Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay
I shared the following message for video, “Horse as a Totem–Your Personal Power Animal’s Personality Characteristics and
Life-Path Lessons“ (and details of horse dream follows):
WOW 😯😃🥰, at the end of this video, when you mentioned RAVEN Light holistic healing, I FELT the outer world confirmation that this message is definitely part of this particular series of Divine Synchronicity.
Image by Willgard Krause from Pixabay
Whenever I hear the ravel call (and/or see them), I thank Raven Spirit for its message(s), recall reminders, and even look up new messages if I feel drawn to do so.
But because the Raven calls (from more than one perhaps) was for an unusual, long time, I went outside and recorded them [click title above, video toward end of TikTok post].
I strongly sensed, and intuitively knew that Spirit wanted me to pay CLOSER ATTENTION, especially for NEW/UNKNOWN/DARK/SHADOW aspects that I can embrace and integrate into WHOLE Self/self.
[added 4 key screenshots below from short TikTok video for Raven’s Call ⬅️ (link)
And this goes hand in hand with yesterday’s vivid dream of former President Obama—whom I’ve strangely dreamt of multiple times within 13 years (though I don’t focus on him, the mostly negative news, and politics).
Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay
But I realized more than ever before, the his powerful Full Presence, professional demeanor (unlike Trump), soulful essence, groundedness, and other respectable and admirable qualities, has reminded me of a close embodiment of the RARE, Divine Masculine in this world (though I don’t know if he’s spiritual, in a non-religious way).
Image by Beverly Lussier from Pixabay
The Divine Masculine is the polar opposite of the much less mature version of the masculine energy essence, that this world is dominated by:
Image by David Eucaristía from Pixabay
the very old 🦖, outdated, emotionally and spiritually unevolved, mostly left-brain centered, patriarchal, aggressive, arrogant, selfish, insensitive, overly competitive, fear-based, masculine energies, known as our individual and Collective Ego.
I’m still in the process of learning to have deeper compassion for our ego aspect of WHOLE Self/selves; but sometimes, it can be extremely challenging.
However, I trust this is the way to Unconditional/True Love (for the Self/self/others/interconnected Life of this world and way beyond).
Anyhoo, all 3–former President Barrack Obama, the black horse, and the black raven—have the common denominators of the themes:
Image by Peace,love,happiness from Pixabay
Thank you for this video message that included very helpful information.
I don’t know if I’m a “horse person,” but I was able to relate to both positive and negative aspects from various points of my life.
Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay
I’ve dreamt of a handful of horses or so within 13 years, to include a brown horse galloping towards me from a distance—around the beginning of my deep, inner work journey—and later 3, glistening, white horses exiting a barn and gate that I was standing next to; and they appeared so heavenly, and felt so liberating.
I don’t recall ever dreaming of a black horse before, especially so vivid and right in front of me.
Image by No-longer-here from Pixabay
However, like many other messages from animals—one of seemingly countless ways that Spirit shows up in Life—I trust I can highly benefit from MERGING as ONE.
Image by René Schindler from Pixabay
I’ve read many messages of the horse spirit guide, animal totem, and power animal during these timeframes.
However, your video message is unique since I don’t recall coming across anything related to “horse people.”
I’ve had so many dreams of earthly animals, as well as otherworldly, animal-like creatures—to include a green dragon 🐲, what appeared to be a black Phoenix Bird, 2 ginormous, colorful snakes (1 in sky and 1 in ground, right before COVID showed up)—since the mid 90’s (started with a yellow boa snake), but mostly within this past 13 years.
So I’m not sure that I would fit into this particular, “horse person” category box 📦, though definitely relatable.
However, from an expanded, multidimensional perspective, I trust that I can Be any and even all of these ________ (fill in Earth animal or otherworldly creature) person, since I’ve been able to relate to many of these aspects (positive and negative).
For instance, I’ve noticed that many Starseeds claim to know the exact star systems they’re from.
Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay
However, I’ve noticed that I can relate to various ones.
So over the years, I’ve learned to EMBRACE and INTEGRATE more and more (ultimately neutral) aspects and extensions of earthly and otherworldly, Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE Self/self.
Our physical minds naturally separate everything, which helps us to better understand Life as the physical being parts of our greater Spiritual Being essence.
