Many of us within humanity have at least briefly wondered about the meaning of Life.
And many of us have invested much time pondering about this intriguing subject.
The meaning of Life can also be vague, contradicting and/or confusing due to many different teachings, perspectives, interpretations, opinions, individual and Collective beliefs, etc.
I was reminded of Einstein’s quote below—that led to noticing other related quotes—which made me realize that I’ve tuned into both complex and simple parts of WHOLE Self (Spiritual Self)/self (physical self) throughout my life:
I’ve been a fool many times 🫣🤭—overthinking, over analyzing, and over complicating things.
This includes dwelling in the past (different from reflecting and gaining wisdom), or being worried about the future (different from creating and working on merged Heart/Mind goals and making wise plans).
There has also been a long phase of my life where very left brain 🧠-centered thinking was highly beneficial as an Analyst in the Army (as well as certain non-military jobs).
Plus, there have been many more times where I was merged Heart/Mind, to include Being fully present, and actively listening to many people’s personal stories from around this world (especially strangers), and even offering wisdom related to their challenges.
And last but not least, there have many moments of Heart-centered experiences, especially Being in silence, stillness, and darkness.
This is where I can effortlessly quiet my mind, and become one with seemingly empty space.
I noticed that despite considering myself an ambivert, the older I become, the more I prefer peaceful, solitude time as an introvert, rather than the more extroverted ways I was when I was younger.
Granted, I can Be a Free-Spirited, Wild Woman who can have some FUN with Life too! (especially when it comes to open-mic comedy)🤪
ANYHOO, during meditation while laying in bed, I’ll observe movements of what appears to be a Cosmic Dance 💃🏻🪩🕺🏽between Dark (Unknown) and Light (Known), or Goddess & God essence.
By the way, there are many ways we can Be in a meditative state, and it doesn’t necessarily have to be the typical, formal, sitting or kneeling positions 🧘🏻♀️🧘🏻♂️🧎🏻♀️🧎♂️that’s often portrayed by general society (though that’s ok too).
Personally, I’ve had the most amazing 😲😃🤩🥰 meditation experiences while lying in bed, to include effortless astral travel.
I trust this stems from being very comfortable and relaxed, and believing one can fly through space with light rays rapidly passing by.
I fully trust that having read the book by Michael Doreal, The Emerald Tablets of Thoth: The Atlantean, has ignited 🕯️and influenced this multidimensional ability (which I’ll further study whenever I feel guided to from within).
Because at one point, I started silently reading this book with a deep, poetic, ancient-sounding, male voice (that I wasn’t afraid of, but fascinated with).
I even heard this voice (through me talking) multiple times in dream state, as if I was God Thoth during whatever lifetime or moments of channeling.
ANYhoo, once in blue moon, while meditating, I’ll tune into a golden opportunity to experience something otherworldly 👽, mind-blowing 😮, incredible 🤩, and unforgettable 🥰.
And I thank 🙏🏼 😘🐻🫂 Beloved Self/Goddess & God/Universe/Multiverse/Omniverse for the Cosmic gifts 💝💖.
One of many examples was shared in post:
“A Vision of One Eye 👁️ in Center of Squares Within Squares Wormhole”
So I’ve learned to embrace and integrate more and more so-called opposite (ultimately neutral) aspects of WHOLE Self/self within the past 13 years.
And this includes one of the aspects I never thought I could relate to, which is the genius aspect.
I trust that we all have access to this genius aspect of Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE Self/self—as we expand our state of Consciousness—that includes the ability to simplify the complex.
But most and the majority of humanity wouldn’t dare claim this part since it’s reserved for famous people with extremely high IQs, extraordinary gifts, and other seemingly unreachable star 🌌🌠 qualities and qualifications.
If we’re lucky to even cross paths with a genius in our lifetime, it would seem like a miracle.
People like Einstein, Marie Curie, and even Sheldon Cooper and his gang—from one of my favorite comedy series, The Big Bang Theory—can seem like E.T.’s (maybe they’re starseeds, like Jesus! ☺️).
But perhaps our mostly left brain 🧠-centered, super logical society has not been able to even IMAGINE 🦄 a greater potential for humanity in general.
After all, even expert scientists—whom no one is supposed to question—have mistakenly labeled 97% of our DNA 🧬 as “junk.”
But I’m deeply grateful 🙏🏼 for all the Unconditionally Loving 💖🫂, Profoundly Wise 🐢🦉🐋, SUPER PASSIONATE ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥, Dedicated 💝, BAD@$$ 😎 TRAILBLAZERS 💥🔥🔥🔥 of this world.
This can be immensely challenging to do daily, when we live in a world that also contains much corruption (as well as beauty).
