The following are sub-themes of the main theme/title of post:
- Intro
- Amazing Adventure with Dolphins
- Shifting from Whale, Dolphins to Orcas
- Labels of the Unknown
- Personal Interpretation of My Dreams
- Integrating the Galactic Puzzle
- Practicing Powerful “I AM” Statements
- My Will That Created Yet Another Way
- Another Step Closer
- Updates: to include post, “Additional Puzzle Pieces About the Advanced, Ancient Civilization of Atlantis“
Note: Thank you for image on right.
Since I’ve been very busy during my dream states being in several parallel realities and other dimensions as my Multidimensional Self, I’ve often been waking up experiencing fatigue, inner-body vibrations, various tones, and/or spaciness; so I pay attention to my body signals, and allow my body to rest as needed.
And even though I may initially feel heavy and sometimes disoriented in the mornings, I’ve practiced starting every morning with a positive attitude—to include expressing gratitude and appreciating the small things—which has made a big difference each day.
I also state my intentions for the day (e.g., “My intention is to fully remember and fully Be who I truly am,” “My intention is to activate all of my DNA and fulfill the Divine Will within me,” “My intention is to co-create heaven on earth with Divinity within me,” etc.).
Note: Thank you for image on right.
Rather than going through a routine where I journal my dreams (which I’ve been doing for over three years), I just trust that I’ll recall whatever portions of the dreams that I had that night/morning that will benefit me.
I then ask my Divinity within me/aspects of my Higher Selves (to include my angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters, Family of Light—Pleiadians, Arcturians, Sirians, etc.—spirit guides, animal spirits, etc.) to help me to learn/remember my life lessons from the 4th dimension/dream state, as well as other dimensions.
I then follow my intuition/inner-guidance/inner-wisdom and go with the flow, following my path of excitement—even if it’s something seemingly small—which informs me that whatever I’m doing or Being in that Moment of Now is in alignment with my soul.
My daily number synchronicities (i.e., 11:11, 12:12-9999, 11-99, 1:11-999, palindrome numbers, etc.) help confirm that I’m in the flow as well, even though I may not physically feel 100%, since my intention is to embrace the all of me. I also use resources outside of me (i.e., dream dictionary for guidance, books, blogs, websites, etc.)
Note: Thank you for image on left.
Amazing Adventure with Dolphins
Recently, I had a dream that I was either swimming with dolphins in the ocean (with my head above the water), and/or flying right above the ocean near them, which was a new experience for me.
It must have been later in the day, since the water seemed gray rather than clear blue; and the dolphins appeared brown rather than their usual light grey color.
As they rapidly weaved their bodies in and out of the water—a few of them looking back at me with their happy expressions—I couldn’t tell whether they were all dolphins, or there were other creatures present, like large, brown, eel-like creatures.
During the dream, the brown colored dolphins may have confused me. At one point, it seemed as though I was distracting (perhaps playing) the shiny brown backs that kept surfacing from the water unexpectedly.
Note: Thank you for image on right.
As I reached out to one of the creature’s back that had popped out of the water again, that suddenly made its way in front of me, I felt its skin, which startled me, and I immediately woke up.
That very brief contact seemed as though it had awaken my physical self with its feeling of realness. Overall, I had a peaceful feeling about this particular dream, along with a sense of awe.
I also focused on reliving the reality which felt so real; however, like a beautiful butterfly that can come and go in our presence in a heartbeat, the full details of the wonderful experienced was elusive.
Note: Thank you Gracie Harding on for image on left.
I wondered (since I wasn’t able to see myself) if I was even a human being while swimming or flying with these amazing creatures; strangely, it didn’t feel like I was actually swimming like a human typically does.
My movements felt effortless which made me wonder if I, as a possible Light Being, was flying right above the ocean with the dolphins.
Or…perhaps I was in some other physical form, like a mermaid. Yes, I believe in the existence of mermaids, among many other life forms throughout various realities and dimensions. Just because we haven’t experienced them yet, doesn’t mean they don’t exist.
