After I finished reading a helpful post, “Why We’re Attracted To People Who Are Wrong For Us“—which reminded me of a recent post that I had published, “Insights About Manipulation, Control, Emotional Triggers & the Human Heart“—I decided to share a comment since the writer had asked, “Please leave a comment below telling us the qualities of your higher self and how you plan to be more connected to that part of you.”
I initially meant to share a short comment; however, I just followed my heart and typed away, and the next you know, it became longer that I had imagined.
So rather than leaving a long comment, I decided to create a post from it, and only leave a summarized comment with a link to this post in case anyone’s interested in reading further details.
That way, humanity and beyond can benefit from both messages—just in case they happen to be drawn to this blog as well in Divine perfect timing and order.
Note: Image on right above found next to link => … Moon Sun Yin Yang by de3euk (thank you)
The following is the comment from me to the writer of the post, “Why We’re Attracted To People Who Are Wrong For Us“:
First of all, thank you Shelly for sharing with us all this helpful post.
The qualities of my higher self (when my vibrational frequency is higher than usual) are of Balance and Harmony between the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine within me—which I trust applies to all souls whenever they’re ready to raise their vibrational frequency in any given moment to who they truly are—and some examples are as follows:
– Deeply understanding, deeply empathetic, purely compassionate, unconditionally forgiving, unconditionally accepting/loving (all of Life/All That Is)
– Fearless, passionate, heart-warming, very patient, soul-igniting, transparent, generous, courageous, abundant, profoundly intelligent, has much inner-strength, creative genius (unlimited imagination), inner-guidance, intuition/inner-knowing, inner wisdom
– about polarity (integrating seemingly opposite forces) rather than duality (separation consciousness), but understands that duality serves a great purpose in the Divine Plan—teaching many, invaluable life lessons/wisdom that cannot be learned in an environment where only “good folks” are running around
– not concerned with the opinions of others or whether or not others accept and approve of self (always Validating self/Self/SELF)
– peaceful (eye within the storm/inner-peace despite outer circumstances), honest yet tactful
– assertive yet gentle: or even aggressive (only verbally)—with loving intent—when it best suits another’s soul growth because they seem to have forgotten to understand the communication style of gentle kindness or assertiveness (e.g., they mistaken gentle kindness or assertive for weakness)
– confident yet humble, fun, hilarious, lovable, goal oriented, flexible, logical (as an adviser to Spirit), about healthy boundaries (balance of respect and love of self and others)
– embracing (of ego self/wounded inner child/unhealed masculine energy and consciousness and shadow self/unknown or “dark” aspects of us that are often rejected by society, but has their higher purpose in the Divine Plan)
– determined, highly energetic, incredible, unconventional, mind-blowing, persistent, trusting, resilient, free-spirited, persistent, flowing, savoring, relaxing, basking, enjoying, exciting, fascinating, captivating, awe-inspiring, multidimensional and beyond.
-Transforming, Master of Thoughts, Intentions, Words, and Actions; Impeccable Frequency Holder, Master Alchemist, Master Builder, Master Teacher, Master of Frequencies
I strive to be more connected to my Higher Self by doing and Being the following—to the best of my ability—in every present Moment of Now:
– Unconditionally accepting/loving ALL aspects of self, so that I may fully do so for so-called others as well (my greatest challenge in life, but I have no doubt gradually doable)
– When a negative thought(s) pop into my mind—that stems from fear energies and have been conditioned by society and/or past lifetimes—initially just observing it/them without judgment, and deeply empathizing with ego self; then, introducing another/broader perspective which stems from loving energies, which then transmutes the negative thought(s) and feeling(s)—since thoughts, intentions, words and actions can create both positive and negative feelings.
– Not stressing when challenges continue to come knocking on my door by taking deep breaths and reminding myself that although I’ve “failed” many times throughout my life according to society, and even suffered much, I’m still here Now, and I’ve learned many life lessons/wisdom, and I will continue to grow/learn/expand my consciousness/evolve as a soul/Spirit within
– Releasing everything that no longer highly serves my accelerated, individual and collective soul growth, to include old beliefs of unworthiness, lack, victim mentality, suffering, doubts, guilt, shame, etc.
– When things appear as they’re really going downhill at a rapid rate, rather than ripping my hair out, reminding myself that a calm always follows a storm/order always follows chaos, and that everything happens in Divine perfect timing and order for the highest benefit of all interconnected souls’ evolution
– Living and just Being in every present Moment of Now—rather than dwelling in the past or worrying about the future— to the best of my ability (as who I truly am with Christ/Unity Consciousness) with much gratitude and appreciation for all interconnected Life, especially the small things that we may often take for granted
– Taking full responsibility for and welcoming all that shows up in my Life trusting that Divinity within me (my higher self) can see beyond the surface, can see the bigger picture, and knows what’s best for me
– Trusting the process of Life, intuitively knowing that Life always works FOR us, and not against us for the highest benefit of all interconnected souls’ evolution
– Often reminding and asking myself, until reminders are no longer needed due to sheer inner-knowing, if I am thinking, intending, speaking, behaving and acting to self and others from the highest integrity and from Unconditional Love within
– Replying upon, Noticing, Recognizing, Acknowledging, Trusting, Honoring ALL feelings, which are the language of the soul that lead and teach us all something more about ourselves and others
– Just Being Prosperity Consciousness by trusting my Divinity within that I always have all the abundance that I need for my soul growth—on all levels of my being: physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, materially, and spiritually—in every present Moment of Now, though it may not always appear that way on the outer surface (for me, this is very challenging since I currently have what appears to be financial “issues” to my ego self, but I have no doubt that first choosing to Be Prosperity Consciousness is doable).