And this includes various, highly evolved, merged Heart 💗/Mind🕯️Souls 💖 within this Universe and beyond, who help pave 🛣️🛤️🏞️the way for humanity and interconnected Life/ALL THAT IS, co-creating a more flowing 🫠 and harmonious 🕊️🦌 state.
I especially appreciate those who are on a rare, and very narrow path of doing their best daily to Be Living Wisdom…
and to SEE 💖👁️👀 with CLARITY the rainbow 🌈 spectrum of colors of DIVERSITY 🌹🌾🌻🌼🌷🪻🌺 within UNITY Consciousness. 🪷
I know I can work on this myself, since there are times where I still get triggered 🧐🤨😒😔😫🤬😮💨 by “others”😅.
But as I do more inner work, I get less and less triggered, because I remember more of the greater truth of others/self, or self/others.
And whenever we expand our perspective, and we’re BEING TRANSPARENTLY HONEST WITH OURSELVES, we can actually relate to ALL aspects of WHOLE self.
Many within humanity are still not AWAKE and AWARE of our unconscious beliefs, behaviors, verbal and non-verbal expressions, and actions.
So we may (at times) PROJECT onto others negative aspects about us that we don’t accept, like and love (due to what society has taught us isn’t acceptable, likable and lovable).
Plus, many don’t YET remember their other, earthly and otherworldly lives.
Therefore, for either of the above, it’s WAY TOO EASY to think or say things like, “Oh I can NEVER be _____ 🙄(insert negative/wrong/bad/evil aspect).
I have found it liberating and empowering to embrace more and more parts of self.
Because let’s face it, can we get rid of our mind if we happen to believe that the mind is bad, and it’s all about the Heart?
Of course not. So why not discover the exalted states of these “negative” aspects, so that they can highly benefit ourselves/Life?
We can have a fear-based, “lower mind” or Love-based, discerning and profoundly wise Higher Mind that honors and works with Spirit/Heart’s guidance.
I also very much appreciate those who are merging spirituality and science, ultimately, two sides of the same Cosmic Coin
🌚🌓🌝☯️✡️💖, like spiritual and physical worlds.
I’m currently reading the science-backed book, The 12 Layers of DNA 🧬 (An Esoteric Study of the Mastery Within); and I trust that it will be highly beneficial for many to check out.
It’s no classified secret that an increasing number of awakening Souls within humanity have been activating once dormant, spiritual DNA 🧬; hence, noticing more and more psychic abilities over the years and decades.
And this includes further healing and further opening our minds and hearts, so that we can PERCEIVE 👁️👀 more of interconnected Life within this world and way beyond.
It’s already mainstream knowledge that it’s not just about the overrated IQ, but also EQ, emotional intelligence.
Plus, there are many types of intelligence.
And just because one can solve complex math and science related challenges, it doesn’t mean they can have highly beneficial social skills, to include heartfelt connections with others.
For instance, the comedy series, Young Sheldon—a spin-off prequel toThe Big Bang Theory—has many cute to funny to hilarious moments.
However COMMA there can be annoying moments with the genius, Sheldon Cooper character, that even the rest of the show’s characters can relate to DEEPLY.
They, too, can REALLY FEEL THE INTENSITY of his adorable, yet, MAJOR PAIN IN THE @$$ PRESENCE 😆.
This show includes some aspects that I don’t prefer, like the understandable, but disempowering, poverty consciousness conversations, to include the repetitive, “We can’t afford that.”
I’ve been learning more about empowering, Prosperity Consciousness, because I have no doubt that remembering to Be Wealth Within FIRST AND FOREMOST, IS a MAJOR Game Changer.
And this especially includes trusting and/or knowing our Divine Self/self-worth, which doesn’t have to be earned from society.
Without a solid, strong, inner world foundation, any form of outer world pursuits, achievements, collection of material stuff, gathering of relationships to fill some void within, etc., has been proven throughout human history to NOT last, and NOT end well.
I trust that Becoming both Inner and Outer Prosperity would truly be an AMAZING and FULFILLING life…
where we can Become an ever-improving, greater version of our selves, while also feeling grateful (daily) for all that we already have in our lives.
And this way of Being, living and sharing will highly benefit self/others/Life within this world and way beyond.
And this includes neutral money, that simply amplifies who we already are, and is merely a tool (like a hammer that can be used for good or bad, depending on the operator).
The more we have, the more we can generously contribute to outer world in loving, discerning and wise ways.
Plus, in this comedy 📺 show, a lot of unhealthy foods are eaten daily, that one would think a genius like Sheldon would absolutely refuse to eat due to the questionable, big list of unknown ingredients alone.
I’ve learned that unhealthy foods can be enjoyed in moderation (which I do, though once in a blue moon, I get stuck in a rut, but then BOUNCE BACK).
