Note: This is an update to the following post series (but it can be read on its own):
- “Finding the Good in Shadow Aspects that I Disapprove of in Self/Others“—under the third subtitle section, “The Shadow Aspect that Needs to:”—“
- A Preview of Post: The Birth of Heartfelt Experiences that Stemmed from Integration“
- “Negative Shadow Aspects of Self that Seem Damn Near Impossible to Accept“
- “An Unexpected Appearance of 111 After a Car Accident“
- “So-Called Negative Aspects of Self: Let Us Merge as One“
Note: Images found next to links => Giphy (above right) Pinterest (below left)
As soon as I woke up this morning, I chose to trust my inner guidance to the best of my current ability, and followed the breadcrumbs of joy (even to the smallest degree).
I was strongly drawn to this video below, that I’m very grateful for, since it’s exactly what I needed to hear.
The following is a comment I left for the creators of this video, “5 Signs You’re VERY CLOSE To ‘Finding Your Purpose,'” which also includes my own longer than usual summary of recent, related experiences (shared in further details within the above post series):
WOW. When it comes to the “Finding Your Purpose” theme, this video has been THE MOST helpful, alongside Teal’s profound video [“Find Your Negative Imprint, Find Your Life Purpose -Teal Swan-“: I’m pretty sure I shared a comment, but wasn’t able to find it due to so many of them].
Victor, your vibes (vibrational frequency) radiate much authenticity, Light, and Unconditional Love, with your deep, sincere, soulful eye contact, gentle yet very confident tone and demeanor, and your soul-igniting expressions (both verbal and non-verbal). Plus, all five of your signs are amazingly SPOT ON! ^_^
The Gist of the 5 Signs:
1) A Growing Discontentment—e.g., job, where you live, relationship(s), etc.
2) Your Job Drains Your Energy—-i.e., physically, mentally, emotionally and/or spiritually
3) Life Starts to “Push You Out”—e.g., unexpected event(s), sudden change(s) in outer reality, unusual incident(s), etc.
4) A GROWING Desire to Feel Fulfilled
5) You Have Some Ideas Already
Victor, sharing your personal stories within this video has been very helpful, so I’m sharing mine (just in case it helps others); the comment is lengthy, but worthwhile.
Relating to Sign #1: A Growing Discontentment—e.g., job, where you live, relationship(s), etc.
At one point, I intuitively knew that I was basically convincing myself (basically forcing) to stay at a job that was increasingly not making me happy—due to red flags within the company and coworkers that I didn’t resonate with (four who were very disgruntled and two who often focused on negative news).
In addition, since a few months ago, my desire to move to a state with a pleasant surrounding increased because I absolutely don’t resonate with the very cold, super windy, and extremely dry winters in Flagstaff (due to the very high elevation of 7000 ft), though Flagstaff does have its positive qualities (like a lot of friendly Native Americans and an abundance of green trees). I also noticed no longer resonating with the overall vibes within the town-like city of Sedona (though I LOVE the nature surrounding it, to include the breathtaking red rocks).
Relating to Sign #2: Your Job Drains Your Energy—-i.e., physically, mentally, emotionally and/or spiritually
I started my awakening process in 2011, after I left the Army life and upon noticing, and then learning about, the 11:11 phenomenon. Ever since then, I experienced less and milder versions of cold or flu-like symptoms. However, during the last week of working at this last job, I developed upper respiratory issues, which became worse by the day. I also found myself drained after work, sleeping longer, even crying at times before falling asleep, and losing faith in my life purpose.
Relating to Sign #3: Life Starts to “Push You Out”—e.g., unexpected event(s), sudden change(s) in outer reality, unusual incident(s), etc.
My last couple of days at work, I strongly sensed that Spirit within was letting me know with escalating, blinking NEON signs that I needed to LET GO before $h!+ hits the fan. I saw two geckos (or small lizards) earlier in the afternoon my last day, which reminded me to DETACH (the way it does with its tail, but can continue to move on and survive, and even thrive). I thanked the gecko spirit guide, and I calmly and confidently stated, “I’m letting go of everything that no longer benefits me,” though I had no idea what was coming.
