The following are sub-titles to this post:
- Following Inner Guidance
- Honoring Feelings: Language of the Soul
- Goodbye Old Beliefs! Hello New Beliefs! 😉
- Transcending Duality into Polarity
- The Great Work of Divine Spirit/All That Is
- The Divine Gift of Being Multidimensional Self
- Life Lessons from Outer World Mirror
- Intention Statement for Today
Note: Image on right found next to link => (thank you)
Following Inner Guidance
You know that experience where you can’t seem to get a certain thought out of your mind? Depending on our perspective and whether or not the thought is negative or positive, the thought form can be nagging or encouraging.
There was a part of me that just intuitively knew what I needed to contribute to the great whole today for the highest benefit of the interconnected All That Is; however, there was another part of me who somewhat resisted due to fear.
However, I’m also aware that whenever Spirit within me wants to express through me and as me, I can intensely feel it throughout my entire being, especially at the center of my chest, where our heart chakra is located.
So here I am. Yesterday, I happened to come upon the reading, “‘Love Child’ Game Over: Internet Addicts Let Their Baby Starve to Death” while searching for matching images for the post I was working on yesterday, “Transmuting Within the Epidemic of Inconsiderate iAddicts and Shoppers.”
I initially felt really sad for the neglected baby, and very angry towards the abusive parents (reminder: neglect is a form of abuse).
It was challenging not to go into judgmental mode, and feel intense emotion, because it’s human nature, and the story itself is just unbelievable.
I was going to either incorporate this story into my own post/link above, or at least share it at the bottom of the post, but the truth is, the fearful ego aspect of self didn’t want to share it, and understandably so.
Honoring Feelings: Language of the Soul
I felt ashamed that this careLESS Korean couple were so-called “my people”; granted, I’m Japorean-American (1/2 Korean + 1/2 Japanese), but I grew up within Korean culture since my biological mother is Korean, and my biological Japanese-American dad had left us when I was an infant.
I’ve learned that many within humanity have a tendency to easily throw people into categories; so whenever an individual or group of people within a particular race, ethnicity, culture, skin color, gender, LGBT, etc. do something horrible, then many others who happen to wear the same earthly labels end up taking the heat.
A perfect example are terrorists (wounded wounders) throughout the world who cause great harm to people. If an incident is reported in the media that they happen to be Middle Eastern, then, unfortunately, many Middle Easterners who reside in other countries (e.g., U.S.), will often be judged, discriminated, excluded, condemned, harassed, abused (verbally, psychologically, emotionally, physically, and/or sexually), but mostly…quietly punished, even though they’re not terrorists themselves, and have absolutely nothing to do with them.
What occurred to me this morning—as I was reminded from within to fully and honestly express through my blog—was that it didn’t matter if the internet addicts who starved their baby were Korean.
In addition, I wasn’t being disloyal to “my people”—like I had briefly thought—just because I helped share a truth that humanity and beyond can highly benefit from as part of our soul/Spirit evolution.
Because had they been non-Korean—Caucasian, for instance—I more than likely would not have hesitated to help share the attention-grabbing/heart-aching/mind-opening/soul-igniting story.
In addition, the following quoted section is from the reading, “‘Love Child’ Game Over: Internet Addicts Let Their Baby Starve to Death“:
“Though the case is now five years old, the issue hasn’t remained an anomaly. Just this past April, a 22-year-old father was arrested for leaving his 2-year-old son to starve at home while he played games for 10 days […]”
I realized that it doesn’t matter what background people come from, any story worth sharing must happen because as we heal…others heals, and as others heal…we heal, since we are all—atomically and spiritually—interconnected parts of the whole/The One/Source/God and Goddess/Infinite Creator.
Goodbye Old Beliefs! Hello New Beliefs! 😉
Over a decade or so ago, I read some article (don’t recall title) where Koreans were ranked one of the worst tourists in the world because they lack manners, among other things.
I recall thinking something to the effect, “C’MON guys!! Get your shit together already! We’re better than this. Way to freakin‘ represent folks!”
Actually, the “We’re better than this” part might not be so accurate when it comes to manners, because in Korea—due to the very crowded space, like New York—you’re better off not expecting an “Excuse me” or “Sorry” when someone aggressively walks by and pushes you or steps on your foot; unfortunately, it’s the norm.
However, there are aslo Koreans who are well-mannered and polite, so like everything else in life, it’s not all black and white, but many shades of gray (probably wwway more than 50).
Of course, looking back, this way of taking personally the actions of people from one’s country stems from having been conditioned by my mom, and the rest of Korean society and culture, that one’s words and actions can either positively or negatively affect the greater community (i.e., immediate family, extended family, neighbors…country).
Now this would’ve been a highly beneficial teaching had it truly stemmed from unity, unconditional love, and how were’ all interconnected, but it stems from extreme personal pride to national pride.