There are times when I strongly crave meat 🥩 and/or salad 🥗, and other times, where I’m repulsed by either or; so I’ve learned to listen to my body’s communication.
I’ve also learned to discern between emotional eating, and eating to simply enJOY. 😋
During my treat (not cheat) days, I drink and eat whatever I feel like, to include my favorites.
But I like to check in with myself to see if I’m really craving for whatever unhealthy drink or meal.
Otherwise, it’s not worth the possible side effects afterwards, that happens at times (i.e., bloating after too much pizza 🍕or too salty foods; heartburn; constipation from too much dairy, vegetable oil, or bread;, pimples from too much sugar, weight gain, just FEELING HEAVY, etc.).
Some examples of occasional, naughty foods and drinks I enJOY 😝:
Korean tteokbokki, Korean-Chinese jjajangmyun & jjamppong,🥟🍜🌭🍔🌮🥧🍪🍰(🍿only at once in a blue moon movie theater trips), 🍷, bahn-mi, pho, Thai noodles, 🍕🍛🍚🍝, fried chicken (though haven’t had any delicious ones in a while; favorite was Popeyes, but none around here, probably a good thing 😄)…
ok..,I’m getting a little too excited here 😜.
But we’ll definitely FEEL better when we also incorporate healthy foods 🫐🍓🍊🍉🍍🥭🍠🥗🥒🍅🍆🍑🍋🫑🥕🧅🌶️🥬🍳🥚🍵etc.
There are much more healthy options that are delicious too, but no more emojis ☺️.
Plus, I noticed that it’s best not to go overboard with the three, infamous parts of food that’s scientifically proven to cause a lot of dis-ease in our physical bodies—EXCESSIVE (KEYWORD) carbs (especially from processed food), vegetable oil (that clogs me up for days), and sugar.
For years, my husband and I have been using healthy oils instead, to include olive oil, coconut 🥥 oil, and for almost a year now, avocado 🥑 oil (the latter is an excellent, neutral tasting substitute for meals that are cooked with non-beneficial vegetable oil).
We’ve also been substituting sugar with Erythritol most of the time—while using sugar for meals that don’t go well with Erythritol (like some Korean meals)—though I have noticed that having too much Erythritol in meals doesn’t feel great afterwards (see screenshots below):
I have been noticing over the years that there’s been a slow, gradual, quick, and even rapid increase in certain foods and drinks that I intuitively and strongly know is the last time I’ll be having them in this last lifetime.
This includes most of the fast food restaurants (though I still like Popeyes for now)—as well as lamb, veal, cereals, donuts 🍩 (was surprisingly repulsed by them a week ago), etc.
I’ve also realized that when going through perimenopause or menopause, it’s his beneficial to read about it…
especially metaphysical readings that also share positive, encouraging, empowering, inspiring, and Consciousness expanding perspectives.
Example, “Best Menopause Supplements & Diet to Relieve Symptoms” By Dr. Josh Axe
Readings I’ve found most helpful—that FELT light/true to my Heart—were related to the sacred, unconditionally loving, profoundly wise, highly psychic, vibrant, intuitive, flowing, highly creative, and powerful, Divine Feminine energies/Goddess essence within.
Example: “WELCOME TO THE GODDESS PHASE: MENOPAUSE” (⬅️ click title to open in another window; a few screenshots below, especially related to 🐋s 🥰 and women’s tendency to overly GIVE GIVE GIVE to others, while often neglecting herself—what the male energy-dominant, patriarchal society has deeply ingrained within humanity):
I had a vivid dream—on 2/6/2024 (so this update was added to this post)—about menstruating during my menopause phase, where a Raven was to my left.
Our left side of the body correlates with the feminine energies (right side masculine energies).
And the Raven Spirit can guide us through the “DARK”/UNKNOWN/SHADOW realm—aka COSMIC WOMB OF THE MOTHER GODDESS/THE GREAT VOID/THE QUANTUM FIELD OF UNLIMITED POSSIBILITIES—where we can further discover more of our earthly and otherworldly gifts 💝.
A lot of the old, outdated, masculine energy dominant, fear-based, patriarchal readings about perimenopause and menopause are very negative.
I have no doubt this was meant to continue oppressing and suppressing the feminine of this world, the way they did from way back in the day.
But we’re in a new age where it’s no longer about the very immature blame game of “this vs that”—an immensely fear-based, disempowering way to exist—but rather, it’s about the reuniting, embracing, and integrating both the so-called opposites.
And this is especially true for our masculine and feminine energies—within both our inner and outer worlds—as the already merged version of The Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine (2 sides of the SAME Cosmic Coin/WHOLE/The One).
It’s also important to read about what typical perimenopause or menopause symptoms to expect, though most haven’t applied to me.
I trust this stems from NOT focusing on what negative is supposed to happen according to society.
