This post has been expanded from the last section of the post, “A Way To Better Know, Trust and Unconditionally Love Self”—under the subtitle, “Examples Stories of the Effectiveness of Dark Shadow Self Surfacing“—but can be read on its own.
Both dark and light [polarities of Life] have their Divine purpose, and when used in a balanced way, can work wonders for everyone involved.
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Some spiritual teachings state to always be gentle kindness, which 1) is not always effective, and 2) makes me wonder if they’ve even had personal experiences of actually living on the dark side of Life for a while, or are they just regurgitating shiny, profound concepts only after having done some studying, researching and/or vicariously living through others’ stories (i.e., even secretly extracting information from others’ blogs, websites, books, e-mail exchanges, etc. and treating them as one’s own personal experiences)?
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Therefore, certain, so-called spiritual teachers are able to easily preach the following words, and similar statements: Note: An expanded perspective provided afterwards
- “Always be positive!” (rather than honoring and embracing all emotions and feelings in order to truly heal on all levels of one’s being—physical, mental, emotional and spiritual—the root of the deep issues)
- “Have faith that god [of bible] will bless your loved ones 400+ years later!” (no further comment)
- “Just Get Over it!” (rather than realizing that deep healing is a process that needs to be seen through the eyes of compassion—the ancient eyes of Christ within—and treated with much patience, and not like some quick-fix, get-well pill)
- “Kill your ego self!” (rather than transmute, heal, and integrate it, since it is a part of us—wounded aspect of inner child/soul— that also yearns to experience Light and unconditional acceptance/Love)
- “Get rid of your negative ego!” (which has its Divine purpose of protecting us and helping us to survive this very challenging physical world—to be accepted and approved of by society—and can be transmuted/transformed into its essence, as an Adviser to Spirit on earthly matters) A continuation comment from “Get rid of your negative ego!” for added humor and some truths, but not a paraphrased quote of the author: “I got rid of my ego. Wait, or maybe I didn’t since I made two contradictory statements regarding that question during interviews. Yes, I may have sounded extremely judgmental [a main characteristic of ego self] toward the ego self throughout the majority of one of my books, but I was merely making observations as pure Presence; because that’s how I rrroll son!“
- “Your life has no meaning!” (Yet, it’s taught within certain books of this teacher that the words God and Life are interchangeable; in addition, when we pay close attention to all the signs, symbols, and Divine synchronicities of our inner and outer world—to include interconnected others, Mother Nature, places, events, situations, dreams, insights, flash images, visions, feelings, etc.—it’s like Galactic, Celestial, and Universal puzzle pieces of Life coming together amazingly in Divine perfect timing and order; see post/link on top for further details and examples). A continuation comment from “Your life has no meaning” for added humor and some truths, but not a paraphrased quote of the author: “Discontinue church work, and instead, come join my organization (only after agreeing to a long, red paragraph of more rules) and volunteer your asses off passing out flyers to everyone and their mamas, grandmamas, and great grandmamas!”
- “Always be Love and Light!” (rather than embracing the polarities of The One in order to Be full-potential self while on Earth/Trinity/Divine HUman)
- “Just focus on the higher realms!! And if you’re serious about ascending into the New Earth as your Lightbody, ensure you take a list of courses from this website, enroll in my classes, buy my books, have a session(s) with me, and/or follow me on Twitter while retweeting my tweets!, etc.” (hence, creating dependency rather teaching and encouraging so-called students to ultimately find empowerment from within—through communication and communion with one’s own Soul/SPirit—while providing guidance). I trust in the existence of a New Earth(s)—since there are seemingly countless probabilities in Life—as well as our Lightbody. In addition, I’m all about people using their creativity to share their gifts—whether they be online courses, classes, books, sessions, meetup gathering, etc.—but not by using manipulation and control tatics, such as, “If you want to be enlightened…you must come do these services I offer, or else….” Example posts: 1) “To Be Disempowered by Others OR Empowered from Within” where I had ignored my intuition regarding the red flags that I was experiencing because I had wanted to believe that this person truly represented the Galactic Family of Light. 2) “A Message to Scammers and The Scammed“
- etc., while unable to deeply empathize with the sufferings of HUmanity.
I used to place certain spiritual teachers—like some of the ones mentioned above—on a pedestal. However, after intuitively sensing
a few to multiple times that something was indeed off, I finally let them go.
