- When I woke up, I felt so drained. I heard a louder than usual tone in my right ear, which surprised me because I had eaten a lot of things [the night prior] that supposedly brings down your vibration (see note in red below).
- [The following is a section of the note in red]: When I woke up this morning, and heard the tones, I thanked the Arcturians and Pleaidians because I sensed that they were helping me to raise my vibration. I also decided that I choose not to be limited by even their recommendations, although I realize they’re just trying to be helpful. If I am God, Goddess and Divine Spirit/All That Is [within me]…then I have the power to transmute low/dense/”negative”/fear energy; hence, I can continue to follow my path of excitement and passion (which lets me know that I’m in alignment with my True Self), which includes enjoying the foods that excite me and that I highly enjoy.
- I had a busy night of vivid dreams:
Note: Thank you drdivaphd.wordpress.com for image on right.
For the first time, I saw the figure personifying Death—the Grim Reaper—in my dream.
It grabbed a female figure (not sure if it was me) by her long, black hair and started spinning her around clockwise, and she was suffering.
I yelled at it saying something like I was going to return as spirit and do the same thing to it.
It then threw the female into the ocean, so I grabbed it by its ankles, and started spinning it around and around counterclockwise.
As I was spinning, I said something like, “I AM Hercules” in order to Be super strength I believe, because Death was so heavy. However, I don’t recall what happened next.
Note: Thank you www.nexusmods.com (left) and davidtfagan.com (right) for two images right above.
After I woke up from the dream, I thought it was funny how my first dream about the Grim Reaper was more like a scene from a comedy movie rather than a horror movie.
I initially had a feeling that the dream was symbolic of my release of fear about death in general, since it had been a while since I felt as though I didn’t fear death.
The following is my first interpretation of this dream back in February (part of journal):
My interpretation: I AM Releasing an old belief that even Death has power over me. I AM a Divine Being with Divine powers, and I AM on a Divine mission, and nothing will stand in my way.
Note: Thank you davidtfagan.com for image on left.
The interpretations below in blue are of the key symbols within the dream—Grim Reaper, the ocean, hair, and the color black— that I decided to use today from DreamMoods dictionary, that I’ve used as a guideline for a few years now, but somehow didn’t think to use it on February 4th.
To see the grim reaper in your dream signifies the negative, rejected aspects of your personality. It represents aspects of yourself that you have repressed. Alternatively, it symbolizes death. The dream may parallel an end to some situation, habit, or relationship in your waking life.”
To see an ocean in your dream represents the state of your emotions and feelings. It is indicative of spiritual refreshment, tranquility and renewal. Alternatively, the dream means that you are feeling empowered and unhindered. You have a positive outlook in life and are not limited by anything.
To see hair in your dream signifies sexual virility, seduction, sensuality, vanity, and health. It is indicative of your attitudes.
To dream that you have long hair indicates that you are thinking long and carefully before making some decision. You are concentrating on some plan or situation.
Black symbolizes the unknown, the unconscious, danger, mystery, darkness, death, mourning, rejection, hate or malice. The color invites you to delve deeper in your unconscious in order to gain a better understanding of yourself.
Note: Thank you www.juevesfilosofico.com (right) and ianchrystal.blogspot.com (left) for two images above.
The dictionary’s interpretation of spinning doesn’t resonate with me, so I followed my intuition/inner-knowing/inner-wisdom; click on my post, “The Lesson of White and Black Butterflies from Within” for the detailed benefits of spinning clockwise.
The following is my other interpretation of this dream:
I believe the suffering female with long, black hair (that the Grim Reaper was spinning) was symbolic of my shadow self. The long, black hair not only represents my old hairstyle/old self, but it also represented the attitude of my unconscious.
I believe my shadow self was suffering because it wanted to be free (no longer repressed/suppressed by ego self), accepted and unconditionally loved.
This explains why I’ve been seeing my shadows (reflections of my shadow self in others) throughout my entire life, and have only recently been able to notice, recognize, and acknowledge them as an aspect of myself, as well as understand, empathize with, have compassion for, forgive, accept, embrace and even unconditionally love them.
Since my ego self (who desired to be accepted and approved by society) had repressed and suppressed my shadow self (who’s considered “unacceptable” by society) throughout my life, my shadow self manifested itself as other people, and shouted, “NOTICE ME! ACKNOWLEDGE ME! EMBRACE ME! LOVE ME!”
The Grim Reaper was symbolic of my judgmental/fearful ego self (our persona/who we think we are with our lower minds) who believed that my “bad” shadow self had to be “put to death”/repressed/suppressed in the ocean (of feelings and emotions), in order for my ego self to no longer feel threatened by my shadow self.
