Yesterday, while getting ready to change out our water filter, a thought crossed my mind. I wondered why humanity and others living on planet Earth couldn’t simply have free access to some of the bare necessaries of Life (like my favorite song from The Jungle Book), like purified water—among many other unconditional and abundant gifts of Mother Earth such as great quality food, a pleasant living space (since there is more than enough available land, and no human actually owns planet Earth, though they may have convinced themselves that they do), and other forms of abundance, comfort, safety, and enjoyment (a Divine birthright for all interconnected Life).
Our so-called world leaders have invested in trillions of dollars on seemingly never-ending wars, battles, conflicts, etc.—and continue to—as well as other nonsense. Regarding space exploration, they have spent—and continue to spend—billions to even trillions of dollars just on their annual budget. Note: For details, see, “How much money is spent on space exploration? (Intermediate)” (<=click to open in another window)
And for what? To conquer, yet, another major territory that provides more resources, more security and more safety just in case our own planet becomes useless to us in the future for whatever reason(s)—natural earth catastrophe, overpopulation, and/or humanity itself destroying Earth through the irresponsible use of technology (without spiritual love and wisdom integrated with power)?
Note: Images above found next to links => (right) (left) thank you
If I was a cosmic higher force (e.g. Highly Evolved E.T. Being, Celestial Being, Elohim, Monad/Beloved I (God) AM (Goddess) Presence/Christ within, GOD/GODDESS, Divine Spirit, Prime Creator, Infinite Creator), I would be like, “What makes you knuckleheads—so-called leaders of this tiny world—think that you’ll be gifted another planet when you’ve proven throughout human history that you don’t even honor Mother Earth and other life forms, and can barely take care of HUmanity?”
Note: Image on right found next to link => (thank you)
I would then continue, “Here’s a crazy-ass idea. How about we gather all the corrupt (key word) “leaders” of this planet Earth (and their families), take y’all out of your natural environment (home/comfort zone), build a survivable area on Antarctica—like those cool, science research stations—and have you live there for let’s say…about two to three decades or more; just for experiment purposes. Now now, before you get too excited, allow me to share with you the basic plan (which is still in the works):
Note: Credits of the following images on bottom of post in numerical order
You will be shipped bottles of faucet water from your own country that the majority of your people have to drink. Yes yes yes, there will be no more fancy pancy H2O for you mister.
What’s that? Will you have some kind of water filtration system for things like fluoride that does harm to the human body?
You’re such a silly goat. Did you forget to take your ginko biloba pills?
You guys are the ones who convinced many (not all) within humanity that “It’s all good!” So if it’s good for the general public, then hey…it’s gotta be good for you too, eh? 😉 Afterall, true leaders lead by example, remember? SO DRINK UP! Cheers! 건배! 乾杯! 干杯! Prost! Santé! A la tienne! Salute! Salud! etc.
You will be shipped pre-packaged, microwavable meals from all the frozen leftovers of fast food joints from around this world since all the meat factories have been permanently shut down.
Animals are now only raised on sanitary and safe farms by responsible and caring farmers and workers. Oh, I almost forgot to mention this part—your fast food will only be from the dollar menu.
But no worries amigos! There will be PLENTY of chicken nuggets made from…oh yeah, those huge, factories run by major corporations where millions of abnormally large chickens are injected with hormones, and are raised in pitch darkness while living within their own piles of feces (instead of being raised under sanitary, safe, and healthy conditions,
like within free-range local farms). Yummy yummy for the tummy!!
And if you start feeling like your vibrational frequency noticeably dropped after eating a low-grade burger, ya might wonder if the low, fear-based energies were transferred over to you from the suffering, factory cows (since EVERYTHING is made of energy).
In addition, you will get MORE THAN ENOUGH cases of the cheapest and the most MSG loaded ramen. 😉
For entertainment…you guessed it! You will be in the company of penguins, whales, seals, and other animals of this continent.
Perhaps the emperor penguins will be able to teach you a lesson about
teamwork, taking care of one another, and the appreciation of warmth
(especially within your hearts and the hearts of interconnected others).
Now here’s some advice regarding orcas…just keep your distance from them. They are highly intelligent mamals, and you know what they say about karma, right? 😉
Let’s just say that you won’t want to run into Tilikum’s community of supporters.
Oh, more good news—additional entertainment. How exciting is that?!
You will be able to tune into North Korea’s broadcast station overflowing with…you named it!
Political PROPAGANDA! But again, no worries…there will be subtitles. ROCK ON!!!
