For this post, I initially chose the title, ‘Why I Needed to Feel Alienated from Humanity & Interconnected Worlds.”ย However, as I typed away more insights, I changed the title to a more matching one that, not only fully and freely expresses my whole self, but also represent interconnected others.
I have no doubt that many within humanity and beyond can be drawn to this topic since Unconditional/True Loveย (for the self/others) is the #1 subject that ALL interconnected souls of The One deeply yearns to experience—whether we realize this or not—regardless of all the earthly backgrounds and labels that ultimately don’t matter. Granted, many humans (and other beings) throughout human history, to include myself, have believed, and still continue to believe, that this gem-like, True Love is OUT THERE.
If this treasure-like thing that everyone and their mamas and grandmamas are looking for is truly OUT THERE, why have there been a seemingly countless number of disappointments, discouragements, turn-offs, miscommunication, mistreatment, arguments, fights, abuse (mentally, emotionally, physically, and/or sexually), manipulation, lies, control, break-ups, neglect, gaslighting, abandonment, heartaches, betrayals, disloyalty, infidelity, divorces, devastation, and even death caused by suicide and even murder?
Perhaps there’s another way of going about all of this—a more harmonious way rather than a mostly chaotic way.
Note: Images above found next to links: 1) sarikajain.comย 2) YouTubeย 3)ย 1320frequencyshift.comย (Merton)
Like many growing number of people on this planet and beyond, due to expanding my consciousness—to include experiencing accelerated ascension symptom—I’ve been experiencing Divine synchronicity on a daily basis for years.
I absolutely LOVE experiencing these the seeming miraculous and magical moments, which I trust bridges the physical and spiritual worlds—like an ancient, old, or modern shaman—and continue to be amazed by them.
Note: Image on left above found next o link =>ย In5D.comย / “Spread the love”(here’s a helpful reading, “DNA Activation, Upgrade, and Ascension“; always remember to follow your inner guidance first and foremost—feelings, 5+ senses, discernment, intuition, insights, body signals, inner-wisdom, etc.—when it comes to anything, to include whatever you read or watch, as well as this post)
This morning, while adding a few updates to this recent post, “Finally Embracing the โSystems Busterโ Aspect of Self Reminded by the Pleiadians,” I noticed something different about a section within this post.
Yesterday, I only briefly saw (with my physical eyes) the end product right before publishing this post, but I didn’t deeply see—with intuition and third eye like a hawk that sees the bigger picture above the dark valley—a sign from the Universe within that had a gift waiting for me (additional insights).
Note: Image on right above found next to link =>ย Wings Bird Pro
After I added an update to the above mentioned post, I also added the same update to the post that contains the original, otherworldly dream story, which isย โDestiny from Earthly and Cosmic Perspectives.โย
While updating the post right above, and then reading the related, subtitle section again, “Dream of Being Pleiadian Twin Flame and Human Skull,” I realized—like time and time again—that I was meant to follow my inner guidance—aka the breadcrumbs of joy (even if that excitement is to the smallest degree).
Note: Image on left above found next o link =>ย HoliCoffee
I experienced a light-bulb, deeply heartfelt moment where it was as though my simultaneous, past/present/future aspects of my Multidimensional self (earthly and otherworldly physical selves)/Self (Source: Soul/Spirit within) were all like, “Yep! We’re on the same page!” ^_^
It was about the phase in my life where I wasn’t able to relate to this world—to include not being able to relate to other starseeds on the web (whether they just claim to be or truly are).
Note: Image on right above found next to link =>ย Flickr
I also felt as though I no longer received signs from my Galactic and Universal Family of Light—to include sparkling white lights in my left peripheral vision that reminds me of the Pleiadians.ย
Granted, a bizarre, yet, amazing dream I had recently—recorded in post, “A Captivating Dream of a Flaming Energy Being I Called Enki“—was a great reminder that I haven’t lost touch with the witnessing of spiritual aspects and/or extensions of Multidimensional self/Self.
Note: Image on left above found next to link =>ย Spiritual awakening for advanced soulsย
I trust that we see our reality from a linear, 3D (Dimension) physical perspective—that includes time and space—which is why we perceive our world as happening in the time-frames past, present, and future.
However, from the 4D and higher, there is much more wiggle room for time and space, even to the point where it’s completely irrelevant; hence, the so-called past, present, and future—whether in this physical world or another—is all happening simultaneously.
A relatable example of this is in a scene from the movie, Interstellar, where the character played by Matthew M. explores various past moments from the present.
Note: Image on right found next to link =>ย Ascension Lifestyle
By the way, Iย noticed 12:12 a few minutes ago, which often reminds me of what I’ve already shared within this blog, and also as comments for interconnected others.