Later that day, I noticed that even the nicest coworker there (and older lady) started acting in unusual ways (distant, manipulative, and even snotty with her comments), which when looking back, I have no doubt was another sign that was meant to push me away from this job. I also got into a small car accident later that night (it was pouring rain), while transporting a few clients.
Thankfully, no one from either vehicles got hurt, but when I noticed that the ending of the license plate of the other vehicle read 111 (a sacred number code that I often see and reminds me of ancient Lemurian ancestors), I intuitively knew that it was time to leave.
I resigned that night, though my fearful ego self was upset from feeling as though I:
– wasn’t able to keep the clients safe
– had miserably failed again at, yet, another “9 to 5” Sedona job
– disappointed myself, the manager, and the owner (who said they saw great potential in me during the interviews)
– didn’t know who else to be or what else to do in the future anymore
Relating to Sign #4: A GROWING Desire to Feel Fulfilled
The day after leaving the job, I permanently deleted my detailed version of my resume from—that took a while to input all the data. I intuitively knew that was my last “9 to 5” job, though I wasn’t sure what I was going to do next. A few days after leaving the job, I noticed having “A GROWING Desire to Feel Fulfilled.”
Relating to Sign #5: You Have Some Ideas Already
This is true, I’ve had some ideas already, to include continuing my blog, starting YouTube videos (that a stranger suggested after I shared some helpful info with him), continuing with open mic comedy (that I used to be so excited about), continuing my artwork that I incorporate onto products (that I used to have fun doing), and finishing my first book (that I’ve put off for a while), though in the past, I had so many doubts about myself.
Thank you so much Victor—and your beautiful, teammate/soulmate wife—for helping, encouraging, uplifting, empowering, and inspiring people like me. Y’all are truly doing an outstanding job of expanding our individual and collective consciousness, and spreading much Light/Love (aka INTEGRATED: Mind/Heart, Divine Masculine/Divine Feminine, Soul/Spirit, God/Goddess, Sun/Moon, Yang/Yin, Uplifting Knowledge/Wisdom, Christ Consciousness/Buddha Consciousness = MerKaBa, Star of David Frequency, Spiraling Consciousness, 12:12, Realization).
I wish you both—along with anyone else who comes upon this message + interconnected All That Is—much wisdom, great health, inner peace, freedom (not the kind the needs to be earned through never-ending wars, but True Freedom, a Soul’s Divine birthright), positive abundance in various forms (both intangible and tangible), joy (to include much contentment, humor, play, and excitement, and many smiles + laughter) and deeply felt Unconditional/True Love for self/others (to include many kisses and BEAR hugs). ^_^
<3<3<3 Mulantis
I shared the following comment for this very helpful video, “STUCK In Old Energy – (When you want to move on… but can’t yet)“
I’ve noticed a pattern when watching your videos; they not only feel really good—due to your opened minded, open hearted, nonjudgmental, wise, loving vibes—but you’re so ANIMATED, which really spices up the videos! ^_^
Thank you Victor for a VERY helpful message about energetic dissonance.
Comment shared for an explosive video, “3 – Ways To Pursue Your Dreams NOW – (even if you don’t feel ready)“:
Now THAT’S what I’m talkin’ about! This fireworks combo package video is exploding with much FIERY heart-centered passion, refreshingly straight forward yet tactful communication, creative analogies, unique personal stories, animated verbal and non-verbal expressions, and profound wisdom combined with practicality!
I have no doubt that it’s very helpful for others when you integrate within your teachings: profanity (every now and then that many people express outwardly, inwardly, and/or behind closed doors; but not going overboard), expressions related to spirituality (without being stuck in any earthly labeled box), REAL life examples (that many people can relate to), and humor (a very powerful, uplifting vibration) .
I also love that you incorporate within your videos unique, eloquent expressions I haven’t heard before, as well as real, beautiful, nature backgrounds.
Continue to Be amazing, Multidimensional YOU.
Comment shared for a SPOT ON video, “Why You Should STOP Looking For Your Purpose“:
LOVE your expanded perspective that highly resonates with my entire being/Being. Once again Victor, you are ON IT (i.e., riding on the vibrational frequency of Light/Love). Also, your transparent and refreshing honesty—that seems to be so rare within this society—is deeply appreciated.