As an added BONUS, you will also be able to tune into the exciting station that provides Catholic Church sermons by very old priests and bishops who sound like the monotone guy from the eye-drop commerical. JOY!
You will receive a minimum amount of clothing from The Salvation Army, and other similar organizations.
Relax…stained underwear is not that big of a deal. Just pretend they’re yours, or spray a little Shout or Febreze on them!
What’s that? Will there be any Gucci, Burberry, D&G, etc.?
Sorry buds, no can do. There’ currently being distributed to all the people in this world (especially children) who either don’t have any shoes, or only have one raggedy pair.
You will also be provided with super glue, staples, needles and threads so that you can sew, staple, or glue any worn out parts of your clothing and shoes.
Oh, so now you wanna appreciate the abundant service provided by multi-tasking, extremely diligent Korean-Americans.
For eight hours per day (throughout two decades), all world politicians (democrats, republicans, liberals, conservatives, socialists, communists, etc.) will gather in an auditorium–large enough for some wiggle room and a collection of sweaty bodies and silent but deadly farts—and spend some quality time together… listening to each other’s continual bickering, lies, and other forms of BULLshit.
And with each genuine effort you put forth into discussing important matters and effective ways to better Mother Earth and the well-being of HUmanity, you will receive an upgrade to your working and living conditions. 😉
For 10 hours per day (throughout two decades), all CEO’s (who have not taken care of their employees in the past) will do community work while earning the bare minimum amount of spending money. Your living quarters will be very tight, with approximately 100 people per bay area, and you will have a public bath center where you will share a swimming pool-like tub with all of your roommates. In addition, you will provide your community with natural healthcare, to include growing and maintaining various supplies of natural healing herbs, and taking various classes on healing techniques, such as Reiki, Acupuncture, massage therapies, etc. in order to provide free healthcare service. What’s that? No worries my friends, your BIG BONUS will be your individual and collective soul/Spirit growth and evolution. 😉
All religious church leaders will do much volunteer work for their community in order to be great representatives—leaders leading by example—of the biblical god. This includes, but is not limited to: cleaning, cooking, picking up trash, sorting out trash, etc, as well as spending A LOT of quality time (full of UNCONDITIONAL Forgiveness and UNCONDITIONAL Love) with the most negative people within the huge community of Antarctica.
Note: Image on left above and following quote from link at bottom of post: “But the hope of our faith must move us outside of ourselves. For if our light does not shine because it is never in darkness then it is not light. In other words: faith turned inward becomes pride. It becomes a curse […]”
For all the Wall Street folks and like others throughout the world: For 10 hours per day (throughout two decades), you will gather in an auditorium (large enough for some wiggle room) and spend some quality time together listening to the repeated recordings–using MEGA sound system—of all your loud-ass shouts and bickering. You will also assist the church leaders with their community volunteer work.
To all the big bank leaders and IRS folks: For 10 hours per day (throughout two decades), you will do all the manual labor work needed for the community, as well as take care of all the human waste. In addition, you will be charged a high interest rate for EVERYTHING that you use on that continent (AND pay ridonkulous taxes) while receiving minimum wage; and you won’t be able to leave Antarctica (in 20 years) until ALL debts are paid off.
To the so-called justice system: You will reside in Antarctica for 40 years instead of 20, and spend much quality time with like-minded folks doing the same thing over and over and over again.
To all the false teachers (to include spiritual teachers—regardless of category of belief system—and from the corrupt education system): For 10 hours per day (throughout two decades), you will religiously study all the history books, books on ancient civilizations, and multiple versions of the bible, and take many many examinations afterwards to test your intelligence level. In addition, you will each write a series of books (at least 11 volumes) as to what’s off about all the so-called facts within these texts. Remember…no cheating, to include plagiarism. You will then study various spiritual teachings throughout the ancient world (along with other recorded, true facts), incorporate humanity’s personal experiences (wisdom), and create series of books (at least 22 volumes eacg) to teach at new and improved schools based on truth 😉 Note: Check out this very short (2:22), yet, brilliant video => Music and Life – Alan Watts. Also see posts (only if you’re drawn to them), “Spiritual Teachers Who Barely Know Darkness & Fear to Truly Know Wisdom of Light & Love” and “To Be Disempowered by Others OR Empowered from Within.”
