Updated on 11/18/2021: “Workers of Oneness Integrating Unpleasant Triggers (Including FB)”
Update (Inserted 10/23/2018): I’m going to give Mark a benefit of a doubt that he’s no longer the untrustworthy “@$$hole” from the past. I realized that people can change, though many don’t. I reactivated my Facebook account [deleted for final time on 11/12/2018], and intend to use it wisely to share much uplifting Light and Unconditional Love. I still have no desire to become addicted to any form of social media, but rather, use it as a helpful tool.
Here’s something thought-provoking…
A well-educated and very clever college student (from Harvard University)—and not some knuckleheaded, punk-ass teenager who didnt know better—called his trusted users “Dumb Fucks” and said passionately hateful things like, “yea i’m going to fuck them”; but yet, he now has almost two billion loyal followers throughout this world that basically made him a multi-billionaire.
WOW. What does that say about this sector of our society? That many humans are very forgiving and loving? That many humans are completely unaware? And/or…perhaps the young “Zuch” was spot on right about his beliefs, thoughts, and true feelings?
He supposedly regretted those words. Why? Because he got busted? I strongly sense that it’s not because of some warm and fuzzy emotional maturity BS that he shared in an interview (see one of the readings/links at bottom of post), though that statement’s been gradually covering up his true expression of his subconscious, superiority complex and hatred towards others.
A section supervisor at my strategic unit in the Army (SSG Hughes) made a good point when it comes to shady things that people say and/or do.
It was something to the effect that people drop the ball all the time (make mistakes), but when they say and/or do certain questionable things, it’s just part of their personality (ego self).
More than likely, Mark has been deeply wounded by others in the past, perhaps from those closest to him.
However, as grown-ass adults, we all have the choice to either be wounded wounders, or Wounded Healers.
I suppose if he did end up “fucking” over humanity, we can’t say that we had no clue that it was coming; and it could definitely make one feel extra dumb.
I trust that the probability of Mark Zuckerberg having truly transformed from his old asshole ways, and now having loving intentions towards humanity, indeed exists within a parallel reality, so we shall see.
Note: Image on right above found next to link => elcomercio.pe (thank you)
A wise elderly man once shared with me that an organization of people are known to use a highly effective tactic of mixing truths with lies in order to create confusion within society.
Those who pay close attention, notice the discrepancies, the mini red flags, may not be so easily fooled; however, those who don’t will continue to be easily manipulated and controlled.
I find it interesting that Facebook has revealed a pattern over the years of its major, negative influence on humanity more so than positive.
It’s a very effective program to keep humans extra attentive, focused, busy, distracted, and even addicted to A LOT of non-beneficial shiny objects/crap.
It’s completely understandable to yearn to connect, bond, heal, share, and celebrate with interconnected others when it comes to sincere conversations, birthdays, holidays, births, deaths, other significant events and situations, genuine concerns, helpful information, wisdom, ideas, great news, etc.
But I wonder how many people (and other beings) out there in this world have asked themselves why they just wasted, or have been wasting, an hour to several hours per day “liking” (or selecting other emojis) and/or commenting on BULLshit things they don’t give a rat’s ass about, like others’:
- Selfie #429 (within the entire “friends” phase)
- Restaurant drink, meal, and/or dessert pic #615
- Home drink, meal, and/or dessert pic #1083
- Yet another new product bought pic #714 because of the fb ad(s) and/or to fill that void (that can only be filled from unconditionally loving self more and more each day)
- Politucal rant and/or manipulation poster #531
- Religious recruit and/or fear-instilling poster (to include guilt and shame) #955
- Requests to participate in online games
- Comments like, “I’m so bored, “My ass itches,” “I’m so stressed out because of this pimple! Let me share a close-up pic so y’all can tell me if it’s ready to pop”
- ETC…
Facebook also strongly influences humans to continually seek acceptance and approval from others—especially with the “like” or other emoji button—rather than encouraging us to always validate ourselves and to unconditionally accept/embrace/love more and more of ourselves no matter what.