The following is only one paragraph within the comment shared for video, โWhy โIntense Doubtโ Is Actually A GREAT Sign,โ which was later incorporated into a post, “Precious, Individual & Collective Ego Self: Youโre Part of the Multidimensional Whole Self”:
I trust that as our immature, inexperienced (from a Cosmic level), unwise, ego energy MATURES—wakes up and remembers its full-potential, True Self—it integrates, heals, transmutes and transforms into the Divine Masculine God Energy/Mind/Soul/Yang/Sun/Christ Consciousness/Uplifting Knowledge/Light, which merges with the Divine Feminine Goddess Energy/Heart/Spirit/Yin/Moon/Buddha Consciousness/Wisdom/Unconditional Love, formingย = MerKaBa, Star of David Frequency, Spiraling Consciousness, 12:12, Realization.
I’m sharing another, very similar comment for the video, โ5 Signs Youโre VERY CLOSE To โFinding Your Purpose,โso that it can be read in another way (seemingly opposite aspects merged), which might make it easier for the mind, heart and physical eyes to absorb; the entire comment was later incorporated into a post,ย โThe Most Helpfulย Messages About Finding Your Purpose,โ and the following is just one paragraph from it:
Thank you so much Victor—and your beautiful, teammate/soulmate wife—for helping, encouraging, uplifting, empowering, and inspiring people like me. Y’all are truly doing an outstanding job of expanding our individual and collective consciousness, and spreading much Light/Love (aka INTEGRATED: Mind/Heart, Divine Masculine/Divine Feminine, Soul/Spirit, God/Goddess, Sun/Moon, Yang/Yin, Uplifting Knowledge/Wisdom, Christ Consciousness/Buddha Consciousness = MerKaBa, Star of David Frequency, Spiraling Consciousness, 12:12, Realization).
As shared above, once I experienced that light-bulb, deeply heartfelt moment—where it was as though myย simultaneous, past/present/future aspects of my Multidimensional self/Self were all like, “Yep! We’re on the same page!” ^_^—-I then came intoย the realization and trust that perhaps I’m meant to focus mostly on the most profound life lesson on this planet, which is Unconditional Love.
But how? By doing what I, and many people, have been doing for decades—often focus on giving love to others?
No, that’s the old and outdated way taught by once very powerful organizations like the church, who, like other “leaders” throughout our world didn’t teach humanity about the importance of Unconditional Love for the self/Self as well (which is actually more important).
Why is it more important you may ask? Because we cannot fully give to others what we don’t even believe we have from within.
We can’t give to others what we don’t even truly know what we’re giving; hence, at best, we can only give other conditional love (to varying degrees) when we’re not familiar with unconditional love.
Many people may claim with confidence (a facade) such statements like, “OH, I’m always giving loving to others!” or “I know I’m very loving and forgiving to others, because I’m a Christian.” To such comments, I respectfully and full heartedly call…
And deep down, those who state such words (lacking truth)ย intuitively know it.
I’ve learned that Unconditional Love is VERY RARE as a consistentย whole essence (key phrase) in this world.
Many people throughout this world—especially certain parents of newborn babies (more often the mother)–will experience sporadic moments of unconditional Love.
However, because society in general (throughout human history) has been so unbelievablyย conditioned for thousands of years, by the overly left-brain centered, patriarchal, emotionally and spiritually immature, collective ego, male energy, it still in the process of noticing, recognizing, acknowledging, deeply understanding, having compassion for, empathizing with, unconditionally forgiving, unconditionallyย accepting/embracing/loving, transmuting, integrating, deeply healing, and transforming this young male energy into the ancient and Divine Masculine God energy within each and every one of us as well as the collective consciousness.
Ever since I’ve learned about unconditional self-love—which wasn’t until I was in my late thrities when I left the Army life (in 2011)—I’ve been slowly working on unconditionally accepting, embracing, and even deeply loving more and more aspects of Multidimensional self/Self.
It wasn’t easy, especially because I had so much old and outdated beliefs deeply ingrained within me that weren’t beneficial (like unworthiness), but I kept going despite having bumps, hills, and even mountain-like obstacles along the way, that made me want to give up.
In addition,ย shadow work and inner-child workย have been a great impact on my life, and my ability to deeply heal, better understand and know self, and toย unconditionally love more of self/Self; I’m sure I still have more to learn regarding this topics, but I simply like to go with the flow and learn in a seemingly effortless and enjoyable way (I realized that’s how I learn best, rather than through worldly pressuress, demands, standarized tests, offical exams, and other earthly boxes).