Again, beliefs are very powerful, so WE can choose what to believe (or not).
It’s also highly beneficial to read about what nutrient deficiencies occur—during these completely natural phases—what drinks and foods to often eat (or not), what organic or other natural supplements to take, and overall, how to best take care of oneself during these major hormonal changes.
I completely understand that this Young Sheldon show is simply portraying how many, typical Texans—and the rest of this world—ate mostly unhealthy food and drinks during that timeframe (and even continue to).
However, there are many other themes within this show that can highly benefit humanity.
It’s just like other highly creative shows and movies that do an excellent job of weaving 🕷️🕸️ the sacred 💖—helpful new Information, aka Light 🕯️, & Unconditional Love 💗 (for the self👤/others 👥 = 🫂)—into the mundane.
For instance, I find it fascinating to explore the worlds of geniuses that incorporates a lot of humor, even if it’s fictional—like both of these comedy shows (which I feel are genius creativity).
So far, it’s the closest opportunity I have to learn from outer world, left brain 🧠-centered geniuses that I can integrate (who aren’t boring with only MEGA LOADS of logical data dumps 🤫🥱😴😪).
Granted, with moderate amounts of even logical data, I love to learn about the stimulating, interesting, intriguing, unconventional, esoteric, and thought-provoking stuff of Life.
I also like to find ways to unconditionally embrace all of the characters’ (ultimately neutral) aspects of WHOLE Self/self, a great way to practice releasing our judgments of self/others.
And this isn’t easy (for any of us)—and can be very to extremely challenging (though less with the more shadow work we do, as well as The 7 Essene Mirrors).
Integration is especially challenging for society-deemed, “unacceptable” parts of our individual and Collective selves.
It can be difficult because we’ve been so deeply ingrained from childhood through adulthood TO OFTEN JUDGE self/others.
For instance, it takes A LOT A LOT A LOT 😮💨 of Deep Understanding, Patience, Unconditional Forgiveness, and Unconditional/True Love to habitually be around a character like Sheldon Cooper (whether child or adult versions).
And to watch how the rest of the characters handle so much stress that Sheldon gifts them 😅, it helps me to strongly believe in the great power of humor and unconditional love, and other love-based ways.
It also inspires me to be more understanding of the vast, rainbow 🌈 spectrum of human nature, which can help us to Be softer with others/self.
But there are also aspects of this character that are wonderful, just like the rest of humanity.
So to mostly highly respect, admire and recognize someone who is a very left brain 🧠-centered genius is missing out on humanity’s Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE Self/self abilities (especially psychic abilities), skills, talents, profound wisdom (gathered from many remembered lifetimes), and much more.
I’ve noticed many within our world—who have tuned into their Hearts and right brain 🧠 aspects as well—whose various forms of creativity is genius level.
I trust that a main part of “unlocking” this genius aspect stems from the merged Heart/Mind state of Unity & Unconditional Love Consciousness—that INCLUDES separation consciousness and fear energy (within the rainbow 🌈 spectrum of Life)—since Spirit is INCLUSIVE.
This is where we can effortlessly Be in a simple (yet complex) Spirit (& Soul) state.
This is the pure—as in WHOLE, like WHOLEy – Holy Spirit—free, wild, authentic, transparently honest, innocent, open-hearted, open-minded, trusting, child-like state.
This is where we perceive—especially SEE 👁️👀 & FEEL (like a Mystic)—with CLARITY whoever and whatever IS in the present moments of now.
Children are great at Being and living in the present moments of now—not dwelling in the past from victim mentality, or worried about the future—until they become conditioned by society NOT to Be present.
As shared in the previous post, “Embracing 🫂: Low Points in Life 🌫️🌧️& The Ability to Rise 🌦️🌤️☀️Again,” though I haven’t felt much joy about life lately, I suddenly became super excited when I was reminded of an animated movie that was coming out (today on Netflix), “Orion and the Dark.”
Orion is one of the various star systems that I resonate with as a Starseeded Soul (aka Starseed).
Plus, I deeply appreciate that the main theme of this movie is helping children (and adults) to overcome our unnecessary fears of the “DARK”/UNKNOWN (also related to highly beneficial SHADOW Work).
So both of the keywords words, ORION and DARK shouted like a NEON BLINKING SIGN 🎆🎇, “Watch 👁️👀 me 🎥!!” 🐸🤗
I will add an UPDATE at the bottom of this post once I watch it. [Enjoyed it, and especially appreciated the teachings about the benefits of contrasts 🥰]
I understand that our individual and Collective Ego can judge this as immature and silly.
But it’s no ancient Japorean secret that MANY adults secretly, and even openly, enJOY animated movies.