When humans are distracted, there’s much less time, if any, for deeply meaningful things in life, which includes:
- actual heart-to-heart connections with interconnected others (especially in person)
- reflection of one’s life and life in general
- living, enjoying and Being in the present Moment of Now (rather than anxious about the next fb posting) and…
- communicating and communing with one’s Soul/Spirit within (which includes profound healing of the wounded aspects of inner-child).
When humans just GO GO GO on a daily basis like the energizer bunny on crack, we’re mostly in touch with our logical left side of the brain—young, immature, wounded ego male energy rather than the healed, emotionally mature version of the Divine Masculine God energy.
This creates a strong need to constantly DO DO DO and accomplish much material things (conditioned throughout human history by the extremely wounded, judgmental, collective Ego Mind/Mental Energy Body).
However, when humans also connect with, deeply heal, and integrate our intuitive right side of the brain (Heart)—ancient, wounded shadow/unknown female energy/Emotional Energy Body to Divine Feminine Goddess energy/Spiritual Energy Body—we can…
- go with flow of Life’s cosmic river
- simply Be Authentic Self/Soul/Spirit within (rather than display masks and facades)
- enjoy physical Earth/spiritual experiences
- learn many life lessons
- obtain much wisdom
- expand consciousness
- receive many blessings from the benevolent and generous Universe within (and not just give give give all the time to society)
- remember that our core essence is Unconditional True Love (Peace, Joy, Freedom, Divine Wisdom, Divine Power, Abundance, and much more)
- evolve on all levels of one’s individual and collective, Multidimensional Being—physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually
- and clearly see and experience our version of Heaven on Earth.
From a 3D, limited physical mind’s perspective, if people (or other beings) like Mark Zuckerberg is inconspicuously corrupt and very powerful, it can seem a bit intimidating since that’s one more thing this world and humanity doesn’t need in order to evolve on all levels—physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually— and experience full-potential Self.
However, from an expanded perspective (where we can see the much bigger picture), though beings like him may seem very powerful due to his multi-billionaire status, in the grand scheme of things, he is but one tiny tiny tiny spec within this observable Galaxy alone—or even within this ginormous observable Universe which contains at least two trillion galaxies as of 2017’s discovery.
In addition, like many other physical beings, he is not immune to…:
- a sudden spiraling downfall (like the great empires of the past, as well as ancient Atlantis with its excessive focus on technology)
- various dis-eases (caused by the imbalances of the chakra systems, especially the the earthly ones within)
- death (transformation of energy state to another form or non-form)
- Mother Earth’s unpredictable weather
- space weather (to include solar flares)
- planetary influences (e.g., approaching “12th Planet” or “Planet X”)
- influences from our Galactic and Universal families
- angelic and spiritual families
- and beyond (i.e., ultimately Source/Prime Creator/Holy Spirit/Divine Mother Goddess).
The following was shared in the post, “Examples of Constant Reminders from So-Called Leaders of our World“(where I initially shared my gut-feelings about him a while back):
“The Truth About Facebook Privacy—if Zuckerberg Got Real: What the social network’s CEO might have said on the FTC settlement if he were honest about privacy.” By Dan Lyons
A message from the Federal Trade Commission, “Facebook Settles FTC Charges That It Deceived Consumers By Failing To Keep Privacy Promises“
“We’ve all known that Facebook repeatedly cuts corners when it comes to its privacy promises,” Eric Goldman, a law professor at Santa Clara University, wrote in an e-mail after the announcement. “Like most Internet companies, they thought they could get away with it. They didn’t.” F.T.C. Settles Privacy Issue at Facebook
The following non-consecutive quotes are from the reading, “Facebook Feature Allowed Strangers To Read And Delete Private Messages:
Jenkins wrote on his blog how he was shocked when he was able to view a personal New Year’s message and private family photo sent by a stranger to another named Facebook user.
