Note: The following section is an excerpt from the post, “An Unexpected Appearance of 111 After a Car Accident,“ followed by insights under the subtitle Update
Since it was pouring rain, and I was soaked and very cold, I stayed in the Denali. As I sat there trying to process what had happened, a part me—my fragile, fearful ego self—felt as though my life was crumbling to tiny pieces. I felt angry that no matter how hard I tried to be my best and do my best in life, nothing seemed to ever work at any of my four jobs in Sedona within a year.
I started to feel that something was seriously wrong with me; however, I caught myself from the old and outdated habit of being so incredibly hard on myself. I just wept, trusting that I was letting go of what no longer serves my Multidimensional self (physical self)/Self (Source: Soul/SPirit within).
Note: Image on right above found next to link => Pinterest
Speaking of letting go, earlier that day, I noticed a total of two geckos (or small lizards) at different times. Anything that repeats usually reminds me of a blinking neon sign that Spirit within—or an extension(s) of Spirit—is trying to get our attention.
Geckos (or lizards) have been reminding me to detach from the old and outdated (the way they are able to detach their tails when needed, and can still survive). Note: Example story in post, “The Presence of Moth, Wasp and Gecko Uplifting Me“
The first time I saw it, I thanked the gecko spirit guide within, and the second time I saw it, I stated calmly and confidently, “I’m letting go of everything that no longer benefits self/Self.” But I had no clue that detachment was coming so soon, but I trust that omnipotent Spirit isn’t limited to any schedules and expectations, or bound to any worldly rules or laws.
Note: Images right above found next to links => 1) Deskgram and 2) Pinterest
Helpful reading inserted on 9/3/2018: “Lizard Symbolism & Legend of Lizard Meaning: Revealing Secrets of Regeneration“ (not able to copy and past, so had to type):
Lizard is an ancient one […] He has transcended the powers of survival into the powers of regeneration. He intrinsically knows that he has the power to survive anything, to overcome anything, and to heal from anything […]
Note: Images found next to links => Pinterest (left) and (right bottom)
Lizard symbolism teaches us that there are powers yet untapped within us too. Powers of regeneration and renewal are available to us so that we may be transformed and transcend beyond our wounds and what has happened to us […]
It is only when we can let go that the process of transformation and regeneration can begin. In the warm glow of this knowledge, just as the Lizard bathes in the sun, we can see that our horizons are many many new possibilities await us.
Regarding above quote: “I felt angry that no matter how hard I tried to be my best and do my best in life, nothing seemed to ever work at any of my four jobs in Sedona within a year.”
Note: Image on left found next to link => (“A graphic designer camped out in freezing cold conditions to capture a spectacular shot of an erupting volcano – only for a LIGHTNING BOLT to strike the…”)
Yes, you read right, and I realize how “bad” that sounds and how it’s more than likely frowned upon by employers checking out my resume; but it doesn’t matter anymore because I ended up permanently deleting my online resume that I had posted for a while.
Note: Images found next to links => (top right) Giphy (bottom left)
In addition, I finally embraced today, the sporadically repeating reminder that I had suppressed for years due to my own doubts about the human aspect potential of my Multidimensional self/Self.
In addition, I wondered if it was my fear-based ego self who just had wishful thoughts about being a starseed in order to feel extraordinary.
Granted, for at least a couple of years or more, I’ve experienced seeing white sparkles of light in my left peripheral vision every now and then, which I recorded within this blog.
Note: Images found next to links => Aligning With Earth (right) Pinterest (left)
Shortly after having these experiences, I read in one of Barbara Marciniak’s books that the Pleiadians can show up in one’s physical reality as sparkles of light (don’t recall if the message include specifics like left or right peripheral vision).
Note: Image below on right found next to link =>
In addition, I’ve had at two, amazing, otherworldly dreams where I wondered if they were Pleiadians.
The dream of traveling with translucent, tall Light Beings (who all looked alike) is found in post, “Dream Messages from My Multidimensional Self“ I saw a bright, blue light emanating from the bottom of some platform we were traveling on (while standing up) when I looked down.
