I recently shared in detail within one of the posts/links below, that a pastel pink/beige moth showed up in our apartment doorstep. I made an attempt to set it free one evening—after the snow melted and it became warmer outside—but it remained in the plastic cup.
In the past, whenever I gently caught an insect or bug in our home, and then took the cup outside, they would immediately fly or scurry away; but for the first time, this moth became still. So it’s continuing to reside in our bedroom for now, exploring various areas.
As usual, I read various interpretations of the moth spirit animal/totem/guide that I’m drawn to, and the main message that I was reminded of is to seek the light within the so-called darkness of our unknown inner world, and this mostly fear-based outer world, as well as Be the Light and Unconditional Love—to self and interconnected Life within both inner and outer worlds and beyond—which is our core essence.
Note: Image on right above found next to link => gfycat.com
Recently, I started developing a habit upon waking up in the morning. I first do my best to recall any dream messages from my subconscious mind.
I then receive insights from them that can benefit me, and/or make an intention statement(s) to fully acknowledge, thank (for serving me well in the past), release, transmute, heal, and integrate whatever fear-based thoughts, feelings, beliefs, or memories I have from the depths of my being (that resurfaced to been seen) within various parallel or alternate Earth lives and/or otherworldly lives.
Note: Image on left above found next to link => YouTube
For instance, I recently had a series of recurring dreams that stemmed from some of my fears, and I made different intentions statements to fully release them, which I don’t recall ever doing for recurring dreams that don’t exactly make me jump for joy.
I learned these particular intention statements from the “Unlimited Abundance Course” by Christie Marie Sheldon via Mindvalley, that I’m continuing to take lessons from whenever I feel like it. I also state them throughout the day at times, but mostly in the mornings and at bedtime for whatever pops into my awareness that I’d like to release (mostly negative thoughts and negative images).
Note: Image on right above found next to link => Clear and Connect
I’ve also shared two reviews so far in posts, “Review (Part I) for: Unlimited Abundance Course by Christie Marie Sheldon” and “Review (Part 2) for: Unlimited Abundance Course by Christie Marie Sheldon.”
The following are the recent, series of recurring dreams that stemmed from some of my fears (shared in bullets below), and the intention statements I made to release them (shared in sub-bullets):
- being worried about failing an Army physical fitness test, which is odd because while in the Army, my goal was often to achieve the extended scale score (300+), max score of 300, or something close to it, but not barely pass. So this dream may be symbolic of failing at taking care of my physical energy body, and/or failing a challenging life test by not learning a life lesson (aka extracting wisdom from personal experiences)
- Intention Statement: For the false belief that I cannot take care of my physical body, I un-create, delete, and de-story all of it across all time, dimensions, space, realities.
- Intention Statement: For the false belief that I cannot pass life’s tests while also enjoying life, I un-create, delete, and de-story all of it across all time, dimensions, space, realities.
- noticing disapproving faces from my mother, adoptive father, and Korean relatives (which is what I’ve often experienced in the past within this physical reality)
- Intention Statement: For the false belief that I’m unacceptable, unapprovable, unlikable, and unlovable, I un-create, delete, and de-story all of it across all time, dimensions, space, realities.
- Intention Statement: For all habitual, unhealthy relationships that no longer serves me, supports me, benefits me, encourages me, uplifts me, empowers me, inspires me, and makes me happy, I un-create, delete, and de-story all of it across all time, dimensions, space, realities.
- Intention Statement: For the habit of being concerned with others’ judgments, negative opinions, and fear-based behaviors, words, and actions, I un-create, delete, and de-story all of it across all time, dimensions, space, realities.
- not being able to find whatever’s valuable to me in both the spiritual and physical worlds (e.g., loved ones—example post, “Dreams of Jesus“—ID card, passport, homework, locker, etc.
- Intention Statement: For the false belief that I cannot find whatever’s valuable to me, I un-create, delete, and de-story all of it across all time, dimensions, space, realities.
- Intention Statement: For the fear of being lost, I un-create, delete, and de-story all of it across all time, dimensions, space, realities.
Note: Image above found next to link => 1) Roberta Lynn /”Roberta Lynn | Release Limiting Beliefs | Self-Healing | Self-Improvement | ”
I then meditate in bed within silence and stillness while closing my eyes. I’ve learned that there are many ways to meditate since Being fully present at any given moment is a mindful, meditative state.
Some examples are fully sensing while:
- walking in nature—seeing the clear blue sky with fluffy white clouds and the sparkling sun, feeling the cool breeze gently envelop your whole body, hearing the orchestra of birds and cicadas, smelling the various trees, plants, and flowers, and tasting the fresh, cold, purified water that you brought with you
- doing seemingly mundane housework like dishes—hearing the water flow, smelling the scent of the dish soap, feeling the water temperature, and seeing the dishes transform from dirty to clean
Note: Image on right above found next to link => Spirituality & Health
I’ve meditated many times while lying in bed, and I’ve often experienced OBE (Out of Body Experience)/astral travel while doing so (e.g., seemingly flying through dark space at a rapid pace with rays of light yellow or white light passing by me).
Image on left found next to link => giphy.com/I shared a more accurate image within this blog a while back, but I don’t recall where exactly
I trust that being really comfortable is the key to Being in alignment with Source within; and in the spiritual realms, the contrast/duality/polarity of up vs down or right vs left isn’t relevant; hence, the position one is in during meditation is not nearly as important as the state of one’s sincere connection to integrated Mind/Heart within.
Anyway, I then communicate to all aspects and extensions of Multidimensional self (earthly and otherworldly physical selves)/Self (Source: Soul/Spirit within, Spirit Being Very Holy Spirit/Prime Creator/Creator of All Creation: Crop Circle 6666/Monad/Divine Mother GODDESS/Alpha and Omega)/I (God) AM (Goddess) Presence—to include but not limited to: Ego Self/Shadow Self/Inner-Child/Higher Self/Angels/Archangels/Ascended Masters/Animal Spirit Guides/Elemental Realm/Other Higher Beings of the Spiritual Realms/Galactic and Universal Families (aka Family of Light & Dark), etc.—“Let’s simply Be authentic self at every moment effortlessly, only do what we truly enjoy, and have a grateful, great day.”
Note: Image on right found next to link => Merkaba Code
While typing away in this post, I recalled having created a draft post a while back regarding the topic of meditation; and sure enough, after I did a search within this blog, I came upon this draft post, “Brief Space Travel While Meditating” (created on 5/8/2014), which I will publish today after this one.
Whenever I reread an old post, I find myself amazed that I even wrote it, and I trust this is due to automatic writing from Spirit within (where I also type much faster than usual, which is another surprise since I’ve never taken a typing class, and I often have to look at the keyboard when I’m not blogging).
Also, the continuation post is, “Benefiting from Shadow Work but Choosing NOT to Overly Focus on What Doesn’t FEEL Light.”
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