After a month or so of what felt like being tossed around, like a ragdoll, by an intense, dark storm, I recently started experiencing the calm after the storm, as well as sunshine and rainbows—SEEing, with CLARITY, the bigger picture within the colorful, full spectrum of Life.
I was drawn to two, liberating, empowering, inspirational posters yesterday and today.
Image [above right] by jplenio from Pixabay
And one of them reminded me of a magnet (photo on left) that I bought from a local, Sedona store in Uptown this past summer that’s bad@$$.
Just in case it’s hard to read, it states:
Fear whispered, “You can’t handle the Storm.”
Her Heart replied, “I Am the Storm.”
Happy 11:11 ^_^ to an increasing number of many within this world who have become aware of the 11:11 Phenomenon (aka “Wake Up! ^_^ Call”), along with all the mind-blowing and amazing, earthly and otherworldly experiences that come with this beautiful, Cosmic Gift package.
I also have a message for Veterans within this post to include, Happy Veteran’s Day!
Recently, I’ve been experiencing positive occurrences in my life—this particular series of positive synchronicity (that also included a few, seemingly unpleasant blessings in disguise)—that I have no doubt stems from facing and overcoming my fears, to include emotionally charged triggers, and remnants of self-judgments and doubts.
For instance, less than a week ago, I strongly FELT ready to unconditionally embrace and integrate triggers that obviously bothered me to some degree, and I chose not to suppress them and move on, since they don’t go away, but rather, these same, lower vibrational energies later end up showing up in different people (like the saying, “Same shit different place [or person]”).
So I called my mother in Korea, and was ready for any way she was going to be (often negative) and anything she had to say (sometimes very hurtful); my simple plan was to unconditionally embrace/love her no matter what, while maintaining healthy boundaries.
It’s no longer needing to be a punching bag, like during childhood and most of my adulthood, but standing strong on my inner world foundational support—where my inner cup/Unconditional Love for self/others is unlimited—and honestly tactfully communicating whatever inner truths I feel like expressing that can uplift the both of us (aka Light.).
And to my great surprise, we had the happiest, longer than usual conversation that we had in probably a couple of decades; I felt so grateful.
I’ve chosen to gracefully embrace the uncertainty of how long she has to live while in her early 80’s, and just share an abundance of unconditional love with her while she’s on planet Earth.
Plus, she had a stroke several months ago, and finally quit drinking after 60 years, which I learned from Peter Sage that such decisions stem from an emotional event (like hers) rather than from one’s intellect.
This is true, I have no doubt that she was intelligent enough to know that being an alcoholic isn’t beneficial to one’s health, though she was outwardly in denial about it due to her ego’s pride of not wanting to change her story of how she wants her and others to perceive herself (i.e., very healthy due to her healthy eating and daily exercise, that she often told to whoever was willing to listen, though others seemed to know the actual truth).
So what can we learn from situations like this? NOT wait until we become elderly, and/or experience a dis-ease to: be transparently honest with ourselves (hence, others), and to make beneficial changes in our lives.
We can also learn to admit to any form of addictions we may have; and not just tangible ones like alcohol, nicotine, drugs, video games, cell phones, social media, sex, comfort foods or caffeine, but also non-tangible addictions like needing to habitually: control Life, judge self/others, be a perfectionist, self-criticize, play the ego’s blame game, be in victim mentality, gaslight self/others, abuse self/others, etc.
In addition to this seemingly miraculous connection with my mother, I also noticed that I had responded (from a state of love) rather than reacted (from a state of fear) when it comes to not hearing back from other relationships.
After sharing two, separate comments while participating in Peter Sage’s USM (Ultimate Self Mastery) and EMF (elite Mentorship Forum) courses, I received reply comments, and then ended up befriending both members, who weren’t even in my particular groups.
In a nutshell, we exchanged emails, but at certain points, I didn’t hear from either one them for some time. The conditioned, negative thoughts popped up and entertained me for a short amount of time, to include the probability of me sharing something with them that rubbed them the wrong way.
However, I realized that this could go on and on and on IF I allow these non-beneficial, fear-based thoughts to run amok.
So at those moments, I chose to dismiss them, and instead, communicate to self that I did my best to Be authentic self/Self, and expressed myself honestly, tactfully, as well as lovingly, while also deeply understanding, being empathetic, and sharing much encouragement, upliftment, and empowerment, so there’s no need to regret anything I shared.
I was also able to further expand my perspective—via a shift to positive thinking and positive self-talk—and take into consideration other factors that could be at play (that didn’t have anything to do with me), to include these new friends (within this peer group) being busy with their lives, experiencing their own Life challenges, not feeling their best, or just not feeling like reply yet.