In another dream, I was running in a bizarre manner with some male being in an orangish-peach atmosphere, and we ended up in some hotel-like room where we playfully wrestled.
One moment I was playing, and the next moment I zoomed out and saw myself from the Observer point of view; and that’s when I noticed I wasn’t a human (for details, see this post, “Destiny from Earthly and Cosmic Perspectives.“
Note: Image on left above appears very similar to what I looked like in the above dream; hence, I was excited when I came upon this image later; image found next to link => Mysterious Earth (when I uploaded the same image a while back in a different post—don’t recall title—it was saved as “Pleiadian female.” But this one is saved as “Sirians”; so, whatever, I suppose it’ll come to me when I need to know this information. UPDATE (9/4): While adding a few updates today, I noticed the paragraph on the right side of this female being’s top head—starting with “In another dream.” It instantly reminded me of a pyramid, which then reminded me of Sirians who built the pyramids (like Thoth, who was also Atlantean; related stories shared in next post). So perhaps the image above is indeed a Sirian female (rather than a Pleiadian), and the dream I had was a Sirian female extension of Multidimensional self (earthly and otherworldly physical selves)/Self (Soul/Spirit within).
The insight that I received from within was that all the chaos I experienced while working at these unfulfilling jobs with disharmonic coworkers at Sedona, were about becoming aware of the red flags within these businesses that seem to be using Sedona’s famous reputation of a being a “mecca of spirituality” to their advantage, while not truly having the intention to operate from a more spiritually evolved, unconditionally loving state of integrated Mind/Heart.
Note: Image on right above found next to link => Pinterest
According to Barbara Marciniak’s book that I read years ago, Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadians, part of this particular starseed mission is to be a systems buster on planet Earth; and that was the repeating, silent, reminder that I kept ignoring.
Note: Images found next to links => (left) and AZ Big Media (bottom right; Sedona sunrise)
At a staff meeting at Red Mountain Sedona , when the owner asked all the staff about our favorite book we found ourselves reviewing, I shared (when it was my turn) the above mentioned book because I often review the highlights and notes because it had made the greatest impact in my life with its profound wisdom (story shared in one of the previous posts, “A Preview of Post: The Birth of Heartfelt Experiences that Stemmed from Integration“).
My expression about this book was/is the truth, though I continued to silently deny to myself the systems buster part within it.
So why the recurring pattern that seemed like purgatory-like work places on earth? Because, in addition to the systems buster aspect of Multidimensional self (earthly and otherworldly physical selves)/Self (Source: Soul/Spirit within), there is a more expanded perspective.
Note: Image on left above found next to link => Imgrum
I didn’t make it a priority to work on loving more and more aspects of self/Self unconditionally—which included acknowledging, deeply understanding, having compassion for, empathizing with, embracing and integrating all the unresolved, “negative” shadow aspects that were being mirrored to me ever since I left the first job in Sedona after day one.
Note; Image on right above found next to link => Tenor
Therefore, with each new job (and its set of certain coworkers), I got to experience a more negative version of these aspects, which by the fourth/last job (at Red Mountain Sedona), I got to experience the most intense, worst version of these negative shadow aspects.
Note: Image on left found next to link => Pinterest
See detailed stories within posts, “The Unexpected Encounters with Wounded Wounders in Sedona” (for Sedona jobs #1 and #2) and “An Additional Challenge of Sedona to Continue Integrating Shadow Aspects” (for Sedona job #3) and the post series below (for Sedona job #4).