My favorites include: Lion 🦁 King, Aladdin, Shrek series, Puss n Boots 🐈🐈⬛ series, Toy Story series, Kung Fu Panda, and more.
To my great surprise, even my current husband wanted to join me in watching this movie together.
I’ve embraced this authentic part of WHOLE Self/self who loves the simple and FUN parts of Life, because it’s a way of unconditionally loving and incorporating my inner-child in this lifetime (which I need to bounce back doing more often).
I trust that our inner-child is a Master of Joy, Fun, Genius Creativity, Trusting in Life, among other Authentic states.
Regarding children’s TRUSTING nature:
Back in the late 80’s, my adoptive, American dad shared a bizarre story that I had mixed feelings about (since I was teenager who has been conditioned by society to judge).
He said that he grabbed a big, kitchen knife, and slammed it down next to my 3 year old toddler sister’s hand 🤚. 😳
She was my “step-sister” from my dad’s mistress at the time, whom my mom raised for three years, before he took her back to his mistress (whom he ended up marrying later).
My dad was so happy and proud that doing this potentially dangerous gesture didn’t even faze my sister.
He explained this was due to PURE TRUST.
But I felt uncomfortable about it, since accidents can happen, and a child can become traumatized.
A part of me understood this and agreed; but another part of me wondered, what type of parent would come up with such a 🦇💩, CRAzy idea 💡?
I just realized this while typing the above, though it never occurred to me before.
More than likely, my dad had a deep desire to help his children to overcome their fears, because he had to learn to overcome his own fears while helping himself and his younger brothers to survive abusive foster homes throughout childhood (as shared in blog posts related to my adoptive dad).
This explains why he once dragged me to a monkey’s cage so that I can overcome my fear of them.
I had believed that he was being cruel; and when a monkey did scratch me, I must’ve created a strong, fear-based belief that my dad wasn’t protective of me.
Plus, since he wasn’t home much, my deeply wounded, alcoholic mother often expressed her anger towards my dad out on me—verbally, psychologically (mentally and emotionally) and physically.
If I recall correctly, I think my dad agreed to temporarily watch his friend’s two, pet monkeys (1 brown and 1 black).
Though I was a tomboy seemingly fearless of many things—and even played with insects and bugs—I’m pretty sure I intuitively sensed something about one of these monkeys.
Because even though I refused to pet them, my dad dragged me to the cage and forced my hand in the cage; and one scratched me (I’m pretty sure it was the BLACK/UNKNOWN one 😅).
He was probably doing his best to help me to overcome my fear of them, but this situation proves that this may not always work.
Granted, he also took off my training wheels and pushed me forward on my new bike, and it helped me to eventually become very confident riding it (despite falling off many times and re-opening scars).
I had let go of figuring out this one of many traumas; but thanks to the Owl and Raven Spirit Guides showing up this morning—re-igniting ✨our like, Multidimensional abilities, strengths and skills—I’m able to SEE with CLARITY within these “DARK” (once UNKNOWN) past experiences, and deeply heal from them.
Thank you so much 🙏🏼 Beloved Self/Goddess/God/Selves—to include all Animal Spirit Guides, Animal Totems & Power Animals/Universe.
And this helps me to better understand Essene Mirror # 5.
You can click on each screenshot to read a larger version (and then click top left 🔙).
Because I had created a strong belief that my own dad was not protective, I had developed a strong belief that The Divine Masculine Energy Essence of Father God wasn’t protective as well; hence, I had various unsafe experiences (to include rape while in the Army).
Or, from the expanded perspective of Essene Mirror # 5, I was born into this world with these fear-based beliefs from past lives; hence, all four of my parents MIRRORED🪞to me Life themes of:
Abandonment, Non-Protection, Neglect, Aggressiveness, Abuse, Manipulation, Control, Blame, etc.
These are blessings in disguise to help me to gain profound wisdom in this last lifetime.
Right before joining the Army, where I had 1 week of spiritual dreams—recorded in post, “Dreams of Jesus” (to include encountering the WHOLEy Spirit/Goddess “red wind” in a desert)—even Jesus/God protected me twice, after I shouted “Jesus!” 3 times.
He also told me to fly into a cave in a Grand Canyon like environment (which I effortlessly did because I simply believed I could).
Also, once I left the Army in 2011–after a little over a decade—I had multiple dreams of God protecting and helping me (that I shared within this blog), and even miracles within this physical reality.
I explained to my Christian, adult son, that I still believe in God and Jesus, but simply a much greater version of them—ultimately One and the same—outside mankind’s limiting, religious boxes 📦.
I even experienced a Cupid-looking angel, E.T.s, my Higher Self, Goddess, I AM Presence, and Light Beings protecting and helping me (the last in both dream state and this particular physical reality).
So I just realized that all these experiences has helped me to REMEMBER that the Divine has always been with me for both inner and outer worlds (which applies to all Souls).