Note: Thank you Cosmic Mermaid on
The following is from a dream dictionary that I often use as guidance:
To see a dolphin in your dream symbolizes spiritual guidance, intellect, mental attributes and emotional trust. The dream is usually an inspirational one, encouraging you to utilize your mind to its capacity and move upward in life. Alternatively, it suggests that a line of communication has been established between the conscious and subconscious aspects of yourself. Dolphins represent your willingness and ability to explore and navigate through your emotions.
Note: Thank you for image on left.
The following quoted and italicized sections resonates with me about dolphins, and are from the reading “Dolphin Dreams“:
“Cetaceans (the dolphins and whales) are transmitters of ancient wisdom and planetary ascension energies. The whales are wise, loving evolutionary guides, and the dolphins are joyful, telepathic messengers of galactic knowledge. Both the whales and dolphins bring about healing, deep growth and transformation. Their energies and consciousness can be received through shamanic methods, for the cetaceans are eager to make contact and share […]”
“To facilitate your ascension, it is necessary to FORGIVE yourselves and your Ancestors, for within your DNA, you hold many memories. Some of these memories may be hard to deal with, and you may wish to repress them. This is where COMPASSION comes in. It is a necessary ascension tool, right behind FORGIVENESS. Most of you through your ancestry have done it all: the good, the bad and the ugly! […]”
The last sentence from the last quote above reminded me of one of my statements near the top of my homepage, for both my old blog ( and my new one (this one,
Note: Thank you and for two images above.
Shifting from Whale, Dolphins to Orcas
July 17, 2014
Last night/this morning, I had a dream that I was swimming in the vast, dark teal ocean, diving deep down and feeling the warm, thick water envelope my entire body, and then rising up to the surface.
I’ve had plenty of dreams of being in a body of water, to include a lake, an ocean, a waterfall, water parks, and swimming pools. However, in this dream, the feeling of water on my skin never felt so real.
Note: Thank you for image on right.
Anyhoo, I couldn’t see myself, but I felt so confident in my swimming, which is interesting because in physical reality, I can barely make it from one end of the pool to the other with my self-taught, half-ass breast stroke/frog swim.
I don’t recall using my arms or spreading my legs, which made me wonder if I was even in human form (like the experience with the dolphins in the first dream of cetaceans).
At one point, I saw I ginormous face appear in front of me while swimming in such a harmonious rhythm.
Note: Thank you for image on left.
I’m not sure what type of whale it was, but after checking out various images on Google, the image on left (above) represents its’ old eyes well, and the image on the right ( as sad as it may seem) closely represents the whale’s face that I saw.
A part of me was initially a little startled (I believe my ego self/male energy aspect of me); however, I recall calmly thinking to myself (I believe my Higher Self/Divine Feminine energy aspect of me) that the next time I surfaced above the water, I would imagine that I was in a different reality.
Perhaps it was the wise whale being who telepathically communicated the idea to me (my Divine Feminine energy/Higher Self), reminding me of a teaching from the Pleiadians to basically not “freak out” while experiencing other realities, but rather, shift to a more comfortable reality that my (male energy/ego self) can gradually adjust to while traveling.
Note: Thank you for image on right.
Sure enough, I ended up in what appeared to be a water park. However, I saw light gray, slippery-looking bodies here and there (more than likely dolphins) under the clear, blue water.
I (my fearful male energy/ego self) became scared, and rushed to get out of the area that I was in, moving my hands along the side of the pool as fast as possible.
The next moment, I (my fearful male energy/ego self) hollered at someone who I thought was one of my sister-like Korean cousins (symbolic of my Divine Feminine energy/Higher Self) because I was frustrated that she was screwing around (fearlessly playing) in the potentially dangerous pool rather than rushing to get out like I did.
Note: Thank you for image on left.
I then turned around and noticed my dog (black and white Siberian Husky) in the other side of the pool surrounded by orkas, in a circle formation facing my dog.
I (my protective, yet, fearful male energy/ego self) was so scared for him that I started yelling at the orkas (who my ego self perceived as “killer” whales I suppose) that I would hurt them—stab them with something long and pointed that I could find—if they harmed my dog. Of course, they didn’t, and I woke up.
