The following is an excerpt from the previous post, “A Vision of One Eye in Center of Squares Within Squares Wormhole,” which I trust is important enough to share on its own (though many within humanity may label it as “CRAzy” talk):
I trust that these are all part of accelerated ascension symptoms, so I’ve learned over the years (almost a decade) not to be fearful whenever I have unusual, odd, bizarre, or unbelievable experiences.
Update in peach paragraphs only inserted on 3/16/20:
For instance, the summer of 2011 (after I left the Army life), is the year that I started a major phase of my spiritual journey, to include experiencing various forms of Divine synchronicity, to include: vivid earthly and otherworldly dreams, the 11:11 phenomenon followed by other double, triple, quadruple number synchronicity (and palindrome numbers), and much more that I’ve already shared within this blog.
Before then, I used to experience flu symptoms—body aches, fever, fever blisters on lips, respiratory issues, fatigue, loss of appetite, etc.—either every year, or every other year during the winter.
However, since 2011, it was as if the flu symptoms gradually subsided into milder and shorter versions over the years.
Recently, I experienced what felt like mild body aches. Since I’ve developed an overall consistent habit of reminding myself that it’s an accelerated ascension symptom—-and felt grateful for the inner, energetic transformations—it went away quickly.
Granted, occasional inner ear aches, and upper back/right shoulder aches are more challenging,
I recently practiced doing my best to trust that when our bodies go through changes in our vibrational frequency, it needs time to become adjusted to them; and sure enough, even the above mentioned symptoms went away quicker than usual.
Another example is what happened soon after my first visit to the vortex area of Bell Rock of Sedona during the day.
That night, I experienced a migraine that was so unbearable, I had a hard time falling asleep.
However, when I shifted my perspective from thinking that something was wrong with my crown chakra area on the top of my head, to choosing to trust that the high vortex frequencies were working its magic expanding my consciousness, it immediately went away.
Even a lot of the twisted Juniper tree trunks in Sedona reveal the impact of the powerful spiraling frequencies.ย
Even when my husband and I first visited the vortex area of the creek at Cathedral Rock/Red Crock Crossing in Sedona, though I didn’t feel anything unusual during the day, that evening, while lying in bed, I felt one of the most intense, inner-body vibrations; and I became very excited.ย
I strongly sense that even the current coronavirus [COVID-19] pandemic stems from ascension symptoms—aka “flu symptoms”, lightbody symptoms, or the individual and collective changes/growth/evolution occurring at all energy body levels—mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual; hence I don’t fear that as well, though it’s wise to be cautious and discerning.
Unfortunately, for those of us who aren’t able to handle the cosmic, high, vibrational frequencies—due to the unwillingness to: further open mind and heart/grow and evolve spiritually/expand consciousness—will end up with varying degrees of challenges on all energetic levels, to include the “worst case” scenario of passing away.
About four or five years ago, I created a draft post titled, “The Strange Increase of Death and Disease Showing Up: Neighbors (Part 10 of 13),” but decided not to publish it because I didn’t want to focus on that topic anymore.ย
However, let’s remember, death is merely a transformation of energy state—like dense/low vibrating ice (like physical body) that can melt into faster vibrating water, and then evaporate into rapidly vibrating steam (like soul).
I trust that no matter what happens in the upcoming future, they will happen to highly benefit ourselves, interconnected humanity, and way beyond.
Update Post
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