This helped me to become increasingly more fearless—and feel as though I’m untouchable most of the time (as Sahdguru taught)—though I still feel fear at times as physical ego aspect of WHOLE Self/self.
The funny and very effective caterpillar 🐛 to butterfly 🦋 analogy—in the reading that I highly recommended further below this post—convinced me that I don’t have to be the caterpillar 🐛 who can’t believe it can be a butterfly 🦋.
Since EXPERIENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (personal wisdom) is KNOWING, I don’t need to doubt at all.
Granted, for this to become a CONVICTION, it may take more reminders and much more practice of remembering the FEELING state of these AMAZING, earthly and otherworldly experiences.
I have already had many experiences of Being higher and highest versions of Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE Self/self.
This includes more loving, wise and powerful E.T.s, Light Beings, Priestess toning, Shaman performing, Avatar shooting big balls of yellow energy from hands, Master Teacher, Master Healer, machine gun bullet-proof Being, Being scanning humans’ eyes while walking in city, Being flying, Being with more psychic abilities, God flying through a wormhole, Goddess walking in a garden with two lions 🦁, confidently saying, “I AM SEKHmet” as Mother Goddess to Sadhguru 😄, etc. (all shared stories of in blog).
So since science has even proven via Entanglement of Quantum Physics that EVERYTHING is energetically connected—and what affects one particle instantly and automatically affects another (regardless of the vast distance)—if I can tune into these states of higher Consciousness, I trust that interconnected “others” can as well (and vice versa).
Anyhoo, I somewhat digressed, but oh well. 🤷🏻♀️☺️
Back to PURITY / AUTHENTICITY / WHOLEness / Children whose vibrational frequency is close to WHOLEy-Holy Spirit…
(aka Mother Goddess that embraces ALL of interconnected Life within Omniverse and beyond; shared in ancient, sacred writing, The Thunder, Perfect Mind).
Children can butt heads with others—expressing their true feelings at whatever moments—but they’re usually very quick to forgive as well.
I’ve worked with toddlers through preschool children in the past, and observed this about these mostly fascinating, but sometimes pain in the @$$ little beings 😅.
And I’ve learned that I can be this way too, and I have been many times from childhood through adulthood.
Following Heart/Intuition 💖, Interests 😯 Joy 🐸/Excitement🤗, Passions ❤️🔥& Noticing Series of Synchronicity Unfold
Anyhoo, a recent series of synchronicity has helped me to follow my interests 🐸, curiosities 😯, excitement 🤗, and Heart & Soul passions ❤️🔥, which led to one of the most helpful readings I’ve come across online (HIGHLY RECOMMEND).
“’The Meaning of Life’: Our Answer (For
And the Divine Synchronicity especially includes two dreams from last night and this morning, as well as number synchronicity, and the Owl and then Raven Spirit Guides
The former was an image from a YouTube video that instantly grabbed my attention.
It was due its powerful yet gentle eye contact that reminded me of Goddess Hathor 🐮- Sekhmet 🐯 due to its turquoise eyes that I had channeled while at Goddes Sekhmet’s Spiritual Temple in Las Vegas years ago (in a video).
The latter were loud Raven calls, and then seeing a group fly by my house 🏡.
Recently, I also had a vivid dream of seeing I think my husband spray and kill at least a dozen of BEIGE, otherworldly looking rats that were scurrying around a house within a dark gray environment.
I think I helped as well, though a part of me felt compassion for them when I witnessed their still, lifeless bodies afterwards.
I just received an insight that the spray may not have been pesticide—which I initially thought it was (and felt bad about)—but it might have been water.
I was reminded of a vivid dream I had of being chased by 3 black wolves in a barn environment at night, running into a tiny shed with a small group of Beings, and then splashing water on them when they tried to force their way into the cracked open door that I was trying to close.
As soon as I splashed them, these once aggressive wolves shapeshifted into what appeared to be sleeping and floating men (or maybe they were dead 🤷🏻♀️, didn’t think about that before).
I forgot to mention this part within the post that included the above story, but when I shared this during a one-time spiritual session with Vickie Howe in Sedona years ago, she suggested to connect more with the Water Goddess and my inner-child.
Once, while visiting Vietnam, I was walking to a restaurant in the evening from my hotel.
For the first time in my life, I experienced seeing a gray rat run across in front of me.
Though it startled me, I didn’t feel repulsed by it.
But rather, I felt compassion for it, because like all other life forms, it’s simply doing its best to survive.
I’ve been feeling this way towards an increasing number of living beings that many within humanity are afraid of or disgusted by (and understandably so from one perspective).
