August 12, 2015 (transferred from journal)
Last night, or sometime this morning, I had a dream of being in front of a pregnant woman whose belly was the shape of a cube/box rather than round.
Even within the dream, I couldn’t help but to stare in awe; there was no interference from my logical mind thinking thoughts like, “This is impossible!”
Although the dream was vivid, the woman’s face was elusive in its details; however, her presence felt peaceful. At one moment, I noticed that woman had a baby seemingly attached to her right side of her now flat belly, and he/she was smiling at me.
Note: Image on right above found next to link => (thank you)
When I woke up, I sensed that the dream, like other symbolic dreams I’ve had in the past, had to show up in the seemingly bizarre manner that it did so that I wouldn’t mistaken it for a human parallel reality experience as Multidimensional Self/Divinity within.
I chose to trust that this dream was a message from Mother aspect of Divine Goddess within that “All is well,” and to prepare myself for the birth of what had been within her belly/cube…perhaps a Divine child.
I trust that the cube (as well as the circle) is symbolic of one or more of the following meanings, and that I will know for sure in Divine perfect timing and order:
- Metatron’s cube: From the reading, “What is Archangel Metatron’s Cube in Sacred Geometry?“
- “Earth is the cube where you become light in action, the loving passion of creating and creation.”: A quote from the book, The Nine Eyes of Light: Ascension Keys from Egypt by Padma Aon Prakash (that I haven’t read, but found excerpts available within the web)
- A paragraph and quotes from the reading, “Symbols of Presence in the Japanese Culture:
- A Himorogi is a square or cube, temporarily erected sacred space or altar used during a land purification ceremony. In ancient times before there were shrines in Japan, religious ceremonies were performed in these square sacred spaces in which a God would be invited. In the center of the area, a large branch of sakaki, representing the tree of Life which symbolizes the heart longing for presence, is erected in which the God, the Higher Self, descends.
- When the desire comes, it is a Tree of Life. — The Bible, Proverbs 12:12
- I am Quetzalcoatl. I love heaven and earth equally, and I come to plant the four branches of the Tree of Life. — Mayan Texts
- All things related to the state of prolonged presence are represented by the square, the circle and the triangle.
- The circle symbolizes the beginning and the end of nurturing the primordial open nonreified true one energy, the energy of Divine Presence.
- From the website, Simion the Evolutionary Collective: 7th dimension light beings : “The cube is the limits you leave behind and transcend as you recognize it is your consciousness that creates all boxes. You can interpret it with different words, as you wish, but the essence is imprinted within.”
The smiling baby in the dream reminded me of the presence of the Divine Child within us all—happy to finally be awake, alive, and unconditionally loved by The Great Mother/Infinite Creator.
I trust that the circle and sphere represents the Divine Feminine, and after seeing images of a cube within a circle or sphere, I also trust that it is the Great Mother Goddess who gives birth to all non-physical and physical life (physical represented by the cube).
Yesterday, while out in our backyard, I asked my husband to no longer put out his cigarette ashes within the square, rock foundation, located in the center of our yard.
I continued that I considered the square area my sacred space where I lay out and recharge all of my crystals, as well as call upon the frequency of Light/white pillar of Light. I also mentioned that our dog uses the rest of our yard for his business, but since he doesn’t pee or poop in the center square, I considered that spot sacred.
I then suggested that he use an ashtray instead, and to my great surprise, my husband smiled a gentle look that expressed an unspoken apology, and he granted my request.
I trust that my gentle loving and honest approach helped the matter, rather than using a nagging approach–that I’ve been guilty of—which has been proven ineffective by many married couples in this world throughout modern history.
My husband had built the attractive, seemingly perfect square, rock foundation himself a while back, and I trust that he had been inspired by his Divinity within since that was his one major, creative project that didn’t involve real estate. He did a great job, and I’m proud of him for following his heart, which I shared with him.
I trust that sacred spaces help us to better communicate and commune with our Divinity within since the act of co-creating sacred objects and spaces, especially using sacred geometry, brings life to them, amplifying the higher energies.