Plus, if there was something that bothered them, sure it would be nice if they brought it up to my attention, however, it’s not something that I absolutely needed them to do; if I never heard from them again, I was able to embrace that.
Why? Because I’m in a state in my life now where I’m willing to do that for all of my earthly and otherworldly relationships, to include my husband, adult children, extended family members, recently made friends, and even the Angelic Realm, Animal Spirit Guides, Spiritual Realm, Ascended Masters, Galactic & Universal Soul Families, God, and Goddess, etc..
I’m reminded that Unconditional/True Love is interchangeable with True Freedom; and it’s not beneficial for anyone to hold onto someone or something that doesn’t want to be held onto.
Even if my two, pet cats—older female, black cat Shadow and younger male, Tabby cat Leo—chose to jump down our balcony and take off sprinting while yowling “Freedom!” I would be happy for them and wish them the very best (though the old version of self would feel devastated if any close relationships left).
To my delightful surprise, I heard back from both of my new, pen pal-like friends (USM members), in Divine perfect timing and order, and they each had a very understandable reason as to why they seemed to be MIA.
Today (11:11), I also received a surprise text message from my coach who had further introduced me to EMT (that includes EMF).
It read, “Hi Barbara, Hope you’re having an amazing week!” And I replied, “This message is probably automated [since I still receive those for the USM course], but I’ll reply just in case it’s received by Team Sage. I am having an amazing week, and hope y’all are too!”
He then replied that it was him, we exchanged a couple more messages, to include a very helpful one from him, “The secret to happiness is pretty simple – think happy thoughts. Don’t complicate it,” which was similar to what I had expressed (along with other insights) at our recent EMF14 zoom Community Call. So I thanked him and hearted his last message.
It was a delightful surprise that he contacted me again, because we somewhat butted heads around the beginning of last month—regarding a pattern that I noticed, and brought to his attention about the lack of communication and assistance from Team Sage (that he reassured me would be available)—and though he helped once, I didn’t hear from him since; and I didn’t want to bother him since he had mentioned that he was very busy.
I chose to let it go, and like the two, befriended USM members, I heard back from him when we were both ready to make peace again. I felt so grateful because he seemed like a really nice guy.
I realized that these Life experiences have been showing up in order to trigger me (i.e., remind me of a deep, emotional wound that’s been buried/repressed since I was an infant); and that is the wound of abandonment.
My biological father abruptly left my mother and I when I was 6 months old; I found out in my mid-thirties probable reasons why, after my husband found my bio dad while I was deployed in Iraq, so I surprise visited him and his 3rd wife during Veteran’s Day weekend.
In a nutshell, both him and my mother often butted heads like rams; they simply weren’t compatible. From an expanded perspective, I trust that they were meant to go separate paths for everyone’s highest benefit.
My mother and I never heard from him again, and I then experienced “abandonment” by my mother, who had to leave me with my Korean grandmother for three years while she visited every now and then, so that that she could work and live far away in order to support us (which I have no doubt wasn’t easy for her as well).
When I was in my late thirties, my mother revealed a story that she had never shared before. She did her best to incorporate some humor, but I could tell that she felt some discomfort.
She shared a memory of visiting me after a few months of being away, when I was around two years old.
As soon as I heard her, I rushed out and started bawling. While smiling, she said that I was crying so hard and shaking that no sound was coming out of my mouth at times.
At that moment, I felt so sad for my inner child, and somewhat resented my mother for thinking it was so funny; but I later realized that she—like others I’ve known,, and it just occurred to me that I can be like this too—was just masking her heartache (that she wasn’t able to fully heal) with humor.
I used to think that living with an apathetic grandmother—due to her hardship, various traumas, and many heart wounds—was unfortunate; but now I feel grateful that my grandmother was willing to raise me, alongside my two, sister-like, older cousins (because their mother/my aunt was making a living as well since their father had another family).
My American adoptive father also suddenly left with my three year old step-sister—his real daughter from his young mistress at the time (whom my mother raised since she was a newborn)—on Thanksgiving Day.
And for the first time ever, I was witness to my mother’s depression, where she mostly was in bed for about a week (completely unlike super motivated and diligent her).
He called three days later informing my mother that they weren’t coming back.
So it’s completely understandable why I the abandonment wound would be so deeply ingrained, and without a shadow of a doubt has made a huge impact on my life, and negatively effected [correction: affected] many areas of it.
I fully trust that they key is NOT to continue suppressing this deep, inner wound, that some spiritual teachings suggest.