Note: Image on right above found next to link => Pinterest
Note: The following posts are for this series, and is for Sedona job #4:
- “Finding the Good in Shadow Aspects that I Disapprove of in Self/Others“—under the third subtitle section, “The Shadow Aspect that Needs to:”—“
- A Preview of Post: The Birth of Heartfelt Experiences that Stemmed from Integration“
- “Negative Shadow Aspects of Self that Seem Damn Near Impossible to Accept“
- “An Unexpected Appearance of 111 After a Car Accident“
- “So-Called Negative Aspects of Self: Let Us Merge as One“
- “The Most Helpful Messages About Finding Your Purpose”
Note: Image on right below found next to link => The Reader Magazine
Update (in yellow green section only) inserted on 9/9/2018
I shared the following comment (related to this post) for this very profound and helpful video, “Find Your Subconscious Core Life Commitment – Teal Swan“:
Wow. I sensed that every “failed” civilian job I had after leaving the Army life was due to desiring to experience more freedom, but my fearful ego self wasn’t ready to let go of the comfort zone called the, “9 to 5 job” that provides a meager amount of monetary security. However COMMA, after experiencing the spiraling down of a total of four jobs within Sedona JUST within a year, I finally let go of the need to continue forcing myself to do what general society says I should do to survive.
I permanently deleted my indeed resume—-which wasn’t easy to do since it was time-consuming to input all the data online—and I’ve chosen to take it day by day while following my inner guidance, as to who to Be and what to do without worries about the future. I realized that I’d much rather thrive than merely survive in this world.
By the way Blake, you crack me up with your seemingly uncomfortable, yet, innocent child-like and goofy non-verbal cues! ^_^ I do highly respect and admire your transparent honesty, and if it’s true that your core life commitment is about going with the flow and simply Being a free-spirit who loves to explore and experience Life without limitations, then that’s awesome!
Perhaps you don’t resonate with cell phones (that gives off low vibrations) and having to often be there for others’ needs, wants, and expectations. Unconditional Love goes both ways, to self and others, and I’ve learned to develop healthy boundaries within relationships.
Thank you again Teal, Blake and rest of team for your gifts to humanity and beyond. I’m so grateful for your wonderful existence. Our world needs more highly evolved, loving, and wise Beings like you. I wish you various forms of happy abundance. 🙂
How can I say to another, “confidently OWN Being a starseed” (below) if I don’t do so as well? Well, I trust that’s why I had a strong desire to create and publish this post yesterday (9/3/18).
The following is a comment I shared for the video, “Are You A STARSEED? (How To Get CONFIRMATION)” on 9/2/18, but then forgot to add it to this related post yesterday:
Victor, I’m glad you decided to share this important video; confidently OWN Being a starseed, regardless if others understand, accept and/or approve of it.
I’ve watched other videos and read various readings about starseeds because I highly resonate with the topic, but it was nice to hear your unique perspective.
Like you, and many others, I’ve also had otherworldly dream state experiences, flash images of other than human beings during meditation, and some bizarre moments in this physical reality.
However, because I wasn’t sure if it was my ego self who had wishful thoughts about being a starseed, I also had doubts. But like you mentioned, we do reach a point where we intuitively know PERIOD.
I strongly sense that you are, indeed, a starseed, mostly from your vibes (vibrational frequency), and your very deep, eye contact, which I’ve experienced before from only a dozen or so of others who were very different from the majority of humans I’ve crossed paths with—not superior, like you said, just very different.
Their vibes felt like a very strong presence, their soulful eye contact was much more intense (in a good way), yet, very gentle than the average person, and they carried themselves in a very confident (but not arrogant) way; that’s just a pattern I noticed about them.
I trust that you will re-member your ancient lineage in Divine perfect timing and order. Until then, continue to Be your amazing, Multidimensional self (wonderful human selves/other world selves)/Self (Source: Soul/Spirit within).
The following are non-consecutive, quoted, key paragraphs that I selected from the website Library of Light: Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadians by Barbara Marciniak (the book that I mentioned reading above years ago), and helps me to better understand and know my Life Path, and all the earthly dramas that have been recorded within these posts/links above:
“We wish to throw out ideas for your consideration. We wish to encourage you not to get stuck-on any one idea and also to embrace what you are hesitant about or are fearful of. Realize that when you face the so-called dark portions or shadow portions of yourself, you are creating an opportunity of liberation for all concerned.”
