Soon after publishing the previous post, “The Immensely Powerful, Unstoppable, MEGA TSUNAMI of Integrated Cosmic Light/Love Transmuting Corruption,” I shared this poster (on right) via instagram. It was created using integrating the following:
- a combined artwork I had created a while back of the Divine Mother Goddess clay figurine on planet Earth, other art materials, and a nature photo I had taken during an excursion to a local park in San Antonio, Texas
- a recent photo my husband had taken on our trip to Bell Rock, Sedonaย
- a personal message inspired from within
Bobbie says
Hello g,
Thank you for your comment, a delightful surprise. You’re actually the first person to ever make this request, so perhaps it’s
a sign from the Universe to start an email list where I can eventually create and share a newsletter and/or provide a certain service. Is there something in particular that you’d like to receive?
I’ll be sharing a holiday card booklet—that I had initially made for a few others—via my blog today (as a soft copy), so I’ll email you the link. I will also include a post. ๐
By the way, I don’t know if you’re into number synchronicity (part of Divine synchronicity), but I noticed that the time I received your message was at 4:44, which reminds me of the angelic realm and their unconditionally loving presence and assistance.
Anyway, I will send you this same message via email in case you don’t read this from here. Thank you so much for being an inspiration. ^_^
g says
bobbie, please add me to your email list. thank you, g.