Now I highly respect and admire a lot of Abraham Hicks’ teachings, but one thing I haven’t resonated with is Abraham’s teaching of basically not facing such “lower” vibrational emotions (aka negative emotions) that resurface, but basically burying, suppressing, denying, avoiding, minimizing, and ignoring them while thinking happy thoughts.
And I have no doubt this is the reason why so many Abraham Hicks’ fans continue to have issues years to decades later, though many seem to be very logically intelligent (just not emotionally).
What I’m about to share is probably TMI, but what the hell!
Right after typing the insight of healing the core wound of abandonment, I went #2 (a HUGE log that was…ok, that’s probably enough details); and I intuitively and instantly knew that this correlated with further dropping density from all energy bodies—mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual—releasing (via relieving) old, heavy, lower energies from the past.ย ย
In addition to these wonderful transformations from within—and then manifested and mirrored by outer world—I also experienced something strange, yet, exciting.
Once upon a time—after giving my mother a lot of money (since I’m her only child), stacking up credit card bills, losing my first house, car accidents, etc.—I basically ruined my credit and was barely able to receive one credit card where I initially had to put money down for it.
However, though my credit score gradually increased over a year and a half—due to spending wisely and paying off the full balance each month (minus a few times of smaller payments)—to the point where it was fluctuating between good and great, I didn’t expect to receive multiple offers from various companies all within a week or so.
This was just one of many forms of uplifting abundance that I trust stemmed from doing my best to further let go of any concerns about money in general, to include how to make money—especially via the typical 9 to 5 job that I didn’t resonate with anymore—and simply trust the supportive Universe within (and without) that all of my needs, wants, and Heart’s desires will be met in Divine perfect timing and order (as confirmed by many angel number messages and dream state messages as well).
This form of abundance gave me the opportunity to mainly focus on Peter Sage’s EMT (Elite Mentorship Trainer) program, that includes the EMT course that I’m learning from first (the 6 month version); and though I may not agree 100% with everything that’s taught, the majority of the information is uplifting, empowering, inspiring, and mind and heart opening/Consciousness expanding.
For example, in Peter’s awesome book, The Inside Track: An Inspirational Guide to Conquering Adversity (full of science-backed information, profound spiritual wisdom, hilarious humor, and highly creative and very helpful metaphors)—which I’ve only read 17 pages of an assigned chapter so far (Ch. 4), but he inspired me to read the whole book—he shared his intention in the following paragraph, which FEELS “right”/light/true to my Heart:
โAnd I know my movie is about raising the global consciousness of humanity in a way which can help millions of people help themselves by relating to life in a more empowering way. To help turn their own movies into an example, not a warning […]”
EMT is an opportunity to be an Entrepreneur of your own business facilitating the EMF course while making a good amount of money; and not having to start from scratch since the business and marketing aspects of the foundation is provided for by Peter and Team Sage.
One female EMT made an unbelievable record amount (I think a million or so), but Peter said that’s an anomaly. However COMMA I thought, why not me too?!
Or anyone else who’s willing to Be BOLD, take the risk, and go for creating a dream life, as shared in the previous post, “Letโs Co-Create a Heaven on Earth Reality via Merged Goddess & God Within Us.”
After all, I’m believing more and more each day that I’m already abundant, rich, and wealthy within, especially with my automatically functioning, extremely resilient physical body, Higher Heart/Spirit/Goddess/Intuition/Unconditional Love, Higher Mind/Soul/God/Deep Understanding/Light, Experiential Knowledge/Profound Wisdom, Compassion, Empathy, True Freedom, Inner Peace, Intelligence, Creativity, Psychic Abilities, Physical World Abilities, Skills, Talents, Gratitude, Appreciation, Joy, Universal Support, Earthly and Otherworldly Soul Families, Animal Spirit Guides, Elemental Realm, etc.
Plus, I had a visit from a black fly today (11:11), which usually reminds me of adaptability, persistence, and rapid multiplying of uplifting abundance, to include monetary abundance.
So I thanked this particular animal spirit guide for sharing its strengths.
Image by Virvoreanu Laurentiu from Pixabay
I also thanked the raven spirit guide for it’s fleeting presence , yet, it’s thunderous and powerful call yesterday–though I didn’t see it while in the dining room area—that often reminds me of magic (transmutation of energies), mystery (The Unknown, aka Uncertainty), and the potential for amazing transformations.
Image by darrenquigley32 from Pixabay
This week, I also tuned into two fb posters, shared by Gregg Braden—whom I consider one of the Master Teachers and Master Healers of this world—and because they deeply moved me, I shared them (along with my comments) with my EMF14 fb group, my fb page, and/or for Gregg’s fb post (I shared the the poster on right, next to the comment on left, yesterday, 11/10):
This profoundly wise message popped into my awareness minutes ago from a Soul Teacherโa Master Teacher & Master Healer like Peterโthat I highly respect and admire, and it also goes ๐ค in โ with Peterโs teaching about not becoming lost in the pedestal trap.