“The emotional body, which is connected to the spiritual body, is the body that everybody wants to skip. You say, ‘I want to evolve. I want a rapid acceleration, but I do not want to go through the feeling center to do it.’
You are connected to your multidimensional selves through your feelings, and it is in your feelings that you primarily get stuck. Accept that your ‘stuff’ comes up for a reason. Many of you would like to bury your ‘stuff’ and throw it out in the trash as if it is something ugly and not who you are. This ‘stuff’ is the shadow portion of your identity that you don’t like to deal with or accept.
We understand that sometimes, when something comes up, you label it and say, ‘I hate this part of myself. I want to just finish it and sweep it under the rug and forget it. I’m finished with this stuff.’ Guess what. Your ‘stuff’-your issues-are the treasures of your life. They are how you learn.
You have agreed to mutate, to pull light into your body, and to birth the Family of Light on this planet. Since light is information, you must deal with all of the things you have hidden from yourself.”
“It is a vast plan you are participating in. All of you jumped at the chance to be here in such a challenging place at such a challenging time. You were certain you could do it. Also, you were told before you came here that there would be much assistance and that, at different junctures of your development, different entities would present themselves upon the planet in different capacities to trigger you, fire you up, and remind you-not to do it for you. We are one of those triggers, a catalyst. When you hear the name Pleiadians, you feel a connection because we are assisting you in bringing your own information, your own knowing, forward.
By working with you, it is our intention to offer you a reminder of who you are so that you can find the greatest source for your own inspiration. If we could assign a career to each of you or give you a way of being, we would ask each of you to become an inspiration. When you are able to live in this capacity and to be truly an inspiration to all who encounter you, you will be living your light, and that is quite profound.”
“You yourself chose to be here. You are on assignment to bring memory forward and to bring the value of human existence back to the forefront of creation. You are needed. You have been in training for this assignment for lifetimes, and you did not come unprepared. All that you need to know now is inside of you, and it is your task to remember your training. This is not a lifetime when you are going to be taught new information. As we said before, this is the lifetime when you are going to remember what you already know, and we are just here to remind you of it. That is part of our assignment.”
“As members of the Family of Light, you are renegades. You are systems busters, here to conquer your own fears and to show the rest of the planet that there is no reason to fear anything. You love to go in and cause trouble. You are famous, your branch of the Family of Light. You are famous for going into systems of reality and altering the frequency, thus bringing information. It is not your task as members of the Family of Light to proselytize. You simply go into systems and act as receptacles; you receive the creative cosmic rays into your bodies, the bodies that you occupy as humans. You are in disguise as humans, and you allow a process to take place.
You are coded, and as your memory begins to rise, you will respond to the plan with which you came here to participate to alter the frequencies. You will begin to hold, keep, and maintain a certain frequency and then to line it. Identity as frequency is the sum total of your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies broadcast as electronic pulsations. As you live your frequency, you affect everyone, every place you go. That is what you are doing now. There are many who already understand their assignment, and there are those whose memories are just beginning to rise. The plan to change the frequency modulation affecting the human species entails the rebundling of your DNA and of the light-encoded filaments. The plan is gigantic at this time. Earth is assisting, in its own way, the evolution of the universe. Earth is where things are happening: it is the hot spot, the place to be. It is where the plan begins to blossom, and what happens on Earth is going to affect many, many worlds.
As members of the Family of Light, you agreed to come to Earth many times-in many guises and in many different time frames-to learn the ropes, to figure out the character, and to become trained. You needed to experience Earth and to prepare yourself for the time when the frequency alteration would begin to occur and you would all incarnate in large numbers to bring the plan into action. The Family of Light everywhere is beginning to unite. You must all focus on what you have in common, not what you do not have in common. As members of the Family of Light, you bring information to the planet neutrally to stimulate your own growth. You need to do this for your own growth affects the growth of the planet.