My mom (a wounded wounder) often reminded me growing up to ensure that I be very cognizant of what I say, how I act, and how I behave in front of others, because it was a reflection of how my parents raised me, and she didn’t want me to make them (I think she was only speaking for herself) look bad/”lose face”.
She had made it very clear many times that she couldn’t stand most humans, especially Koreans, so there definitely wasn’t any national pride.
Now, by just recognizing that I don’t have to own this conditioned belief—and replacing it with simply Being authentic self at every moment (whether alone or in public)—liberates and empowers me; and I have no doubt that it will for others as well as we all let go of old and outdated beliefs that no longer highly benefit us.
Transcending Duality into Polarity
Duality: the seemingly opposites of life that seem separate, like “good” vs “evil” “right” vs “wrong” “up vs “down”, etc.
Polarity: the seemingly opposites of life that are the merging of extremes, like hot and cold makes warm, as well as “good” vs “evil” “right” vs “wrong” “up vs “down”, etc.
Note: Image on right above found next to link => (thank you) and I added a quote from author noted in poster via
I don’t blame myself for feeling ashamed because I realize that we, as humans, have been conditioned by society (to include our parents) to feel shameful for things that are considered unacceptable to society.
However, when we expand our perspective, we can see a much bigger picture—through the ancient eyes of Christ within—that transcends the Earth duality.
It goes straight into the neutral territory of God, Goddess and Divine Spirit/All That Is, and that is…doing what most highly benefits the interconnected parts of the whole/The One. Reminder: the biblical quote about God sending sunshine and rain on both the good and the bad
As I shared in the post, “Transmuting Within the Epidemic of Inconsiderate iAddicts and Shoppers,” many people may not realize how disadvantageous it is for humans to be addicted to technology (especially cell phones) and lack human interaction because the majority of humanity seem to be the ones participating in this game of illusions—all lost in their cell phones like soul-less zombies.
So how do we get the attention of so many iAddicts, internet addicts, and all other forms of addicts?
Nagging? No, because that’ll drive them deeper into the electronics with the “I’m going to block you out” attitude.
Talking? No, because that seems so foreign.
Encouraging? No, because you’re probably get rolling eyes or a “Whatever!”
Yelling? No, because you’ll probably get the silent treatment.
Punishing (i.e., take away iphones, ipads, ipods, etc.)? No, because that only creates resentment.
So what?
Perhaps these stories are so unbelievably horrific that it becomes a form of wake-up call for many? Afterall, even iAddicts, and other addicts, have a human heartbeat.
And some people might swear up and down, “That could never happen to me.” Yeah ok. All those people—who either ended up experiencing a horrific death, or caused others to experience a horrific death due to some form of addiction—probably never imagined something so horrible happening to them either.
As basically mentioned in the previous post, people who are so-called iAddicts often have a habit of brushing people off and even straight out ignoring them as though they’re merely wallpaper.
However, to brush off a story like “‘Love Child’ Game Over: Internet Addicts Let Their Baby Starve to Death” and to label it as “No big deal” would make one want to check for the iAddicts pulse.
If biological parents are capable of doing something like that to their own baby, how far has these addictions spiraled down? What will it take for humanity to finally open our eyes and clearly see what doesn’t work and what doesn’t benefit us?
When we’re able to clearly see what doesn’t resonate with our individual and collective soul/Spirit within, then perhaps we’ll then be able to clearly see everything that most highly resonates with our full potential selves/Self—and fully and freely live our own version of Heaven on Earth.
From a human perspective who lives within a state of duality, we can easily judge the internet addict couple, as well as others like them, as “evil”.
That’s too easy to do though, and Life is much more complicated (yet simple) than that. I’ve learned that Divine Wisdom is trusting and knowing the perfection of everything in life, to include All That Is and all that happens.
There’s a Cosmic Intelligence throughout this omniverse and beyond—starting from every atom to even smaller subatomic particles and the so-called empty space that contains all of it–that intuitively knows what it’s doing for the highest benefit of the interconnected whole (and humanity is just a tiny, tiny, tiny dot within the very BIG picture).
The Great Work of Divine Spirit/All That Is
I trust that Spirit used the couple, like everything else in life, to set an example of what out-of-control looks like, and to harshly mirror back to humanity what we weren’t able to clearly see when Divine messages were sent in gentle and loving ways.
That’s why I mentioned in the previous post that gentle kindness isn’t always the most effective communication style to use (though preferable), though there are many spiritual teachings that will say otherwise.
It’s whatever works to help us to spiritually evolve; and if that means a hard, kick in the ass, then so be it. This isn’t about promoting the use of unloving words and actions (to include violence), but it is about knowing when to use aggressive energy with discernment (and loving intentions) when necessary, and not just using uncontrolled aggressiveness.
Many people (especially those who are religious) may say, “Divine Spirit would never cause such a horrific thing to happen on Earth! It has to be the devil! How dare you speak such blasphemous words!”