I believe my ego self was also suffering because it, too, wanted to be free (no longer feeling obligated to be accepted and approved by society, and its definition of a “normal” or “good” person.), accepted and unconditionally loved.
My ego self (once again, symbolized as the Grim Reaper/Death) was heavy to me because its vibrational frequency was so low and dense.
So my wounded ego self (by society) became a wounded wounder to my shadow self—a part of itself that it had rejected due to the disapproval of society.
Like wounded children, both my ego self/shadow self were existing from fear-based beliefs.
I believe both aspects of me—ego/shadow self—were being the best they knew how to be, just desiring to survive with/as me, and protecting me from what they perceived—with the lower mind of fear-based beliefs—might be harmful to me.
They had merely forgotten their true nature—that they are also part of Light consciousness—and that Higher Self can help transmute their fear energy to love energy.
Perhaps I, as my Higher Self (since I had an intention to change to spirit), was spinning the Grim Reaper (my ego self) around and around counter-clockwise in order to raise our (my shadow self/ego self) vibrational frequency (the spinning of my chakras) and to integrate all aspects of myself (shadow self/ego self) with my Higher Self, so that I can fully Be in alignment with my True Self/Soul/God, Goddess and Divine Spirit/All That Is…embracing and unconditionally loving all aspects of me.
Perhaps my True Self used the powerful and exaggerated “I AM” statement, “I AM Hercules” in order to help me to remember the immense power that Spirit has.
Note: Thank you findyourmiddleground.com (right), youthtruthusa.com (left), www.123rf.com (left), www.zerohedge.com (right), and rapgenius.com (left) for five images above.
The italicized sections below are readings from two blogs, as well as a video, that gave me a better understanding of shadow self and ego self.
The following italicized section is from the post, “Integrating Light and Dark“:
This is the point where the shadow self needs to be integrated. The shadow is the opposite polarity.
A lightworker’s shadow self includes the voices of greed, selfishness, ambition, competition, lust, and the desire for power.
A darkworker’s shadow self includes the voices of love, caring, compassion, and the desire for authentic connection.
For either modality the initial impulse will be to repress these parts of the self, if they’re even acknowledged.
A lightworker, for instance, may do more inner work to try to transcend thoughts of selfishness, or s/he may try to rationalize or justify his/her actions as a form of service.
Similarly, a darkworker may subtly sabotage relationships and keep people at a distance, so they don’t get too close and point out the compassionate shadow self.
When the lightworker or darkworker can recognize that they’ve reached this point, then the work of integration begins.
For the lightworker it’s time to recognize that service to self and service to others are not in conflict. The more the lightworker serves him/herself, the more s/he can be of service to others. The lightworker must also recognize that s/he deserves to receive the service of others, and that denying this gift now would be a mistake.
For the darkworker it’s time to recognize that the best way to get what s/he wants is to serve others.
The more the darkworker begins to care about others, the more powerful s/he can become.
The darkworker must also recognize that s/he actually feels best when sharing value with others, and that denying the value of giving now would be a mistake.
When lightworkers and darkworkers begin to integrate their shadows, they both gain another increase in power. They also increase their alignment with the principle of oneness […]
Note: Thank you quotes.lifehack.org (right), kundalinidotorg.wordpress.com (left), inspirably.com (right), and www.cityofshamballa.net (left) for four images above.
The following italicized section is from the post, “The New Myth and The Shadow“:
The Wisdom of the Shadow
The most important and practical way we can begin integrating polarities is through “Shadow” work.
The shadows are all the aspects of yourself that have been disowned within you or are unconscious to you. They are your fears, doubts, difficulties, insecurities, and blocks that your ego will say are “bad.” These aspects of yourself in actuality are a very potent creative force.
The disowned or unconscious parts of ourselves (most often indicated by our “charged” reactions to people and situations) are truly the keepers of great wisdom. Shadow is simply the unseen face of light. Through working with it, you are provided the opportunity of healing yourself and living a more fully integrated life. Often there is great intensity associated with shadow issues:; Intensity merely indicates something that is asking to be recognized and transformed. Free yourself from the viewpoint of difficulty, drama, and struggle. Reinterpret this process as the vital creative force needed for change and growth. As you integrate your shadow issues and become more “transparent,” the projections of others begin to literally pass through you without creating charged reactions or emotional hurts. Working with the shadow has another benefit, too: in transforming ourselves, we help to transform others and the Earth. This work contains excerpts and inspiration from The Mayan Oracle: Return Path to the Stars by Ariel Spilsbury and Michael Bryner.
