This morning, I noticed that there were readers who had come upon an old post titled, “A Deeper Understanding of My Journey of 9:11, 11:11, 12:12 and 13:13” in the past two days.
I trusted that this moment, like many other Present Moments of Now was mirroring back to me an opportunity to learn a lesson, or to be reminded of something invaluable from within.
Note: Image on right above found next to link => (thank you)
I then noticed that a blogger I left a comment for last month or so had sent me a thank you reply. So after reading it, I had an urge to reread the one comment that that’s in the post/link mentioned above.
I’m very grateful that I made this choice, which I have no doubt happened in Divine perfect timing and order.
Because the last time I had read this reader’s comment—though I did my best to provide a detailed answer—I missed the profound soul reminder contained within it, which was “Outer world mirroring inner wold.”
At the time, I suppose I wasn’t ready to accept a certain inner-truth. After I read the reader’s comment, I figured we both had in common often experiencing number synchronicity, going through a healing process, as well as going through a once dormant, gradual DNA activation (like all interconnected others).
However, I felt, at the time, that unlike him, I wasn’t able to confidently say things like, “i am a twin flame and i found my twin but we are not reunited yet, we are in a healing process and we have contact […].” (Within reader’s comment further down in royal blue font)
Recently, I’ve trusted more than ever before that I, indeed, was having dreams of more than likely communicating and communing with my Twin Flame, but I had recently embraced the fact that I may not reunite with my Twin Flame in this physical reality due to not being able to fully heal/expand my consciousness/remember my full-potential self, etc. Note: See post, “The Unfolding Mystery from the Unknown/Dark Aspects Within” for recent recording.
In addition, I’ve noticed so many people on the internet claim they’ve either met their Twin Flame, are dating them, or are married to them, though most of them (with their expressions) didn’t seem to exude the profound knowing of Light and Love (True, Unconditional, Cosmic Love), but rather, only romanticizing the Twin Flame reunion.
Initially, my ego aspect of self was judgmental about the whole Twin Flame explosion that seemed desperate and shallow; however, when I chose to expand my perspective—as opened, integrated and balanced Mind/Heart – Beloved I(God) AM (Goddess) Presence/Christ within—I was able to have compassion for self and others, and realize that it’s completely understandable why humans deeply yearn to experience what we perceive as amazing, True Love.
Note: Image on left above found next to link => (thank you)
I trust that Twin Flame relationships are without a doubt extremely challenging, intense and passionate, and can even be romantic, due to Divine Dichotomy, where two seemingly opposing things—such as human love and Cosmic Divine Love—can exist simultaneously within the same space.
But there must also exist a very deep kind of love (Unconditional Cosmic Love) that goes way beyond the typical, conditional love that many have experienced—and continues to experience—throughout human history.
Before sharing such information/Light with others in a matter of fact manner, I wanted to ensure that it wasn’t my fearful ego aspect of self who wanted to desperately believe that I was already of a matching frequency with my Twin Flame that allowed me to communicate, commune, see (in dream state with third eye vision) AND reunite with my other half soul in physical reality.
However, I’m now realizing that it was my judgmental ego self who was suppressing my shadow self’s urge to freely express its desire for truth to be known and shared with interconnected others–to include deeply yearning to reunite with my Twin Soul.
This explains why I had two vivid dreams the other day that I couldn’t completely comprehend:
- In one dream, I had “failed” to show up to a formation; like a military one, but in civilian clothes.
- In the other, I was surrounded by a group of teachers trying to explain to them why I had “failed” to complete an important assignment. Note: I put quotes around the word failed, because I’m at a point in my life where I’ve often been reminding self (especially during low energy moments) that ever step in our individual and collective soul growth and evolution is a stepping stone of success (until reminders are no longer needed)
That morning, upon waking up, I had a strong feeling that the first dream stemmed from a fear of not being responsible and not liking to be late to important functions, and the second one stemmed from a fear of failing at something important.
However, today, while taking a break from blogging in order to enjoy lunch, I receiving further insights (below), and then noticed 1:44 on the oven clock, which instantly reminded me of “Soul Family Support,” and that the insights that I had just received were spot on (which is why I love blogging! ^_^).