You radiate so brightly in the grand spotlight, so always remember that, and continue sharing your core, Light/Unconditional Love essence—aka integrated Mind/Heart, Soul/Spirit, God/Goddess, Yang/Yin, Sun/Moon, Knowledge/Wisdom, Christ Consciousness/Buddha Consciousness, etc. which = MerKaBa, Star of David Frequency, Spiraling Consciousness, 12:12, Realization—with your Multidimensional self (earthly and otherworldly physical selves)/Self (Source: Soul/Spirit within), this interconnected world, Galaxy, Universe and beyond.
Comment shared for video, “Why ‘Intense Doubt’ Is Actually A GREAT Sign“: (Update: I used this section to create a new post, “Precious, Individual & Collective Ego Self: You’re Part of the Multidimensional Whole Self“; <= click on link to open in another window)
Comment I shared for empowering video, “3 Signs You’re Shifting To The NEXT LEVEL Of Your Spiritual Awakening“:
Victor, after watching at least a couple dozens of your awesome videos so far, it appears as though you’re deeply understanding, compassionate, and empathetic towards humanity’s life struggles and sufferings, which I trust is a much needed quality for a highly effective, unconditionally loving spiritual teacher (ultimately, the Master Teacher from within).
I trust that your personal experiences (experiential knowledge/wisdom), with both the light and dark aspects of Life, has enabled, and is continuing to enable you to clearly SEE and intensely FEEL through the eyes and other senses of the whole.
Your talk about “clean slate” and the letting go of the “safety net” was a fresh perspective that I was grateful to hear since I have no doubt that it adds to our individual and collective self-empowerment (like you stated).
Our love-based DESIRE to expand our consciousness is surely more powerful than our fear-based URGE to give up.
Thank you again soul brother.
Five comments below shared for very informative, encouraging, uplifting, empowering, and/or inspiring videos:
- “5 – Ways To… (Monetize Your Passion & Help Others)“
- You’re a great inspiration victorious Victor!! ^_^ Thank you so much for all that you generously share in your own, special, soul-igniting way. Much love for you soul brother <3<3<3, Mulantis
- “Strategy for Going Full time with Your Passion in 5 Months or Less“
- I recently started watching Victor’s videos, which have been VERY helpful, which then led to this one, and I’m very grateful and excited that you guys joined as a team to co-create more awesomeness for humanity and beyond. I will check out other related videos and proceed from there. Thank you both!! ^_^ By the way, y’all crack me up with the bloopers! 😀 Great addition. Sending you much loving energies from my heart <3<3<3 Mulantis
- “3 Things You Should Know BEFORE You Post Your First Youtube Video“
- Mmman, I haven’t felt this excited about a future project for a while! Thank you so much Victor and Aaron!! You guys ROCK!!! ^_^I can tell y’all have a natural gift of sharing (Unconditional Love for self/others in its various forms), informing (beneficial knowledge/Light), relaxing, comforting, encouraging, uplifting, empowering, inspiring, healing, and helping interconnected others on a profound level—especially you Victor, since I’ve watched dozens of your awesome videos so far, which led me to this connected channel (which I subscribed to).I’ve only seen Aaron in one other video so far, but I will check others out in Divine perfect timing and order; I trust that you (Aaron) have much more wonderful qualities, talents, skills, and spiritual gifts as well.By the way, you’re absolutely spot on about the effectiveness of fully present, deep eye contact. I’ve shared my observations about this topic within certain comments for Victor’s videos, but it truly FEELS as though there’s a MUCH closer connection, which I have no doubt is soul recognition and bonding on an energetic and spiritual level; hence, the famous Shakespeare saying that the eyes are the window to the soul.I deeply appreciate your guys’ ability to shift our limited, fear-based, ego self’s perspective to an open and integrated Mind/Heart, expanded perspective.Sending you loving energies from my heart <3<3<3, Mulantis
- “3 Ways To Get Noticed On YouTube In 2018“
- LOVE this bad@$$, liberating, authentic statement, “Be boldly and unapologetically yourself”; and I intend to always remember it, and often remind myself of it. I also highly resonate with and deeply appreciate an abundance of knowledge and wisdom both of y’all shared within this video.Thank you again guys for simply Being lovable and loving YOU. Continue Being an invaluable gift to your Multidimensional self (earthly and otherworldly physical selves)/Self (Source: Soul/Spirit within), interconnected humanity, Mother Earth, merging worlds, and beyond.