So I trust that as we further ZOOM IN from many different parts, to eventually 2, and then to 1…
ultimately, we are THE ONE, THE ALL, Unity Consciousness that includes separation consciousness.
Continue SHINING 🌟⭐️ BRIGHT 🌅🌄🌌🌠!!
Mulantis 🕊️🐲|🐮🐯|💖
First Dream of Black Horse
Though some of the details of this dream was vague and elusive, one character was crystal clear.
I was outside with another who felt like a female being (perhaps symbolic of the feminine aspect of WHOLE self/self).
The environment appeared to be mid-afternoon, with a sky that had tints and tones of red, orange, and yellow, and a dirt ground.
Image by No-longer-here from Pixabay
At one point, a big, black horse approached, and stood right in front of me, staring into my eyes.
It was so gorgeous with its immaculate, shiny, black coat—that completely covered its entire face and body—and wavy, elegant mane, as though it stepped out of a pet salon ☺️.
Image by Džoko Stach from Pixabay
Its soulful eyes and friendly facial expression were inviting, like an offering of a new and true friendship.
Image by Chil Vera from Pixabay
But despite its undeniable beauty and gentle demeanor, I felt intimidated by other energy aspects of this black horse, which felt somewhat challenging with its strong presence.
Image by Lorelei Cohen from Pixabay
(Perhaps this fearful part of WHOLE Self/self is my physical and individual ego self).
Due to feeling uneasy, I suggested for the unseen and unknown female to follow me into a tiny, cement building with windows, that was next to us.
As I very slowly and cautiously walked within and through this protective area—closely watching this horse—I noticed how it follow us right outside the windows.
Unfortunately, I don’t recall what happened afterwards.
However, upon waking up, I thanked the Black Horse Spirit Guide, Animal Totem, and/or Power Animal, for showing up during this challenging phase of my life, helping me to gracefully 🫠 FLOW 🏞️ on my life’s journey.
Image by Lorelei Cohen from Pixabay
I looked up many meanings and interpretations of the Black Horse Spirit Guide, Animal Totem, and Power Anima.
I also noticed various reminders of the horse’s energetic aspects as well, from previous horse dreams and personal experiences of riding a horse.
However, this is the first time I recall dreaming of a black horse.
Update added on 6/11/2024
I forgot to mention yesterday, that right before having both dreams about former President Obama and the black horse, I did something unusual.
CONTEXT first: Throughout my first (and probably last) sacred Egypt retreat in December of 2022, I had incredible and memorable experiences (already shared in blog).
This includes meeting an older man, Egyptian Master Alchemist, Gamel, who had a very powerful, Full Presence, and other impressive qualities; hence, it wasn’t just about his title, since many within humanity have earthly titles that aren’t true to varying degrees.
Gamel was the closest man I had ever encountered—within this particular physical reality—that strongly embodied the Divine Masculine Essence…
though I’ve experienced Goddess-Self, God-Self, and other Gods in dream state, and during my first and only ayahuasca ceremony (face to face with God Thoth, and a deep male voice saying, “You are among Gods.”)
Anyhoo, Gamel expressed profound words of wisdom in such a powerful way—with our group, and individually—and even shared what he psychically sensed about each of us.
Since he had no problem being very straightforward with us (to the point of BRUTAL HONESTY)…
and even calling out a woman who appeared the most confident in her spirituality, with her many well-educated, articulate, right, and love-related, verbal expressions…
I prepared myself to fully embrace anything negative he might point out about me as well—IF it FELT true to my Heart—so that I can learn from my weaknesses.
But to my great surprise, he only shared positive feedback, that was Soul-igniting, deeply heartfelt, and inspiring 🥹.
I realize that this expectation to receive negative feedback from another, has been deeply ingrained since very early childhood, where there was an overwhelming amount of criticism (mainly from my deeply wounded mother).
And now that I’ve recognized this as an unnecessary and disempowering belief—that more than likely stemmed from the individual and Collective CORE BELIEF of NOT feeling worthy—I can choose to RELEASE it 🌬️ 🫠.
That way, I can create a NEW and EMPOWERING BELIEF that I can be open to others’ feedback—whether positive and/or negative—but always be able to intuitively know and maintain my Divine worth within.
Anyhoo, Gamel and his team are known for making perfume-like, natural oils from ancient recipes that have been engraved in the walls of certain locations (names escape me).