Side Note: During a very challenging phase in my life last year, and taking care of personal business, I ended up in staying the night at hotel room 144 which I thought was interesting as soon as the hotel clerk handed me the room key (blogged about it before in detail). That night, while laying in bed in darkness, silence and stillness, I experienced intense inner-body vibrations which rarely happened (though subtle ones became more frequent). I then had a vivid dream (with elusive details) of seeing two, blue, E.T. beings (approx 6 ft tall or so) who at first were hiding in a bush-like area, but then slowly approached me with either caution and/or hesitation, or perhaps they were trying to avoid startling me. I wasn’t afraid, and I have no doubt this was due to Being Multidimensional Self at that moment in whatever parallel Earth reality, another world and/or dimension (like other dreams of Being fearless). The last thing I recall was bonding with one of the male, blue beings, and feeling a deep love. Upon waking up, I did wonder if this unknown being was, yet, another aspect of my Twin Soul/Twin Flame, but I’m still not sure. However, I’m reminded from within that ultimately, we are all of The One.
The following are the additional insights to the two dreams:
- I trust that the first dream was symbolic of my fear of “showing up” as true self— Beloved I(God) AM (Goddess) Presence/Christ within—among HUmanity (symbolized by a typical, in-the-box, highly organized, rigid, military-like formation/unit/huge group, etc. that stems from an excess of male/yang energies and a lack of female/yin energies, as opposed to the balance and harmony of male/yang and female/yin energies within – regardless of gender)
- The second one was symbolic of my fear of not completing my Earth mission as integrated and balanced Soul/Spirit—Multidimensional Self—(symbolized by assignment) and disappointing the Ascended Masters/Higher Selves/ultimately, the One Master Teacher within (symbolized by group of teachers).
Though for a while I intuitively felt confident that it was, indeed, my Twin Flame/Twin Soul that I was often experiencing—not only in dream state and other dimensions, but through my five senses (as well as my sixth sense/intuition and beyond), signs, symbols, other mirror reflections, and Divine synchronicity in outer reality—my ego self (merely doing what it does best – protect self while in physical reality) didn’t want to share this inner-truth with the public due to the fear of being wrong and arrogant, and possibly being judged, criticized, ridiculed, and rejected by society.
I can now intuitively, confidently, and openly state what the reader had stated in the comment section of the post/link on top (with my added comment in the square brackets [ ]):
“i am a twin flame and i found my twin but we are not reunited yet [in this physical Earth world, whether it’s my current husband or another], we are in a healing process and we have contact […].”
I trust that I will reunite with my Twin Flame/Twin Soul in physical reality in Divine perfect timing and order when all the wisdom has been extracted from the remaining life lessons that we agreed to experience, learn, and grow from together as ultimately One.
By letting go of the need for the reuniting moment (in this physical reality) to be a certain way, and simply going with the flow of Life, I further set myself free.
And one miraculous day, I will Be complete Freedom on all levels of my Being—physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually—at every moment effortlessly.
Meanwhile, I shall continue to simply Be authentic self to the best of my ability at every moment; and most importantly, do my best to unconditionally accept/love ALL aspects of self, so that I can fully do so for others as well.
I trust that that everyone has a Twin Flame/Twin soul, but not everyone may knowingly reconnect with their other half in dream state, other dimensions and/or physical reality due to—once again—more wisdom to be gained through other life lessons.
After rereading the following comments—the second being my reply to the reader of this blog Vamny—I realized that the Light and Love shared will—without a shadow of doubt—be highly beneficial to also share with many, interconnected others:
hi, my name is vamny edward ,i was searching in google because i am in ascend journey of the spirit and i see all day almost every hour the palindromic numbers: 11, 33, 44, 55 and when i go out i see in license plate : numbers 66,88,99,oo, plus i see 11:11,12:12,10:10, 10:01, 12:21, sometimes i see hundreds of them in a day,drives me crazy, could you help me to give some light on this, i am a twin flame and i found my twin but we are not reunited yet, we are in a healing process and we have contact,please help understand this,if it is my dna changing or if its a message i should discover,thanks.
vamny said this on July 4, 2015 at 11:09 pm | Reply (edit)
Hello Vamny, 🙂
First of all, thank you for sharing your comment. I’m no expert when it comes to what I trust to be sacred number codes; however, I will do my best to help you.
