they do. I realized that everything that happens in our outer world can either highly benefit us, or bring us down, depending on our own perspective.
I imagined that the spammers—essentially, blessings in disguise/parts of the whole (The One)—were like some of the beneficial bacteria in my physical body.
Though the word “bacteria” itself usually has a negative connotation, beneficial ones are truly a blessing in disguise! They (with Earthly labels of “bad”) all support the greater cause – the body, which is analogous to all the interconnected souls of the God/Goddess self within us all. 😉
Today, after releasing, transmuting and healing much, I received an insight from within—like more puzzle pieces of my life coming together—that the message that Spirit from within was continually sending me in various forms, to include the blessings in disguise (spam comments), was that I am the essence of what I had written about a while back, in the post, “The Beauty of the So-Called Unbeautiful,” which I didn’t believe for the longest time due to my own forgetfulness (as fearful ego self/wounded inner child)…that I AM Worthy.
As a reminder to all my soul brothers/sisters: “I AM” refers to all of us…humanity, other beings throughout the Omniverse, Mother Earth/Gaia and other worlds, and beyond.
Thank you Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within/Twin Flame within/Monad within/God, Goddess, and Divine Spirit/All That Is within.
UPDATE September 29, 2015
Post, “A Lesson to Do Things Effortlessly”
UPDATE October 8, 2015
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