Your DNA will evolve from two helixes to twelve helixes. These twelve helixes correspond to energy centers, or chakras, inside and outside of your body. Millions of you on the planet at this time are on assignment, and you have agreed to carry the frequency to accomplish this. Handfuls of you are becoming impeccable, and these handfuls are affecting the others. Soon you will begin to have great clarity as to who you are and what your assignment is.
This process is an incredible evolutionary leap for one to be involved in, and it is going to take place on an accelerated path for the next twenty years.”
“As each of you has been assigned to become informed and to bring about a frequency alteration on this planet, you must learn to become Keepers of Frequency. You must rise to a certain place of knowledge and consistently stay there. You must become in command of your body so that you can will it into stillness or into activity. You must be able to go inside yourself and heal what needs to be healed emotionally and physically. You must begin to part the jungle of self and find the clearing so that you can show others the way. Sometimes you will show others the way not by speaking to them, but just by maintaining, living, and working on your own frequency and having the courage to do this.
As systems busters and potential Keepers of Frequency, you will obviously go into the areas where your specialties are most needed. Many of the beings who have incarnated as members of the Family of Light came to the United States because this is the land where you can make the most progress. This also happens to be a land where denial is pervasive. You believe that you live in the land of the free and the home of the brave, yet you live in the most controlled experimental society on the planet. The tyranny that has been set up here is rather interesting, because it is a tyranny without walls. As a country and a collective consciousness, the United States still has not reached an awareness that something is not right. The environment of the United States is actually much more controlled than that of the former Soviet Union, where the control was obvious.
Because everyone is so frightened of giving up the system in the United States, they are going to be forced to give it up. The system is corrupt, it does not work, it does not honor life, and it does not honor Earth. That is the bottom line. If something does not honor life and does not honor Earth, you can bet it is going to fall, and it is going to fall big time.
Consciousness must change. This is part of the Divine Plan, and this opportunity and setup are not going to be missed. There has been an overinvolvement in the material world and a complete lack of understanding of the nonphysical world that exists all around you, so there will be a reprioritizing of what comes first in life. People will stand up, once they have lost everything, who had never thought of standing up when they owned everything. People will awaken to the incredible potential of themselves.”
“Ask yourself, ‘What is my identity? How can this be? Who am I within it?’ Then you will begin to release more of who you are to yourself, and you will be able to figure out many things.
Do you understand why you have come here to bust the system? Do you understand how complex frequency control is? Do you understand how fine and thin reality is? Do you understand how available reality control is to the human species-if humans would harmonize with one another, and act as though they were all provided for, and believe and create through their minds? We said some time ago that light is underestimated on this planet. Truly it is. If it became known how many individuals are gaining sovereignty over their thoughts and lives, and how many of them are broadcasting this sovereignty and living to teach it to others, those in charge would do something about it rather quickly. Light is underestimated, and it is a good thing, because light is going to liberate you all. You have an exciting assignment-an enviable job-and you have all the help you are going to need to complete your task. There has been a tremendous influx of entities and mother ships on this planet that are now acting as intermediaries or perhaps literal transducers of energy. The beams of light that come to the planet come from old and ancient star systems that have been working with Earth for eons and eons. Many of them are simply numbered by your astronomers, while others have names you are familiar with-Sirius, Arcturus, Orion, the Pleiades, and so on. Beams of light are being caught by quite a number of mother ships surrounding Earth, filtered through an entirely different system, and then blasted onto the planet. Many of you have implants inside of you to respond to this communication and to bypass psychotronic warfare and interference that would keep your frequencies jammed and prevent you from being able to receive this information. These implants are not negative. You were not abducted and probed to receive them against your will. They are etheric implants that you called to yourself as tools to receive off-planet energies. These implants are being activated now. Many of you are finding that you are feeling altered. At different times of the day, particularly when you are going to sleep, you are hearing a variety of tones or feeling a kind of electric vibration in your body.
