Over a week ago, I had a dream where someone (I think a kid) ran up to me and shouted, “Monad!“
Since I had discontinued recording my dreams in a daily journal for a couple of months now (due to gradually letting go of routines and schedules), I didn’t give it much thought, and then forgot about it.
This past weekend, I remembered the dream again, and I sensed that I was guided from within to look into it.
Note: Thank you thegoldenheartdialogues.com for image on right.
Even though that particular dream wasn’t vivid (like my usual dreams), there was great significance in the single word itself and how it was empathized.
I believe the kid represents my inner child/soul trying to get my attention, by running toward me and shouting the word.
I’ve seen the word monad before on the internet, but I didn’t bother to really look into it.
I just assumed it was yet, another interchangeable word for God (EVERYTHING/All That Is) that would create further confusion than clarity. I more than likely wasn’t ready for the teacher to appear.
Note: Thank you www.intimatelovegifts.com for image on left.
Anyhoo, I googled “monad spirituality” and came upon a reading that resonated with me, “GROUP SOULS & MONADS OF 144 SOUL MATES,” which gave me a greater understanding of God, monad, 144,000, soul groups, Oversoul, Multidimensional Self, 11:11, starseeds, Twin Flames, soul mates, and my belief that every soul will be “saved” since we’re all parts of the Divine whole/All That Is.
Just as a heads up…if you’re like me, after reading the first two quoted sections below (before the quoted paragraph from St. Germain), you might be like, “Man, I’m gonna have to read that at least a dozen times before that breakdown of 144,000 sinks into my long-term memory.”
But I realized that it’s not so much the memorizing of the breakdown of the 144,000 that’s so important, but the loving concept (which I believe will turn into the collective experience) that ALL souls (and not just the so-called “chosen ones”) will eventually return to and reunite with All That Is/Prime Creator.
The following italicized and quoted section is from this reading:
“One Galaxy Monad contains Soul Groups for each Solar System, which contains 144,000 Monads […] each ‘Oversoul Soul’ is broken down into 6 sets of Twin Souls or Flames. Upon the final descent into matter, each of the 6 sets made the final and very painful separation into male and female Twin Souls or Flames. You and your Twin Soul or Twin Flame together are one of these pairs of 6 in your primary Soul Mate Group. The other 5 sets of Twins in your primary Soul Mate Group are known as your ‘near Twins.’ Since each Monad contains 144 individuals in total, the other 132 outside of your primary Soul Mate Group in your Monad are your secondary Soul Mates […]”
There are 2,135 Soul Groups upon the Earth at this time. Each Group has 144,000 Monads, each Monad has 12 Oversoul Souls that split into the duality of male-female upon entering into the 3D form. You, as either male or female, are that Part of God, which is One with All That Is, to experience, individually, all creation in its diversity and wonderment […]
Ascension is a process of moving further up back through the hierarchies and dimensions until we eventually reach the Source again. The first step is to realign with our Twin Souls, then the individuals in our primary Soul Mate Group or ‘near Twins’ and the remaining 11 secondary Soul Mate Groups in our Monads, etc.
St Germain said, “The I AM Presence is that within you that is part of God Source, the Balance within, the Core Star of who you Are. You are no different than I, equal in that Part of Source We all Are. I have greater Conscious Awareness than you at this moment, not better, just more in My Mastery of Remembrance, a place of growth that you and all humanity will attain. So Beloved, You Are Me and I AM You. We Are all God Source. We are all Masters, God Source, Divine Beings, Life, Love, Light, Laughter, intense Bliss, At-One-ment.”
Note: Thank you all for four images above: www.mymodernmet.com (right), debraheylen.blogspot.com (left), hdw.eweb4.com (right), and www.esotericonline.net (left)
The following are italicized and quoted sections from Wikipedia, which I now believe were the best interpretations of the “144,000” that people back in the day were able to comprehend with their level of consciousness at the time:
“The number 144,000 has religious significance for Christians because of its use in the Book of Revelation of the New Testament, where it appears three times:
- Revelation 7:3–8 (ESV) saying: “Do not harm the earth or the sea or the trees, until after we have sealed the servants of God on their foreheads.” And I heard the number of the sealed, a hundred and forty-four thousand, sealed from every tribe of the sons of Israel:
12,000 from the tribe of Judah were sealed,
12,000 from the tribe of Reuben,
12,000 from the tribe of Gad,
12,000 from the tribe of Asher,
12,000 from the tribe of Naphtali,
12,000 from the tribe of Manasseh,
12,000 from the tribe of Simeon,
12,000 from the tribe of Levi,
12,000 from the tribe of Issachar,
12,000 from the tribe of Zebulun,
12,000 from the tribe of Joseph,
12,000 from the tribe of Benjamin were sealed.
