The very helpful reading, Jeshua via Pamela Kribbe: Male and Female Energy « Golden Age of Gaia highly resonates with me with its balanced and harmonious message.
I have no doubt that this teaching is worth studying—contemplating on its profound wisdom with one’s merged Mind/Heart—as well as reviewing again and again, until we make it ours again, as our souls’ inner-knowing.
The goal is not to “kill” or diminish the individual and collective ego self with hopes that it—something “separate” from us—will fade away into the vast dark, space (as some teachings may suggest).
In addition, giving our ego self many negative labels, as well as not willing to embrace the undeniable existing part of us, doesn’t allow us to fully and unconditionally accept and love our selves, which is necessary to Being whole (i.e., raising our vibrational frequency in order to tune into a matching high frequency of an already existing extension of our much greater selves).
With deeper understanding, empathy, compassion, and forgiveness, we can perceive the ego self with eyes of unconditional universal love, as opposed to our limited physical eyes.
We can then perceive the ego self for what it truly is—our wounded inner-child/unhealed male energy aspect of our soul—that when recognized, acknowledged, embraced, healed, and integrated with the female energy within all of us (regardless of gender), transforms into who we truly are—our Mighty I AM Presence/Trinity: our Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies/consciousness and Divine Spirit/All That Is.
How To Awaken The Divine Masculine Within You (a very helpful reading)
“Thus, the new earth is a co-creation that depends on divine feminine and divine masculine both coming into its full respective power […]”