This past Spring, I co-created a circular altar with five figurines representing the aspects of the Divine Goddess within, and shared pictures of them within the post, “An Altar Dedicated to Divine Goddess Within.”
I trust that the circle represents Yin/Divine Feminine energies (such as the high energies Pleiadians and Sirians), and I wrote about a dream that I had of a group of orcas facing my dog at a swimming pool in a circular formation in the post, “Adventures with Cetaceans in Dream State.”
For me, the square is symbolic of the elements: water, air and fire, and Mother Earth (i.e., square representing the physical world according to sacred geometry), the four directions and four seasons (according to Native American beliefs), as well as Yang/Divine Masculine energies (such as the high energies of the Arcturians).
I’ve seen a square in my dreams at least two other times, and for one of them, I had co-created a post about it titled, “Running with Bears and Dogs in Dream State.”
The other dream of a square was a bit “disturbing” at the time that I didn’t bother to share it. I don’t recall all the details of the vivid dream, but I do remember seeing what appeared to be a young boy with a square face in a dark environment.
And when I stated “square face,” I don’t mean the way society typically describes the shapes of human faces (e.g., egg-shaped, round, square-faced, etc)…the boy’s face was an actual square.
I only saw him from the front, so I wasn’t able to get a 3D angle; however, it may have been a cube/box shape. At one point, he approached a woman who opened up her arms, and that’s all I recall.
Although I may not have all the information, I trust that the dream is also symbolic of the Mother aspect of the Divine Goddess within us all, who embraces all of Life (All That Is)—to include the collective ego self of humanity (symbolized by the square-faced boy), and even the most “dark”/unknown stuff of life.
I’ve seen a pregnant woman in my dream at least one other time that I recall, and I co-created a post about it titled, “Precious Gifts from Mother Aspect of Divine Spirit/All That Is.” Even in that dream, I trust that I had received a message from the Mother aspect of Divine Goddess within.
Had I not had this dream of a woman being pregnant with a cube belly, I would not have come upon other information/knowledge/Light that would highly benefit my individual and collective soul growth and evolution.
The following are selected key sections from the reading, Saturn Worship, that I trust is very important for us to know, especially in better understanding of the meaning of “El” within words like Elohim, why the bible’s god stems from “CubeGod,”, why our society wears black robes and black square hats for graduation, and why we have a highly controlled and corrupt educational system:
“When you graduate from high school you come out processionally with a black robe, which is black for Saffron, the God of the Hebrews, requiring that you wear the square mortarboard on top of your head.
The square mortarboards are, of course, used by the Freemasons for their plaster, so that is why you wear a square mortarboard when you graduate, ultimately becoming an Alumni. It all has to do with Freemasonry; it all has to do with the control of education in this country.”
Jordan Maxwell, “Matrix of Power”
First you pay out your “tuition” to get into “universe”ity where they strip you of your Intuition and give you an Indoctrination.
Then you receive a “MaStars” Masonic “degree,” while wearing a Masonic mortar board cap and Cult of Saturn black robes to become an Alumni/Illumini. Graduation means to increment or retard progress.
As Jordan Maxwell says, “the true meaning of Graduation is gradual indoctrination.”
However, regardless of how the powerful, yet corrupt, so-called “elites” have manipulated and controlled this world throughout history and today, I trust that their immature, extremely selfish, unwise, spiritually unevolved, and unloving ways are coming to an abrupt end soon.