Though I was initially disappointed in them—and even angry at times for seemingly having wasted my time—I later learned (as a human)/remembered (as a soul/Spirit within) to appreciate some of the helpful information that they did share during certain moments, and to simply, no longer be concerned about whatever information didn’t resonate with me.
In addition, I realized that these spiritual teachers (who I was initially discouraged by) were actually blessings in disguise, because they have—unknowingly (as a human), yet knowingly (as their own interconnected higher self within)—taught me to finally let go of needing outer teachers to place on a pedestal (though I can continue to briefly learn from outer reflections), and to remember that the ultimate teacher is the Master Teacher within/Divine Spirit/All That Is.
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Now, I’m very grateful that I can extract certain truths and wisdom from others, to include spiritual teachers (regardless of the category of belief systems)—using intuition, discernment, clarity and inner-wisdom—but ultimately, go within self to communicate and commune with my integrated and balanced Soul/Spirit—Beloved I (God) AM (Goddess) Presence/Christ within: Twin Soul merged with Divine Spirit/All That Is = Trinity/Divine HUman.
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Important Question: How can one be a bridge that connects HUmanity and the spiritual world when one has barely scratched the surface of knowing (experiential knowledge/wisdom) what it’s like to fully be HUman (of both dark and Light, fear and Love); hence, unable to fully relate to HUmanity and beyond?
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I mentioned in the other post, “A Way To Better Know, Trust and Unconditionally Love Self”—under the subtitle, “Examples Stories of the Effectiveness of Dark Shadow Self Surfacing“—that I would share some example stories of why gentle kindness doesn’t always cut it, but in the end, it all works out nicely.
The following is section from the post, “Embracing a Setback to Set Forward”—under subtitle, “Sharing God’s Miraculous Blessings: Back-to-Back “Failures” Part II” (the “God” of both Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies)—where I was assertive borderline aggressive to my female senior interrogator supervisor (named “S” below) at the the time of deployment, who taught me what kind of a leader I had no desire to be:
One day, because I didn’t report what “they” wanted me to report, but I merely provided what I believed to be the truth (due to lack of evidence on their part), I immediately became a target. S asked me in an aggressive tone to step inside one of the private rooms, so I did.
She then went off on me on the things I should say and shouldn’t say at meetings, and that my actions were a form of disrespect to other professionals in the meeting (although I presented my truth in a respectful manner). I quietly listened to her say whatever she had to release, and then turned on the switch that I often used in the booth.
I basically broke down the facts to her, and started questioning her. I then added, “If I’m negatively impacting the mission, then I obviously don’t belong here. So you can either go back and tell the officers to send me home…or I’ll tell them myself.”
For a moment, S stood there in silence with her mouth slightly opened. Her once ice-cold, piercing eyes transformed into an innocent child’s warm, baby-blue eyes. Her aggressive tone switched to a passive tone, and she replied softly, “No, you should stay.”
Sometimes I even surprise myself when the switch goes on, because I’ve been told that I have strong eye contact and a very assertive demeanor. I can be a pretty laid back and easy going gal…but I just refuse to be disrespected like that.
I’m grateful that God answered my prayer when I was in junior high school, and helped me to start becoming assertive when I got tired of being so passive.
I shared some of my experiences of all four communication styles in one of the older posts. It’s immensely liberating and empowering to Be assertive. The more we practice Being this way, the more it will become second nature […]
One last example is in the post “Outer Angels and Demons Reflecting All the Inner Ones” (under subtitle, “Deeply Understanding the Shadow of Teamwork“)::
Anyway, SPC E [one of my lower-enlisted, female soldiers at the time: very diligent and very smart/highly educated/triathlete] was very frustrated about SGT Ram [one of my peers at the time, within same squad: male soldier] not being a team player, and understandably so, because SGT Ram made it very obvious that he had no intention to listen to lower-enlisted soldiers.
In addition, it wasn’t the first or even second time that he had pulled off the stunt to get out of contributing to the mundane task that nobody else liked as well.
What he failed to realize was that the rest of us just did the so-called “dirty work” because it was one of our duties. I’m sure we, too, would much rather just sit around in front of our computers and explore the top secret world.