I had invested in the Egyptian oils related to the chakras and the ancient, Egyptian Goddesses & Gods, because I had many earthly and otherworldly experiences with them, to include toning in ancient Egypt (probably as a Priestess); hence, the eventual trip.
While exploring and experimenting with these oils, I’ve had some fascinating experiences that felt as though they were influenced by these oils.
The oils of the various (but not all included) aspects of the Mother Goddess—Hathor, Sekhmet, Isis & Ma’at—seemed to help me to FEEL like a Goddess.
And while working at my last job at one of the two, sister art galleries—the large one by myself that day—I surprisingly and effortlessly sold over $14,000 in products.
I simply connected with customers (as usual), was Fully Present with them, actively listened to their stories, answered questions they had, and shared helpful information, insights, and/or profound wisdom.
Next thing you know, of all the customers, one very kind, Caucasian lady—who was celebrating her 60th birthday on a solo, yet, invaluable solitude journey (without her husband)—-treated herself to four, powerful, crystal necklaces that she absolutely loved 🥰 (one designed by an artist), totaling $10K 😳😯.
And one very cool 😎, Chinese-American man with shoulder-length, wavy hair—and his sweet teenage son who also couldn’t believe my age (the father asked)—bought 10 (instead of the initial 2) porcelain eggs, as gifts 🎁 for his daughters and rest of family.
He used his AMEX black card—that I had never even seen in real life before—and then insisted on helping me to bubble wrap them.
Anyhoo, the bubbly kind female co-owner—wife of the main artist of these galleries—shared that I had broken the record for sales in one day, and I was happy that it made them so happy.
At the time, I wished I could continue manifesting these forms of abundance, to help with their business…
but the very high sales—with that day being the highest—only lasted for 1-2 weeks or so, while they were at home due to Covid, and the most seasoned employee/artist was away for family related issues.
end of CONTEXT
So I noticed that these oils seemed to be effective depending on other factors as well.
I had never used a certain combination of these oils before, because I didn’t really like the way they smelled (too strong 😬, some similar to old man’s cologne 😷).
Granted, Gamel—the Egyptian Master Alchemist—did mention that the more we don’t resonate with the scent of a certain oil, the more we should use them, probably to integrate “unacceptable” aspects of WHOLE Self/self (but I didn’t listen 🫢, initially 🤭).
But I recently combined the oils of Gods Thoth, Amun, and Horus, all 3 of whom I’ve experienced in dream or meditative state many times.
And VOILA! I had two vivid dreams of The Divine Masculine so far, though I’ve had many other times as well 🤔, so 🤷🏻♀️.
So I’ll continue to play around with these oils whenever I feel guided to from within.
I’m reminded, that ultimately, even these Egyptian oils—like all other spiritual tools (to include crystals, tarot cards, 📚, etc.)—are not meant to be attached to in disempowering ways (like we’re powerless without them), but best utilized in fun ways.
In 2001, I left this world’s, boxed in 📦, man-contaminated (of the Divine) religions, that came with many red flags 🚩after a decade of exploring various ones, to include various denominations of Christianity and Catholicism.
However, I still trust that there exists some gems of wisdom found within all religions and other belief systems, that can be recognized with…
Discernment, Intuition, Inner Heart Wisdom, Insights, Gut Feeling, Other Love-based feelings, as well as Psychic Abilities.
So it occurred to me that this BLACK HORSE dream—as well as the other dreams of horses (especially the 3 white, glistening ones, and an actual HorseMan/Centaur)—reminded me of The Four Horsemen mentioned in Revelation of the the Bible.
And I wondered if there were any other perspectives—especially uplifting ones, rather than depressing—regarding this record (whether true or not).
The following are some screenshots of information I came upon, online, that were intriguing (rather than the same old regurgitation of said words that still don’t make a lot of sense):
The screenshot right above matches this video below (just sharing some examples):
The above 6 screenshots of ONGOING CORRUPTION instantly reminded me of one of the new category pages of this blog I recently created (related example screenshots below):
The above 2 screenshots reminded me of the Horse (especially Black Horse): Spirit Guide, Animal Totem, and Power Animal meanings and interpretations, especially about UNKNOWN/POWER (Divine Power that’s NOT misused or abused).
I also came upon the reading, “The Four Horsemen of Spiritual Ego,” which I found clever (with its unique and inviting title) intriguing, thought-provoking, stimulating, and Consciousness expanding, with its unique, expanded perspectives.