New Living Translation
“Do not judge others [which I trust includes those labeled as “bad” “evil” and even the condemned such as “Lucifer”], and you will not be judged. Matthew 7:1 [UPDATE inserted on 3/14/20: I realized that I, too, was being judgmental towards the so-called “elites” mentioned above in pink font]
I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.’ [ Jesus didn’t mean he was in prison because he was also visiting prisoners, the way some Christians may misunderstand the words (or like to manipulate them); but rather, he was stating that God (of both the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies and consciousness) is within all of Life, to include the so-called unforgivable prisoners, and that Christ Consciousness (which Jesus had) is available to all souls] Matthew 25:36 [UPDATE inserted on 3/14/20: I realized that since God is omnipresent, the exact quote can apply as well]
But I say, love your enemies! [which I trust means Unconditional Love (the way Jesus loved God, humanity and beyond) not the typical conditional love of the majority of society in order to appear “good” on the outer surface and to enter a place called heaven] Pray for those who persecute you! Matthew 5:44
Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing.” [Because their unloving [unaware] ego selves (which stems from low and dense fear energy) had forgotten their Divine essence within] And the soldiers gambled for his clothes by throwing dice. Luke 23:34
The Great Mother is now fully present, and the most powerful Divine Goddess energies will soon heal, transmute, integrate with, and balance out the collective young male energies on this planet within every male and female being—so long as we are open to it—transforming our fearful ego selves (who has forgotten its Divine essence) into the Divine Masculine that its meant to be; hence, allowing us to Be who we truly are: God, Goddess and Divine SPirit/All That Is within—-I (God) AM (Goddess) Presence/Christ Within/Twin Flame within/Divine Child within.
Resistance will only lead to further chaos and suffering. Acceptance and going with the Cosmic flow will lead to much truth, peace, joy, abundance, freedom, creativity, wisdom, and unconditional love; hence, humanity tuning into a parallel reality where we can finally see—through the ancient eyes of Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within—the already existing Heaven on Earth right before our eyes.
While searching for a matching image for the top of this post, I was drawn to an image that most highly resonated with my dream.
Since I was curious about the meaning of these specific crop circles—which I trust most are authentic (not overly logically minded men attempting to replicate)—I had an urge to click on the the title of the reading next to the image, “Moving Beyond The Pythagorean Matrix.”
I’m very grateful that I came upon this reading, because it provided me with an answer to my question, “What is the spiritual meaning of the cube within a circle/sphere?”
In addition, I wondered if the italicized sections below (in light yellow)—from the above reading/link—has anything to do with the following Divine synchronicities I had experienced recently:
- often seeing the sacred numbers 144 and 777 lately, among many others (e.g., 10:10, 11:11, 12:12, 9:11, 11-99, 111-999, 2222-9999, 12:21 and other palindrome numbers, etc.)
- ending up with a hotel room number 144 on a trip a few months ago and experiencing strange and intense energies that night (which I wrote about in this blog)
- dreaming of seeing two blue beings for the first time—other than a past or future blue version of me as Multidimensional Self—that night, who were initially hiding behind some bushes; I ended up interacting with one male being in what seemed like a sensual and/or sexual manner
- ending up with a hotel room number 222 on a recent, third trip; I trust this has to do with the “Beloved” within me reminding me to Be Balance, Harmony and Faith (what I learned from the website, ANGEL NUMBERS – Joanne Sacred Scribes) during a very challenging time, among other meanings that I’m not aware of yet. In addition, I intuitively trust that the sacred number also has to do with Enki/Thoth/Quetzalcoatl/Jesus the Christ (Revelation 22:16: “Morning Star”)/Lucifer (not the religious Lucifer meaning, but the true meaning of Lucifer which is “Bringer of Light”/”Bringer of Dawn”/”Morning Star”)
- having this dream of a cube (represented in dream as pregnant cube belly) within a circle/sphere (represented by pregnant woman):
The 666 cubic matrix is the point in the spiritual growth of a soul where freewill is realized. The outside circle shows the potential for growth into the 777 cubic matrix where cosmic awareness arises. This is humanity moving beyond the Pythagorean matrix […]
The “beast” aspect of the 666 cubic matrix is a fear based overlay clouding human awareness and imposing illusionary separation from God. The Pythagorean Matrix is the measurement of man and woman. It is sacred geometry.
Forty years ago I was taught, “By working in Christ Love and Service one moves beyond the power of 108 and into the power of 144”. The crop circle shows this spiritual growth. A 666 cube has 108 levels in it. A 777 cube has 147 and thus includes 144 plus three more.
Note: Image on right above found next to link => (thank you). Also check out clear and vivid images of a huge crop circle in the shape of a cube within a circle within the reading, “Geometrically Perfect 300 Foot Crop Circle: Hackpen Hill.”
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