- “How To Grow On Youtube FAST! – (when you’re just starting out)“
- Thank you again Victor and Aaron for another helpful video with certain information I’ve never heard of before. Continue to be authentic, Multidimensional YOU, fully enjoy your soul-igniting, heartfelt adventures around the world, and spread your Light & Unconditional Love for All of interconnected Life (All That Is) to bask in. ^_^
I shared the following comment for the very impressive and helpful video, “How To Build Unshakeable SELF-CONFIDENCE“:
Victor, it’s SO refreshing to witness such transparent honesty, that seems very rare within our society. It takes great inner strength, courage and integrity to speak such inner-truths with grace and confidence—especially about our fearful ego self.
I highly respect, wholeheartedly admire, and deeply appreciate your sharing of authentic, Multidimensional YOU. Continue to lead the way soul brother!
Thank you again for another video that’s very helpful—encouraging, uplifting, empowering, inspiring, and mind/heart opening (consciousness expanding).
Our world needs more highly evolved, loving Beings like you and your lovely soulmate wife. ^_^
Comment for video, “7 Signs You’re Merging With Your Higher Self“:
Victor, your videos have been spot on! I highly resonate with your expanded perspective on various topics.
I used to use an angel numbers website for years as one of my guidance tools, but then I started becoming frustrated with certain, pushy messages that no longer resonated with me (i.e., basically the pressure to do even MORE Lightwork in order to receive support, assistance, and abundance (to include monetary abundance) from the angels, Archangels, and/or Ascended Masters; this felt like conditional love rather than Unconditional Love.
I also became tired of asking for help in various areas of my life, which these messages suggested I often do. So I ended up losing interest, and decided to discontinue reading the messages altogether.
Since then, whenever I experienced number synchronicity of various number sequences—aka angel numbers, sacred number codes, truth codes, activation codes, etc.—I would simply thank the angels, Archangels, and/or Ascended Masters within, for their assistance with my life path ahead of time.
In addition, I’ve also noticed, upon reflection, that there have been times throughout the years where I didn’t need to ask for anything. I would simply have a strong desire and/or strong curiosity about something or someone, and then forget about it; and the next thing you know, it would manifest in my physical reality. I haven’t mastered manifestation to where this occurs often, but it’s just something I’ve noticed.
Granted, I am very grateful for this, and others tools, available in my life because it’s been very beneficial during those phases. Now, if I really feel like it, I’ll check out a message every now and then, but it’s liberating to not have to depend on a tool like a permanent crutch.
I also enjoyed using tarot cards for a while—especially the kind with beautiful artwork—but lately, I found myself not getting excited about it as much, though I do intend on using them whenever I feel like it as well.
So thank you for sharing your knowledge, wisdom, and personal story that I was able to relate to.
I was updating this post today—“My Winter Facebook Cleanse for 2014”—and reviewed a section towards the bottom that I completely forgot the details of, and it relates to the theme of this post (finding your Life Purpose) and is very helpful:
The following are just a few quoted sections from the wonderful website ( that were very helpful to me, although I’m still working on making them mine:
Some of the Core Concepts of Bashar
Follow your excitement!
Finding your Purpose in Life. Act on it! Excitement is caused by a resonance with your Higher Self. Excitement is a “sign” that the activity you are contemplating is aligned with your Higher Self, and this alignment is what causes the excitement. This naturally leads you to what you are “meant” to be doing – what your Soul “hopes” your will free-will chooses to do. This is your “Purpose”. So this is the simple yet effortlessly-effective way to find your life’s “Purpose”.
Mechanically, “excitement” is a high state of resonant-excitation that occurs when the Thinking+Intentions of the physical dimension self are sharply aligned with the Thinking+Intentions of its own Higher Self.
So excitement serves as a “compass” – to let you know when you’re “on course” – when you are doing or contemplating doing exactly what your Higher Self would just love to have you be doing.
When you follow your excitement, and do what excites you, this means that :
1. This activity is “you” (truly aligned with your Soul).
2. Because it is “you”, this activity is effortless for you.
3. Because it is “you”, the universe will support you (including financial support) to continue doing this, in progressively more expanding ways.