I, too, trust that itโs very important and beneficial to always follow our inner guidance/Heart/Spirit/intuition/inner-wisdom first and foremost, and discover our full-potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self (physical self)/SELF (Spirit & Soul within).
I shared the poster (on left), along with the following comment for my fb page, EMF14 and Gregg Bradenโs fb post today (11/11):
What an empowering quote thatโs a great reminder that we experience in Life, obvious blessings, or blessings in disguise.
Therefore, whenever our outer world happens to mirror to us a so-called unpleasant experience, (via people, situations, events, etc.), we can CHOOSE (via free will) how weโre going to perceive it, and whether or not to respond to it (from a state of Unconditional Love and profound wisdom), or react to it (from a state of fear).
Even when weโre triggered by someone or something, we can choose to SEE (with CLARITY)โfrom an expanded Multidimensional perspectiveโthat the trigger is an opportunity (an invitation) to recognize that thereโs something within us that can be deeply healed, should we be transparently honest and receptive to integrating the Divine gift ๐ into our WHOLE self/SELF. Otherwise, those same energetic triggers can repeatedly show up as different โothersโ like a vicious cycle.
This poster message also reminded me to further (and fully) let go of any remnants of the disempowering, victim mentality state of โTo Meโ (that Peter teaches), while habitually Being in an encouraged, uplifted, liberated, empowered, inspired, and Consciousness expanding state of a small degree of โBy Meโ (when needed), but mostly Being in the highly beneficial states of โThrough Meโ and even โAs Meโ (via the bigger picture of Shadow Work, The 7 Essene Mirrors).
Granted, I also trust that itโs essential to unconditionally embrace and process (in a healthy way) all of our neutral emotions (inner compass revealing our authentic state at any given moment) and true feelings (language of the Soul via integrated Heart/Mind).
So whenever we feel any negative emotions, itโs okay. We can embrace them without judgment like we would gently and lovingly hug a child whoโs feeling down.
The ๐ is not to get lost within the โdark stormโ and remain stuck; but rather BOUNCE BACK with inner strength, ๐ฆ-like courage, and resilience.
Just felt like sharing in case itโs helpful to whoeverโs drawn to this message.
By the way, Happy Veterans Day, and thank you to all former, military members for your great service! I have no doubt that you overcame many challenges during this phase of your life on all energetic levelsโmental, emotional, physical, and spiritualโand gained an abundance of invaluable wisdom (experiential knowledge).
I trust that every Soul serves interconnected Life in beneficial ways, that ultimately benefits the WHOLE/All That Is, though it may not seem like it from the limited, human perspective that stems from duality (right vs wrong, good vs bad, light vs dark, hot vs cold, โฌ๏ธ vs โฌ๏ธ, etc.).
Because even โnegativeโ contrasts are Divine gifts๐, since without the very low vibration of fear, we wouldnโt know, and deeply appreciate its so-called opposite, the very high vibration of pure compassion, all within the same, interconnected vibrational frequency spectrum of Unconditional Love๐๐๐.
Right after I shared the above comment, I noticed 82% for my phone charge, so I read the following reminder from website, ANGEL NUMBERS ~ Joanne Sacred Scribes (click on 82 below to open link in another window):
Angel Number 82 is a message about your personal spirituality, inner-strength and tenacity and pursuing your Divine life purpose.
As we create our own realities, the angels encourage you to have faith and trust in your skills, talents and abilities and the power of the Universal Energies.
Know that you will find success in all that you put your mind and efforts towards. The angels are helping you to recognize and acknowledge the Divine light within yourself and others.
Angel Number 82 is a powerful message of self-belief, faith and trust. Your positive attitude, prayers, visualizations and positive affirmations have been acknowledged by the Universal Energies. Stay focused, balanced and at peace and know that all is going to Divine right order and in Divine right time. Trust that your desired results will manifest in your life.
Angel Number 82 is also a message from your angels that your financial and monetary needs will be met in miraculous ways. As one door is closing another is opening in your life, so trust your intuition and your angels to guide you towards positive abundance. Use your natural inner-wisdom and manifesting abilities to bring about your desires. Give up the fear of how to make ends meet, and have faith and trust that your angels and the Universe will ensure your prosperity.
Number 82 also relates to number 1 (8+2=10, 1+0=1) and Angel Number 1.
Next Post, “Farewell Abandonment Wound, You Have Served Me Well, Thank You Light & Love“
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