- Revelation 14:1 (ESV) Then I looked, and behold, on Mount Zion stood the Lamb, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father’s name written on their foreheads.
- Revelation 14:3–5 (ESV) And they were singing a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and before the elders. No one could learn that song except the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth. For it is these who have not defiled themselves with women, for they are virgins. It is these who follow the Lamb wherever he goes. These have been redeemed from mankind as firstfruits for God and the Lamb, and in their mouth no lie was found, for they are blameless.”
Note: Thank you all for five images above:
- heavenawaits.wordpress.com (1), www.vladstudio.com (2),
- www.astro.virginia.edu(3), www.howitworksdaily.com (4),
- twinflameintegration.blogspot.com (5)
The following italicized and quoted section (also from Wikipedia) didn’t resonate with me when I heard of a similar explanation of the 144,000, a while back, until I read various readings about Twin Flames and the first quoted reading above, and realized that they (Jehovah’s Witnesses), too, had more than likely misinterpreted the teaching back in the day due to their level of consciousness:
“Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that exactly 144,000 faithful Christian men and women from Pentecost of 33 CE until the present day will be resurrected to heaven as immortal spirit beings to spend eternity with God and Christ.”
I used to get overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information “out there” to be learned; however, ever since I learned/remembered about trusting the process of Life, and that everything happens in Divine perfect timing for our individual and collective soul growth/evolution,I started practicing to go with the flow, which took a huge load off my back.
Now, rather than feeling like I have to go through various stages of formal teachings (like at a college or university), while checking off the block, I’m beginning to trust that I will receive whatever knowledge and wisdom that I need to know at whichever Divine perfect Moment of Now.
I believe this knowledge and/or wisdom come to me in every Moment of Now as intuition/inner-knowing/inner-wisdom, personal experiences, dreams (i.e., symbolic, parallel realities or higher dimensions), or by outer sources that are ultimately from within—other people, Mother Nature, internet, books, shows, movies, signs, “positive” and “negative” synchronicities for soul growth, number synchronicities such as 11:11-9999, 9:11, 9:33, :22-99, 2:22-999, 12:12, 13:13, palindrome numbers like 919 and 12:21, and pretty much everything from within and all around me.
The only question is…am I paying attention to this communication from all aspects of my whole Self (to include the ‘call for help’ from my inner child/shadow and ego self, as well as from all aspects of my Higher Self)?
I’ve noticed, especially in the past few years, that whenever I’m curious about something, or I ask whatever aspect of me that I feel like asking (e.g., my True Self/Soul/Higher Self/Angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters/Family of Light/Celestial Beings like the Pleiadians and Arcturians/Multidimensional Self/Trinity: God, Goddess and Divine Spirit/All That Is), I receive an answer within a short amount of time.
Sometimes, when I’m not fully present in the Moment of Now (i.e., dwelling in the past or being anxious about the future), I would forget about (or not care about) all the encouragements that I receive from my angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters and other Higher Beings from the spiritual realms—via the number synchronicities that I see daily and gain meaning from the website Angel Numbers – Joanne Sacred Scribes, which I use as a guidance tool.
In those moments, where I’m not in alignment with my True Self/high vibrational frequency of love energy (due to the drop in my vibrational frequency to fear energy), is when my fearful ego self would take over, and I would get discouraged because I couldn’t tell if I was making any progress with my spiritual growth.
My fearful ego self would think “negative” thoughts like:
“It seemed like most of the readings (especially spirituality blogs) that I came upon on the internet were way above anything that I was doing on my blog, or in my personal life, which made me feel as though I wasn’t contributing enough to humanity and beyond.