When this information is beamed to you, your body must be able to receive it. In order for your body to receive it, it must be in a certain state. The information is like a current, and if your body cannot handle the current it moves into a state of discomfort. The people of Earth were programmed for this time, and there is no one incarnated upon the planet who can say that they made a mistake and did not know what was going to occur here. No one was born upon this planet without a mechanism inside of them that can be activated to tune into or turn on to the ability to house these frequencies.
We have encouraged many of you to move out of the logical mind because the logical mind will come into conflict with this information and electronic energy. In the next number of years, your understanding and vibration with the frequencies coming to you will be like turning on your own radio. You will have a direct telepathic link with mother ships broadcasting to you.”
“Who are the Bringers of the Dawn, and what is their role? The Bringers of the Dawn are those who carry the rays of the sun and bring light and knowledge. They have an ancient organization, an ancient society, an ancient spiritual bonding that keeps them doing certain work within a certain star system. You are members of the Bringers of the Dawn; otherwise you would not be drawn to this book. The members of this elite organization come to Earth at different times to do their work. This occurs when a cycle has been set and events are perfect for them to allow the energy from the high cosmos and the energy from Earth to merge within their own beings.
The energies from the cosmos are always coming to Earth, and the energies from Earth are always lifting up toward the cosmos. Humanity creates the sacred bridge between Earth and sky, which some have called the rainbow bridge. The Bringers of the Dawn allow these energies to merge so that the dawn, or the light, is awakened within them. They then bring that dawn to civilizations. This is who you are. This is what you are doing. So are multitudes of others. You are the Bringers of the Dawn.
“As Bringers of the Dawn, you are in your darkest hour before the dawn, when you may wonder if there is going to be a ray of light. Then, almost instantly, the light will begin to show from nowhere. Where will it come from? How will it change your thinking? How is existence as dark as it can be one moment, and then the next instant there is light? As Bringers of the Dawn, you will that light to dawn. You were trained for this; it is your forte.”
“To make this very simplistic, members of the Family of Light come from a place that is the central storehouse of information for the universe.
You cycle or spiral out from this central sun and carry the information from it throughout the various systems in this universe; you plot, plan, and travel. You are very unique in this regard, and you know it. You know when you look at the population that you are very different. You love rabble-rousing, and you love to bust systems open. When something says, ‘No Trespassing,’ it is for everyone else and not for you. You go wherever anything is shut down so that you can open it up. You operate by separating yourselves into many multidimensional identities and then going into systems to change them.
You sometimes incarnate in these systems for hundreds of thousands of years in preparation for the time when you may be called on to bust the systems. You have a resume to back you. For example, you incarnate on Earth a number of times soy that if the call goes out that Earth is going to be busted open and the paradigm is going to be shifted, you can say, ‘I have been there 247 times, in this many varieties, and once I was able to ascend my body. I did this, this, and this. If I go in for this game plan to bust the system, I am certain that I can refresh my memories, pull them up, defy the laws, and complete the assignment.'”
“You are magnetically and biogenetically tuned and designed. The members of the Family of Light are much more than human. Characteristically, you are supreme achievers in the multidimensional realm. One applies for a position in the multidimensional realm as a member of the Family of Light.
As members of the Family of Light, you have incarnated on this planet to prepare yourselves to do your work. What is your work? Your work is quite simple: you carry frequency into systems that have limited light frequency, because light is information. This is not cold, computer-data information; it is information that is transmitted biologically through an electromagnetic send-out of consciousness. This is what you are experts in. If you were to have a business card printed up for yourselves when you are in full memory of your identity, it would say something like: ‘Renegade Member of Family of Light. Systems Buster. Available for altering systems of consciousness within the free-will universe. On call.’
You go for it! This is what you do. This is an aspect of your identity that you all have in common, and you are here in the millions at this time. You are here primarily to remember who you are, to operate multidimensionally within the system, and to teach humans-the natives in this place that have been under frequency control for a long time-a new system. You are disguised as humans. As soon as you begin to realize this, you will extricate yourself from the human drama and the human dilemma of frequency control.”
