Today, I came upon the reading, “Dissecting Eckhart Tolle,” in Divine perfect timing and order, and learned some interesting perspectives from the blogger, as well as from the comments that other readers had shared.
I’m grateful that this reading gave me the golden opportunity to clearly see Eckhart Tolle through the ancient eyes of my Beloved I Am Presence/Christ within, to just Be Compassion toward him, and to only be concerned with his loving teachings, rather than focus on his negative teachings.
After typing away my own comment that I posted on that blog, I realized that the heart-felt message from my Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within me was definitely worth sharing in this blog as well, to further spread the Light and Love, even if only one other soul crosses paths with this post and benefits from it:
Note: Images above found next to link => (above right) and (above left) Thank you
The following is the shared comment:
First of all, thank you (blogger of this blog) for sharing your truth within. As a former blogger myself, I respect and admire your courage and inner-strength to freely and fearlessly express what’s in your heart, which I trust is Spirit expressing within us, as us, and through us in Divine perfect timing and order for the highest benefit of all interconnected souls.
As challenging as it is, I’ve learned (as a human)/remembered (as a soul) to no longer have a need to be concerned with the opinions of others (which there are billions of), and whether or not others accept and/or approve of me. When you trust your Divinity within, the only thing that matters is that you, my soul sister, validate yourself and Spirit within you.
Remember, even for those who easily throw stones at you for expressing what you trust to be true, there are plenty of others out there who would just as easily throw stones at them as well for expressing their own truths; so in the end, it’s all relevant.
I agree with Barb (above) because she has the same, awesome first name (wink wink) that there’s nothing “wrong” with questioning, wondering and making observations. We are all free spirits expressing what we trust to be true from within.
When I first saw Eckhart Tolle on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday (the last three shows), that happened to catch my attention one day, I was initially drawn to his teachings from his book, A New Earth.
I intuitively sensed that it was Divine synchronicity since I usually don’t watch any of Oprah’s shows. The timing was perfect, and I was ready for messages to be learned, and wisdom to be gained.
I’m assuming like many others, I was excited to buy the book as soon as possible so that I could bask in Eckhart’s warm teachings from his Presence within, and even blogged about it.
However, to my great surprise, what I strongly sensed from about 3/4 of his book was that of intensely negative energies—to include resentment, anger, sadness, etc.—which was completely unexpected.
The book itself being full of negative labels was quite ironic in that Eckhart discourages labeling and judging.
Sometimes, an expression can contain all the “right” intellectual words, but give off a vibe that doesn’t quite match. For instance, one can smile to our face, make strong eye contact and confidently tell us lies to our face, but our intuition alerts us that something’s off.
Although I enjoyed some of Eckhart’s teachings, to include the regurgitated already available spiritual teachings from the past, and his expanded perspective on Jesus’ teachings, I strongly sensed that Eckhart was still a wounded soul, who had not fully healed himself on all levels of his being—physical, mental, emotional and spiritual—despite his belief that he had experienced a total spiritual awakening.
Feelings are the language of our soul, and not just “positive” feelings. To treat our so-called “negative” feelings (or “painbody” as Eckhart puts it) as though it’s some kind of outside thing to get rid of—and I quote, “psychic parasite”—doesn’t allow one to unconditionally accept and love all aspects of self.
And when we can’t even accept and and love all aspects of self unconditionally, how can we expect to fully do it for others?
That is why most of humanity has been loving one another conditionally, rather than unconditionally, and continues to do so to this day; hence, the countless breakups, heartaches, separations, and high divorce rates.
I once very briefly wondered if Eckhart Tolle was a Wounded Healer, like Jesus was; however, it then it occurred to me that very little is even known about his personal life, except that he had experienced major depression and was thinking about suicide.
While reading Eckhart’s book, A New Earth, I noticed that he had made the personal lives of humans meaningless, since it’s apparently all of the ego self.
I wondered, if one were to find one’s own life meaningless and/or not interesting, would one project that belief onto others—especially if they had the power to influence a large population within society—convincing them that their lives are also meaningless as well?
When one trusts that Divine Spirit (Presence) is within all of Life—since God is known to be “Almighty”/Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent, and ALL-Unconditionally Loving—then life itself, even that of the individualized fearful ego self, is part of God’s Divine perfect creation, and is thus…MEANINGFUL.
To say that the parts of Life that society judges and labels as “ugly,” bad,” or “dark” don’t belong in Life’s equation is implying that God makes mistakes, and that God discriminates.
Though the old testament is filled with stories that suggest that God does discriminate, in the New Testament, Jesus—while living and Being around much darkness as a Wounded Healer—taught humanity to not judge one another, unconditionally (not CONDITIONALLY) forgive one another, and to unconditionally love on another, to include our so-called “enemies.”