In physical reality, a part of me (my fearless Divine Feminine energy/Higher Self) is fascinated by orcas, especially after watching impressive videos, to include ones that showed their highly intelligent, loving, and social side, as well as their well-coordinated teamwork to trap a seal on an iceberg.
On the other hand, another part of me (my fearful male energy/ego self) is fearful of orcas, especially after watching a video of one effortlessly shredding a great white shark into countless pieces after cleverly smashing its body into it at a perpendicular angle at full speed; and I wouldn’t want to end up in a body of water with them. My intention is to release my fear of such magnificent beings.
Note: Thank you for perfect image on right.
Labels of the Unknown
As seen on the informative documentary, Blackfish, orcas have never been known to harm any humans in the wild.
And yes, there have been orcas who have harmed their trainers in the waterparks; however, as one of the women mentioned in the documentary—and I’m paraphrasing from memory, as well as adding my two cents—if one were to leave [imprison] a human being in a bathtub for years [away from his/her natural environment and loved ones], he/she would become “psychotic” as well.
Note: Thank you for peaceful image on left.
The following italicized section is from the reading, “Cetaceans“:
We have named one of the largest of the dolphins “killer whale”; the term is derived from the “whale-killer” used by the whalers of the last century when they saw Orcinus orca killing and eating the large whales (even as we do them, cows, sheep, and pigs). The bad press of these huge dolphins is hardly warranted. There is no recorded instance of an unprovoked whale ever attacking a human.
Note: Thank you for image on right.
“SeaWorld’s International Orca Abuse Exposed at Loro Parque” (<= click to open link in another window)
Note: Image above found next to links => 1) and 2)
It’s interesting that we humans will kill various animals (often, in the most inhumane ways), but yet, when we see another living being eating another creature, we give it a negative label.
Highly evolved extraterrestrial beings (e.g., cetaceans) might as well label human beings as “killer humans” since we have killed MANY life forms throughout the ages—and not just for food—whether it was our own species (to include our own race, coworkers, friends, family members, etc.) or other species.
Note: Thank you for image on left.
Throughout history, mankind (to include myself in this and past lifetimes) has labeled many things that we didn’t understand with negative labels.
Rather than being humble, and admitting that we just don’t understand or know, we choose to be arrogant and say, “Well, if I don’t’ understand or know—as an intelligent man that I am—then that unknown thing, creature, person, idea, belief, etc. must be less, ignorant, aggressive, bad, and/or evil.”
Note: Thank you for image on right.
Such arrogance throughout history has led to conclusions such as:
- the world is flat
- humans who have different color skin are less, ignorant and even barbaric/savages, which justifies inhumane treatment of them in various ways, to include slavery, oppression, and genocide
- humans who have tuned into their Divinity within them (rather than obeying the church), as well as learned to develop their ESP skills are evil witches or devil worshipers
- humans who believe in Divinity, but yet, take another unknown or different path (e.g., Muslim, Judaism, occult) other than Christianity, must be put to death “in the name of God” since they must be “evil”
- nothing exists outside of what humans can perceive through their five senses….although science has proven over and over again that this is not true (e.g., microscopic organisms, toxic colorless odorless and tasteless gas carbon monoxide, although humans cannot…bees can see ultraviolet light, bats can detect infrared light, and dogs can hear frequencies that humans cannot, quantum physics, etc.)
- the major, unknown portion of human DNA must be “junk” since very intelligent and well-educated scientists can’t seem to figure it out
- there are no other beings of higher intelligence than humans in this universe
- all E.T.s must have negative intentions since humans don’t understand or know them
The following quote is by Professor Michio Kaku, a Theoretical Physicist:
“Take a look at our galaxy. There are a HUNDRED BILLION STARS in our galaxy. Now take a look at the galaxies within our universe, we can actually count them. In the visible universe our telescopes have the range to see a hundred billion galaxies. Well, how many stars are there in the visible universe? Count them, a HUNDRED BILLION times a HUNDRED BILLION. That is an ASTRONOMICAL number. You have to be supremely arrogant [ignorant and fearful] to believe that we are the ONLY ONES in town.”