He wrote: “I just wanted to share this. I don’t know how a site like Facebook can continue to take these kinds of risks. PLEASE Don’t go deleting random messages […]
The blunder comes at an inopportune time for Facebook, just days after founder Mark Zuckerberg’s sister complained that her own privacy had been invaded when a private family photo was shared widely by a US journalist.
The following section is from the reading, “Zuckerberg’s new charity warrants close examination: Is Mark Zuckerberg pulling our strings?“:
As you’ve probably heard, Mark Zuckerberg recently announced he’s going to give away 99% of his Facebook shares. On the surface the announcement presents a nice narrative: Zuckerberg selflessly donates vast amounts of money to charity. It’s a modern version of the classic “hooker with a heart of gold” story or “bad guy makes good” O. Henry short that delighted your grandparents.
But now it’s time to leave Nostalgialand, wipe away sepia-tinged tales of evil-doers-turned-good and inject a dose of reality, because this news doesn’t follow the synaptic firing pattern most of us normally associate with Mark Zuckerberg’s brain. And if tech pundits or Facebook users sound skeptical about anything Zuckerberg says it’s understandable, especially given his famously duplicitous nature.
So what gives? Call me cynical, but when the subject concerns any charity associated with Facebook or Mark Zuckerberg, I too am skeptical, because history has shown us Facebook’s charities usually benefit Facebook the most, and so I’ve been waiting for the metaphorical “other shoe” to inevitably drop.
And dropped it has […]
“Shareholders slam Facebook over ‘incongruent’ PAC contributions on gay rights, online piracy“
A section supervisor at my strategic unit in the Army (SSG Hughes) made a good point when it comes to shady things that people say and/or do.
It was something to the effect that people drop the ball all the time (make mistakes), but when they say and/or do certain questionable things, it’s just part of their personality (ego self).
The following section is from “THE FACE OF FACEBOOK”:
The technology site Silicon Alley Insider got hold of some of the messages and, this past spring, posted the transcript of a conversation between Zuckerberg and a friend, outlining how he was planning to deal with Harvard Connect:
Friend: so have you decided what you are going to do about the websites?
Zuck: yea i’m going to fuck them
Zuck: probably in the year
Zuck: *ear
The following is from the reading,”Well, These New Zuckerberg IMs Won’t Help Facebook’s Privacy Problems”:
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his company are suddenly facing a big new round of scrutiny and criticism about their cavalier attitude toward user privacy.
An early instant messenger exchange Mark had with a college friend won’t help put these concerns to rest.
According to SAI sources, the following exchange is between a 19-year-old Mark Zuckerberg and a friend shortly after Mark launched The Facebook in his dorm room:
Zuck: Yeah so if you ever need info about anyone at Harvard
Zuck: Just ask.
Zuck: I have over 4,000 emails, pictures, addresses, SNS
[Redacted Friend’s Name]: What? How’d you manage that one?
Zuck: People just submitted it.
Zuck: I don’t know why.
Zuck: They “trust me”
Zuck: Dumb fucks.
Could Mark have been completely joking? Sure. But the exchange does reveal that Facebook’s aggressive attitude toward privacy may have begun early on.
Since Facebook launched, the company has faced one privacy flap after another, usually following changes to the privacy policy or new product releases […]
It has also now grown into a $22 billion company run by adults who know that their future depends on Facebook users trusting the site’s privacy policy.
But the company’s attitude toward privacy, as reflected in Mark’s early emails and IMs, features like Beacon and Instant Personalization, and the frequent changes to the privacy policy, has been consistently aggressive: Do something first, then see how people react […]
“Anonymous – This will Change Everything You Know… (2018-2019)” (15:16)
The following is an excerpt from the reading, “THIS IS SERIOUS”: FACEBOOK BEGINS ITS DOWNWARD SPIRAL“:
During the past six months alone, countless executives who once worked for the company are publicly articulating the perils of social media on both their families and democracy. Chamath Palihapitiya, an early executive, said social networks “are destroying how society works”; Sean Parker, its founding president, said “God only knows what it’s doing to our children’s brains.” (Just this weekend, Tim Cook, the C.E.O. of Apple, said he won’t let his nephew on social media.) […]
It knows how to send us the exact right number of pop-ups to get our endorphins going, or not show us how many Likes we really have to set off our insecurities. As a society, we feel like we’re at war with a computer algorithm, and the only winning move is not to play.