“There was a great deal of dedication and preparation as the groundwork was laid and the training begun. There was much to be learned before this plan could be implemented, for it was a daring plan. It was the intention of these Guardians of Light to take light, or knowledge, into a reality where that light was not welcomed and did not fit. It was like putting your foot in a shoe that does not fit.
These beings had a plan to prepare for the time when that light would fit. These beings are you, and that time is now. The time has been carefully orchestrated, and each of you knows in the deepest portions of your being that you have come here for a purpose. You have come to begin the pivotal movement to release everything that has bound you up until now- into your reality, that has held you with fine threads like steel cords and locked you into ideas about yourselves and your relationship to the cosmos.
For those of you who have come to act out your plan and to work with the consciousness of light, your time is now. Your action springs from this moment. All you need to do is begin to allow this energy to come into your body. You must begin to vibrate with this energy and to clear the passages of the self, the emotional energies that hold themselves locked in your physical body. As you begin to examine the self, you will find that there are many selves in which to travel on the inner highways or inner nervous system of consciousness.
You will find that your society has been very cleverly designed to keep you from knowing this most intimate and rewarding and exciting portion of yourself. As Guardians of Light, you are going to create options of reality and bring them to the mass consciousness of the planet. You will do this by first doing it for yourself, creating an inner peace and inner love by accepting who you are and all that you have done in life and all that has been done to you in life. You will accept and integrate these things because you will know they have been exactly the situations necessary to bring you into this final stage of anchoring light.
This story is an ancient one, and it is stored within your body. Part of what we are requesting of you and reminding you is to open this historical treasure house and become an inner archaeologist. Be willing to travel the roads of memory of this lifetime and many other lifetimes so that you can begin to have a picture of the purpose of consciousness.
When you begin to picture the purpose of your own consciousness, and you discover the clever ways you have traveled, the many guises you have used, and the many actions you have participated in, you will learn to accept the totality of your being. When you are able to accept behavior that was not uplifting behavior, and accept your own identity of sexuality, and accept how you valued or did not value life in many lifetimes, it will open. a chakra center in your body that is located around the thymus gland, between the fourth and fifth chakras. It is through here that eventually the nervous system will open and information will flow and through here that you will begin to regenerate the body and move into unconditional love.
As you accept and explore what you have participated in, you will have a greater understanding of what is going on now on the planet. You will then allow others to dance to whatever tune they are best learning from at this time. There are some pretty chaotic tunes being played upon this planet, and there is a purpose to all of them. The purpose is to strengthen the self so that the self can become completely informed about reality. The self can then decide with clarity the soul’s path, or your personal path, through reality.
The original plan was for Earth to be an exchange center of information for all the different galactic systems. The Original Planners have not given up this plan. They were members of the Family of Light, and some of you have been very intimate with these Original Planners. Feel that for a moment.
We want to awaken your memories. We want you to begin to understand the magnitude of what is occurring to your species on this planet so that you can operate with comfort, knowledge, and knowing. “
“You all need one another. It is imperative that you work in harmony. If you don’t work in harmony, you will create Atlantis and all of the other destructions over and over again. Harmony is required.”
“Remove yourselves from your personal drama and realize that it is all symbolic […]
Each of you carries energies to resolve within your collective experience. As members of the Family of Light, you each have your reincarnational goodies- your “stuff”-in areas that most impersonate you and that you find to be stimulating. That is why you are all different. As members of the Family of Light, you need to branch out or fan out to get the hang of being human. You need to cover the full spectrum of experience so that you can comprehend from a cellular level how much needs to be transmuted, how deep the sense of powerlessness runs, and how lost the energy of the Goddess is from the consciousness of the species.”
“For many people, it seems as if this shift is completely beyond all possibility. But not for you who have studied this energy as alchemists and ancient Atlanteans in temple life. The training you have had in other times is encoded within your beings to prepare you for this juncture.
The people who leave the planet during the time of Earth changes do not fit here any longer, and they are stopping the harmony of Earth. When the time comes that perhaps twenty million people leave the planet at one time, there will be a tremendous shift in consciousness for those who are remaining. When a large group passes over together, they create an impact upon the consciousness of those who remain.