So I approached SGT Ram and asked him respectfully if he could help us out with the duty so that we could turn them in quicker and get on with our reports.
SGT Ram did his usual stalling technique of “Yeah, hold on, ” “I’ll be there in a sec,” “I’m almost done reading this,” etc., but this time, he would not have the 30 minutes plus to waste away.
Sometimes, when others don’t seem to understand the gentle kindness version of the assertive communication style (of “I respect you and I respect me”)—and may mistaken kindness for weakness—a more stern version of assertiveness can be effective; and if they still can’t seem to comprehend the words, tone, and body language, the aggressive communication style (of “I respect me but I don’t respect you”—that’s frowned upon by sometimes hypocritical society—may work wonders.
It seemed like a switch was flipped, and another side of me (a “darker” side) came out. I calmly said to SGT Ram, “Hey, here’s a crazy idea…how about you get off your lazy ass and help the rest of your team for once.”
Apparently that sentence immediately grabbed his wandering attention. Why? Because he wasfamiliar with aggressive energy. He abruptly stood up and raised his voice, “Excuse me?! What did you just say?” to which I calmly replied, “You heard me” as I slowly approached him.
He then shouted, “You’re not my freakin’ mother!” And I replied, “Thank God for that because you’re not a good listener. How about we take this out into the hallway rather than make a scene, shall we?”
Out in the hallway, I asked SGT Ram to reverse the roles, and how would he feel if we had done the same to him.
I also made some other valid points that he couldn’t deny, like him often surfing the contents of the computer throughout the work day rather than doing his share of the team’s analytical work whenever we worked on big projects. He agreed in a gentle manner, and apologized sincerely […]”
Added 6/11/2016
The following are two, non-consecutive quotes from the reading, “The Magic of Caves“ (key point in bold) that I had shared a while back from the post, “The Elusive Space Within the Opening of the Cave“:
From high up, the eagle sees its prey as small and distant. It knows what happens afar and can scan in all directions. The movement up is a movement of transcendence which brings objectivity, inner distance, and knowing, free of affect. Heart-cave-knowing, on the other hand, pulls in. It is gut-knowing, womb-knowing. It is the knowledge of intimate merging rather than the knowledge of distanced sight […]”
To know from the heart, from the cave, is to know from being […]”
Added 6/29/2016
UPDATE (6/20/2016 and 6/29/2016): I absolutely LOVE these amazing readings: “The Alchemy of the Feminine Energy: Being the Change You Wish to See” that’s so thought-provoking, mind-blowing, heart-expanding, soul-touching, uplifting, empowering, and inspiring (a no-doubt game-changer of Life). Like I shared with the author of the post, “In Defense of the Divine Masculine” (Julie), this reading is BOLD, informative, profound, open-minded, hearted-expanding, healing and empowering.
Added 8/3/2016
The following quoted sections are related to this post, and are from the very helpful reading, “THE ART OF CHANNELING FACT VS. FICTION” (click on link right above to open in another window) by website The Awakened State:
Nothing is separate at all.
Therefore if you believe negative entities or “evil forces” are real and that you need protection from them also realize:
Psychic Attack is nothing more than a delusion you created for yourself around your insecurities and illusions of fear brought on by separation. Regardless everything is connected to you. If you’re afraid of evil or negative entities you’re essentially afraid of a part of yourself […]
The moment you decide to become free, unlimited and fearless realizing the universe is taking care of you, you suddenly discover this is merely FEAR disguising itself in your reality.
The tricky part is learning to see this, accept it and most of all get out of the denial of it.
You would be surprised how many people will argue about how “evil” and negative entities are real just to keep their ego comfortable.
Our fears and insecurities are crafted around our dualistic perceptions of reality. This is what shapes our individual perspective from the next person. However when we do this without realizing the connection our perception is still stuck in duality producing an Us vs. Them.
This is rooted in an illusion of separation that we create through our identity of the Ego. This is a natural survival mechanism of the Personal identity. The Ego likes staying in it’s current reality, anything that questions the survival of the identity creates a resistance.
However in actuality we’re a collective consciousness experiencing life together as reflections of the other.
We are a unity! Nothing is separate from you including me, Hi 🙂
Added 2/12/2017: A very helpful video related to this theme => Failing at Spirituality (Spiritual Perfectionism) – Teal Swan –
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