The following is a section from the post, “Expanding Perception of Societal Labels Such as Beautiful, Fascinating and the Standard,” and is an update to one of my first posts titled, “Low Self-Esteem” (better late than never): 😉
I have a strong feeling that everyone—whether or not they’d like to admit it—would like to think of themselves with wonderful adjectives such as beautiful and fascinating.
However, when the majority of humanity is often bombarded with what society in general often labels and displays as “the beautiful and/or fascinating people” of whatever country/continent of the planet (i.e., the minority of the celebrity population), how does that affect billions of other people?
For instance, magazines that often display seemingly flawless and very beautiful celebrities throughout many stores, in videos, in movies, on the internet, on TV shows, etc. conditions countless non-celebrities (to include young children) to believe that they’re not beautiful because society says “beautiful” equals most celebrities’ faces and/or bodies—usually both.
I know through my own personal experience what it’s like to be heavily impacted by another’s earthly labels, even if it was a simple phrase that was shouted out from more than likely a frustrated day.
The impact is much greater when it’s from one’s closest family member(s); however, a friend, classmate, coworker, acquaintance, neighbor, etc. can cause inner wounds as well. One of my earlier one-paragraph posts from over a few years ago is titled, “Low Self-Esteem.
Although I had revisited other old posts as I gained insights from my Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within me, I didn’t do so with this one, and I understand that it’s time.
That one hurtful comment that my classmate had said to me stuck with me to this day in my early forties. I believed his harsh words, and they never seemed to go away, although lately it’s been much less.
In my early forties, after reading something inspirational, I started practicing telling myself in front of a mirror, “Bobbie, I unconditionally accept and love all aspects of you” and “Bobbie, you’re beautiful inside and out.”
However, I noticed that whenever I had make-up on, I was able to effortless say, “Bobbie, you’re beautiful inside and out,” but when I didn’t have any make-up on, I kept breaking eye contact with myself in the mirror.
I wondered why that was so, but then realized that it was more than likely due to not wanting to face a face that someone was so repulsed by—as though I looked like some kind of monster or something.
It’s one thing to be called “ugly” or flat-faced,” or even racially insulted for being a Korean, but to be called all three was like a triple smack in the face I suppose.
Like I mentioned in the post, the classmate looked like a very young, gorgeous James Dean. At our fifth or sixth grade school’s Valentine’s Dance, I stood near one of the walls, and watched as this classmate/boy and his girlfriend slow-danced to the song, “Making Love Out of Nothing at All” by Air Supply. Robyn was the “girl next door” with platinum blond, silky hair, gentle blue gorgeous eyes, and a very pretty smile; she was also my friend who was so nice as well.
The two were like a fairy-tale couple gracefully dancing away as they stared deeply into each other’s eyes and smiling. I often wondered if I’d ever meet someone who would look at me that way; and I finally did, when I was in my mid-thirties.
Whenever I heard that song, I couldn’t help but to recall the moment where I was in awe of what I had learned what “true beauty” looked like, and what I was not, and would never be.
Looking back, I trust that there was a very good reason why I had experienced that particular song with that particular moment. Although it didn’t occur to me for decades why I couldn’t just forget about certain “negative” experiences that seemed to haunt me—no matter how much alcohol I drank in my early twenties to late thirties—I now realize the life lesson that I was meant to learn from it, and grow as a soul.
I trust my Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within me that I’m to extract from the title of the song, “Making Love Out of Nothing at All” unconditional love for self and others from a space that had no love for self (because I had forgotten that my essence is Unconditional Love).
Therefore, another (classmate/soul brother) unconsciously reflected back to me (like a mirror) the deep belief I had about myself during this lifetime, and more than likely carried through from other lifetimes as well.
I’m meant to unconditional forgive my classmate for not knowing any better but to say something so insensitive. More than likely, as a kid, he, like many people, was conditioned by society of what beauty is and isn‘t. In addition, someone or some people close to him, may have said some negative things about Koreans, which influenced his beliefs.
I’m also meant to have compassion for self when it comes to such situations. Unless one has been in the exact same situation, they may never truly know what it feels like, and how it can impact one’s life. I’m reminded that there are many forms of beauty, and it’s each person that validates his or her own beauty.
In addition, such an experience from the post, “Low Self-Esteem” had helped me to see the beauty in others (e.g., in old post, “Compassion“), and also reminded me to never say anything so mean to another, or even agree with another that one was ugly (e.g., in old post, “Manipulation“).
Update added 9/23/2016: See toward bottom of left-hand column of post => Poem: “The Disguised Gift of Ugly” (on 20 x 20 poster) from Mulantis store
click on post, “Poem: The Disguised Gift of Ugly” (added 3/25/2017)
Added February 10, 2015
After reading, “Divine Feminine: Heart of a Dove,” a thought popped into my mind to check what posts I had published in November of 2012, and I trusted that it was my Divinity within guiding me. As I scrolled down the various posts, a section within the post, We Are Amazing Beings of Love, caught my attention. It was under the sub-title, “Inner & Outer Beauty As ONE. ” I had forgotten about the beautiful insights I had written about, which was basically an update to the post, “Low Self-Esteem.” It was a message from my Divine Feminine Goddess. Thank you Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within me.