To all the so-called health care providers and pharmaceutical leaders: You can enjoy a plethora of every single pill that take cares of so many things “wrong” with the human body. As a matter of fact, since nutritious food is apparently overrated, you won’t be provided with much; just pop in some diet pills in addition to energy pills and any other form of toxin you find lying around. Oh, and don’t you worry…you will receive PLENTY of various vaccines and other body, mind and soul-numbing chemical ingredients. Once again, what’s good for the majority is also good for you guys! 😉
To all the overly aggressive folks who abused their power: For eight hours per day (throughout three decades), you will participate in a ginormous, indoor area where you will enjoy very challenging, rotating activities like:
- non-stop paintball action (without any protective gear, using the smallest and fastest speed of paint balls). Remember, the goal in not to lose any eyeballs and/or go blind; otherwise, you’re screwed since you haven’t highly developed your other senses yet (especially your intuition). And speaking of balls, ya might not want your own to take a hit since they’re known to be quite sensitive. Oh, and there will be no combat medics to come to your rescue should you end up with any injuries.
- dodgearrow: a new game where you do your best to dodge flying arrows of fire. Remember, the goal is not to catch on fire. And if you happen to get unlucky, ROLL ROLL ROLL 😉
- running your asses off through marine-corps-like obstacle courses due to being hunted by wild animals (and not because they’re hungry). If you happen to be trapped by one or a pack of animals, avoid strong eye contact and pretend that you’re dead. Uh wait, that didn’t work out too well for Leonardo, never mind the advice. Ok, you’re on your own.
- dog-fight-like challenges with steroid-induced male beings who have zero compassion. Remember, deep scars can be sexy.
- for those of who don’t mind the process of obtaining of your favorite delicacies, you will have the opportunity to experience having your arms and legs stretched out, tied with thick ropes, held down by bystanders, and then getting your balls cut off without any anesthesia; but no big deal, right? You can just walk it off while grunting. Oh yeah, there will be some non-human witnesses to this event—many bulls, cows, and calves.
- being gang-raped by overly horny prison inmates before involuntary sex change into a female, and afterwards. It will be a great lesson of walking several miles in the shoes of those who have been brutally raped.
- etc.
And last but no least…there will be a very limited use of iphones (or other phones), ipads, laptops, computers, or any other electronics—like an hour per day. I know I know, that’s just TOO MUCH to ask of anyone these days. Afterall, it’s not like you’ll be in hell, right? The good news is, there is always a silver lining…if we’re willing to see it with much clarity. Ya ready for the spark? You will have dial-up internet connection!!! Do I hear a, “Hell yeah?!” No? Even the crickets checked out? Ok, I guess you can’t please everyone.”
Also checkout the following readings:
Examples of Constant Reminders from So-Called Leaders of our World
- “Understanding Labels & Loopholes” (revealing deceptive producers. I know it can be challenging and frustrating—especially financially since organic foods tend to be pricier—to make a drastic change in one’s usual food choices, and other necessities, after reading information like this reading; however, my husband and I have been gradually replacing food products that are better for us, animals, and the environment which makes it less stressful and definitely doable.)
Update (8/16/16): Post, “Old Beliefs Resurfacing for Re-examination and Release“
Note: Credits to the images above below in numerical order (thank you all):
- (little boy drinking faucett water)
- (jam-packed chickens)
- (jam-packed cows)
- (emperor penguins in extreme weather conditions)
- (news of Tilikum), (slaughter of pilot whales), (orcas living in a tub), and (“Wild Killer Whales Have Never Killed A Human”; see whale facts) and (Blackfish) Note: I used to integrate the 5 images into a
- (dolphins in pool without water)
- (Taji)
- (depressed beluga whale)
- (N. Korean propaganda)
- (<= image found next to this link, and added personal quote using
- (<= image found next to this link, and added personal quote using
- (“Forced Laughter” poster)
- (<= image found next to this link, and added personal quote using
- (<= image of N. Korean women + others found next to this link, and added personal quote using
- (<= image of North Korean children found next to this link, and added personal quote using
- (nk)
- (“Pope Benedict XVI briefly nodded off in front of tens of thousands of people during an outdoor mass in Malta’s capital, Valletta.”)
- (“Japanese politicians punched, pushed and shoved one another during the hearing of a…”)
- (“Political fighting: Britain’s Foreign Secretary William Hague also waded into the row today, saying…”)
- (Ukrainian Parliament Looks Funny…”)
- (<= image of President Obama and coo-coo man found next to this link, and added personal quote using
- (“Hispanic leaders call for Republican candidates to condemn Donald Trump | US news | The Guardian”) (<= image found next to this link, and added personal quote using
- (<= image found next to this link, and added personal quote using
- (<= image of Pope found next to this link, and added personal quote using
- (<= image of Kim K. found next to this link, and added personal quote using
- (“Church-a-holic” poster)
- Will continue to insert images another time…
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