I understand how noticing the various number sequences—to include palindrome numbers such as 12:21—could seemingly drive you crazy; it can be overwhelming at times.
What has helped me, after much experimenting, is to just accept what is (whenever I notice the number codes), rather than always try to figure out the full meanings with my logical mind.
The website and link——has been very helpful to me so far; but for a while now, I realized that even that guidance tool doesn’t always fully resonate with my Heart, though most of it does.
Therefore, I take in whatever wisdom that does most highly resonates with me, from that website and others, and then release whatever words don’t resonate with me (i.e., words that seem to stem from fear energy, like suggestions that seem to manipulate or try to control).
I communicate to my Higher Self/Beloved I AM Presence/Twin Flame within that I choose to trust that whatever additional meanings that the sacred number codes contain will most highly benefit my accelerated, individual and collective soul growth and evolution, even though my ego self/personality self may not be able to fully comprehend them with its limited, physical mind.
For me, that made the whole experience of continually noticing the number codes so much easier. I’m now able to Be inner peace by not struggling to understand every detail of the ascension process.
I trust that whatever we’re meant to know, we will know in Divine perfect timing and order. So whenever I experience throughout the days/weeks/months/years what I trust to be Divine number synchronicities, I just thank my Divinity within—to include our Galactic and Celestial Family, extensions of Multidimensional SELF—for the reminders (sacred number codes), and then go about my day.
I trust that these sacred number codes overall helps us with our healing process, which includes healing all of our energy bodies (mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual), chakras within and outside our physical bodies, awakening our once dormant DNA, awakening our ancient memories (to include past lives/parallel realities and Multidimensional experiences), Master numbers (i.e., 11, 22, 33, 44, 55), geometric patterns (related to Sacred Geometry), cellular memory, and probably much more.
I’ve learned (as a human)/remembered (as a soul) that the healing, transmutation, integration and reunion of the male and female energies within us IS our Twin Flame, and once we’re able to consistently Be our Beloved I AM Presence—the “I” representing the Divine Masculine and the “AM” representing the Divine Feminine merged with Divine Spirit/All That Is—the Divine HUman that we’re meant to Be (like Jesus the Christ was), then we will reunite with another who will mirror back to us who we truly are; and this “other” (i.e., our Twin Flame in the physical) will be our team mate (not just romantic partner) who will help us to better fulfill the Divine will within us, according to the Divine Plan.
Both Divine HUmans being complete within themselves, will have no need to depend on one another to fill in gaps or voids in their lives; hence, their love for one another will be Unconditional, rather than the typical conditional love of most human relationships.
Hope this helps. If not, I would turn inward, and commune with your Higher Self in silence and in stillness for answers. I trust that you will receive further answers as: loving thoughts and feelings of intuitive knowing; symbolism or literal messages from dream state; OR, you will receive an answer(s) through your outer reflections (e.g., through people, places, Mother Nature/Gaia and other life forms, things, events, signs, symbols, messages, sacred number codes, etc.)—the way your message was a reminder for me.
Thank you so much Vamny for mirroring back to me what I needed to be reminded of during the past moments of my lower vibrational frequency, and for uplifting me (raising my vibrational frequency). I’m very grateful that you showed up in my outer reality in Divine perfect timing and order, reflecting back to me what I already intuitively knew in my inner reality, but could use a helpful reminder.
I wish for you to find your own inner peace, joy, unconditional love/Divine love, freedom, abundance, prosperity, wealth (on all levels of your being), creativity, Divine power, Divine wisdom, and much more within you via your Beloved I AM Presence/Universe within. Have a great day! ^_^❤❤❤ Barbara
bobbie said this on July 5, 2015 at 6:17 pm | Reply (edit)
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