Perhaps that’s because, from the human perspective, the baby suffered and died (an injustice) and God is only supposed to be Light and Love.
Yet, if “Almighty”/Omnipotent (all powerful), Omniscient (all knowing), Omnipresent (existing everywhere all the time), and Omnibenevolent (unconditionally accepting/loving of ALL Life) God is the Creator of everything/All That Is, then that must include the seemingly opposites of Light and Love; because without the existence of darkness and fear, Light and Love wouldn’t be so meaningful life lessons that bring the gift of wisdom.
In addition, let us remember that “good” (e.g., God) vs “evil” (e.g. the devil) can be seen from a neutral polarity perspective (like an all-seeing, guiding hawk above the dark valleys) or from an earthly duality perspective (humans lost within the dark valleys).
What if the baby didn’t suffer—the way humans would imagine—and when she did “die” in this 3D, physical reality, she merely changed her energy state to a much higher vibrational frequency (like solid ice to steam) and is now completely free with and as Spirit?
What if her soul (before conception) had volunteered with free will to work with Spirit on Earth—among many people with very low vibrational frequencies (due to having been condition by society to live in constant fear)—in teaching humanity a life lesson regarding internet addiction?
Which perspective would increase our faith/trust in Spirit within?
To believe that we are all helpless victims to life’s bad or evil happenings and sufferings?
Or, to fearlessly and full-heartedly trust that cosmically intelligent Spirit within all of Life is Divine Perfect Creator and Creation, and that Spirit makes no mistakes?
Unless one has had much personal experience living within the “dark” reality—among many people with very low vibrational frequencies—one can only assume what truly works.
Experience is wisdom, which teaches us what actually works, and not just what shiny, written concepts and philosophies states.
The Divine Gift of Being Multidimensional Self
Although I often have reminders from within—and even as outer reflections (e.g., number sequences)—to Be Neutral, Balance and Harmony…to Be in this world, but not of it, sometimes, I just want to be lost within the illusions of the 3D physical reality so that I can experience deep emotion (an invaluable treasure/wealth that teaches us much life lessons/wisdom), and be able to better empathize with humanity regarding human issues.
Many other times, I truly do become temporarily lost in all the earthly dramas, but I’m grateful that I’m able to raise my vibrational frequency back up (with awareness) to my Multidimensional Self/Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within more easily than ever before.
Just a few ways I do this is by reminding myself to Be…:
- fully present in the Moment of NOW (like a free-spirited child)—not dwelling in the past or worried about the future; just simply living, Being, trusting, and enjoying the process of Life
- unconditionally accepting/loving all aspects of self (which helps me to fully do it for others as well)
- grateful for all that I have within me and all around at every moment—especially the small things that we may often take for granted: like a refreshing and delicious glass of purified water, fresh breathable air (if you’ve ever lived in highly polluted areas, you’ll know what I mean), a warm shower, the scent and texture of bubbly body wash, the soothing aroma of organic jasmine green tea, having a convenient washer and dryer at home (my mother often had to wash them by hand when I was growing up because most of the small, Korean houses we lived in didn’t come with them), soft and comfortable blanket, the beautiful and uplifting sounds of birds chirping outside our window (I’ve learned from the Pleiadian teachings that birds help balance our male and female energies from within—regardless of gender), etc.
Life Lessons from Outer World Mirror
Since I’m reminded that our outer world mirrors our inner world, I had to check myself. I wondered what else I could learn from this post, and all the lessons it came with it.
Well, just by looking at the title of the reading, “‘Love Child’ Game Over: Internet Addicts Let Their Baby Starve to Death,” I’m reminded to always ensure that I take care of my inner child within, and to eat when my body send signals that I’m hungry, rather than gloss over it because I feel as though there’s something more important to do, like writing within this blog during passionate moments.
I can write about unconditionally accepting/loving ALL aspects of self all I want, but what truly matters is that I follow through with it through my actions, which includes fully and whole-heartedly taking care of self on all levels of my being—mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually—at every moment.
In addition, I wondered why I hadn’t heard of such a story before that happened in 2009; however, I now trust that I wasn’t ready to learn the lesson(s) that it came with until now, though it wasn’t about being a gaming addict since I had/have no interest in that whatsoever.
However, I often did read blogs and websites about spirituality, to include mysticism and New Age and other interesting topics that helped me to grow on all levels of my being—mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
I also worked on my blog since 2010, which was (and continues to be) deeply healing for my soul. However, that was mostly during the typical work hours of the day where my individual and collective soul growth and evolution—to include healing self, further knowing self, working on my blog and interacting with others face-to-face/heart-to-heart/soul-to-soul—was and is my priority and so-called “job,” until I’m ready to transform it into the perfect spiritual career in Divine perfect timing and order.
Wow, that felt good 🙂 because I think it’s the first time I had ever felt so confident about my current job and future spiritual career; and I even recorded it to make it more present.
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