Following your excitement is following the “signs” your Higher Self is giving – to lead you in the most DIRECT way possible to what it “hopes” your free-will will choose to do, which is the same as your life’s Purpose. The catch is this:
Even if following your excitement means doing something seemingly trivial and unprofound, even then, just do it!
Because proceeding towards doing this seemingly mundane thing, might lead you to meet someone, or discover something, that is just “perfect” for furthering your Life’s purpose.
IMPORTANT consideration:
“Follow your Excitement – with INTEGRITY”. Bashar defines “integrity” to mean, NOT any particular moral standard, but instead: Realizing that everything is a whole (integer), and you are one with the whole. And therefore, (Golden Rule), you treat everyone and everything with the same respect and consideration and care that you would want them to treat you.
“Follow your Excitement – with INTEGRITY“.
If you have something to give, in the reality you are creating, there are people ready to receive it. If someone has a song to sing, there is an audience in that reality to hear it.
Fear or anxiety is excitement with a negative judgement projected onto it.
Fear/anxiety = Excitement plus negative judgement
Remove the negative judgement, and you have Excitement.
Fear/anxiety with the negative judgement removed = Excitement
Trusting your Timing
We, as our Higher Self (Over-Soul) actually creates Time (as we experience it). Our Higher Self exists outside Time and Space. It projects portions of itself into specific time/space holograms (time/space matrixes), which we then experience as an incarnation. So, from the point of view of any one incarnation, there is time, there is “past, present, and future”. But from the point of view of the Higher Self, there is no Time. It’s all happening NOW. It’s just one big Eternal-NOW. So keep in mind that our Higher Self is creating the actual “time” that we are experiencing in a linear fashion.
When we intensely want to do something now, and it is easily possible to do it, no problem. We just do it.
But if we intensely want to do something now, and it is NOT possible to do it NOW, we are then at a critical decision-junction:
We can choose to interpret this as
“I am not getting what I want.”
Or, we can choose to interpet this as
“I always get what I want. If it’s not available now, then there must be an excellent reason for this.”
Which of these choices we make is critical in determining the outcome, as this choice is equivalent to selecting a BELIEF, and we then experience the outcome aligned with that belief.
If you choose to interpret the situation as
“I am not getting what I want.”,
then, sure enough, you will continue to not get what you want.
But the alternative is this:
Choose to interpret this situation (of not being able to do what you want to do NOW) as
“I always get what I want.”
“I always get what I want. If it’s not available now, there must be an excellent reason for this.”
You see, often our Higher Self “arranges” time in such a way that we do not get what we want when we initially want it, only because it wants us to first accumulate certain experiences, certain skills, certain appreciations, certain connections with other people, certain awarenesses – FIRST! So that when we do get to experience this thing we want, we will then be appreciating it and enjoying it on a much deeper and more profound level.
So when you want to do something and it is not immediately available, REMEMBER: Your Higher Self is merely delaying this experience, so you get some other experiences first, so that you may enjoy and appreciate this thing you want EVEN MORE, when you do get it.
So when you want to do something and it is not immediately available, TRUST YOUR TIMING.
Do not buy into the belief that
“I do not get what I want.”
Instead, remind yourself:
“I always get what I want.”
“I always get what I want. If it’s not available now, then my Higher Self must have some experiences it wishes me to have first, so that when I do
get what I want, I’ll be able to enjoy it even more. I’ll be able to enjoy it on a much richer, deeper basis.”
Positive Synchronicity
When you “follow your excitement” in the moment, each “now” moment, this leads to “Positive Synchronicity” –
things “magically” working out in a way that is delightfully & surprisingly pleasing.
When you ignore your excitement, and are instead led by your fears and worries, this leads to “Negative Synchronicity” – upsetting events – the very things you wished to avoid.
“Positive Synchronicity” is the occurrence of events that are perfect reflections of your preferences and desires.
“Negative Synchronicity” is the occurrence of events that are perfect reflections of your fears and doubts.
All beliefs are equally valid.
(since each belief generates its own self-validating reality).
Whatever your belief, the universe will support and validate that belief by attracting the circumstances, situations, opportunities and people into your life that will reinforce that “version” of reality.
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