Like many others, I had heard of breathwork being highly beneficial for us on all energetic levels—physical, mental, emotional and spiritual— but I never felt the urge to further look into it (probably because I wasn’t ready).
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
However, as one thing led to another, I simply followed my inner guidance, that included my: growing curiosity, interest, intuition, and the right/light/true feelings within my heart; and I’m very grateful that I explored this new experience.
As I’ve shared before—in one of last month’s (May 2021) posts (I’m pretty sure)—I had a very unusual experience at work one day, where the main theme seemed to be The Divine Feminine Goddess essence and authentic Full Presence.
In a nutshell, since I’ve already shared the story, multiple women customers named Mary showed up all within the first half of the afternoon.
Following that, I crossed paths with two other women whose full presence—along with soulful, deep eye contact and the sharing of unconditional kindness and profound wisdom—felt unlike most women I’ve met in almost five decades of my life.
One woman (Rene) shared her personal story with me, to include: her recent (at the time) trip to Egypt (on top of my bucket list), how it helped with her spiritual growth, much she loved it, and her mention of Goddess Isis. She encouraged that I go, too, since I’ve wanted to for a while.
The other woman seemed very wild and free-spirited as well; and I found out that her name is Anahata, which I excitedly exclaimed moments later, “Oh, like the Heart chakra!” to which she smiled and confirmed.
Well, I found out from her information within the system that her business is Shamangelic Healing, which I recalled coming across when I first arrived to Sedona, AZ several years ago.
I was intrigued at the time, but forgot about it—probably because I wasn’t ready since I needed to: have more Life experiences, learn some Life lessons, and gain extra wisdom.
Well, since our brief encounter, I’ve checked out her website, subscribed, and received helpful information, to include the invitation for yesterday’s small group breathwork session for locals.
Though I was looking forward to this new experience, I wasn’t expecting much—just some deep breathing exercises, peaceful moments, and some helpful information, to include profound wisdom.
However COMMA what happened shortly after the rapid, deep breathing exercise—that felt slightly uncomfortable towards the end, probably because my body wasn’t used to it—BLEW MY MIND.
The best way I can describe this unique, bizarre, and seemingly earthly and otherworldly experience is as follows (without going into too much details of the initial process):
Before lying down to start the breathing techniques, we were instructed to choose an intention word and to pick a tarot card (from the artistic and wise creator of the deck who had passed away; and hence, Anahata believed that she could assist with choosing).
I chose the intention word, “allow,” and the tarot card that I selected—though it oddly felt like there was a pull on the other end—was “shapeshift.”
As soon as I saw this card, I silently communicated to self/Self, “Whatever you need me to allow and shapeshift to—even something that can be perceived (by self/others) as strange, wrong, bad, or even evil—I am willing to be and do; so let it be done.”
I fully recognized, acknowledged, and embraced this particular series of synchronicity, which were happening in Divine perfect timing and order (like everything else within interconnected Life).
Yesterday morning—before I attended this sacred ceremony in the later afternoon—I created and published a post , titled, “Dream of Many Small Snakes in Sand & Then in Water.”
Within it, I shared some information about how I’m practicing (with more mindfulness) to allow self/others to simply Be as IS, as well as the topic of shapeshifting (related to one of the shapeshifting dreams I’ve experienced in the past, and shared within this blog).
After doing the deep breathing techniques, I felt tingling sensations throughout my body (which was expected since we, as the group, were given a heads up before we started).
Then, parts of my body felt really weird, like the INTENSE energies within my lower legs, lower ab area, and arms started AMPLIFYING at a rapid rate.
It became so overwhelming that my entire body seemed to lock up in a paralyzing way, and I felt panic set in.
I then heard gentle voices—Anahata and at least a couple of her 7 or so kind and helpful assistants; they comforted me (and others) by encouraging me to switch from deep breathing to breathing at a normal pace.
And as I followed their lead, I then experienced my arms being slowly stretched out towards my sides (and slightly off the floor) in a VERY INTENSE, yet, gentle, manner—perpendicular to the length of my body, and with my palms facing up, though they were initially faced down (because that’s what felt comfortable to me, though it was suggested to face them up).
What was strange was that it seemed as though there was this strong, inner struggle within—a part of whole self telepathically communicating, “Yes, you got this,” and another part resisting this seemingly mandatory stretching of my arms, and was silently shouting, “NOOOOOO!!!”
It felt as though this powerful and unstoppable force (perhaps my Higher Self) that was stretching my arms kept GOING, GOING and GOING (like an energizer bunny on crack), as though it had the confidence that I can be like rubber.
I couldn’t believe what was happening because it seemed so unbearable, yet, exciting, at the same time (Divine Dichotomy I suppose, where two seemingly opposite things can share the same vibrational space).
And it also seemed like something that would occur in dream state only—where anything and everything can happen within a Cosmic, MEGA combo package of dimensions, realms, timelines, probabilities, possibilities, etc.—but NOT in this physical world.
I also heard in the background crying, shouting, and other sounds that could be equated to pain,ย suffering, releasing, and deep healing.
I reminded myself to do my best to solely focus within my inner world, which we were all informed to do in order to get the most out of the experience.
However, trying to block out the so-called, outer noise felt more like resisting than allowing; so I just welcomed what IS (within and without) with open arms (literally andย figuratively), and the chaos seemed to fade out.ย
It also seemed that this inner and outer stretching—that felt LONG-lasting, though effortless most of the time (probably the entire time if a part of self wasn’t resisting)—was simultaneously opening my chest area as well (to include the heart chakra location).
I don’t recall at what point, but I started weeping a cry that felt like it came from the depths of my still wounded, individual and Collective heart (whatever remnants of it from this particular physical self/other Earthly, Galactic, and Universal physical and ancestral selves).
At one point, I felt myself fully letting go of the need to resist the stretching, and I started to feel calm, peaceful, liberated, refreshed, empowered, inspired, and perhaps even blissful.
I didn’t feel like sharing this part of the experience with the group (after our ceremony), perhaps due to my ego’s fear of being judged as having a HUGE ego to even go there (ultimately, stemming from my ego’s own judgment of the self).
But the stretching experience (towards the end) reminded me of Being (at those moments) a female Christ/Buddha, like ancient, Ascended Master Jesus (Christ Light/Mind Consciousness) merged with Ascended Master Buddha (Buddha Unconditional Love/Heart Consciousness).
The reuniting (or already existing) of both sides of the same WHOLE coin is also known as: embraced, integrated and merged Mind & Heart/Soul & Spirit/Yang & Yin/Sun & Moon/Light (Known) & Dark (Unknown)/Square & Circle/Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine Energies/God & Goddess essence/etc..
I was also reminded that I’m —I am (physical selves)/I AM: Soul/Spirit within me—much GREATER than what my logical mind may perceive my whole self to be on all energetic levels, especially in this physical reality.
I’ve had an abundance of amazing experiences in dream state, where I more than likely developed a strong belief (via repeating thoughts) that my higher versions of Self is unconditionally loving, profoundly wise, and immensely powerful.
But I also sense that I don’t fully believe I’m the above in this particular physical reality (within this lifetime), since I can still be unloving, not wise, and seemingly powerless at times.
However, now that I’ve had this soul-igniting, deeply heartfelt, and unforgettable experience, what I choose to Be and do with this profound wisdom (experiential knowledge) from this point on, is what matters the most.
We can have all the knowledge and wisdom of the merging worlds, but until we consistently and habitually BE and LIVE them—to highly benefit the self/humanity/the rest of interconnected Life within this world and beyond—they will remain as shiny, spiritual concepts.
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