I’ve learned about shadow work and inner-child work from various spiritual teachers, but I most highly resonate with the profound, msytical teachings of Barbara Marciniak’s channeled books from the 90’s +, Teal Swan, and the Twin Flame website lonerwolf.
Recently, I’ve also tuned into and started watching the very authentic, passionate, uplifting, encouraging, empowering, inspiring, humorous, and consciousness expanding videos by Life Coach Victor Oddo, as well as his new business partner, Aaron, and their recent channel Full Time Purpose (which I’ve been excited about).
Note: Image on right found next to link =>ย Living Enlightened Relationships
Granted, like I’ve mentioned within this blog before, to include the post, “The Gift of Abundance from Acceptable and Unacceptable Spiritual Teachers,”ย though I highly respect and admire profound teachers and teachings, I don’t have the desire to put any of them on a pedestal, and even obsessively follow them and their lifestyles.
I trust that, ultimately,ย we all have the Master Teacher within—our I (God) AM (Goddess) Presence (aka Soul/Spirit within)—whom we can fall in love with.
I intend to, one day, completely fall in love with Multidimensional self/Self, which helps me to fully love interconnected Life within this world, Galaxy, Universe, and beyond.
Theย marriage of the male and female energies within is the Sacred Reunion/merging of God & Goddess-Self/spiritual Twin Soul Reunion/possibly and eventually Twin Flame Reunion in this physical reality if it’s meant to highly benefit interconnected All That Is.
ย Note: Image on right found next to link =>ย Cosmic Airport
The following are quoted, key paragraphs related to the Twin Soul (and Twin Flame) that I selected fromย the websiteย Library of Light: Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadiansย byย Barbara Marciniak (one of the books I read by this author years ago):
Twin Soul/Twin Flame
As we mentioned, it is not outside yourself that you are looking for a twin flame partner. You are looking for the integration of the female and male essence within yourself. They make one whole. Whole people are looking to connect with other whole people in relationships that are based on trust, desire, and choice. The relationships are not based on โI need you in my life to complete me and validate me.โ You become complete in yourself and operate with someone else who is complete in themself and offers a whole new territory to explore.
When you marry that twin flame inside yourself, you are recognizing the intuitive, Goddess, life-bringing, sensitive portion of yourself as well as the portion of yourself that is powerful, rational, and intellectual. One that is very much of the Earth plane and the other is very much of the spiritual plane. When you merge these energies together in yourself, it will be imperative that you find someone who has the same qualities. You will not fit with someone who is not integrated and whole. You will automatically draw whole people to yourself, and it will be effortless. You will be able to plug into one another out of desire and recognition, not out of need. You will achieve something that you never recognized as a possibility in any relationship before, and you will give relationship a very new personality, a new boundary, and a new definition. You will become your own role models for this new type of relationship. Many of you will find that the marriage institution is meaningless. It will not fit and house what you know or how- you want to live.
As all of you are on the path of integrating the polarities within yourselves, difficult issues are going to come over and over again. Welcome the difficult times, for they can be your greatest teacher. Stay focused on your own growth, your own path, and your own self, and not on what others are doing. Call on your own internal masculine and feminine and set up a dialogue between them so they can begin to work in partnership and harmony. Give yourself a lot of love and encouragement. Make an appointment with yourself and say, โI love you, self. You are a wonderful self. You are A-Number-One, the best self.โ When you give yourself the dignity of your own love, as if you were royalty receiving the accolades of the people, everything changes. Strength and integration become yours because you believe in and love who you are. When you believe in and love yourself, everything starts to go your way. The most difficult thing for most of you is making the commitment to believe you deserve love. No one else has to love you. You are not here to go around gathering love from other people to convince yourself that you are worth it.
You are here to master a very difficult task in a system that is dark and gives very little input, stimulation, or information about the true story. You are here to do the impossible. By committing to love yourself and making this commitment the number-one step from which you operate every day, everything falls into place. You become whole and complete. Then you are ready for a bonded relationship with another who is complete, and that relationship can take you into unexplored realms.โ
Below is the subtitle section I mentioned above for the postย โDestiny from Earthly and Cosmic Perspectives,โ that includes the update of insights I added today.
It’s very probable that I have mistaken to be a Pleiadian Twin Flame within this dream; I might a Sirian one (or from some other star system); we shall see.
Dream of Being Pleiadian Twin Flame and Human Skull
I had a dream that I was running in an orangish-peach environment (as shown on image on right) and catching up to some male being, who was also running.
What was odd is that as I was running, I stretched out my right arm in front of me and pulled myself forward, and then stretched out my left arm and did the exact same thing, alternating them as I ran.
It was as if I had a hard time running (which I noticed happens in dreams at times); hence, I knew what I needed to do in that situation. I don’t remember ever seeingย anything like that before.