This includes, but aren’t limited to, beetles 🪲, flies, wasps (paper wasps are gentle if not provoked; wrote about them), spiders 🕷️, ants 🐜, cockroaches 🪳, earwigs, grasshopper, crickets 🦗, lizards, geckos🦎, frogs 🐸, snakes 🐍, etc.).
Granted, centipedes, millepedes, scorpions 🦂, worms 🪱, and some others still make me feel 😬.
Long ago, while living in Okinawa, I woke up and noticed a centipede in my bed, and freaked out 😱. 😄
It’s very tropical there, so there were some every now and then.
Anyhoo, after exploring various dream interpretations—and combining them with my own insights— I came to the conclusion that this dream was symbolic of releasing outdated, fear-based thoughts, beliefs, habits and obstacles from a NEUTRAL state (hence, the beige color of both creatures).
I also had another dream—same night or morning—of another female trying to kill a BEIGE, otherworldly bug that was squirming around in a jacket that was hanging up in front of the side of a moving bus.
I trust that whatever’s been bugging me, I must SEE 💖👁️👀 these energies from a NEUTRAL state as well—pattern of BEIGE color in both dreams—thank them for serving me well, and release them back to Source.
By the way, since December of 2023, I started using the new crystals Shangaan (pendent necklace) and Purpurite (ring), which I shared stories about.
About less than two weeks later, I “accidentally” dropped the Shangaan pendant 😳😩, which initially and very briefly made me upset.
I then received an insight that the powerful Divine Feminine energies of this crystal doesn’t need to be “toned down” by the citrine crystal that it was attached to, which I completely embraced.
So I’ve been placing the solo pendent in my bra 😁—around my heart chakra area—since placing in my pillowcase has caused it to move around, and end up behind my back or head.
I also started wearing again my Rutilated Quarz ring that I had bought from Brazil a while back.
I had bought it after might first and maybe last ayahuasca retreat (though I had some unbelievable and priceless experiences).
And this includes my first of several ayahuasca ceremonies, where I asked and thanked Mother Ayahuasca for revealing to me any remnants of my fears, and to help me overcome them.
I was definitely didn’t expect to be standing right in front of the ibis-headed, God Thoth, which was THE MOST ENERGETICALLY INTENSE experience I ever had my entire life.
I had never experienced something like that before—which FELT SO REAL though unbelievable.
I even heard some deep voice tell me that I was surrounded by Gods.
And though I recall feeling the powerful presence of at least two other Beings—one on each side of me—I don’t remember seeing them.
And the second, most intense was a related dream of a tall, muscular, short-haired, blond, otherworldly Being—who gracefully and gently descended from the sky—and then did a speed walk towards me while I was waking backwards with caution (further details in that post).
Through the usual breadcrumbs of synchronicity showing up—while following my Heart/interests/curiosities/excitement/passions—I later came upon an artwork titled Thoth, of a tall, muscular, short-haired, blond, otherworldly Being (all of which I’ve shared).
I’ve also had dream of unknown, blond males of different ages who I interacted with, to include shooting big balls of yellow light from my hands.
And one back in the day teenage boy shared that his mother was from Peru.
Added on 2/4/2024
Update related to: How I realized—and shared within this post—that I had already EXPERIENCED many higher versions of self.
So in order to tune into more of these higher Consciousness states, I just needed to REMEMBER and PRACTICE what it FELT like to Be…
Fully Present, Unconditionally Loving, Deeply Compassion, Neutral, seemingly Fearless, Profoundly Wise, and Immensely Powerful Higher Self/Higher Selves/& even Highest Self.
I have wondered why I haven’t been drawn to Joe Dispenza, and in a recent post, I shared it was because he seemed much more mind-centered that merged Heart/Mind.
However, I’m glad the Universe sent this gift 💝 that was an outer confirmation of what I mentioned right above.
Plus, Joe sounded like merged Heart/Mind in this video, the first time I FELT more Heart energies from him, rather than just mind.
Right before noticing this video, I saw 222 (222K views) for a short dolphin video I was curious about (plus I 🥰🐬; and one of the breadcrumbs of JOY 😲😃🤩🥰 before this 🐬 video was a short whale 🐋 video that I had never seen before)
And parts of this particular series of Divine Synchronicity reminded me of ancient Atlantis 🔱🌅 and God Thoth, The Atlantean (in one His incarnations on planet Earth 🌏🌎🌍.
I was also reminded of a vivid dream where I was swimming with dolphins 🐬 —at their rapid pace, so I don’t think I was a human (unless Divine Human)—recorded in post, “Adventures with Cetaceans in Dream State.”
I just realized that the unknown male with a wolf 🐺 in the below may have been Thoth essence as well: “Dream of Wolf 🐺 and Dolphins 🐬 in Swimming Pool“
The number sequence (or 😇#/Truth Code) 222 has often been showing up within 13 years of deep, inner work.
