Yesterday, 2/21/2024, I also suddenly experienced INTENSE energies, and did some searches online.
I don’t know how accurate this information is, but yesterday was supposed to be the biggest solar storm in recorded history [CORRECTION: That was back in the day, but may return creating a new record].
The 2 screenshots right above reminded me of The Sacred Reunion (& Union) / MERGING (& already MERGED) versions of the feminine and masculine energies within interconnected Life of many worlds—The Divine Feminine Goddess & Divine Masculine God essence (2 sides of the SAME Cosmic Coin).
I shared the following message for Sadhguru, in video, “Impact of Solar Flares on Human Consciousness | Sadhguru“:
Thank you so much 🙏🏼 Sadhguru for this helpful message.
Your precious existence, Full Presence 💖👁️👀, profound wisdom 🐢🦉🐋, Joy 🐬 (to include great sense of humor 🐸), and overall invaluable WHOLE ☯️✡️🌓Self 🌚/🌝 self is deeply appreciated.
I’ve been increasingly, deeply, and even INTENSELY (at times) FEELING the New Moon, Full Moon, and Eclipses for at least 13 years, usually a few days before and after (where I sleep more), and not sleeping much the day of (but feeling refreshed).
Within a year or so—while temporarily working at an art gallery in Sedona—I FELT INTENSE energies one day, though it wasn’t near any major, Moon energy influences.
And the older lady co-owner shared about high levels of solar flares that day, which I wasn’t keeping track of, though I had briefly read about it before.
Yesterday, 2/21/2024, I also suddenly experienced INTENSE energies, and did some searches online.
I don’t know how accurate this information is, but yesterday was supposed to be the biggest solar storm in recorded history.
I’m going to rewatch your other, recent YouTube video again regarding the affects of solar activity.
Sedona, Arizona is known to AMPLIFY energies within, and it seems to be true; hence, why Native Americans were known to only visit Sedona to perform sacred rituals, but not reside here.
This also explained why while working at 10 different jobs in Sedona, I experienced a lot of INTENSE negativity from certain business owners, managers, and mostly coworkers.
I trust that working, and then living here since 2017 has been both obvious blessings and blessings in disguise (though much more of the latter 😅).
It seemed like a RAPID way of deep healing and transforming self/others, since my mere presence has often caused many to be negative.
I also trust that all of our repressed negative energies since childhood—and suppressed during our adulthood—were pushed out by the powerful, vortex energies in Sedona.
They RESURFACED in order to finally be noticed, recognized, acknowledged, embraced, deeply healed, transmuted, and integrated into WHOLE Self/self.
And if not in this lifetime—due to us continuing the cycles of the fear-based ways, to include the individual and collective BLAME GAME—then perhaps in other lifetimes.
But after checking out (with discernment) some non-religious, spiritual readings about the impact of solar activity, I have no doubt that MAJOR CHANGES 🍂🌱 & TRANSFORMATIONS 🐍🪲🐛🦋—on ALL energetic levels: mental, emotional, physical 🧬 and spiritual—is HIGHLY BENEFICIAL to happen for humanity and way beyond, especially during the very high lunar and/or solar activity phases.
So far, I’ve had two vivid dreams about many comets ☄️ falling from the sky (like the end of the world within one of the seemingly countless alternate Earth realities).
For one dream, I shared it in a post titled, “Dream of Little Angel Alerting Outside of Window” (from September 2015); and the second was recorded in, “Second Vivid Dream of Many Meteors Falling: Premonition OR Other Messages?”
The following is an excerpt from the second post that includes optimistic insights:
There were other details that made this dream seem more symbolic than a premonition for this particular physical reality, a parallel reality or even an alternate reality (the latter being the first dream of many meteors).
After getting out of bed and in the bathroom, I noticed a moth fly towards my husband’s shirt that was hanging on the wall.
It looked exactly like the one that I saw yesterday, that one of my cats (Leo) was watching like a hawk, but I distracted him so that the moth can be free.
As I’ve shared within this blog at least a few times, whenever I see a moth, I thank the Moth Spirit Guide—and/or Moth Totem, Moth Spirit Animal—for assisting me to SEE (with CLARITY) Light within so-called darkness. I will later look up any new messages as well.