Note: Thank you conniezweig.com (right) and www.linkedin.com (left) for two image above.
The above mentioned quote (from the first blog that I shared), “The lightworker must also recognize that s/he deserves to receive the service of others, and that denying this gift now would be a mistake,” helped me to further develop my unconditional love of self—to include self-respect, self-worth, self-esteem, self-confidence, self-empowerment, self-forgiveness, self-compassion and self-acceptance—which I’m still working on mastering.
My decision to add a donation button to my blog is just one of the many decisions I made to help me to grow on all levels of my Being (mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually) that stems from this and other inspirational posts from the Steve Palvina. com website: Personal Development for Smart People, as well as many other helpful websites.
Note: Thank you mydharma.ca for image on right.
I used think that my blog wasn’t helpful enough to others to receive donations; and that very belief, stemming from fear, created a reality where hardly anyone read my blog, let alone give donations.
I believe, as I continue to work on reprogramming such fear-based beliefs, and transforming into my True Self, I will succeed on all levels of my Being on a grand scale.
The following have been helpful in this transformational process (not all inclusive), which can all be found throughout my blog, as well as from many other sources on the internet alone:
- Arcturian Sacred Geometry video
- repetition of positive affirmations and visualizations
- the Violet Flame mantra and visualization ( see post, “My Extraordinary Crown Chakra Experience” for the importance of incorporating this in our daily lives)
- the repetition of the “om mani padme hum” mantra and focus of its profound meaning
- healing music (sound therapy)
- incense (scent therapy)
- visually stimulating: food (e.g., red peppers, oranges, bananas, spinach, blueberries, eggplant, white fish, etc.), clothes, decorations around home, various healing crystals, uplifting videos, imagination, etc. (color therapy)
- deep breathing exercises (see post, “The Lesson of White and Black Butterflies from Within” for the importance of incorporating this in our daily lives)
- clockwise spinning (sets of 33 gradually up to 99), which tremendously accelerates the spinning of the chakra system
- prayer pose to communicate pure intentions from heart space
- overall healthy drinking/eating (while having “treat” days)—I also listen to my body signals, my senses, and feelings from my heart to determine what do drink and eat
- exercising (while having rest and recovery days)—I’ve been slacking lately, but I forgive myself since I’ve been very tired lately (due our bodies going through a lot with the ascension process), and I’ve been gradually moving away from daily schedules and routines
- telling myself (as often as I remember to), while looking in the mirror, “Bobbie, I love you unconditionally” (recommended in an Arcturian video). It seems a bit silly at first (at least to me), especially if you’ve never experienced those words beings said to you, but I believe it can become second nature as we practice ^_^
- welcoming everything that shows up in my life (challenging, but definitely doable), especially what could easily be perceived as “negative” by fearful ego self; all life experiences/lessons are either a blessing, or a blessing in disguise, for our soul growth/evolution
- often reminding myself that everything within me and around me is an aspect of All That Is…even gnats that used to annoy me. Two days ago, a gnat flew into my water cup, which would usually highly irritate me; however, I just noticed it (with very little irritation), and then poured out the water in the sink. To my surprise, the gnat was still alive. As its wet, tiny body started slowly crawling to the top of the sink—trying to live—I felt my heart go out to it. It was more than likely only going to live for less than 24 hours, so I got a sheet of toilet paper, gently dabbed the little one, and then set it free outside. I never imagined having such feelings for gnats; they even annoyed me during my dream state. The day that I feel this way about fire ants and roaches will truly be a miracle. 😉
- following my path of excitement and passion (even if its small or reading an inspirational book or watching an uplifting video)
- appreciating Life, especially the small things that we often take for granted, and enjoying and trusting (that everything happens in Divine perfect timing for our individual and collective soul growth/evolution) the Moment of Now, rather than dwelling in the past or being anxious about the future
- Being, giving and receiving our true essence/True Self => Unconditional Love, Peace, Joy (especially Excitement and Humor), Truth, Wisdom, Freedom, Abundance (having everything we need for our soul growth in the Moment of Now), Creativity, and anything else that stems from loving energies
Note: Thank you izquotes.com (left), spiritualevolution1111.tumblr.com (right), Brittany Harris’s section of www.pinterest.com (right), and www.justmommies.com (right).
Transforming the Female Wounded Warrior to the Divine Goddess´¯`·.¸.ღƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
(<= click on title to watch video in another window)