Expand yourselves. Begin to dwell in other realities besides the reality that is work and sleep and eating. When you are awake, let your mind expand to possibilities and let ideas come to you. Ideas are free; they are everywhere, and there are broadcasts continuously coming to the planet.
When Earth does its shifting, not everyone will experience the same thing. Those who need to experience destruction will experience an Earth shift or rotation with destruction because they will not fit with the new frequency. Those who are prepared to hold a higher vibration will experience a frequency shift. So for one person there may be the end of their life as they know it and dire destruction, while for another there will be a state of ecstasy. All potentials exist. Remember, you live in a symbolic world that is a result of your thoughts. The outside world represents to you what is going on internally with you. So if the world is falling apart, what does that represent? It represents the falling apart or collapsing of what is inside in order to create the rise of a new system and a new energy.”
Divine Goddess & God
“You must create it [Empowered Female]. Begin to recognize the wealth of energy in the female version of self, which is intuition, receptivity, creativity, compassion, and nourishment. You are discovering that there is a wealth of identity in an essence that has been discredited for along time. If you are female, of course, you are a living form of that essence. Men must discover their form of the Goddess within themselves where the Goddess meets the god in them.
By the same token, the view of the masculine is distorted. You do not have an example of an empowered, feeling male. Society has deemed feeling males ‘soft’ and lacking in masculinity. Men are beginning to look at their emotions and say, ‘Hey, I feel this,’ and know that they are still men. So men and women are both creating role models for empowered, integrated versions of masculine and feminine. These models are coming, and they are coming quickly. The time for separation is finished.
Twin Soul/Twin Flame
As we mentioned, it is not outside yourself that you are looking for a twin flame partner. You are looking for the integration of the female and male essence within yourself. They make one whole. Whole people are looking to connect with other whole people in relationships that are based on trust, desire, and choice. The relationships are not based on ‘I need you in my life to complete me and validate me.’ You become complete in yourself and operate with someone else who is complete in themself and offers a whole new territory to explore.
When you marry that twin flame inside yourself, you are recognizing the intuitive, Goddess, life-bringing, sensitive portion of yourself as well as the portion of yourself that is powerful, rational, and intellectual. One that is very much of the Earth plane and the other is very much of the spiritual plane. When you merge these energies together in yourself, it will be imperative that you find someone who has the same qualities. You will not fit with someone who is not integrated and whole. You will automatically draw whole people to yourself, and it will be effortless. You will be able to plug into one another out of desire and recognition, not out of need. You will achieve something that you never recognized as a possibility in any relationship before, and you will give relationship a very new personality, a new boundary, and a new definition. You will become your own role models for this new type of relationship. Many of you will find that the marriage institution is meaningless. It will not fit and house what you know or how- you want to live.
As all of you are on the path of integrating the polarities within yourselves, difficult issues are going to come over and over again. Welcome the difficult times, for they can be your greatest teacher. Stay focused on your own growth, your own path, and your own self, and not on what others are doing. Call on your own internal masculine and feminine and set up a dialogue between them so they can begin to work in partnership and harmony. Give yourself a lot of love and encouragement. Make an appointment with yourself and say, ‘I love you, self. You are a wonderful self. You are A-Number-One, the best self.’ When you give yourself the dignity of your own love, as if you were royalty receiving the accolades of the people, everything changes. Strength and integration become yours because you believe in and love who you are. When you believe in and love yourself, everything starts to go your way. The most difficult thing for most of you is making the commitment to believe you deserve love. No one else has to love you. You are not here to go around gathering love from other people to convince yourself that you are worth it.
You are here to master a very difficult task in a system that is dark and gives very little input, stimulation, or information about the true story. You are here to do the impossible. By committing to love yourself and making this commitment the number-one step from which you operate every day, everything falls into place. You become whole and complete. Then you are ready for a bonded relationship with another who is complete, and that relationship can take you into unexplored realms.”
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