So even though both similar dreams of many meteors falling from the sky, can be perceived as a premonition, I realized that it can also be interpretated as the integration of extreme opposite energies.
As I’ve shared in at least one update in the past, the first dream reminded me of the polar opposite energies of heaven (angel) and hell (many meteors falling, and more than likely the end of this world).
And in this second similar dream, the JOYFUL and FUN amusement park and THE END of JOY in Life seems to be the opposite energies that are merging.
So what can we learn from this experience?
Perhaps to enJOY Life more while we can, during many PRESENT and pleasant moments of NOW—since we never know when something like this could happen in the future.
This doesn’t mean that we need to fear the future, but rather, find more ways to deeply appreciate all that we currently are and have in our lives, and all the uplifting blessings (and blessings in disguise) we can tune into in the bright future.
I usually don’t share parts of my blog posts within comments; but I don’t know how long you’ll be around, and it would deeply sadden me if I didn’t take the chance of sharing this with you directly (since this particular YouTube video was within your website).
Sharing highly beneficial information/Light expands our individual and Collective Consciousness.
Sadhguru, I had a vivid dream not too long ago, of us being face to face, and I said in a powerful, confident, calm, feminine voice, “I AM SEKHmet” (The Mother Goddess/Unconditional Love/🌚/🌊 Frequency of many names, but ultimately The Nameless, like Her Other Half of the Cosmic Coin, God/Light Frequency/🌞/🔥).
You probably hear this often, but nonetheless, You are a priceless, HUGE gift 💝 to interconnected 🕸️ Life 🌳🌲🌼 of this world/Galaxy/Universe/Multiverse/Omniverse.
Perhaps one seemingly magical and miraculous day, I will have the golden opportunity to meet you in person to experience what your Full Presence FEELS like.
I missed your last event in the U.S., due to working at the above mentioned gallery at the time.
But I found it fascinating that a male customer shared that your event was amazing, so I thanked him for sharing.
I deeply appreciated this particular series of Divine Synchronicity.
Oh, I’ve also been working on a creative 🕷️💖🕸️ project lately that includes a comedy bit of you and Shiva, that’s part of an upcoming YouTube video titled, “PETS: Galactic Special Forces,” which I trust you’ll check out one day—IF you’re energetically drawn to it—and experience some form of uplifting state 😊☺️😃😄 and/or 🤣.
I prefer that you have this new, once in a lifetimes experience before you pass, though I definitely wish 🎐🌌🌠 for you to live much longer (IF that’s your preference too).
A wolf spider has showed up 3 times—the power of Trinity—while living in this new home 🏡 (that I’ll be leaving in Divine perfect timing and order).
So I’ve been appreciating its tiny, adorable and powerful presence while thanking the Wolf 🐺 Spider 🕷️ Spirit guide for its assistance with my life path.
The last time I saw a 🐺 🕷️ was about a decade or more ago while residing in Texas; and that’s the first time I checked out its messages online (with discernment, only taking onboard what FEELS light/true to my Heart).
Many earthly animals and otherworldly creatures—Animal Spirit Guides, Animal Totems, and Power Animals—have been showing up in this particular physical reality and dream states, supporting my life’s journey 👣🏞️🛤️🛣️.
And I’m deeply grateful for them, as well as ALL other aspects and extensions of Full-Potential 🌱🌿🌲🌳, Multidimensional 🦄, WHOLE ☯️✡️💖🌓 Self 🌚/🌝 self.
Thank you so much 🙏🏼wonderful ✨, 🌟⭐️ Being/Light 🕯️🔱.
After adding the 4 screenshots at the beginning of this post, and this insight (screenshot below)…
…which has often been reminding me throughout the years of…
Balance ⚖️ 🎼 Harmony 🎶 within 💖🌓(🌚🌝)/MerKaBa ✡️/Spiraling Frequency – Yin & Yang ☯️/Spirit & Soul/Goddess & God/Heart & Mind/🌊 & 🔥/🌙 & 🌞/Buddha Consciousness 🪷 & Christ Consciousness 🕯️/Dark (Unknown) & Light (Known)/Wave & Particle/etc.
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