This multi-colored section of post inserted on March 17, 2015 (the day after I published this post, and LUCKY St. Patrick’s Day! ^_^): I’m so grateful for coming upon this VERY helpful video, “Abraham: What is the vibration of abundance?” today (my pot of gold at the end of the rainbow…the calm after the storm in my current reality) , which made me cry tears of joy. I’ve watched other helpful videos before, but this one is the only one that has moved me so deeply, and inspired and empowered me to say, “YES, I can do this. I can just Be Prosperity Consciousness at this very moment and all other present Moments of Now, and co-create with my higher self (Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within me) ALL of my heart’s desires/dreams by always FEELING (being and staying in the vibration of abundance) Abundant (e.g., completely free, at ease, empowered, happy, excited, peaceful, loving, generous, etc.), which will effortlessly take care of even my current financial issues in Divine perfect timing and order. Last night, I had my first dream of a large hawk flying towards me to assist me; and even while dreaming and initially being afraid of it—since I saw its face practically right in front of me at one point— I reminded myself to just trust that it was helping me to get rid of the insects that had just flown into my hair (after the insects were chasing me) by pecking at various spots on my head that I could strangely feel (insects in my hair symbolic of anxieties in my head/state of mind). I trust that the hawk is symbolic of my higher self, like all other powerful animal spirit guides that I”m been dreaming about in the past, which are all extensions of one aspect (animal spirit guides) of my multidimensional higher self. When I feel like it, I will create a post about the details. Thank you so much my higher self/Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within me.
– Trusting that I AM Enough and I Do Enough in every Present Moment of Now (letting go of old habits like being a perfectionist and being so hard on self)
– Embracing, hugging, communicating, encouraging, healing, transmuting, transforming, uplifting, inspiring, empowering, and integrating my ego self and shadow self into Whole, Balanced, True Self
– Paying attention to body signals that communicate to us what’s going on deep within
– Making the intention to recall dreams before going to sleep each night; dreams being another form of communication with higher self. Note: A dream journal over the years has been very helpful to me in better understanding who I truly am as Multidimensional Self, as well as sometimes creating posts about my dreams and sharing it with others
– Continue overall healthier drinking and eating habit with treat days (there’s always room to improve)
– Start exercising again throughout the week and weekend with at least a couple of days of rest and recovery (I don’t like jogging, running and/or sprinting in cold weather, so I went into hibernation for weekly interval runs, and only went to the local park for walks every now and then)
– Often Being creative in various ways (e.g., creating artwork, blogging, dancing, singing, visualizing, imagining, decorating, participating in fun hobby, etc.)
– Being in the presence of Mother Nature/Gaia often and communicating with her, to include something as simple as expressions of gratitude and appreciation for her abundance, beauty, generosity, pure compassion and unconditional love for humanity and Life in general
– Seeing (with clarity) everything inside and outside of me through the ancient of eyes of higher self/Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within/God, Goddess & Divine Spirit/All That Is
– Following my path of excitement and passion to the best of my ability in every present Moment of Now—even to the smallest degree (something I learned from a Pleiadian book as well as from Bashar, channeled through Darryl Anka)—and as I notice both positive and negative Divine synchronicities (which are either “postive” blessings or “negative” blessings in disguise), I’m reminded that I’m in alignment with my Divinity within
– Developing a habit of stating intentions statements on a daily basis in order to consciously (rather than unconsciously) co-create with my higher self all of my heart’s desires, to include own version of Heaven on Earth
– Meditating in various ways, to include just lying comfortably in bed, closing one’s eyes, being still, and quieting the busy chatter of the mind. You may see blue, yellow/gold or other color seemingly dancing lights (soul/Spirit). You can also visualize a circle and then focus on the center. The circle may then turn into a spiral. The spiral may then start to spin. Continue focusing in the center, which can be a challenge due to physical eyes wanting to blink even while closed. At one point/one day/week/month/year, etc. you may find yourself (your consciousness) moving toward the spinning spiral which may then turn into what appears to be a wormhole. Hang in there, and it will seem as though you’re slowing moving through the wormhole very briefly; and then, suddenly you may find yourself (again, your consciousness) rapidly flying through what appears to be dark space as you see rays of light passing by you (all around you) for a brief moment. Then, movement suddenly slows down and all you see around you are what appears to be stars in dark space. I realize it’s unbelievable. I’m far from being a meditation guru—more of a lazy-style yet consistent meditating person—but I do intuitively know that something very amazing, and beyond my comprehension, happened, not just once, but many times so far. The more you practice, the less scary the experience becomes, and you’re only left with sheer excitement. I can’t make any promises that it’ll work for others, but I trust that others can experience this as well since we’re ultimately all interconnected, so I’m sharing this incredible experience that I’m still in awe of and haven’t fully processed yet. I’m just grateful for it. I sense that the experience represents ultimate freedom of soul/Spirit within, among other unknown things.
– Singing (out loud or silently) mantras like Om Mani Padme Hum—in essence, the integrated Higher Mind (Divine Masculine)/Higher Heart (Divine Feminine)—while thinking about its profound meaning and while doing seemingly mundane things like cleaning, folding laundry, waiting in line, etc. (for meaning of Om Mani Padme Hum, click on link above to open in another window)
– Toning: Ex. Ahhh! after making an intention statement/prayer like, “I AM effortlessly intending to fully remember who I truly am, confidently know who I truly am, and fearlessly and freely be who I truly am.”
– Spinning (clockwise): 1 set of 33 and working up to 3 sets of 99 (I chose not to do these for a while, but I trust that I will bounce back in Divine perfect timing and order)
To Be Continued…
as I recall/learn teachings I’ve learned from other soul brothers and sisters (outer knowledge reflecting soul/Spirit’s inner knowing) or from personal experiences/inner-wisdom.
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