Note: Image on right above found next to link =>ย www.diymid.comย (thank you)
Once I caught up to this unknown being, we had a conversation that felt joyful, though I don’t recallย what was said.
At one point, my consciousness shifted from the running scene to either a motel or hotel room, where the unknown male being and Iย passionately and playfully wrestled and kissed one another all over our bodies, but didn’t have sex.
I felt so intensely connected and comfortable with this unknown being, thoughย I wasn’t able to make out his elusive face.
What was interesting to meย is that at one moment, I was being this female being, and the next moment, I was The Observer of the scenario.
I’ve experienced this before in a few other dreams that I wrote about in this blog; however, this dream came with a twist.
As I was now watching myself, I noticed that I wasn’t human, but appeared to be a bald, beautiful and slender woman with scale-like patterns on my face and I think body too.
After the fun came to a rest, I watched, I suppose myself as a higher version of Self, sitting on the bed next toย this male being, who appearedย Caucasian from a distance.ย
I strongly sensed that this male being was/is a mirror ofย my Twin Flame (within) manifested in whatever reality that was (but not of this world), although I’m not currently aware of a Twin Flame manifested in this particular physical reality on Earth.
I have a strong feeling that we weren’t just in anย unconditionally loving, romantic relationship, but we were also working together—as teacher and student to one another, and as a team that’s a Divinely perfect match/fit—both willing to best fulfill the Divine will within us according to the Divine Plan.
The male being, who was gentle, yet very confident in his demeanor,ย was holding a white, human skull in one of his hands (I think left) as his back was leaned against the head of the bed and wall; and when I asked what it was, he simply replied in a friendly tone, “It’s a decoder.” And that’s all I recall from that fascinating dream.
Since that dream, I researched the 13 crystal skulls out of curiosity, and sensed that I would one day cross paths with one, some or all of them in Divine perfect timing and order.
Some time after having this dream, I happened to come upon a very familiarย image—while searching for an image for a post (not this story)—that instantaneously grabbed my attention.
The image was labeled as a Pleiadian female (on right), which surprised me, because I had thought that I was some reptilian female being in thisย dream due to the scale-like skin.
I don’t recall what color I was in this dream, but I don’t think it was blue, though I’ve seen myself as a blue female being before in another dream a while back, where I was being her, and then I was observing her.
Note: Image on right above found next to link =>ย www.starseeds.netย (thank you)
Now, I’m still not sure where my soul comes from since I not only highly resonate with the Pleiadians, but with the Arcturians, Sirians (cetaceans) and Anunnaki-Sirians as well; however, I trust that I’ll remember in Divine perfect timing and order.
I used to compare myself with many other starseeds, who confidently claim to know where they originate from, know their specific daily assignments,ย who they communicate with and channel, etc., and I felt like an outsider…way behind in my own soul growth and contributions since I’m currently not able to do any of the above.
Therefore, I didn’t join and participate in any of the lightworkers or starseed websites that I couldn’t relate to (e.g., a lot of teeny-boppin talk going on within forums) or resonate with, which was similar to how I felt with regular social media like Facebook (with a lot of earthly dramas and facades).ย
I then noticed that not only did I not fit into the world of regular society, but I also felt that I didn’t fit in with the lightworkers and starseeds network as well.
I wondered if my alienation to practically everyone and their mamas and grandmamasย was due to my own lack of unconditional acceptance and love for self, which then applied to so-called others as well.
But as I reminded myself to be my own best friend for now, I realized that I was meant to experience alienation so that I could focus on much inner work during solitude.
I’ve also learned/remembered to let go of the need to compare myself with others since we are all unique (though ultimately One) in our contributions to the Divine Plan.
Insertedย 9/4/2018 from post, “Finally Embracing the ‘Systems Buster’ Aspect of Self Reminded by the Pleiadians”
Note: Image on left above appears very similar to what I looked like in the above dream; hence, I was excited when I came upon this image later; image found next to link => Mysterious Earthย (when I uploaded the same image a while back in a different post—don’t recall title—it was saved as “Pleiadian female.” But this one is saved as “Sirians”; so, whatever, I suppose it’ll come to me when I need to know this information. UPDATE (9/4): While adding a few updates today, I noticed the paragraphย on the right side of this female being’s top head—starting with “In another dream.” It instantly reminded me of a pyramid, which then reminded me of Sirians who built the pyramids (like Thoth, who was alsoย Atlantean; related stories shared in next post). So perhaps the image above is indeed a Sirian female (rather than a Pleiadian), and the dream I had was a Sirian female extension of Multidimensional self (earthly and otherworldly physical selves)/Self (Soul/Spirit within).ย
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