Personal Interpretation of My Dreams
I believe my dreams about being fearless in the presence of the whale and dolphins was my Divine Feminine energy/Higher Self, and being fearful in the presence of the whale, dolphins and orcas was my masculine energy within me/ego self, slowly integrating to the unknown world that my fearless Divine Feminine energy within me/my Higher Self is very comfortable with, as shared in stories throughout my blog.
Right after typing the above paragraph, it occurred to me that if I feel that my male and female energies are both present in my experiences now (and I just didn’t realize it before), then where was my fearless Divine Feminine energy’s presence in the scenario with the orcas?
If my fearless female cousin represented my Divine Feminine energy in the ‘dolphins in pool’ scenario, then my fearless dog must have represented my Divine Feminine energy/Higher Self in the ‘orcas surrounding my dog in a circular formation’ scenario.
Perhaps I can experience my Higher Self/Divine Feminine energy as my physical human self, as well as other living forms. Hmmm.
Note: Thank you for image on left.
Some other thoughts I’ve entertained about the orcas dream include the following:
- my dog (black and white) being in the center of a circular formation of orcas has to do with the balanced spiritual guidance (symbolized by black and white orcas) that is loyal (symbolized by my dog) to the completion (symbolized by circle) of my balanced (black and white yin and yang) masculine and feminine energies within me.
- the spiritual guardians (orcas) were pointing their faces toward my dog (“dog star”) to show me that they are from Sirius
Whatever the details are—which I’m going to trust that I will find out in Divine perfect timing and order—-I believe that the cetaceans are currently assisting me to integrate my male energy with my Divine Feminine energy within me; hence, my recent dreams of going on adventures with such magnificent beings.
Note: Thank you for image on right.
Integrating the Galactic Puzzle
A while ago, the more I learned/remembered about myself—through my experiences with self and others, as well as my self-study—my curiosity and yearning to reunite with my star family led me on a search outside/inside—outer reality reflecting inner reality— of myself.
Then, one day, I had a feeling about the Arcturians, after resonating with some readings on the internet, and my curiosity led me to buy the book, We The Arcturians, which highly resonated with me, though not so much all the technical details about the ship.
Note: Thank you for image on left.
I was then able to recall bits and pieces of my dreams that were related to Arcturus and Arcturians. Almost a year later, I happened to come upon a book while searching for another book (at a book store) called, Brings of the Dawn: Teachings of the Pleiadians, which I noticed on the internet before, but lost interest in. I believe I saw them once in my dream-state as well, and included the story in my blog.
Note: Thank you for image on right.
I once wrote a post about a multi-colored (light and dark colors), sparkling water being that I had seen in a dream a while back, and thought that it may be related to Sirius.
I’ve even had dreams about dogs (to include mine), snakes, various birds, bears, horses, rainbow-colored lions (once), a dragon (once), and other animals that might be symbolic of the members of Family of Light and/or spirit animal totems.
I’m now starting to sense that my so-called star family (Family of Light) isn’t just one family group (which I used to imagine), but rather, consists of at least three groups (the Arcturians, Pleiadians and Sirians); and I’m also highly drawn to Bashar (channeled through Darryl Anka) teachings as well, who is from Eshakani.
I have a feeling that I may end up being shocked if I find out that there are a lot more Family of Light members than my physical mind can conceive.
While searching for an image to go with this paragraph, I came upon this captivating one (on left above), and then had an urge to check out the link next to it (Shamanic Journey), which is very helpful (from what I’ve read so far) and relates to this post. As usual, I was meant to cross paths with this information by following my inner-guidance.
Note: Thank you for image on left.
After I finished writing this portion of the post, I was curious about my last set of dreams. Shortly afterwards, I came upon the following reading, which helped me to better understand my dreams, as well as my Family of Light:
The following are a couple of quoted paragraphs from the reading above:
“Cetaceans are the vibrational placeholders in oceanic realms. They complement humanity unconditionally, allowing us to raise our vibration providing we are open to it, teaching us and showing us how to play, activating our DNA, sharing data, information, reminders and wisdom. They sing songs of the planetary history and they are the keepers of ancient knowledge. Whales in particular are playing with planetary lay lines, the crystalline structures below the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic, bringing them to surface to activate and amplify the resonance to further complement humanity in the shifting of the planetary grid. They are all teaching us how to open our minds and hearts to information from their realm and other realities, other dimensions. other entities they communicate with on an ongoing basis, such as consciousness from Sirius, Eshakani, Pleiades, Arcturus and others.