I was going to share a gratitude comment, including this positive part of feedback, but I I think you need to become a member if I read correctly (but not that interested, and reason further below):
The following, 1st screenshot—of the above-mentioned reading—reminded me of the 2nd screenshot, part of the black horse dream within this post:
Regarding the screenshot on left (right above): I trust that we can highly respect, admire, and/or deeply appreciate others, without placing them on pedastals.
For instance, I’ve been very grateful for all the outer world Soul Teachers and/or Healers I’ve crossed paths with, especially those mentioned within this blog, and this particular post.
However COMMA I don’t always take onboard EVERYTHING that they teach and share, since I choose to follow my inner guidance/intuition 💖 FIRST AND FOREMOST.
And this even includes this reading for the screenshots above and below within this section.
I highly resonate with most of the wisdom shared by this highly intelligent, young writer; but not all.
This is especially for the parts of this reading that sound and feel too intellectual—rather than MERGED Heart/Mind (with Heart/Spirit leading the way, that causes more of a FEELING sense).
And this also also applies to the last paragraph of this reading (screenshot below).
We can all do it, but I’m working on including the ego, rather than excluding the ego, so I don’t fully resonate with any teachings that can influence one to go backwards rather than forward.
It feels that he still judges the individual and collective ego…
by negatively labeling and further excluding the already society-condemned and ostracized ego, as an imposter.
This can further shame a part of ourselves that will always exist to varying degrees, as long as we are an individual and physical (as well as Spiritual)…
which further hinders Unconditional Love for ourselves and others.
Despite still needing to work on it myself, I trust that embracing, integrating, and transforming the deeply wounded version our ego, into its exalted, healthy version state, IS the most loving, profoundly wise, and empowering way to Be (and then do).
Nonetheless, I’m still very grateful that this writer exists, and shared his unique and invaluable gifts.
Continuing from date of this post (6/10/2024)
While checking out various images to represent Trinity (3), I noticed unconventional ones, and took screenshots of them (see further below).
Plus, I’m deeply grateful that I came upon a reading (link below) that further confirmed—via Ascended Master Jesus’ actual Aramaic words (accurately translated)—what I had strongly sensed, and then intuitively known about the Holy Spirit 🕊️ Being The Mother Goddess…
and had been sharing within this blog for 13 years.
Related Blog Post Screenshots & Link
“Update Insights: Dreams of Jesus, I AM Presence & The Red Wind of Holy Spirit”
“Trinity: Dream of White Dove Aircraft & I AM/12:12/Christ & Buddha Within”
Related Reading & Some Screenshots
“In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Motherly Spirit” by Hack Hoehn
Related Screenshots
The screenshot right above reminded me of the Female Christ—that so had written about in post below—and when I typed this in the search section…
an image of a perfume called Female Christ, that I had never heard of popped up, which instantly reminded me of the detailed of yesterday’s dream of former President Obama 😳.
The following is a screenshot of my journal—that I didn’t create a post for (but now I further realize ties together)—as well as the perfume itself (and related post link mentioned right above):
I received insights today about two parts of the former President Obama dream that initially baffled me, the latter much more than the former (in screenshot of my journal above).
After coming upon the “Female Christ” perfume (screenshot above), I trust that I symbolically shared with Barrack Obama—the almost full embodiment of the Divine Masculine—a sheer pink perfume bottle, because it was symbolic of sharing the Divine Feminine Essence.
I also trust that I mentioned that he likes horror movies 🎥 , because he has focused too much on the old and outdated 📽️ 3D, MATRIX 🎞️ stuff of this world.
And in Obama’s actual case—possibly representing the Collective (regardless of gender), of almost Divine Masculine Essence within MERGING with Divine Feminine—
who more than likely ALSO focus too much on the news 🗞️, government, politics, wars, sports, and other mostly left-brain 🧠-centered, unbalanced masculine energy, patriarchal ways, that’s meant to DISTRACT humanity from our spiritual growth/evolution.
”An Intriguing Experience and Reading About the Female Christ”
Recorded this evening:
Peaceful Javalina family 🤤 enJOYing 😋apricots from organic 🌳 on front yard in Sedona, AZ 🏜️🌄 (TikTok & YouTube short videos made the environment darker, and YouTube cut off parts of this video for whatever reason):
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