These blogs were so informative about the technicalities of Spirituality teachings that seemed to answer all the “W” questions as well as the “How” (e.g., the breakdown of the Light Body, the “do’s” and “dont’s” of spiritual growth, the stages of ones’ soul evolution, etc.)
There are also many Lightworkers and Starseeds who do channeling from higher spiritual entities, and who know for sure what star system they’re part of, which made me start to doubt that I was even one and/or the other; although I initially came to such a belief due to my reading about my unbelievable personal experiences with the 11:11 phenomenon, as well as other extraordinary experiences. I thought that perhaps my vibrational frequency wasn’t high enough to do such Divine work.”
Even though I have a lot of drafts that I’ve been working on, I believe my ego self convinced me that they were unworthy to publish, that hardly anyone reads my blog anyway, and that I should stop wasting my time doing things that are not really helpful to myself or others.
My ego self was terrified that it was becoming more and more of a so-called “nobody” in the eyes of society (mainly to close family members and friends), which I elaborated on in the post, “The Journey of Losing It All to Gain It All.”
So what do we often do when we’re afraid of something? We avoid it, which helps me to better understand, empathize with, have compassion for, forgive, accept, embrace and unconditionally love my ego self for being the way it was (the best it knew how to be under its circumstances—stemming from much fear-based, unconscious beliefs that it had scanned from my DNA).
I believe, it was traumatizing for my ego self to go from initially: being in a first marriage, having a daughter and a son, having various relationships (though not healthy)—with a mother, step-mother, and step-father and biological father—, having a career in the Army with a TS/SCI clearance, having much money, owning timeshare, owning a condo in Hawaii, having free college education (from Tuition Assistance during active duty and Post 9/11 G.I. Bill after medically retiring from the Army), having friends (nearby, far away and on social media) to being separated from my kids to join the Army, getting a divorce (with first husband), end up not living with my kids, remarrying to second husband, ending unhealthy relationships, ending a supposedly promising career (as well as an expired clearance), receiving formal counseling (individual, PTSD group, and marriage), discontinuing formal education, not having much money, basically in the process of losing the timeshare and condo, and no longer participating in social media (except Google +).
As I followed my curiosity and inner guidance, I came upon some intriguing readings (below) that started from googling, “monad mysticism.”
Reading bits and pieces (that resonated with me) of one reading to another led me to google “mysticism 4th initiation,” which then led me to the last reading (below) that gave me a deeper understanding of why I had recently created and published a post titled, “Aloha Personification of Death” that also stemmed from a dream that I had.
The following italicized and quoted section is from the the main theme “Henosis” (which I’ve never heard of before) of Wikipedia:
“Henosis (Ancient Greek: ἕνωσις) is the word for mystical “oneness,” “union,” or “unity” in classical Greek.
In Platonism, and especially Neoplatonism, the goal of henosis is union with what is fundamental in reality: the One (Τὸ Ἕν), the Source, or Monad […]”
The following italicized and quoted section is from the sub-theme, “Divine Work” under the main theme “Henosis” of Wikipedia:
To get closest to the Monad, One, each individual must engage in divine work (theurgy) according to Iamblichus of Chalcis. This divine work can be defined as each individual dedicating their lives to making the created world and mankind’s relationship to it, and one another, better. This is done by living a virtuous life seeking after one’s Magnum opus. Under the teachings of Iamblichus (see the Egyptian Mysteries), one goes through a series of theurgy or rituals that unites the initiate to the Monad”
When I clicked on the link Magnum opus from the reading above, I came upon the following, which are sections of that page:
“The term Great Work (magnum opus) is a term used in Hermeticism and in certain occult traditions and religions such as Thelema […]
Within Thelema, the Great Work is generally defined as those spiritual practices leading to the mystical union of the Self and the All. Its founder, author and occultist Aleister Crowley, said of it in his book Magick Without Tears:
The Great Work is the uniting of opposites. It may mean the uniting of the soul with God, of the microcosm with the macrocosm, of the female with the male, of the ego with the non-ego.”