[…] They simply swim the dreamtime with you, in which time and space does not exist in the same way. On a subconscious level, they continually remind you of your True Self and your divine spark. They also remind you of your freedom […] But ultimately, what making contact means is making contact with a portion of yourself.“
Quote from for heart-warming image (right above) of sperm whales basically having adopted a young, deformed dolphin: “A dolphin with a spinal deformity mills with sperm whales. A bottlenose dolphin, with an S-shaped spinal deformity, is seen here rubbing against a sperm …”
Note: Thank you (right) and (left) for two images on above.
Practicing Powerful “I AM” Statements
I (individual/masculine energy) AM (unity/Divine Feminine energy)
The italicized section below is from the blog Spirit Animal Totems. I turned the bullets into “I AM” statements with positive emotion, as I usually do with this particular section of the reading (e.g., “I AM Navigation…I AM Deeper Awareness, etc.”). If there happens to be a “negative” bullet(s), I turn it/them into a positive one(s):
Additional Associations for Whale:
- Navigation
- Moving through emotional depths
- Communication: Effectively expressing emotional experiences
- Conversation: Using emotional energy for fuel and not being consumed by emotional floods
- Deeper Awareness
- Cosmic Consciousness
- Emotional rebirth and understanding
- Nurturing and devotion to community
- Appreciation for beauty (especially song and dance)
- Importance of balance (emotional and otherwise)
- Inner awakening
- Creation
- Movement
- Strong sense of family
- Creative imagination
- Reaching within or outside to find inspiration
- Don’t hold back your endeavors
- Be strong and move swiftly
- Record keeper for all eternity
- All knowledge associated with voice, psychic, and telepathic abilities of the sea
- Beauty of movement
Note: Thank you for image on right above.
My Will That Created Yet Another Way
July 18, 2014
A part of me (my ego self) was impatient about the one particular dream I had on July 17, 2014. I couldn’t stop thinking about the dream throughout the day, where a group of orcas surrounded my dog in a circular formation. I kept wondering, “What are you guys communicating to me that I’m not able to comprehend yet?”
Yet, another part of me (my Higher Self) intuitively sensed that I would receive information in Divine perfect timing and order that would bring clarity.
And sure enough, I came upon the following reading today while searching for images to complete this post, and it was just so incredible that I felt a tightness in the middle of my chest, which I sensed was as expansion of my heart:
Mystery of the Orca: Masters in Our Midst? (Excerpt)
“It was the afternoon of July 26, 2003, at Orca Project camp on West Cracroft Island, B.C., when for hours we observed the most unusual behavior we had seen in 27 years of observation […]
The adult bull and six teenage orcas had formed a circle and all were spyhopping, rising straight up with their heads out of the water, over and over […]
Usually only one or two orcas spyhop at a time, but never in a circular formation with all orcas facing inward […]
The orcas also were making audible sounds above water as they spyhopped as though they were communicating with something, but what? There were no other orcas nearby, no tourist or fishing boats and no ships on the Strait […]
Then around midnight we all observed UFOs above the location of the orcas […]”
I also plan on requesting for the full article (above), as well as checking out the following from one of the comments from this reading:
“Surely Dr. Eaton [author of the article above] is aware of Mary Getten, who has communicated telepathically with the Salish Sea orcas extensively?! Telepathy is the primary form of communication for most beings beyond us. The orcas have plenty to say, as documented beautifully in “Communicating with Orcas” by Mary J. Getten.”
Another Step Closer
July 25, 2014
I received an email that was very helpful in better understanding my July 17th dream about the orcas surrounding my dog in a circular formation.
I won’t mention the person’s name for privacy reasons. I was informed that my husky may be like “Jack the Reader,” a horse that is a fully conscious being, and that there are many animals active now in helping humanity.
It was also suggested that I try telepathic communication with my dog since orcas and dogs came here from the Sirius Star system (dog star).
I was told that perhaps the orcas are communicating with me via my dream possibly about my husky since orcas are Dreamstate Guides for other people.
