I shared the following comment for the video, “Bruce Lipton – Fear and Deception“:
You brought up some great points Doc, especially the importance of being cognizant of those who habitually attempt to instill fear into the hearts of humanity. However COMMA I also trust that it’s wise to be discerning and cautious about certain happenings—rather than be fearful and feel powerless—so that we’re not all running around in this world assuming that everything’s flowers, sunshine and rainbows.
When it comes to public water, if I don’t filter it, my body can strongly sense that something’s off due to the presence of fluoride; hence, I choose to drink purified water that’s beneficial for our pineal gland.
Note: Images above above found next to links => 1) nriol.com and 2) CSGlobe/“Ancient Egyptians Knew How to Unleash the Power of the Pineal Gland”
Also, depending on one’s perspective—either 3D, limited, only logical mind perspective, or 4D+ unlimited, Multidimensional, expanded perspective (of integrated Mind/Heart)—crop circles showing up on planet Earth can instill fear or much excitement; personally, I love seeing crop circles that highly resonates with me, and one magical day, I look forward to experiencing what it FEELS like to Be standing within one.
Note: Image on right above found next to link => educate-yourself.org / Related post, “Dream of Pregnant Woman with Cube Belly and Smiling Child” (Goddess
Since you (Bruce), and like others (e.g., Gregg Brayden), seem to be a very wise man—in addition to your extended education, background, experiential knowledge, and earthly position—I’m going to assume that you’re not implying (within this video) that ALL crop circles are 1) not real and 2) are meant to instill fear into humanity.
Note: Image on left found next to link => YouTube/“Two different categories of authentic crop circles (Daniel HARRAN [PhD])”
In addition, why does the showing up of E.T.’s and/or aliens in our world have to be a fearful event? What, because a lot of movies, TV shows, and other forms of deceptive information portray such beings as ONLY negative? That’s getting REALLY OLD, OUTDATED, and BORING by the way.
Note: Image on right found next to link => الأيام 2/Image that I trust to be Arcturians (angelic, highly evolved Celestial Beings) due to experiencing them as a flash image (shared in post, “A Flash Image of Celestial Beings“)
Where’s the freaking genius creativity that’s capable of thinking outside the limited, earthly box? Just like humanity, other beings within this Galaxy, Universe and beyond come from a wide range and combination package of aspects within the whole spectrum of the Light/Unconditional Love Frequency—energies ranging from very low fear vibration to very high compassion vibration.
Note: Image on left above found next to link => Humans Are Free ; image on right found next to link => arianebauwens.be/These Light Beings look similar to the ones I was traveling with in a vivid dream a while back (shared in post,“Dream Messages from My Multidimensional Self“; I’ve wondered if they’re Pleiadians, but I’m not sure)
I have no doubt that many crop circles are authentic, though there are some created by either curious or arrogant men who try to imitate the real deal by half-@$$ replicating the intricate and/or very precise sacred geometry shown within crop circles that have profound messages encoded within them.
Note: An informative, related video => “Two different categories of authentic crop circles (Daniel HARRAN)” (1,111 views until I came along). Image on top left found next to link => YouTube /“Crop Circles – Goddess of all Creation – [Measurements like =>] Stonehenge” Also, if you feel drawn to it, check out short video (2:54) =>: Crop Circles – Goddess of all Creation – Stonehenge where 6666 = Goddess of all Creation
When it comes to topics like chemtrails, I noticed that a lot of people get their panties, undies, boxers, and/or thongs in a wad, and understandably so, since I, too, used to get very bothered by all the BULL$hi+ of this seemingly crazy@$$ world we live in.
Note: Images found next to links => SnowBrains/Lenticular clouds over Mt. Shasta, CA. (right) and EMGN (below left)
But then I realized, why allow such negative information to prevent us from fully enjoying Life? And in this example (chemtrails), why allow such negative information to prevent us from fully enjoying the outdoors, that includes beautiful and peaceful nature?