The following italicized and quoted section is from the reading, “Identification and Monadic consciousness“:
“[…] This identification with that which, is the subjective and real Self and the consequent withdrawing from that which is the not-Self is the keynote of the fourth initiation […]”
The following italicized and quoted section is from the reading, “What Is Initiation“:
“When Blavatsky occasionally calls someone an Initiate, just what does she mean? As with many terms, Initiation also must have several meanings […]
Yet another meaning, and the most important I believe, is to undergo a certain level of mystic experience. The latter in other traditions is called “Enlightenment,” “Moksha,” “Satori,” “Cosmic Consciousness,” “Christ Consciousness” and many other terms and allusions. It is probably not arguable that there are different levels of mystic experience and not all of these should be correctly labeled Initiation. “Small” initiations might be considered the gaining of some sort of knowledge or successfully passing tests of character in life. Initiation in its chief meaning should probably refer to a significant or perhaps quantum-level change in consciousness. I think this is called the “Fourth” Initiation in Theosophical literature and can also aptly be termed the “Death Experience” in mystical terminology […]
So what is the dividing line between mystical experience in general and the level of mystical experience that is Initiation? I believe it is what can be called “ego-death,” which is really a destruction of the personality or ego’s innate perspective of itself as permanent and isolated from the rest of the universe. In Initiation the personal self realizes that it really doesn’t exist, except as a maya co-equal with all other maya-egos. What does exist is the Universal SELF, which also has an individualized aspect, or the monad. This Death Experience or Initiation is the Human Monad becoming self-conscious. It is a realization by the human self and personality of its own and individual divine source. A man’s “higher self” or the Manasaputra and Dhyan Chohan he is overshadowed by does not need this realization, as it has passed this stage long ago […]
When the personal ego realizes it does not ultimately exist it is a terrible experience. The problem in seeking enlightenment is that that which is doing the seeking is innately the problem itself.”
I believe my True Self silently (and often) reminds me from within, to honor every personal experience that I have (that helps me with my soul growth/evolution), whether or not my ego self judges them as either “good” or “bad,” since they’re all meaningful in the eyes of God.
Plus, I noticed that creating on my blog space is part of my path of excitement and passion (when I rise above being fearful), which communicates to me that it’s in alignment with my True Self/Soul/Higher Self/angles, Archangels and Ascended Masters/other Higher Beings of the spiritual realms/Family of Light/Multidimensional Self/Expanded Self/Trinity: God, Goddess and Divine Spirit/All That Is.
I’m also reminded that when I heal, I help others, Gaia and the universe to heal; and when I help others, Gaia and the universe to heal, I help myself to heal, regardless of whether or not others read my blog or whether or not I reach a very large community at one linear “time” in my day-to-day interactions.
Just Being Light and Love to the best of my ability in every Moment of Now to myself and everything else (i.e., people, Mother Nature, other Life forms, etc.), even if it’s just a few others, matters.
A genuine wave of kindness even to one other soul can create powerful ripples throughout the omniverse in Divine perfect timing, for the highest benefit of ALL.
I believe it’s the energy of intention, words (to include prayers) and actions from the heart (high frequency of love) being emitted and received that truly matters.
I realize that I (my small ego self) was being impatient and doubtful, rather than Being patient and faithful (as my much greater integrated soul—shadow self/ego self/Higher Self). I now fully understand that it doesn’t matter that I’m unable to do what others like me do, because I’m not them.
My blog may consist mostly of my own personal stories of spiritual growth (or a perceived lack thereof), but that’s perfectly okay.
My treasure box collection of my direct experiences with all aspects of Divinity within me (gnosis) is my personal blessing from God, Goddess and Divine Spirit/All That Is.
I’m finally releasing my need to compare myself with others (on all levels) to my angels and Ascended Masters to be transmuted and healed—which I believe stems from a deep belief of my unworthiness, that I’m still working on improving.
I believe everyone has a Divine purpose and soul mission, and not one is “better” than the other…just different in its own special, unique and interesting way.
After reading various articles, blogs, websites, and books in the past few years, that I believed would be helpful for my soul growth/evolution, I came back to one of the books that started my spiritual journey (after letting go of religious Christianity), Friendship with God by Neale Donald Walsch.
I recall it being suggested in one of Neale’s books, that if we chose to read the books three different times throughout our lives, that we would gain new insight each time.