I then thought that perhaps the orcas were telepathically communicating to me that my dog was one of them (or not)…or, they were telepathically communicating with my dog to pass on Light/information beneficial to my soul growth.
I plan on using a shamanic journeying technique that was recommended that could be helpful to me: as I’m lying down to sleep, relaxed, I will visualize an orca and ask it to take me on a journey or ask what is the meaning of the dream of orcas surrounding my dog. I will then let it go and trust that I will receive the answer in Divine perfect timing and order.
This interesting blog was also recommended, and I plan on making contact with Ms. Jean Rockefeller when I successfully communicate with my dog telepathically => Jean Rockefeller – Healing Facilitator, Animal Interpreter and Empath
July 25, 2014
I typed “cosmic cetaceans” in Google in order to find an image that resonates with me for my subtitle section at the the top of this post, and I was drawn to this interesting website => Light Codes Quantum Holoforms
July 11, 2014
The following reading has helped me to focus on what areas of my being I need o work on more than others at the moment:
Male and female energies (Being Balance, and knowing the power of “I AM“) This reading has been very helpful to me, especially the following section:
“[…] True power is in the joyful alignment of ego and Spirit.
The area of the lowest three chakras is the most important area in self-healing and inner growth. The greatest spiritual challenge to you now is to take care of this wounded area in yourself. Meditating to transcend physical reality or connect to elusive cosmic levels is not your main goal now. Your goal is to give your gentlest understanding and loving support to that hurt inner child within you and to restore its beauty and playfulness. This is your spiritual journey; herein lies the greatest treasure. Cherishing and respecting the human side of you, the child part of you, is your road to divine compassion and enlightenment […]”
These are additional helpful readings:
Masculine and Feminine Side (I have no doubt that this very helpful reading will assist me/us with balancing my/our masculine and feminine energies within me/us)
The Journey Begins (I’ve only read bits and pieces of this reading in the past due to not being ready to further expand my consciousness at the time; however, one of my new goals is to complete this reading, which I believe will take me/us to new heights of consciousness—my/our Multidimensional Self/Selves)
August 29, 2014
The following quoted paragraph is from the reading, “The Arcturians and Symptoms of Transformation“:
“The humans, who are the Keepers of the Land, have volunteered to ground this expanding transmuting force into the Earth, whereas the Cetaceans have volunteered to ground this force in the water. Once grounded, these higher frequencies of Light replicate to create a body that has more light and less matter […]”
Added 12/27/2016
Life Paths: Spirit of Orca (For a very brief moment, I wondered why I had not come upon this very helpful reading until today; however, I was reminded from within that everything happens in Divine perfect timing and order)
- Reblog of “Compelling Shocking Documentary about Orcas”
BLACKFISH UPDATE 2017 SeaWorld Attendance PLUMMETS! Tilikum Revenge? Blackfish Killer Whale. The following is a comment shared for this video on 8/8/18:
- After watching Blackfish a while back—and even publicly sharing my own thoughts, feelings, and insights about the topic—I strongly sensed that Seaworld (and like others who operate from a deeply fear-based state) would go spiraling down like a raging whirlpool in Divine perfect timing and order.And sure enough, the great momentum of the most powerful, natural force within this Universe and beyond (Cosmic, Unconditional/True Love) has made its commanding presence known; and it will continue to create MAJOR changes on all energetic levels of our being—physical, mental, emotional, financial, and spiritual—within our individual and collective consciousness.Bright Insight, continue sharing your bright Light and passionate and compassionate Unconditional Love. You—and like others who operate from a deeply love-based state—are making an amazing difference in this world and interconnected Life.
Post, “Additional Puzzle Pieces About the Advanced, Ancient Civilization of Atlantis“
I shared the following comment for the video, “Blue Ray Transmission: Higher Octave Ascension Wave Avatars Dolphin & Whales New Sirius DNA Strands“:
Thank you Shekina for sharing this helpful message that reminded me of vivid dreams of dolphins, whales, and orcas within a decade. Have a wonderful weekend enJOYing many present and pleasant moments of now! ^_^ Mulantis: Reuniting All