And as I’ve shared before, personally—since there are various 😇# meanings—it has been FEELING like the encouraging, uplifting, and supportive Divine Masculine energy God essence.
For instance, while doing dishes and enjoying music 🎶 yesterday evening—the day I updated this post with additional stories and insights—I paused the video to do something (I forget what).
At one point after returning, I noticed the paused screenshot below that reminded me of the supportive Divine Masculine essence, and His message for me, which was deeply heartfelt 🥹(and the “Lady in Red” 💃🏻 reminded me of Mother Goddess Hathor 🐮-Sekhmet 🐯)
And 111 has been feeling like a very wise and empowering Divine Feminine Essence of letting go 🦎🙏🏼👋🏼 of the old—essentially endings 🍂 and NEW 🌱 beginnings.
And many whale 🐋 dreams, plus encounters via this particular physical reality, videos, photos, artwork, and various other forms, have been reminding me of ancient Lemuria (Mu) and The Divine Feminine energies and Goddess essence.
Anyhoo, this is the gift 💝 ➡️ that Beloved Self/God/Universe sent me:
YouTube video, “BEST 4 MINUTES YOU WILL EVER SPEND! (Extremely Rare Recording!) | Dr. Joe Dispenza” (see some helpful screenshots below, but definitely worth watching the entire short video; click on screenshot to see a larger view, then click top left 🔙) :
End of 2/4/2024 above Update
Back to crystals: And lately, I’ve even started using the Prehnite “Heal the Healer” tiny crystal I had bought in Sedona a while back.
Within 13 years, I’ve explored and experimented with many different crystals.
And a few I’ve been able to FEEL, even while holding it in my hand or wearing it—especially my first Moldavite—and others I’ve had dreams related to whatever crystals.
However COMMA just like everything else in Life, there’s a wide range of authentic to fake to all the shades in-between.
So I trust that what ultimately matters, is what do we believe about whatever crystal, since beliefs are very powerful.
And how do we FEEL about whatever crystal we’re drawn to (since the energetic attraction itself is there for a beneficial reason, whether an obvious blessing or blessing in disguise).
WOW 😬, I just realized how SUPER LONG this post has become.
From one perspective, this can seem or even feel extremely draining. 😳🤯😵💫🫨😖😫😵😮💨
However, from other perspectives, it can be read like a book (in whatever divided amounts), no one HAS to read any of it, plus it’s…
LOADED with an ABUNDANCE of encouraging, uplifting, empowering, inspiring, and individual and Collective Consciousness expanding, Multidimensional perspectives, information, stories, insights, profound wisdom, analogies, examples, ideas, solutions, etc.
My old version of self of would NOT state this due to not wanting to come off tooting my own horn or sounding arrogant.
But I’ve been learning to deeply appreciate WHOLE Self/self more each day.
So I have no problem complimenting myself for great work done that helps me to more deeply understand and better KNOW Self/self (which helps me to do the same for “others,” and vice versa).
After all, we can’t expect others to respect, like, love, and/or appreciate us, if we don’t ourselves.
I’ve been blogging and sharing for 13 years with not much feedback (positive or negative), which I’ve completely embraced 🫂 (and even felt grateful for).
But I’ve been continuing to share because it’s what I’ve been passionate ❤️🔥 about, and I’ve gained an abundance of priceless, profound wisdom.
Time flies by whenever I’m in this creative mode, so I know I’m enJOYing (though there were times where I was low vibes 🙃).
To this outer world—and to the judgmental aspect of self (who doesn’t SEE the BIGGER picture)—the inner and outer work I’ve been doing for the past 13 years can seem like much waste of focus, time, energy and efforts (without any material world payoff, to includes society’s acceptance and approval).
But I choose to continue trusting in Highest & Higher Selves/The Divine/The Unknown/Cosmic Womb/Quantum Field of Unlimited Possibilities.
By the way, I do strongly sense that this may be my last gift 💝 to humanity and beyond within this blog, since I intend to share in other creative, NEW 🐣 ways.
If anyone happens to read this last post, hope it was helpful.
enJOY many fully present 💝💖👁️👀 and pleasant 🐸 moments of now while flowing 🫠 with the Cosmic River 🏞️ of Life 🌳🌼.
Dedicated to WHOLEy-Holy Spirit 💖🕊️/Mother Goddess (⬅️ click to watch TikTok video):
Most of the artwork images in poster collage above—that I created using—are from the creators of Pixabay, with the exception of 3 of my personal artwork: Goddess clay figurine, Heart embracing all emotions & Rainbow Soul loving all parts of Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE Self/self.
Additional, positive dream meanings of killing rats and dead rats (post, “Dream of 3 Peaceful Beings Visiting: Skinny White Rat, Big Fat Rat & Boar”):
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