My mother reminded me a few times throughout my adult life that one goes through major life changes three times in their entire lifetime, and that we never know how much our lives can improve from such drastic change (e.g., living from poverty to prosperity, having a low-paying job to having a successful career, being uneducated to being highly self-educated, etc.)
I believed my mother’s words whether they were loving or hurtful at the time. I also had a feeling that I had already been through the three major changes/very challenging periods of my life—1) leaving my mother in Korea after high school to live in the States, 2) leaving my kids with their father after joining the Army in my late twenties and 3) leaving the Army, university (extended education) and gradually the rest of my personal identity/ego self.
This past weekend, while watching Oprah’s Master Class with Maya Angelou, and another show with Lenny Kravitz, an important statement was repeated…that words are very powerful; hence, we should be very cognizant of what we say to ourselves and one another.
A single sentence of encouragement (especially coming from a loved one) can build up so much confidence in another. I only recall a few compliments that my mother used to give me as a child, but they had a huge impact on my self-esteem.
As a child, I considered myself pretty much a very small ugly-duckling due to words like, “If you were much taller, you could be Ms. Korea” (from my mother) or “Get out of my way you ugly, flat-faced Korean!” from a classmate in elementary school, which I wrote about in a post called, “Low Self-Esteem.”
However, my mother often reminding me that I looked pretty in all colors, which I believed…even until this very day. So whenever I went clothes shopping throughout my adult years, a color of an outfit didn’t prevent me from choosing one.
The only question was whether or not I liked a certain colored outfit with its size, particular design and texture (I’ve never liked itchy clothes since childhood).
So yes, once again, words are very powerful. I pray that we often remind ourselves to Be our true essence, and to only speak loving expressions to ourselves and others…or be silent.
Anyhoo, after going through series of disappointments in life, I stopped reviewing the highlights and pages that I had folded in the corners, let alone reread the books written by Neale Donald Walsch.
I recently realized why I chose to discontinue reviewing Neale’s books after rereading a couple of the pages that I had folded in the corners of the books (in the past), to remind myself to review it again.
As I reread the words that had deeply touched me over a decade ago, I remembered how much I loved reading Neale’s books.
Whether it was the Conversation with God trilogy series, Friendship with God, Communion with God, etc., I had never felt so connected to this entity called God, whom I used to think was outside of myself.
I fell in love with the most eloquent, very creative (especially with analogies, story-telling, and the use of imagination) loving, humorous, refreshingly honest, intelligent, humble, confident, complicated yet simple, free-spirited, innocent, wise, and profound presence and words that I had ever encountered.
I’m grateful for Neale Donald Walsch, for not only being the writer/author/messenger/channeler of such teachings, but also Being an amazing part of God whom I’ve always yearned to be in a close relationship with in human form.
I met one lady, whom I wrote about in various posts, to include, “Inspiration,” who was the closest human being to Jesus (like a balanced Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies within a female form, as opposed to the male form over 2000 years ago), but my time with her was brief, though very precious.
Ever since then, although I understood that God is in everyone and everything, I missed having that human to human connection that reminded me of the very loving side of God.
Even though I made several attempts to attend one of Neale Donald Walsch’s gatherings on his website, so that I could experience being in the presence of such wonderful beings—who have a fiery passion to know and love God—I ended up only experiencing discouragements from the prices of the events.
My outer reality experience of not being able to afford such tickets was due to my poverty consciousness (stemming from my deep, unconscious beliefs of my unworthiness), which I’m working on transforming to prosperity consciousness.
I used to get frustrated when I felt as though no matter how hard I worked on being positive and love, I continued to attract “negative” people and situations. Like Neale mentioned in one of his books, “What you resist…persists.”
When I learned about the Law of Attraction—that like attracts like, whether “negative” or “positive”—I realized that I still have a lot of “negative”/pain energy stored in my DNA (whether from this lifetime or past lifetimes/parallel realities) that’s finally ready for release, should I choose to Be ready.
Thus, my encounters with many “negative” others results from my so-called “enemies”/angels in disguise/aspects of my Expanded Self helping me to trigger that energy from within me, which gives me the opportunity to release them and heal, as I choose to notice, recognize, acknowledge, understand, empathize with, have compassion for, forgive, accept, embrace and/or unconditionally love my shadows (all various reflections of my own shadow self calling for help).
