UPDATE (this yellow paragraph only; added 11-8-2015): I chose to receive a free report from numerologist.com the day before yesterday since I had never experienced it before. To my great surprise, it was eerily spot (as it said it would be), so I not only ordered the full report (after following my intuition), but I also listened to Kari Samuels’ “The Soul of Wealth: Clear Your Money Karma” audio class. I was amazed how spot on this message is as well with my recent situation (the series of stories below, and had to share it). UPDATE (this magenta paragraph only; added 11-10-2015): The overall message in this video—Scorpio New Moon Wealth Forecast – 11:11 Scorpio Moon Of Miracles (Nov 11, 2015)—deeply moved me, because it provided further insight into what I’ve experienced lately, even though I didn’t understand all the details of astrology. I trust that my soul/Spirit within knows all this information though my ego self/personality self didn’t remember them. Thank you Tania Gabrielle.
Note: This is a continuation post from, “Finding Power Within as a Minority of One,” “Chaotic Experiences Leading to Insight of Male/Female Christ Within, ” and “Answers to Questions from a Passionately Seeking Heart“; however, it can be read alone.
November 3rd and 4th, 2015
While talking to our adviser this morning, and informing her that I had letters for my classmates, she suggested that it may not be a good idea to give everyone the letters just in case they may have stuff going on and the letter could make things worse; I agreed, and was grateful for her advice.
But I did add that I was going to at least give them the Marianne Williamson and Gandhi quotes since they are inspirational; I also trusted that they would be highly effective in conveying the same message in a more direct, yet, loving way.
In addition, I realized that when I truly dig real deep, and expand my consciousness, most of my classmates’ (with the exception of three) not-so-loving ways of being is my shadow self showing up in others and expressing self in various ways (often unacceptable to society) to finally be noticed, recognized, acknowledged, deeply understood, neutrally embraced, unconditionally forgiven, and unconditionally accepted/loved; hence, transmuting, healing, and releasing the once low vibrating energy states back to Source.
Yesterday afternoon, my instructor gathered our class and informed us that she usually does this activity during the first week of the course, but since we were busy doing other things, she decided to introduce this teaching moment now.
She had us each spray two cans of shaving cream onto two paper plates, asked for our observations, and then asked for two volunteers to put the shaving cream back into the cans.
Of course, this wasn’t possible, so her point was that when we are judgmental and hurtful towards others (in various forms), and they build up like a mound of shaving cream, we can’t take them back.
Therefore, we need to be cognizant of how we treat others either directly or indirectly (e.g., through gossip). She shared several other very helpful advice, and ended with the fact that if we’re unable to get along peacefully within a small classroom setting, then we’re going to be in a world of hurt when we get out into the real world within our profession, especially since we need to have great interpersonal skills.
I was initially wondering why she made it so obvious that the “teaching moment” more than likely stemmed from me having a talk with the instructors last Saturday (their office being right outside the classroom where it’s apparent), but then I caught myself and realized that was the remnants of my ego self’s fear; I’m now grateful for that moment, regardless of what my instructor’s intention was at that time.
In addition, I learned another lesson within the lesson that she taught us; and that is, through deep understanding, empathy, compassion, unconditional forgiveness, embrace, and even up to unconditional acceptance/love, the “mound” of hurtfulness can be taken back—the amount depending on our vibrational frequency level.
The higher our frequency level, the more we’ll be able to replace everything that stems from fear energy (judgment, resentment, anger, jealousy, ridicule, criticism, hatred, vengeance, rage, etc.) with cosmic and angelic, unconditional love.
To my great surprise, towards the end of the day, four of the once snobby classmates toned down—two initiated conversations with me in a kind tone, to which I reciprocated in the same manner.
One of the things that I learned (as a human being)/remembered (as a soul) about myself is that I’m very quick to forgive, unless it’s a very deep kind of hurt (meanness to the extreme)…then it takes a bit longer.
Even though these two (out of five) classmates were very snobbish and rude towards me for two weeks, I couldn’t bring myself to treat them the same way. Granted, I have no interest in becoming friends right now, but I’m able to be respectful.
I was also able to help two other classmates with some of the facial steps because they asked one another, and neither one of them were sure; so even though they, too, have often been ridonkulously snobbish towards me, I couldn’t help but to insert myself into the conversation (since I was standing near them) and remind them of the steps.
However, one classmate was still overly snobbish. When our instructor asked us to check the laundry, I mentioned to the two classmates standing next to me that they were still damp, and one (with a pissy attitude) rushed over to the dryer and aggressively sorted through and checked the stuff again as though my words were unreliable.
But that’s okay; I would’ve said something, but our adviser asked me not to say anything to those who are habitually rude, but rather, bring it to her attention.
I told her that I didn’t feel like running to her every time such things happened (because it happened quite a bit even just within two weeks), but she insisted, because she said that it needs to be identified.
I just chose to journal about it, and I trust this method will transmute and heal the so-called transference of negative energy.
On the drive back home, rather than being angry or sad (which I often have been), I focused on hanging in there and thought to self, “It is my intention to unconditionally forgive self and others at the deepest level of my being.
In addition, I realized that throughout the past two weeks, there were times where I was merely making neutral observations of others’ unloving ways, or other behavior, words, and/or actions that stemmed from fear energy.
For instance, when my classmates were complaining about the possibility of not having enough pizza, and gossiping about the senior Esthetics class, I realized that it was due to their fear of not having enough (poverty consciousness), being very hungry and antsy, and not trusting the unknown (people who they don’t know). So I shared with them an expanded perspective, but didn’t allow them to upset me.
However, there were other times, I was actually judging their unloving ways as fearful ego self (aka wounded inner child/aspect of soul)—but didn’t realize it—and allowing them to negatively affect my emotions—hence, giving my inner power away.
I don’t blame my ego self since unloving behavior (e.g., glaring eyes, distant and cold demeanor, rolling of eyes, etc.), unloving words words (or ignoring with silence), and unloving actions are hurtful to our inner child (free-spirited, child-like aspect of soul) when we forget that such behaviors, words, and actions stem from fear energy itself.
Our ego self only does its best to help us to survive in this very challenging physical reality, and ensures that it protects us, and helps us to do the “right” things in order for us to be accepted and/or approved of by society.
When we are hurtful to others (as shadow self), it’s because we are wounded wounders rather than wounded healers. Jesus was a Wounded Healer—effortlessly transmuting fearful energies all around him as his Mighty I AM Presence/Christ within.
We all have this Divinity within us—the Christ-Self with Christ Consciousness—who has the ability to see the much bigger picture as integrated higher Mind/Heart.
I’ve learned from other spiritual teachers that as we merge our ego self with Spirit, our ego self then becomes an adviser to Spirit (not in charge but working as One) in this physical reality.
It is my intention to fully remember who I truly am, to intuitively and confidently know who I truly am, and to fully and freely Be who I truly am at every moment…effortlessly.
It is my intention to see everything within me/all around me (to include my ego self/shadow self) through the ancient eyes of Christ within.
Note: Marianne Williamson poster above found next to quotesgram.com and Gandhi poster above found next to www.pinterest.co
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