So if one still believes that so-called “dark” aspects of Life must be treated like some kind of disease, then perhaps one can reevaluate what kind of God one truly believes in—limited god or an unlimited God/GOD/ALL THAT IS that Jesus supported?
I realized that most of Eckhart’s teachings felt intensely negative because they were based on “separation” consciousness—“Us” vs “Them”—rather than “unity” consciousness.
Because, if there’s a seemingly continuous judgment of these other “dark” aspects of self—an ongoing battle between the habitually negative thinking mind plus the surfacing of negative emotions and Divine Presence—how can we Be self-compassion and inner-peace?
The ego self, which is often negatively labeled as “bad,” is merely an aspect of the wounded inner-child who only wants to be accepted and approved of by society, and strives to survive; it’s the unhealed masculine energy/consciousness aspect of soul that deeply yearns to heal and transform into the Divine Masculine aspect of our soul, and integrate with the Divine Feminine.
And the shadow self is merely the aspects of wounded inner-child often rejected by society and/or are unknown aspects of soul that deeply yearns to heal and transform into the Divine Feminine aspect of our soul,and integrate with the Divine Masculine.
When a child (i.e., the fearful ego self) says out loud it’s negative thinking, “I’m never gonna get straight A’s! I’m so stupid! Kids always make fun of me!” do we just sit back and observe from a distance as an aware parent (i.e., the “Presence” that Eckhart talks about in his book), silently nodding our heads as though we’re so wise? OR, do we approach the child, and communicate with the child gentle and loving words of encouragement, truth, and empowerment?
Ex. “You’re not stupid, everyone learns at their own pace. You just do your best, and don’t worry about getting straight A’s; what’s important is that you enjoy learning and growing. And don’t worry about what other kids say. Sometimes kids don’t know any better but to say things that aren’t nice because they’re just expressing their own fears the best they know how.”
When a child becomes upset, frustrated, or even angry, do we ignore him/her with hopes that he/she will eventually go away, call him/her a “psychic parasite,” OR, do we give the child a gentle hug, as well as comforting, reassuring and uplifting words of peace and love like, “It’s okay to cry, let it all out, you’ll feel much better afterwards, and then we can talk it about it and see if we can see the bigger picture together”?
I trust that by embracing ALL aspects of ourselves—and communicating with our inner child within like we would children—we can then truly see ourselves (first and foremost) and others through the purely compassionate ancient eyes of the Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within, and then we can fully heal,and truly Be our transformed, integrated, balanced, and whole Selves…the way Jesus was back in the day with his Christ/Unity Consciousness of “We’re all made from the same cloth,” “We’re all interconnected precious souls of God,” and even “We are all One/All That Is.”
Thank you all for reflecting back to me (like a mirror) who I choose to be, and who I choose not be, which brings me that much closer to my Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within me. Bless you all <3<3<3 Bobbie
Added February 20, 2015
Neale Donald Walsch talks about Fear and Transformation : This short video contains powerful words of wisdom that can transform our lives, and is worth often watching again until we make it ours.
Eckhart Tolle and Neale Donald Walsch : I enjoyed this video, the first time I saw Neale and Eckhart together. It was heart-warming to see the two interact in such a genuinely loving way.
The only part that doesn’t fully resonate with me is Eckhart’s teaching about the thinking mind. I trust that it’s about the healing and transforming of the so-called lower mind (of the fearful ego self/wounded inner-child/unhealed masculine energy/consciousness, aspect of soul) into its essence, which is the so-called Higher Mind (of the Divine Masculine Energy/Consciousness), and integrating it with the Heart (Divine Feminine Energy/Consciousness) as Mind/Heart (e.g., Om Mani Padme Hum).
Before I came upon this video, I recently saw a 6 minute portion of the video/link above => Issue Preview – The Evolution of Awareness – A Conversation With Neal Donald Walsch Eckhart Tolle, which, I must admit, made me want to throw up in my mouth a little bit. I wanted to tell Neale the same thing I wanted to tell Jim Carrey a while back when I had noticed what Jim had stated about Eckhart on the About page of Eckhart’s website: “I would do anything to be anywhere in the vicinity of Eckhart Tolle.” And my message to Jim (and to Neale as well) was, “Alrighty then, you can now gently remove your nose and lips away from Eckhart’s dark hole area where the sun don’t shine. Ssseriously…there’s no treasure to be found there…maybe dingleberries.”
Also, toward the end of the first video mentioned above, I didn’t fully understand why Eckhart decided to end the conversation with a moment of silence. I wondered if he didn’t know what else to say for the last five minutes of the video, so he escaped to his quiet and safe place. On the other hand, perhaps that was his way of peacefully ending the interview. The ringing of the bell at the end left me briefly puzzled as well, and I don’t think Neale knew what was going either. I suppose that’s just something that Eckhart does on his shows…I don’t know because I’m not a member of his TV program. I’m just grateful that someone shared this video. Thank you Kaiwan! 🙂
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