I now realize that in order to be in the presence of unconditionally loving Divine Beings, I must first become one from within (by remembering to Be my true essence); only then will my outer reality reflect my inner reality.
I have much inner work to do by practicing Being my True Self, until practice will no longer be necessary.
The following italicized and quoted section is also from the reading, “GROUP SOULS & MONADS OF 144 SOUL MATES” under the sub-theme, “SOUL MATES & SPIRITUAL ASCENSION INTO ONENESS”:
“Inelia Benz said, ‘It is one of the urges of our nature to reconnect with Source, with Oneness. The closest we can identify this urge as in daily life is the complete connection with another human being. To be able to connect with another human being at this level, both parties have to have a very similar vibrational signature. When we meet another human being with whom we have a similar vibrational signature, we resonate with them. This often is called finding our Twin Soul, Soul Mate or Twin Flame […]
It just so happens that when we do find someone like that we stop looking and therefore the belief that there can only be one Soul Mate on Earth was conceived. But, fortunately, there are many other people on Earth with whom we can resonate at a vibrational level. And it so happens that if we change signatures through our Soul Journey Work, if our Soul Mate doesn’t do it too, we will eventually become dissatisfied and move on. This doesn’t mean that our Soul Mate was not the ‘true one.’ It just means they are no longer vibrationally similar to the level we need for the connection […]
Once you enter Oneness, and make it the center of your attention, the urge to connect with another human being at this level passes. This results in the ability to achieve just that, to find and connect, or reconnect, with a Soul Mate in total freedom and with no expectations or ego getting in the way.”
After reading the above quoted section, I realize that I’m still in the stage where I sometimes yearn to connect with the magnificent side of God in human form, and that’s okay.
My time of entering Oneness, where my ‘urge to connect with another human being at this level passes’ will become so in Divine perfect timing.
Until then, I will continue to cherish my deep spiritual connections in my dream-state, with whom I’ve come to know as my Twin Flame.
Although showing up as different human faces (sometimes familiar, sometimes blurry), and even beings from another world, I’ve never experienced a love so deep and so intense. Sometimes hugging or supporting me from behind, I’ve never trusted another so fully as well.
I love my husband dearly, but I’ve finally accepted that he’s one of my soulmates (which is just as important) rather than my Twin Flame.
And as much as the idea of having a Twin Flame incarnating as an Earth partner seems heavenly—and not in a romantic sense, but as a team-mate/other half of my soul fulfilling the Divine will of God—I choose not to lose myself in the dream.
If it happens, without anyone getting hurt in the process, then that’s…well, beyond what words can describe.
I believe my husband and I have soul contracts with one another to grow together (mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually, but not at a profound spiritual level) and learn some life lessons. There are things that the two of us are meant to do (and Be) together for ourselves and others.
However, like I shared with him, I don’t feel that we help one another to grow spiritually due to his lack of interest in anything that has do with Souls, God, Goddess, Divine Spirit/All That Is, Spirituality, Mysticism, Gnosticism, or even religions.
My husband’s highly interested in real estate (which is understandable because it’s his career), tech stuff, social media, sports, and eating.
I told him that if he ever happens to meet someone who also has similar interests and passions as he does, then he should follow his heart since that means he highly resonates with that person. He didn’t like hearing that, but I just wanted to put it out there just in case I was depriving him of anything.
Due to my lack of understanding of true love/unconditional love in the past, I didn’t give my husband much freedom. I used to go through phases of being needy, jealous, possessive, suspicious, and having selfish expectations, which a lot of people do in relationships due to fear energy within them.
Like Neale stated in one of his books, extreme (keyword) neediness, jealousy and expectations are the number uno relationship killers, and I believe him. My husband and I almost went through a divorce a couple of times.
Although I had read that teaching about relationships a while back, I still wasn’t able to learn/remember about unconditional love/freedom until recently (because I was ready for the teacher to appear)…and I’m still learning/remembering.
At the beginning of our marriage, my husband used to remind me every now and then that no one would ever love me like he does.