We have the choice to be crippled by unnecessary paranoia, or simply trust that our core essence—merged Soul/Spirit within (aka Integrated Mind/Heart, Light/Unconditional Love, God/Goddess, Divine Masculine/Divine Feminine, Sun/Mon, Yang/Yin, Uplifting Knowledge/Wisdom, Christ Consciousness/Buddha Consciousness) which equals Whole Self/MerKaBa/Star of David Frequency/Spiraling Consciousness/12:12/Realization)—-has the power to TRANSMUTE the lower/denser/negative energies within our inner world AND eventually our outer worlds; yes, worlds (plural), since our Divine nature is Multidimensional self (earthly and otherworldly physical selves)/Self (Source: Soul/Spirit within).
Bruce, now don’t be hatin’ on non-human beings, ya hear? Starseeded souls, and a plethora of other Beings within this world and beyond need love too. 😉
Thank you for your mind and heart opening videos that help expand our individual and collective consciousness. Continue Being an invaluable gift to your Multidimensional self/Self, interconnected humanity, Mother Earth, merging worlds, and beyond. ^_^
Note: Images above found next to links => onwardvoyage.com (above right) and ameblo.jp (left)
The following is a comment I shared for the video mentioned above (related to this post) =>“Two different categories of authentic crop circles (Daniel HARRAN)” (part 1/2; 1,111 views until I came along):
Thank you so much Dr. Harran for sharing a very informative video! ^_^ You did a great job of integrating the images with helpful knowledge and profound wisdom—the realization that there’s MUCH more than what the limited, human logical mind can comprehend.
I highly resonate with authentic crop circles, and I trust that the sacred geometry within them are encoded with highly beneficial messages that our souls can recognize from a multidimensional, expanded perspective (integrated Mind/Heart), though our logical minds alone cannot.
Yesterday, I was drawn to a video that I highly resonate with, “CHEMTRAILS – (Why I’m Not Concerned)“—related to the theme of this post—and shared the following comment:
Now THAT’S what I’m talkin’ about! Very well said Victor. I highly respect and admire your authenticity, inner-strength, courage, confidence, and honesty. Like you, I also went through phases where I felt so frustrated, confused, angry, disgusted, upset, and even paranoid about such topics; but then I became so tired of resisting and being lost within the many fear-based distractions.
I noticed that whenever I’m out in nature, I feel very peaceful and happy, unless I allow fearful thoughts and beliefs (such as chemtrails) mess with my mind. So I chose to let go of such worries, and I felt more liberated.
The Light/Unconditional Love Frequency is the most powerful natural force within this world, Galaxy, Universe and beyond, and thanks to this video, I’m reminded that the more we focus on Being our core essence, the more we can transmute and transform our inner and outer worlds.
I also noticed the following comment by another viewer of this video:
1 week ago
cause your a fool like most!
The following is my reply:
maddog: I can understand your fiery passion because I’ve been there too. However COMMA to label Victor (and others like him) a fool over one topic is not only narrow-minded and closed hearted, but foolish in of itself. If you’re eager to place Victor into a limited, earthly labeled box, it’s probably more accurate to say that he’s wise—knowing when to intervene and when not to.
Does our habitual worry, obsession, and/or paranoia about certain negative topics, such chemtrails, enable us to prevent such happenings to occur within this world? We can sign a petition that hasn’t been closed, and do our best to contribute in other ways, but does it TRULY benefit us and others to continually be in a fear-based vibrational frequency state ourselves (and anxiously spread the fear to others)? Of course not.
It’s highly beneficial to share important information with others, but not instill unnecessary fear into the hearts of humanity. Otherwise, our very low/dense/fear-based collective energies will only feed those who have unloving intentions; hence, giving them more power.
I trust that the ultimate goal is to reignite our inner power within—our Soul/Spirit’s Divine Power merged with Divine Love and Divine Wisdom.
I trust that we can accomplish this by unconditionally accepting, embracing, and even deeply loving and integrating more and more aspects within the whole self—which helps us to fully do so for interconnected Life within this world and beyond; hence, allowing us to raise our individual and collective frequencies/consciousness via uplifting Light and Unconditional Love.
Namaste soul brother.
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