There was a time when Facebook made us feel good about using the service—I used to love it. It was fun to connect with old friends, share pictures of your vacation with everyone, or show off a video of your nephew being extra-specially cute. But, over time, Facebook has had to make Wall Street happy, and the only way to feed that beast is to accumulate more, more, more: more clicks, more time spent on the site, more Likes, more people, more connections, more hyper-personalized ads. All of which adds up to more money […]
The following is an excerpt from the reading, “Former Facebook Executives Warn Social Media is Destroying Society“:
For those of us who use social media, we’ve all experienced the familiar “I’ll pop onto [insert platform of choice] for a minute, just to see what’s going on” and then realize, hours later, we’re still scrolling through our news feed, clicking the like icon or having our blood pressure rise by a troll’s diatribe or some other unpleasant post.
Regardless that a Harvard study has established social media platforms are highly addictive – and as pleasurable to the brain’s reward center as food, money and sex – I still often curse my lack of self-control and wasted hours where these sites are concerned.
Although I’m well-aware of the dark underbelly of social media, it’s surprising to see two former Facebook executives — former President Sean Parker, and former Vice President for User Growth, Chamath Palihapitiya — very publicly announce that Facebook is “ripping apart the social fabric of how society works,” and that it’s specifically designed to exploit human vulnerability and psychology
Cultivating a Culture of Impatience and ‘Fake Brittle Popularity’
During an Axios event in Philadelphia last year, Parker warns that Facebook was intentionally designed to consume as much of our time and attention possible. Using manipulative psychology, the platform is structured in such a way to give you a little dopamine hit for each like and share, which in turn encourages you to contribute more content and interaction […]
Moreover, Palihapitiya believes social media platforms have encouraged our society to be extremely impatient, fostering the expectation of instant gratification. They also strengthen our “perceived sense of perfection” with short-term signals: hearts, likes, thumbs up, which we confuse with true value […]
The following is an excerpt from the post, “The Irony of Not Accepting Emotional People“:
I haven’t watched the mostly negative news for over six years or so, and I’ve also had no desire to focus on political matters.
However, I became curious about a recent theme that popped into my physical reality; I wondered what I could learn from the various perspectives from the Mark Zuckerberg trial (to include Mark’s, the CEO of Facebook) via several short, YouTube videos.
Note: Images found next to links =>Pinterest (right), Conscious Reminder (below left), and Humanity Healing Community (below right)
While watching the 1:17 short video, “Blumenthal on Zuckerberg: ‘We’ve seen the apology tours before.’“, I was glad that Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) brought up a great point.
There were also great points brought up by a handful of other senators (that I’ve seen so far from other videos clips), to include the one from Delaware, a few of the women senators (one from Cali), and the refreshingly straight-up and initially hilarious senator (from Louisiana), who basically told Mark Z.—after sharing some of Mark’s “magical” strengths—that “there’s some impurities in the Facebook punch bowl,” their difficult to read and understand terms and services agreement was a load of crap, and that Facebook was just covering their ass.
Granted, my husband brought up a great point in that terms and services in general (from any company), along with legal documents and laws/bills, aren’t easy to read either.
By observing several players of this trial, I was also able to feel compassion towards the very uncomfortable appearing Mark Z. for the first time—who was being grilled back to back to back—and the very frustrated people represented by the annoyed senators. […]
Just when you’d like to give someone a benefit of a doubt (just in case they changed for the better)…
“You Will Wish You Watched This Before You Started Using Social Media | The Twisted Truth“
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