I used to think that was a compliment, but years later, my civilian therapist (while I was in my last Army unit) later told me that it wasn’t a loving thing to say, and that our marriage wasn’t healthy.
My professional, and very confident and assertive therapist ended up as our marriage counselor. And although my husband refused to go to the counseling sessions (like my first husband) at first, he unwillingly participated after some friction with my therapist.
The marriage counseling was helpful, but I believe what helped the most was my decision to start changing from within rather than blaming others and playing a helpless victim.
Sometime this year, I shared with my husband that I believed that there were others out there that were capable of loving him just as much, if not more, than I did.
I also added, “Why wouldn’t anyone else love you as much as me? You’re a wonderful person!” After a pause of thinking about it, he still insisted that no one could love me as much as him, although he could see someone else loving me, and I understood that he meant well from his perspective.
The following are some non-consecutive quotes that I would like to share with you from Neale’s book, Friendship with God because I believe in its very powerful and Divine message:
[Quotes DELETED since I didn’t realize that I couldn’t even share some quotes from the book due to copyright issues unless I obtain permission]
As I was searching for an image to add to the beginning of my post, I was attracted to an image that led me to the following reading by Humanity Healing (many of their videos highly resonated with me, and I’ve collected them in my “Videos That Resonate with Me” sub-category of my blog):
Note: Thank you humanityhealing.net for image on right.
The Ego, The Soul and The Monad
“The Monad is the Divine spark which animates and gives life to every human creature. It is to the loving “structure” of the Monad that our Souls are connected to; each different group of beings has its own respective Monad. Each Monad is connected with the higher Monads and to the Mother/Father God in a progression that is infinite and incessant […]
The Soul is […] The personality is […] The Spirit is […] The Spirit, or Monad is the part of God that dwells inside of every one of us. God is not out, but inside our Souls.
The Soul is not the Spirit, but the Spirit is in the Soul. The same pattern manifests with the relationship between Personality and Soul. It is truly a sacred weaved web of Divine proportions; the Personality is connected and dependent upon the Soul and the Soul is directly connected with the Monad which, in turn, receives its light and directives towards continuous higher evolution.”
I don’t’ resonate with certain key words and phrases (underlined below) of the following italicized and quoted section (from the same reading) because I resonate with Bashar’s (channeled through Darryl Anka) teaching to communicate with our ego self to cooperate with Higher Self for a mutually beneficial life purpose:
“However, we cannot stress enough the need to discipline the Ego to surrender to the Higher Guidance of the Soul. Discipline is not necessarily punishment; it is control method and regulation of its demands.”
I believe in integrating our ego and shadow self with our Higher Self with key word and phrases that stem from loving energies such as deeper understanding, empathy, compassion, forgiveness, acceptance, embrace, and unconditional love, rather than key words and phrases that stem from fear energies, such as control method, regulation, and demands.
I’m grateful for the various readings that I’ve come across, just from working on this post, because they have all helped me with my soul growth.
However, I’ve decided to keep it simple when it comes to all aspects of Divinity within me, rather than trying to figure out the numerous technicalities, details, levels, phases, categories, sections, compartments, rules and regulations, “good” and “bad” (duality) of Spirituality, as well as Mysticism.
I choose to continue following my path of excitement, passion and Heart/Mind (Om Mani Padme Hum/”The jewel of consciousness is in the lotus of my heart” and “I bow to the light within”—quotes by Bill Foss from the book, The Secrets of Spiritual Success), and my guidance from within (from whatever aspect of my Higher Self).
I also choose to remind myself daily that everything outside of me (person, other life forms, place, thing, etc.) is an aspect of my Expanded Self/God (of both Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Energies)/All That Is.
Last, but not least, I choose to remind myself on a daily basis that Light has the power to enlighten darkness, and Divine Cosmic Love—the most powerful force of the omniverse—has the power to transmute (raise the vibrational frequency of) fear energy.
“Compassion is the highest frequency of love and fear is the lowest frequency of love.” Sacred Union: A Journey to Joyful Living
The Twin Flame & 11:11
My Mesmerizing Spiral of God, Goddess & Divine Spirit/All That Is Experience ^_^
The following video was helpful to my understanding of channeling, as well as other information:
Lovemaking in the Lightbody, Heaven&Hell, & other questions