I absolutely LOVE this very helpful video => Nat’s Numbers: How This 11/11 Will Activate Your Inner Psychic Pathfinder, and had to share it with whoever happened to come upon this blog.
As I was intently listening to Nat’s words that stemmed from much Light and Love, I felt much excitement, which is always a sign that we’re in alignment with our soul/Spirit within—something I learned from Bashar (channeled through Darryl Anka), as well as the Pleiadians.
I look forward to watching the movie mentioned in the video—The Truman Show, starring Jim Carrey (that I’ve never seen before)—that Nat extracted the mind-blowing story from, and relates to all the wisdom she shared.
I left the following comment (in italics) for Nat on the You Tube version of this video since I wasn’t able to from the video included in the numerologist website, due to no longer having a Facebook account:
WOW!!! What an amazing, inspirational and empowering story and truth. Beautiful Nat, thank you so much for sharing much Light and Love with humanity and beyond. Your essence radiates much peace, love and joy! Continue to Be an invaluable gift to All That Is.
The following are intention statements that I expressed today:
It is my intention to Be The Director of my life, and to clearly see—through the ancient eyes of Christ within—the already co-created Heaven on Earth.
It is my intention to fully remember who I truly am, to intuitively and confidently know who I truly am, and to fully and freely Be who I truly am at every moment…effortlessly.
It is my intention to always Be Prosperity Consciousness, trusting in Divinity within (to include the magnificent and generous Universe) that I always have everything that I need and desire, despite temporary, outer appearances, abundance, prosperity and wealth on all levels of my being—physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, and last but least…spiritually.
It is my intention to use Divine Love, Divine Wisdom and Divine Power from within to most highly benefit self, loved ones, Mother Earth/Gaia and beyond.
It is my intention to completely and effortlessly enjoy the rest of my soul/Spirit journey with much gratitude, inner peace, joy (to include much smiles, laughter, excitement, and humor), unlimited freedom, creativity, wisdom, abundance, unconditional love and much more from Cosmic Love Energy—the most powerful force throughout the omniverse.
I also added the following updates to the recent series of posts below:
UPDATE (this yellow paragraph only; added 11-8-2015): I chose to receive a free report from numerologist.com the day before yesterday since I had never experienced it before. To my great surprise, it was eerily spot (as it said it would be), so I not only ordered the full report (after following my intuition), but I also listened to Kari Samuels’ “The Soul of Wealth: Clear Your Money Karma” audio class. I was amazed how spot on this message is as well with my recent situation (the series of stories below, and had to share it).
UPDATE (this magenta paragraph only; added 11-10-2015): The overall message in this video—Scorpio New Moon Wealth Forecast – 11:11 Scorpio Moon Of Miracles (Nov 11, 2015)—deeply moved me, because it provided further insight into what I’ve experienced lately, even though I didn’t understand all the details of astrology. I trust that my soul/Spirit within knows all this information though my ego self/personality self didn’t remember them. Thank you Tania Gabrielle.
Note: This conclusion story—Inner Beliefs Revealed While Briefly Attending Paul Mitchell School: Shiny Object!—has been divided into three posts (with the last two not published yet)—1) Shiny Object! 2) Disguised Gifts from Shadow Self and Ego Self, and 3) Quitting vs Liberating—and stems from the following stories (in order by bullet number):
- Finding Power Within as a Minority of One
- Chaotic Experiences Leading to Insight of Male/Female Christ Within
- Answers to Questions from a Passionately Seeking Heart
- Recognizing and Acknowledging My Own Judgmental Ways and Loving Ways
- To Be Disempowered by Others OR Empowered from Within (though this post doesn’t appear to be related, I realized that the lesson within it does make it related to this series of stories)
In addition, one of the things I’ve learned—from Kari Samuels’ “Manifesting with Mercury Retrograde” audio class (a bonus from her “The Soul of Wealth: Clear Your Money Karma” audio class)—is that when Mercury is in Scorpio (astrology), the way it currently is (November 2-20, 2015), we have the opportunity to learn more about our shadow self within (mirrored back through others)—whatever our ego self doesn’t accept or approve of about ourselves (due to society’s conditioning and influence), as well as our unknown potential.
I’m very grateful that this confirms the insights that I received from Divinity within, regarding the above stories (posts within bullets), and how they’re related to my ego and shadow aspects of self.
The following is from the website Cafe Astrology, which was also very helpful:
Mercury is in Scorpio from November 2-20. When Mercury is in Scorpio, our thoughts and communications are more probing and intense. While Mercury in Libra urged us to find balance and to arrive at fair solutions, Mercury in Scorpio instinctively knows that life simplyisn’t fair. Mercury in Scorpio seeks truths in all that is hidden and undercover. We tend to probe, observe, and focus our thoughts under this influence. Looking for motivations–the more deeply buried the better–satisfies an intellectual need now. Our thoughts are profound. We throw away superficial manners of communicating in favor of deep conversations. Scorpio is extremely sharp, profound, and analytical. Thinking is inclined to be one-track minded, focused, and even obsessive.
Images above (in numerical order) found next to the links below (thank you all! ^_^):
- www.pinterest.com (COSMIC RAINBOW POWER)
- www.theeventchronicle.com (Rainbow Phoenix: Cosmic Awareness)
- www.naturesface.com.au (Cosmic Camelion)
- www.dimension1111.com (Starseed Silhouette Rainbow Faces)
- earthempaths.net (Enter The Rainbow Dragon)
- cultureofawareness.com (Cosmic Rainbow Lightning)
- theinsidedrop.com (“Images of the planet Mercury from the Messenger Spacecraft before it crashed onto the planet.”)
- pics-about-space.com (Mercury)
Added 11/11/15
- SUPER HUMAN DNA UPGRADES: WE ARE THE ELOHIM: This morning, I woke up naturally around 3:30, and I didn’t feel tired. Instead, I became excited as I recalled rapidly downloading much insights from experiences I had since mid-October of this year in a semi-sleep state. I’ve also been experiencing inner body vibrations at various degrees, hearing various tones, and much more, so I continue to trust that something extraordinary is occurring within me (as well as others); hence, I highly resonate with this reading, and chose to share it with my soul brothers/sisters.
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